by Don Jordan
retirement from the stage 299
Gwyn, Rose 402
Hakluyt, Richard 258, 260
Halifax, George Savile, 1st Marquess of 344
Halley, Edmund 318 fn, 341 fn, 390, 426, 444
Hampton Court 69, 173, 174, 257
Harrington, Sir James 51
Harris, Henry 300, 301
Harrison, John 342 fn Harrison, Thomas 54
Hart, Charles 85, 233, 236, 237
Hartlib, Samuel 108
Harveian Oration 408
Harvey, William 408
Hawksmoor, Nicholas 422, 431
Hawley, Earl of 64
Hay, Lady Frances 343, 345
Hayls, John 344
Head, Richard 403
The English Rogne 278–80, 400, 402
hearth tax 124, 195, 204–205
Heath, Sir Robert 130
Helmont, Jan Baptist van 182
Helmontians 182
Henrietta Maria, Queen xii, xiii, 286 fn
Catholicism 151
commercial ventures 64
in exile 151
love of masques 46, 47, 82
Queen’s House, Greenwich 67
theatre patron 77
Henry 194
Henry 11 63, 94
Henry VIII 72
The Highway 405
Hilliard, Nicholas 346
Hippocrates 179, 182
Hoare, Sir Richard 314
Hobbes, Thomas 11, 433
critic of expérimentalism 227
Leviathan xv
Hodges, Nathaniel
debt and imprisonment 408
destruction of home during Great Fire 208–9
during the plague 176, 177–8, 179, 181, 185–6, 187, 190, 192
Hogarth, William 346 fn
Holborn 72
Holbom Bridge 210
Holditch, Captain Abraham 305
Holland 463–7
Charles’ exile in xiii
colonialism 62
Dutch Golden Age 9
economic prosperity 9, 265
Franco-Dutch War (1672–78) 328
free trade 87, 148, 327
Indian trading activity 321
interest rates 265
plague outbreaks 132, 154
royalist exiles in 78
shipbuilding 170, 202, 252, 425
slave trading 62, 305
Spanish Netherlands 314, 392
trade rivalry xv, 18, 62, 85–6, 87, 91, 98–9, 145, 148–9
triple alliance with England and Sweden 314
West African trading activities 62, 63, 64, 86, 87, 88, 89
see also Anglo-Dutch wars: Dutch East India Company Hollar, Wenceslaiis 5, 35
Holmes, Captain Sir Robert 277
Holmes’s Bonfire 201, 212
Second Anglo-Dutch War 149, 152–3, 201
trading voyages 86, 87, 88, 89, 143
Holy Roman Empire 60
homelessness 211, 212, 284, 336
Hone, William 419
Hooke, Robert xiv, 21, 157–63, 300, 349–50, 366–8
assistant to Robert Boyle 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 159
astronomy 167
on the Duchess of Newcastle 226
friendship with Christopher Wren 159
friendship with John Locke 159
gregariousness 119–20, 160
Hooke’s Law 367
longitude problem 342 Mtcrographia 155, 157–9, 160–3, 167–8, 223, 365, 445, 451–2
and Newton 367, 427, 444
optics 342
on planetary movement 426
and plans for Royal Society college 221
private life 366–7
and the rebuilding of London 215, 217,
Hooke, Robert- continued 218, 220, 229–3O, 331, 368, 437
Royal Observatory 338, 341
Royal Society member 111–12, 115, 117, 118–19, 137–8, 159–60, 226, 426, 444, 446
salary’ 243
satiric treatment of 365
study of the age of the earth 158–9
word coinage 445
Hope (ship) 127
Hopewell (ship) 143
horse racing 134, 418
House of Stuart, overthrow of 328
country houses 17
merchants 16–17
the poor 42
rents 334
Howard, Edward 364
Howard, James
A11 Mistaken, or the Mad Couple 237
The English Monsieur 236
Howard, Sir Robert 236, 237, 297, 364
The Conquest of Granada 299
The Duke ofiœrma 250, 251
Hoyle, John 296
Hudson’s Bay Company 259–60, 304, 347
fur auctions 302–3
objectives 259
royal charter 259
‘hue and cry’ 273
Hughes, Margaret 82, 297, 298
Hull 7
Hume, David 447
humours, theory of the 178
Hutchinson, Lucy 40
Huygens, Christiaan 109, 446
Hyde, Edward see Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of
Ibn KalduIl 262
India 100, 318-24
banking system 323
deregulation of trade to 267 fn
see also Bombar; East India Company (EIC); Madras; Surat
Indonesia 99, 321
industrial revolution 8, 130 fn, 447
inflation 308, 374
Ingoldsby, Richard 51
interest rates 146, 265, 309, 322
internationalisation of commerce 63
‘invisible college’ 22, 104, 106
Anglo-Normans 63
plantation of 63, 263
survey of 11, 425
Irelon, Henry 32
Irish Confederacy 150
Jamaica 90, 91, 141, 270, 413
slave uprisings 360
James I 260, 351
James II 440
see also York, James, Duke of Jamestown 140, 361
Java 322
Jefferson, Thomas 447
Jeffreys, Judge 419
Jesuits 377–8, 379, 380, 382
John, King 94
joint stock companies 98, 124, 146, 259, 260, 303, 412
Jones, Edward and Alice 34
Jones, Inigo 20, 65, 66, 275, 422, 438
Banqueting House 66–8, 67, 339
death of 68
masque designer 46, 49, 66, 74
Queen’s House, Greenwich 67
Somerset House 68
Whitehall Palace, planned replacement of 69
Wilton House 68
Jonson, Ben 46, 47, 79, 225, 404
Volpone 46
Jordan, Thomas 81, 383
Jupe, John Colwyn 140
Kant, Immanuel 447
Katherine (ship) 128
Keltridge, William 369, 370
Kepler, Johannes 426
Kérouaille, Louise de, Duchess of Portsmouth 129, 287, 299, 325, 387, 432
Catholicism 352, 382
court portraits 325
syphilis 397
titles bestowed on 325
Keynes, John Maynard 18
Killigrcw, Thomas 76-9, 81, 371
and Aphra Behn 290, 291
Bellamira her Dream 78 Cecilia and Clorinda 78
with Charles in exile 77–8
death of 371
diplomatic mission to Venice 78
founds King’s Company of Players 78–9, 80
founds theatre school 233
friendship with the Xing 76
gentleman of the bedchamber 243
intelligence work 78, 288
introduces women actors 82
Parson’s Wedding 234
The Prisoners 77
rivalry with William Davcnant 84, 85
service in the Dutch army 78
theatre management 83
Thomaso, or The Wanderer 78,
234, 235, 294
Killigrew, William 37t King Philip’s War (1675–78) 359
King Street 59, 135
King’s Company of Players 78–9, 80, 81, 174, 234, 287, 292, 301, 371, 416
King’s Evil 397
King’s House 332
King’s Men 47, 48, 79, 332
Kirkby, Christopher 377, 378, 379
Kirkman, Francis 278, 279, 403
Kit-Kat Club 442
Knepp, Elizabeth 85, 234, 298
Knight, Thomas 341
Knight, Valentine 217
Kynaston, Edward 82
labour theory of property 261, 262–3
Lacy, John 233
Lambe, Samuel 469
Lambert, General John 24–5, 32, 120–1
l’Ange, Jean, L’Ecole des Filles 400–1
Langland, John 339
Langthoine, Sir William 320, 321, 428
Lauderdale, John Maitland, ist Duke of 343
law enforcement officers 273, 282
Lawrence, Sir John 188, 206, 311–12
Le Notre, Andre 219
Leaden hall Street 12, 97, 210, 306, 324
Leeward Islands 90, 283
Bill of Genera] Pardon, Indemnity and Oblivion 32
Exclusion Bills 388, 389, 391, 418
Licensing of the Press Act 403
Navigation Acts 148–9, 457–9
Rebuilding Acts 220, 336, 440
Test Act 325–6, 335, 344, 352, 368, 410
Tun nage Act 471–2
Leibniz, Gottfried 164
Leiden 8
Leigh, Jane, Lady 345
Lely, Peter 20, 21, 243, 261–2, 325, 344, 345
Leonardo da Vinci 66
Lerma, Duke of 251
L’Estrangc, Roger 278, 351, 376, 379, 404, 417
A Letter from a Person of Quality to his Friend in the Country (anon) 347
Levant Company 313
Levcns, Peter 179
lice 157, 162–3
Licensing of the Press Act 403
Ligon, Richard 307
Lincoln’s Inn Fields 211, 216, 299, 314
Lisbon X
Lisle’s Court 83
literature see erotic literature; novel form; playwrights; theatre Little Britain 65
Liverpool 7–8, 449
livery companies 41, 43, 221 see also guilds
Locke, John xv, 159, 223–4, 347, 419, 433
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding 224, 447
exile abroad 419
friendship with Earl of Shaftesbury 223
friendship with Robert Hooke 159
labour theory of property 262
medical studies 224
Two Treatises of Government 223–4, 161, 388, 419, 447
Locker, Robert 25
Lombard Street 16, 208, 308
coronation 93–4, 95–8, 101–3
economic importance x-xi, 19
foreign communities 20–1
Great Eire (1666) 205–12
origins 41
plague (1665) xv, 131–2, 154, 169–70, 171–93, 257
population 6–7, 132, 422
rebuilding of see rebuilding of London and the Restoration 36–44
self-governing charter 40, 41
world city X
London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts (LAMDA) 233 fn ,
London Bridge, damaged during the Great The 208
London Gazette 210, 350, 351
The London Jilt (anon) 401–2, 403
longitude problem 166, 337, 341–2
Lord Mayors
John Eyles 306
Sir George Edwards 383
Sir Jolm Lawrence 188, 206
Sir John Robinson 64
Sir Robert Viner 52, 336
Sir Thomas Bloodworth 26, 33, 206, 207–8, 211, 212 .
Thomas Allen 38
Lord Mayor’s Show 38, 382–3
Loudun witchcraft trial 77
Louis XIV of France 135, 198, 199, 317, 380
subsidies from 285, 328, 381
Treaty of Dover 285–6, 310, 326, 328, 352, 376
Louvre Palace 197, 198
Lowestoft, Battle of (1665) 173–4
Ludgate Hill 12
Ludgate prison 408
luxury goods X, 42, 147
Macaulay, Thomas 37
Madagascar 321, 413
Madras 99, 319–21, 428–9
magistrates 273, 275, 392
Magna Carta 40, 347
Malory, Thomas, Le Morte d’Arthur 279
Maricirii, Ilortense 432
Mansart, François 197
Mansion House 230
manufacturing 424
Margaret of Anjou 67
Marlborough, John Churchill, ist Duke of 442
aristocratic 332
labouring classes 42
Marsh, Henry 278, 279
Marshall, Anne 82, 234
Marshall, Becky 298
Marshall, Captain 288
Marshall, Joshua 338
Marshall, Rebecca 234 fn
Marshal sea prison 382
Marston Moor, Battle of (1644) 60 Martha (ship) 141
Martyn, John 160, 400
Marvell, Andrew 43, 51, 52, 85, 246, 248
anti-government pamphlet 376
and the Thompson–Nelthorpe affair 373–5
Marx, Karl 18
Mary of Modena 325–6, 379
Mary, Princess of Orange xiii, 30
Mary (ship) 126
Maryland 362, 412
masques 46–7, 66, 74, 236
female actors 82
Massachusetts 260, 409, 412
Master, Sir Streynsham 321, 428
mathematics 166, 337, 426
Mather, Cotton 229
May, Baptist 281
May Day celebrations 436
Maypole on the Strand 5
Medburne, Edward 33
medical science 155, 175–84, 426
astrology and 179–80
Barb er-Surgeon s’ Company 180
bloodletting 179
clinical observation 224
dissection 182
empiricists 182, 224
neurology 111
plague and 175–9, 181, 182–3, 184, 189–90, 192
religion and 181
Royal College of Physicians 175, 176, 180–1, 183, 408
sexually transmitted diseases 395–7, 398
Society of Apothecaries 180
Mediterranean 14
Medway raid (1667) 245–7, 317
megacities, early 8–9
The Men’s Answer to the Women’s Petition Against Coffee (anon) 357
mercantile capitalism xv, 145, 146, 147, 149, 449
Mercers’ Company 41, 230, 307
apprenticeships 10, 102, 126
charters 59
dwellings 16–17
merchants-tuined financiers 312, 313
skills 144
status 14
mercury 47, 228, 396, 398–9
Merlyn (royal yacht) 315
‘Merry Gang’ 85, 276, 277, 357
Metacom 359
Michelangelo Buonarroti 66
microscopy 157, 160–3, 222, 223, 224
Middle Temple 210
Middleton, Thomas 80
Mignard, Pierre 129, 325
Millington, Dr 183
Millot, Michel, l’Ecole des Filles 400–1
Mills, Peter 218, 229–30
Milton, John 24, 25, 43, 52, 164, 224
imprisonment 52
Paradise Lost 454
Miitories 334
misogyny 298, 405
Misseiden, Edward 145–6, 147
Mohun, Michael 76, 80, 85
monarchical reform, agitation for 347–8, 388, 389, 407, 417
Monck, General George (Duke of Albemarle) xiii, 6, 24, 31, 259
army purge 36–7
/> Civil Wars 25–6, 31
colonial interests 130
Four Days Battle (1666) 200
greets Charles at Dover 34
negotiations with Charles 31–2
privy counsellor 35
Second Anglo-Dutch War 200, 201
money supply 146
Monmouth, James, Duke of 274, 275, 392, 417
banishment and return 384
Charles’ refusal to legitimise 433
crushes Covenanter uprising 385–6
exclusion crisis 386–7, 388–9, 391, 395, 417, 419
flees abroad 419
Popish Plot and 378
Rye House Plot and 419
monopolistic trading companies 63–4, 79, 91, 100, 110, 126, 139–40, 146–7, 266–7, 436
Montagu, Edward 29–30, 305
and Charles’ return to England 33, 34
Civil War 30
death of 316–17
Third Anglo-Dutch War 316
Montagu, Lord 471
Moore, Sir Jonas 337, 338
Moorfields 211, 368–9
Moray’, Sir Robert 105, 108, 109, 119
More, Henry 111
Morrice, Sir William 35, 58–9
Mozambique 321
Mulgrave, John Sheffield, Earl of 388
Mun, John 143, 144–5
Mun, Thomas 143–5, 146–7
England’s Treasure from Foreign Trade 43–547, 453–6
murder rate 282
music xiv, 5, 372–3, 440–1
opera 48, 49, 373, 440
Naples 8
national debt 311
natural philosophy 75, 115, 118, 225
naval power, England’s prc-cmincnce 202 fn, 371, 422
see alsa Royal Navy
Navigation Acts 148–9, 457–9
Navy’ Board 309, 312
financial difficulties 243
Navy Office 213, 261
Neile, Sir Paul 109
Nelthorpe, Edward 373, 374, 375
New Amsterdam 152, 170
New Calabar 128
New England 32, 359, 412
New Palace Yard 34
New York 152
Newcastle 7
Newcastle, William Cavendish, ist Duke of 225
Newcastlc-upon-Tyne, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of 222–3, 225–6
The Blazing World 225
Newcomen, Thomas 446–7
Newcourt, Richard 216–17, 219
Newfoundland 412
Newgate prison 283, 382
Newman, Captain John 141
Newton, Isaac xviii, 107, 222, 338, 341 fn, 367, 426, 446
comets and 390–1
gravity and 39a, 444
heretical ideas 228
and Hooke 367, 427, 444
interest in alchemy 227, 228, 390
mental breakdown 228
Optics 342–3
Principia Mathematica 391, 426–7, 443–4
religious temperament 229
Royal Society president 222, 444
Nicholas, Sir Edward 31, 58, 152
Niele, Sir Paul 108
night watchmen 273, 274
Noell, Sir Martin 305
nonconformism 40, 133–4, 181, 308, 328, 406, 411, 434
criminalisation of 409, 411
see ciIso Quakerism
Nonsuch 255–6, 258
Norfolk, Duke of 221, 222, 378