by Don Jordan
advocates monarchical reform 375, 388, 389, 41
anti-Catholicism 334, 382
colonial interests 130
disenchantment with Charles’s rule 224
exclusion crisis 419
exile abroad 419
friendship with John Locke 223
imprisoned in the Tower 375
polemics ascribed to 347–8
and the Popish Plot 382
President of the Privy Council 391
privy counsellor 35
Royal African Company investor 304
sacked from government 391
suggests the King should divorce Catherine of Braganza 329
on Thomas Osborne 327
treason charge 418–19
and Treaty of Dover 326
Whig 382, 391, 418
Shakespeare, William 14, 27, 46, 79, 80, 81, 84, 144, 332
A Midsummer Night’s Dream 373
censorship of 389
King Lear 46
Macbeth 142–3
The Merchant of Venice 14
Much Ado About Nothing 237
Othello 14, 81, 235
play adaptations 84, 142, 372, 373
Romeo and Juliet 14
The Tempest 301, 373
Timon of Athens 372
Two Gentleman of Verona 14
Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford 253, 739
sheriffs 10
dual-hulled ship 118, 145, 171
Dutch 170, 202, 252, 425
merchant, ships 249
rebuilding programme 251–2, 369–71
scale models 247–8
shpyards 23, 249, 370
timber supply 156, 248
Shoreditch 334
Shrewsbury, Anna, Countess of 277
Shrewsbury, Elizabeth Talbot, Countess of (Bess of Hardwick) 225
Sidney, Algernon 411, 419–20
silver bullion 146
skating 420
Skinner, Thomas 266–7
slaughter yards 96–7
slave trade
attrition rate 126–8
branding of slaves 304
credit facilities for buyers 306
English 8, 19, 58, 63, 88, 89–92, 122, 123–9, 139, 140–2, 153, 214, 303, 304, 305–7, 362, 435, 449
English house servants 128–9
enslaved Britons 122–3, 268–72, 305
family fortunes founded on 306–7
freelance merchants 252
in literature 290
Middle Passage 19, 123, 126
moral sanctioning of 62–3
numbers of slaves shipped 90, 91, 214, 362, 435–6, 449
opposition to 141, 427–8, 429
profitability 128, 142, 307
runaways 129
West African societies 62
slave uprisings 360
smallpox 155, 182
Smith, Adam 18, 147 fn
Smithfield 85 fn
Smock Alley Theatre, Dublin 292
Society of Apothecaries 180
Solemn League and Covenant 34
Somerset House 68, 72, 217
Southampton, Earl of 35
Southwark 23
Southwark Fair 85 fn
Southwark fire (1676) 366
Sovereign of the Seas (ship) 249
colonialism 62
slave trading 62, 140
trade rivalries 62
Spanish Netherlands 314, 392
Speaker’s Corner 283 fn
spice trade 98, 322, 323
Spinoza, Baruch 164
‘spiriting’ 122, 268–72
Spragge, Admural Sir Edward 317, 405–6
Spy (ship) 141
St-Gilcs-in-the-Fields 169, 172, 186, 374–5
Staple Inn 450–1
Starkey, George 189–90
statistical analysis 447–8
steam power 446–7
stock trading 11, 13––14
stocks 284
Strand 20, 38, 223, 334, 354
Strong, Joshua 204
Strong, Thomas 338–9
Stuart, Frances, Duchess of Richmond 135
Stuyvesant, Peter 152
Style, Lady 345
suburbs 333, 422
succession question 391, 433, 434
see also exclusion crisis
sugar 8, 303–4, 306, 358
sugar plantations 90, 122
supernatural phenomena 229
Surat 318, 321–2, 324
Suriname 200, 287–8
surveying 447–8
Swakeleys House 51–2
sweating houses 394, 396
Sweden, alliance with 314
Sydenham, Thomas 164, 182–3, 223, 224, 345, 447
syphilis 47, 396–7, 430
Talbot, Sir John 277
Tangiers 120, 196
tariffs 147
Tatham, John, Knavery in All Trades, or, The Coffee House 354–5
taxation 423–4
cloth tax 306
coal tax 220–1, 340
customs and excise tax 124, 148, 308, 309
hearth tax 124, 195, 204–5
poll tax 360–1
tax farming 195, 305, 306, 308, 309, 311
Taylor, Captain Isaac 141
telescopes 166, 167
Temple, Sir William 315
tennis courts 27–8
Test Act 325–6, 335, 344, 352, 368, 410
textile trade 7, 19, 42, 146
Thames, River 17
frozen 215, 420
Thames Street 17, 18, 211, 268, 281
thatched roofs 203 fn
The Fairy Queen 373
The Hague 78
Charles II in exile at xiii, 33, 150–1
theatre xiv, 27–8, 78–85, 290–301, 441–3
audiences 84
censorship 389
closet drama 235
dramatic operas 372
female actors xiv, 49, 50, 81–3, 85, 174, 231–7, 239–40, 250, 251, 293–4, 296, 298–9, 364, 436
female playwrights 287–8, 291–2
inherited monopolies 79
licences 79
licentious character 85, 235, 296, 297–8
musical scores 372
orange sellers 233, 298
plagiarism 294, 296
proscenium arch stage 49, 73, 74, 83, 301
public relations platform 85
revival of 45–6, 83
stump in attendance 415–16
star system 85
thrust stage 83
Theatre Royal 231, 233, 250, 301, 416
theatre school 233
theft 281–2
Third Auglo-Dutch War (1672–74) 310–11, 316–18, 325
build-up to 314
declaration of war 315
Eastern theatre 319
financing 309–10
peace treaty 326
pretext for 314–15
public distaste for 325
Thompson, Robert 373, 374, 375
Thomson, George 182, 189–90
Thornborough, Captain 141
Thurloe, John 25, 48, 58
Tiberius, Emperor 430
Tidde, Joshua 128
Tillyard, Arthur 107
timekeeping 13
Tippetts, Sir John 369
tobacco 8, 303, 351, 358
Tonge, Israel 377–8, 379, 380, 385
Tories 251, 312 fn, 402, 417, 418
Tower Basin 210
Tower Hill 12
Tower of London 336, 337, 408
Towneley, Richard 112–13
trade x-xi,
balance of trade 145, 146, 147
discourses on 143–7
and economic growth 373–4
England’s Treasure from Foreign Trade (Thomas Mun) 143–5, 147-453–6
legislation 148–9
London’s pre-eminence x-xi, 421–2, 425, 448, 449
Mediterranean 14–15, 120r />
North American colonies 413
protectionism 147, 149
rivalries 18, 62, 85–7, 87, 91, 98–9, 139–45
trade figures, collation of 147
voyages, planning 125
West African 61–4, 86
see also slave trade, and individual merchant companies
transportation 283–4
criminals 360
Cromwellian soldiers 360
Royalist prisoners 305
Treaty of Dover 285–6, 310, 326, 328, 352, 376
Trinity House 17
Tryon, Thomas 427–8
tuberculosis 42, 400
Tunnage Act 471–2
Two Seasonable Discourses Concerning the Present Parliament (anon) 347–8
Tyburn 55, 282–3
unicorn horn quack remedy 177–8
United Company 416 Unity (ship) 318
universities, exclusion of Catholics 112
Ussher, Archbishop 158
usury 102, 145–6
see also banking; interest rates
Vanbrugh, John 439, 443
Vane, Harry 120–1
Veldes, Wilhelm vau de 317
Venice Treacle 184
Venice x, 78, 184
Vere Street 80, 84
Versailles 219, 430
Victory (ship) 141
Villiers, Barbara see Palmer, Barbara, Countess of Castlemame
Viner, Sir Robert 52, 64, 259
destruction of house during the Great Fire 208
friendship with the King 93, 102, 311, 336
goldsmith-banker 102, 103
Lord Mayor 336
losses in the Great Stop 311, 312, 336
supplies coronation regalia 93–4, 102
tax farming 311
Viner, Sir Thomas 94, 244
Virginia 140, 200, 260, 283, 360–2, 412
Bacon’s Rebellion (1676) 360, 361
indentured servants 360
poll tax 360–1
virtuosi 73, 106, 164, 226, 229, 335
vitalism 225, 228
Vitruvius 66, 75
Vohra, Virji 322–3
The Vyne, Sherborne St John 68
Wakeman, Sir George 386
Walbrook 176
Walleot, Captain Thomas 419
Wallis, John 106–7, 176
Walsh, Michael xvi, 503
Wampanoag people 358–9
Ward, Ned 270–1
warehouses 18, 19, 211
Water Lane 17
watermen 189
Wayward, John 127
Webb, John xiv, 49, 65–6, 68–9, 196, 253–4, 439
assistant to the King’s Surveyor 71, 72, 253
Civil War 71
classical architecture 68, 72, 254
design for Greenwich Palace 72–3
and The Vyne, Sherborne St John 68
theatre architecture 73–4
undercover agent 71
Webb, Thomas 422
Webster, John 80
West Africa
Anglo-Dutch wars and 170
trade with 61–4, 86, 87–9
West End 41, 218, 233, 333
West Jersey 413
West-Terschelling, English raid on (1666) 201, 212
Westminster 22, 218
Westminster Abbey 102, 300, 372
Westminster School 159
Whigs 251, 312, 382, 384, 386–7, 392–3, 416, 442
crashing of 418–19, 430
exclusion crisis and 386–7, 395
Whitechapel 334
Whitehall Palace 22, 34, 65, 130, 218, 354, 489 452
Banqueting House 4, 67, 339
Exchequer 220
looting during the G real Eire 208
planned replacement of 69, 72
Whiteloek, Bnl strode 51
whore’s dialogues 401–2
Wilkins, John 105, 108, 221, 344–5, 445
Willet, Deborah 357
William the Conqueror 40, 94
William 11, Prince of Orange xiii, 30, 150, 151
William III, Prince of Orange (later, William III, King) 170, 314
English throne 436, 471
marries Mary Stuart 328
William (ship) 127
Williamson, Joseph 289, 375
Willis, Thomas in
Willoughby, Francis, 5th Baron 288
Will’s Coffee House, Covent Garden 302, 441
Wilton House 68
Winchester 430–1
Winter, Sir Edward 320
Wiseman, Richard 397–9
witchcraft 77, 229, 426
‘Wits’ 85, 276, 357, 364
Witt, Johan de 30, 151, 317
assassination of 328
actors xiv, 49, 50, 81–3, 85, 174, 231–7, 239–40, 250, 251, 293–4, 296, 298–9, 364, 436
misogyny 297, 298
painters 343-–5
philosophers 111, 222–3, 225–6
playwrights 287–8, 291–2
sexuality seen as corrupting force 297–8
violence against 272, 274
see also brothel-keepers; prostitution
Women’s Petition Against Coffee (anon) 355–6, 357, 407
Woolwich shipyard 370
Worcester, Battle of (1651) 209
word coinage 445
world cities x
Wren, Sir Christopher xiv, 712, 45–6, 74–5, 157, 300, 338, 368, 403, 422, 430–1, 437, 438, 439
character 339
Custom House 254, 255
friendship with Robert Hooke 159
King’s interest in 110, 196
mathematical interests 75
meets François Mansart 197
meets Gian Lorenzo Bernini 197–8
natural philosophy 75
in Paris 196, 197–8
pendulum experiment 109–10
and plans for Royal Society college 221
professor of astronomy 74, 105, 108, 109
Radcliffe Camera, Oxford 339
and the rebuilding of London 215, 218–19, 230, 330–1
Royal Observatory 338, 341
Royal Society member 108, 109, 110
and St Paul’s Cathedral 134, 198–9, 204, 253, 330–2, 338–41
St Stephen’s Walbrook 408–9
self-effacing 339
Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford 253, 339
and shipbuilding projects 171
Surveyor of the King’s Works 254
turns down Tangieis commission 196–7
Wren, Matthew, Bishop of Ely 196
Wycherley, William 357
Yale, Elihu 429
York 7
York, Duchess of (Anne Hyde) 53
York, Duchess of (Mary of Modena) 325–6, 379
York, James, Duke of 53, 61, 74, 257, 364
becomes King 433, 440
Catholicism 326, 328–9, 379, 387, 389, 410, 418
and Charles’s coronation 101
children 328–9
and Company of Royal Adventurers Trading to Africa 64, 86, 123, 125–6
exclusion crisis 386–7, 388, 388–9, 391, 395, 417, 419
friendship with William Penn 409–10
and Great Fire 209, 210
and Hudson’s Bay Company 259
Lord High Admiral 58, 64, 326, 368, 410, 418
marriage to Anne Hyde 53
marriage to Mary of Modena 325–6
Popish Plot and 380, 381, 382, 385, 386
Restoration and 34, 36
and Royal African Company 139, 143, 252, 304, 475
Rye House Plot (1683) 418–19
and Second Anglo-Dutch War 152, 170, 173–4
theatre patron 79
Third Anglo-Dutch War 316, 317
and threat of Dutch invasion 246
Zebulon (ship) 127
Also by Don Jordan (with Michael Walsh)
Van Hoogstraten: Blood and Retribution
White Cargo: The Forgotten History of Britain’s White Slaves in A
The King’s Bed
The King’s Revenge
Pegasus Books, Ltd,
143 West 37th Street, 13th Floor
New Cork, NY 10018
Copyright © 2018 by Don Jordan
First Pegasus Books hardcover edition February 2018
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in whole or in part: without
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ISBN: 978-1-68177-638-5
ISBN(e-book): 978-1-68177-702-3
Distributed by W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.