by Don Jordan
North American colonics 129–30, 260, 358–62
Bacon’s Rebellion (1676) 360, 361
centralised control 359–60
colonial-native relations 358–9, 362
indigenous peoples 260–1, 358–9
insurrections 359–62
King Philip’s War (1675–78) 359
Puritan settlers 358, 409, 411–14
religious freedom 358, 412
slave labour 62, 140, 362, 413, 429
trade 413
North, Captain 141
North Foreland 201
North-West Passage 258, 303
Norwich 7
novel form
anonymous novels 404
early 278–9
female novelists 290
Nyman, Michael 440
Oakey, John 127 fn
Oates, Titus 378–81, 384–5, 386
Old Bailey 283
Old Pye Street 372
Old Street 334
Oldenburg, Heinrich 163–5, 342, 444-5
longitude problem 342
Philosophical Transactions 155, 163–4, 165–7
opera 48, 49, 373, 440
optics 166
orange sellers 233, 298
Order of the Garter 35–6, 110
Ordinance Office 338
Orléans, Henrietta Anne (Minette), Duchess of 36, 56, 135, 151
and Anglo-French policy 135, 151
and Treaty of Dover 286, 287
Ormonde, James Butler, ist Duke of 31, 377
Osborne, Dorothy 315
Osborne, Thomas see Danby, Thomas Osborne, ist Earl of Ossory, Earl of 64
Ottoman Empire 15, 352
Oxford xii, 174, 192, 352, 391
Radcliffe Camera 339
Sheldonian Theatre 253, 339
Oxford, Earl of 297
Oxford House Coffee Group 107
Page, Damans 405, 406
amateurs 346
Antony van Dyck 21, 77, 261
Artemisia Gcntileschi 344
female 343–5
Joan Carlyle 344
Mary Beale 343, 344–5
Mignard, Pierre 129, 325
Peter Lely 20, 21, 243, 261–2, 325, 344, 345
Peter Paul Rubens 67
Pierre Dumonstier 346
Samuel Cooper 346
William Dobson 21, 262, 346
Pall Mall 164, 224, 299
Palladio, Andrea 66
Pallavicino, Ferrante, The Whore’s Rhetorick 400
Palmer, Barbara, Countess of Castlemaine 53, 59, 120, 1.35, 174, 215, 232, 246, 261, 406–7, 432
avaricious demands of 215, 244, 309
Catholicism 407
children 135, 155
Clarendon’s dislike of 250
King Street salon 135
lady-in-waiting to the Queen 120
public dislike of 246, 407
satires attacking 406–7
Papin, Denis 446
Paracelsus 181
Paris 8
Christopher Wren in 196, 197–8
parish constables 273, 282
assents to return of monarchy 32
Declaration of Breda and 31
exclusion crisis 386–7, 388–9, 391, 395, 417, 419
financial grants for Second Anglo-Dutch War 152, 192
King’s finances and 244
prorogued 334, 376, 381, 391
patronage system 20
Patterson, William 470
Paul’s Walk 203
Peasants’ Revolt (1381) 36
Pembroke, 4th Earl of 64, 71
pendulums 109–10, 166
Penn, Admiral Sir William 232, 410, 411
Penn, William 191, 217, 409–14
establishes Pennsylvania 411–14
friendship with the Duke of York 409–10
imprisonment 410, 411
Quakerism 409, 410, 411
slave ownership and 413
Pennsylvania 411–14, 429
Pcppcrcll, Captain Nicholas 127
Pepys, Elizabeth 231, 346, 357
Pepys, Samuel 4, 29, 88, 103, 118, 257 fn, 272, 357
and Barbara Palmer 232, 261
buys Micrographie; 160
children 314
on the Duke of Buckingham 277
Duke of York’s man 383–4
erotic reading 400–1
Fellow of the Royal Society 369
on gold fever 61
and the Great Fire 206–7
imprisoned in the Tower 384
and John Banks 313–14
on the King’s libido 134
naval administrator 123, 174–5, 202 309 368–71, 437
on Nell Gwynne 232, 236, 298
and the plague 173, 174–5, 187
portrait 344
on press gangs 123
on Prince Rupert 143
private secretary to Edward Montagu 29–30
reorganises Royal Navy 370–1, 437
and the Restoration 34, 36
on Robert Holmes 89
Royal African Company investor 305
secretary to the Admiralty Commission 368–71
sexual exploits 119
on Sir William Penn 410
suspected of recusancy 383–4
theatre-going 84, 142–3, 231–2, 236, 237, 239, 251, 298, 354
on Thomas Killigrew 76, 77
on William Rider 100
pest houses 173
Peter (or Peters), Hugh 50, 55
Pett, Peter 247–8, 249, 250
Pett, Phincas 248–9
Petty, Sir William xv, 10–13, 18, 111, 133, 196, 335, 338, 369, 447
An Essay Concerning the Multiplication of Mankind 422–3
dual-hulled ship design 118, 143, 171
economic theorising 263
population estimates 195, 422–3
and the rebuilding of London 218
surveyor in Ireland 425
on taxation 423–4
Pettyman, William 304
Philadelphia 217
philanthropists 307
Philip II of Spain 310
Philip III of Spain 251
Philip IV of Spain 69
Philips, Katherine 292
philosopher’s stone 228
Philosophical Transactions 135, 163–4, 165–7
An Essay on Human Understanding (John Locke) 224
development of modern British philosophy 224
empiricism 112
natural philosophy 75, 115, 118, 225
vitalism 225, 228
women philosophers 111, 222–3
Phoenix Theatre 77
pickpockets 281–2
Pierce, Edward 338, 339
piracy 60, 86, 141, 252, 305
1636 outbreak 176
bubonic plague xv, 154, 169–70, 190
causes 154
diagnosis, faulty 131
early warning system 131, 172
epidemics 4, 42, 154, 169, 191
transmission 190
plague (1665 outbreak) xv, 131–2, 154, 169–70, 171–93, 257
abatement of 192–3
containment, efforts at 172–3
cull of pet animals 190
death toll 185, 186, 194–5
economic impacts 213–14, 244
exodus from London 173, 184, 187
food provisions in the city 188–9
mass graves 185, 192
physicians and treatment 175–9, 181, 182–3, 184, 189–90, 192
portents 390
preachers of doom 187–8
prophylactic measures 184, 190
quack medicine 175, 177–8, 189
quarantined houses 172, 173, 184–5, 187
social disorder 187
sporadic late outbursts 195–6
survival rate 182
symptoms 169–70, 177
Platt, Rog
er 204
closure of 27, 45, 48
Cockpit Theatre 80, 81
Dorset Gardens Theatre 300–1, 363, 416
Phoenix Theatre 77
Red Bull Theatre 80
Salisbury Court Theatre 80, 83
Smock Alley Theatre, Dublin 292
Theatre Royal 234 233, 250, 301, 416
aristocratic 85, 297
earnings 77, 294
see also specific writers
plots against the Crown 416-17
see also Popish Plot; Rye House Plot
Plunkett, Oliver, Archbishop of Armagh 386
Poet’s Corner 300
poll tax 360–1
Pool of London 17–18, 194
‘Poor Whores Petition’ 406–7
Popish Plot (1678–81) 376, 377–86, 394, 415
population growth
England 6–7, 156
London 422
Porter, Endymion 46
Portland stone 340–1
Portman, John 304
portraiture 345
Portsmouth shipyards 370
colonialism 62
Indian trading activity 322
slave trading 62, 140, 305
Post Office 219
Power, Henry 112, 113
pox see syphilis
Prance, Milcs 385
Presbyterianism xiii, 26, 40, 133, 434
press gangs 122–3, 406
Priestley, Joseph 115
printing trade 404–5
prostitution 122, 275, 281, 288–9, 395, 4°2
protectionism 147, 149
Protestantism 133, 181, 261, 328
see also Anglicanism
public executions 280–1, 282–3
‘benefit of clergy’ 280–1
Pudding Lane 204–5
Purcell, Henry 372–3, 440–1
Dido and Aeneas 373, 440
Jubilate 373
King Arthur 373
Te Deurn 373
purging 398
Puritanism xiv, 5, 27, 42, 45, 58, 144, 180, 402
in America 32, 358, 409, 411–14
quack medicine 175, 177–8, 189
Quakerism 111, 141, 191, 409, 410, 411–12, 413, 428
Queen’s House, Greenwich 67
Queen’s Servants 77
Radcliffe Camera, Oxford 339
Radisson, Pierre-Esprit 255–7, 258, 259, 346–7
Raleigh, Sir Walter 130, 260
Ranelagh, Katherine Boyle, Viscountess 22, 52, 164, 228
rats 174, 186, 190, 191
Ray, John 445
Rebuilding Acts 220, 336, 440
rebuilding of London 215–21, 229–30, 332–3, 439–40
canal proposal 217
city survey 220, 229–30
exclusion of timber buildings 220
grid pattern proposals 216–17, 218
Rebuilding Commission 215
road widths 220
speculative building 332, 333
suburbs 333, 422
symbolic link between God and Mammon 219
timescale 230
Red Bull Theatre 80
regicides 22, 127 fn
exempted from amnesty 31, 50
flee the country 32, 51
hunt for 32, 56, 127 fn, 286
trial and execution of 50–6
Act of Indulgence 134
Clarendon Code 133
Declaration of Breda promises freedom of 31
King’s religious tolerance 57, 133, 134, 409.434
medical science and 181
nonconformism 40, 133–4, 181, 308, 328, 406, 409, 411, 434
science and 159
see also specific faiths
republicanism 24–5, 30, 33, 36, 392, 411
Reiesby, Sir John 381
Resolution (ship) 370
Charles lands at Dover 34–5
Charles’s statement of intent 30
coronation 93–4, 95–8, 101–3
Declaration of Breda 31–2, 50, 121
financial aid 26
hostility to 24, 25, 33, 34, 37
negotiations with Charles 25, 30, 31–2
Parliament assents to 32
public celebrations 34–5, 37, 38–9, 43
Rhodes, Henry 403
Rhodes, William 76, 80, 81
Richard 194
Richard II 41
Richmond, Duke of 236, 237
Richmond Palace xii
Rider, Sir William 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 100, 120, 175
and the Second Anglo-Dutch War 201–2
Robinson, Sir John 64, 259
Rochester, John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of 276–7, 292, 364, 387
and Aphra Rehn 292–3
and the assault on Dryden 387, 388
and Elizabeth Barry 293
and Nell Gwyn 233–4
Roe, Sir Thomas 321
Rookc, Dr Lawrence 105
Rose Street 387
Rosee, Pasqua 352–3
Rouse, John 419
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 447
Royal African Company 304
investors 304–5
royal charter 304
slave trading 304, 305–6, 307, 413, 429, 449
see also Company of Royal Adventurers Trading to Africa
Royal Charles (formerly, Nasehy) (ship) 34, 76, 245–6, 247, 249–50, 252, 410
Royal College of Physicians 175, 176, 180–1, 183, 408
Royal Exchange 11, 13–14, 17, 101, 104, 219, 554
destroyed in the Great Fire 211, 213
moved into Gresham College 217
Royal Hospital, Greenwich 73
Royal James (ship) 316
Royal Navy
Admiralty Commission 368–71
commercial enterprises 64, 86
crewing 122–3, 244, 406
Duke of York and 58, 64, 326, 368, 410, 418
financing 243, 308
Four Days War (1666) 200
and Medway raid (1667) 245–7, 317
reorganisation of 370–1, 437
St James’s Day Battle (1666) 201
Second Anglo-Dutch War (1665–67) 199–200, 201–2, 213
shipbuilding programme 251–2, 308, 360–70, 369–71
victualling service 369
Royal Observatory 338, 341–2
Royal Society 22, 104–20, 132–3, 313, 426, 445–6
at Arundel House 217
at Gresham College 111, 116
exclusion of women 111
experimentalism 112–17, 118–19, 158, 222, 226, 363, 365, 446
formation ofxiv, 105–6
lampooning of 363–6
longitude problem 341–2
meetings suspended during the plague 196
motto 105
practical projects 171
precursors 106–7, 108
publications 155–7, 160–4
royal patronage 110, 117
royal warrant 105, 117, 435
scheme to build own college 221–2
scientific predictions (desiderata) 165
Transactions of the Royal Society 445
Rubens, Peter Paul 67
Rupert, Prince 59–61, 257, 297
alchemist 60–1, 110, 227
Civil War 60, 86
and Company of Royal Adventurers Trading to Africa 64, 126, 435
and Hudson’s Bay Company 259, 303
privateering 60, 86
and Royal African Company 143
Second Anglo-Dutch War 201
Russell, Lord 20, 382, 388, 418, 419
Russell Street 302
Ruyter, Admiral Michiel de 153, 200–1, 316
Medway attack (1667) 245–7
Rye House Plot (1683) 418–20
St Albans, Earl of 64
St Bartholomew’s Fair 85 fn
St Bride’s Church 403
St Dionis Backchurch 210
St Dunstan-in-the-West 335
St George’s Fields 43
St Helen’s Bishopsgatc 144
St James’s Day, Battle of (1666) 201
St James’s Palace xii, 208
St James’s Park 377
St John Street 80
St Paul’s Cathedral 12, 75, 134, 196, 202–4
destruction of during Great Fire 209
financing the building work 340
foundation 203
Great Model 331
St Paul’s Cathedral - continued
materials 340
Norman building 203
rebuilding of 198–9, 216–17, 252–3, 330–2, 338–41, 420
Warrant Design 331
St Stephen’s Walbrook 408–9
Salem witch trials 229
Salisbury Court Theatre 80, 83
Sallee Rovers 141
salt market 305
saltpetre trade 98
Salvetti, Giovanni 74
Sancroft, William, Dean of St Paul’s 198, 202–3, 204, 253
Sandwich, Earl of 64
Sandys, George 353–4
sanitation 4, 42–3
satire and lampooning 97, 247, 298, 351, 355–6, 363–6, 406–7
Saunderson, Mary 85, 235, 296
Savary, Thomas 446
Savoy Conference (1661) 198
scarlet fever 183
science xiv,
application of pure reason 226, 227
‘invisible college’ 22, 104, 106
see also alchemy; astronomy; medical science; Royal Society
scientific cxpcrimentalism 112–14, 112–17, 118–19, 158, 222, 226, 229, 230, 363, 36;, 446
criticism of 222–3, 224–5, 226–7, 363
Scot, Thomas 289
Scot, William 288, 289
Scotland xiii
scrofula 397
sea-coal 96, 340
Second Anglo-Duteh War (1665–67) 164 fn, 170–1, 199–202, 213, 245–8, 410
Battle of Lowestoft (1665) 173–4
Battle of St James’s Day (1666) 201
build-up to 151–2
Caribbean hostilities 200, 201
declaration of war 170
effects on merchant shipping 252
financing 152, 192, 243, 244, 312, 417
Four Days Battle (1666) 200
France declares war against England 199
Holmes’s Bonfire (1666) 201, 212
Medway raid (1667) 245–7, 317
mercantile profiteering 201–2
peace talks 245, 247
St James’s Day Battle (1666) 201
Treaty of Breda (1667) 247
Second Civil War 60
Sedley, Sir Charles 85, 240, 276, 298, 364
Seething Lane 175, 206
Sepulveda, Juan dc 62–3
Serlio, Sebastiano 253
sexually transmitted diseases 47, 274, 394, 395–9
remedies 395–7, 398
Shadwell, Anne 364
Shadwell, Thomas 225, 363–4
censorship 389
Epsom Wells 372
The Lancashire Witches 393
The Libertine 372
The Sullen Lover 364
The Squire of Alsatia 20
The Virtuoso 363, 364–5
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of 259, 262, 285, 307–8, 347