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Good Girls Love Thugs 2 (Good Girls Love Thugs - A Hood Romance)

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by Shvonne Latrice

  Good Girls Love Thugs 2


  Shvonne Latrice

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  © 2015

  Published by Leo Sullivan Presents

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Unauthorized reproduction, in any manner, is prohibited.

  Chapter One: Jessica Leon

  When Nic told us that Kendrick was hit by a car, we all rushed outside to head to the hospital. Nic hurriedly buckled KJ in his car seat, as the rest of us piled into the car. I offered to drive her, because she was too shaken up to do it herself in my opinion. I sped to Sinai Hospital on Belvedere Avenue as quickly as I could, praying that Kendrick was okay.

  Once we arrived, everyone was there. Nic was walking fast as hell, in heels and all, with KJ in tow.

  "What's going on?! Where is he?!" she yelled with tears in her eyes, looking back and forth between the brothers.

  "The doctor hasn't said anything yet," Kendon responded sadly.

  Christy went and sat by Kayden, and he put his arm around her. Morgan did the same with Kendreeis. I walked to Kendon, sat next to him, and held his hand. The doctor finally came out after about an hour and 45 minutes of waiting. Nic shot out her seat.

  "Is this Mr. King’s family?" he asked, staring at us.

  "Yes!" we all said as if were reading from a script we all knew.

  "Mr. King is not dead, but he is in a coma," the doctor exhaled, as if to say it didn't look good. Nic broke into tears immediately. The doctor looked at her with sympathy.

  "He was getting in his car when a truck flew by very closely, hitting him. Kendrick flew onto the hood of his car, rolled off, and hit the ground. He's been out cold ever since. A bystander who called 911 recounted the events for us," he continued. "We are not sure that he will wake up at this point, but as usual, we are hopeful."

  "No God! My baby!" Nic was crying so hard that I thought she was going to pass out.

  "Whomever the fuck did this shit is getting bodied! I put that on my fucking life, man! And anybody associated or in my fucking way during the process is going down too!" Kendreeis yelled with tears streaming down his face. Morgan hugged him tight, and you could tell it made him feel good to be in her arms. I was holding Nic as she drenched my shirt with tears. Whomever did this had beyond hell to pay.

  Chapter One: Morgan Garrett

  Kendrick had been in a coma for weeks now, and I was worried about Nic. She didn't want to do anything but cry all night and go visit Kendrick. My heart broke for her, because I knew she was lost without him. I decided to go visit her and make sure she was okay. I arrived at her house and texted her to let her know I was there.

  "Hey," she said dryly as she opened the door.

  "Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked, closing the door behind me.

  She didn't respond as I followed her into the den. We sat on the couch and watched KJ move around the area in his walker.

  "Nic, I'm sorry," was all I said before she burst into tears. I pulled her close and hugged her tight.

  "Shhhh, I know," I said as I rubbed her back.

  After she got it all out, she sat back up. "Morgan, I'm so sad and I shouldn't be, because I need to be strong for KJ," she said through sniffles.

  "Yes you can be Nic, don't hold all that in. It's not good for you," I told her with tears starting to well up. I was one of those people that couldn't watch others cry, or I would cry too.

  "I miss him so much," she said quietly, breaking down. I hated to see her like this. I couldn't imagine if Kendreeis was laid up in the hospital in a coma right now, especially with me being pregnant.

  "Nic, he is gonna make it through, don't worry."

  "That's not what the doctors are saying," she said, chuckling and letting the tears fall.

  "Well, what are they saying?"

  "They said his heart is getting weaker and weaker, and he is showing no signs of waking up anytime soon," she replied, holding her eyelids tightly together to hold in the tears. "His mother was there too, and we both cried for what seemed like forever. His father is furious," she continued as she grabbed a tissue.

  "Yeah so is Dreeis, he is out constantly trying to get revenge for Kendrick. I'm not gon’ tell him what the doctors told you, because that may push him over the edge," I said, rubbing her back.

  "Yeah and we all know Dreeis crazy ass is dangling on edge normally anyway," she joked, and we both laughed.

  "Leave my baby alone okay!" I said, making her smile. I was so happy I could take her mind off what was going on, even if it was just for a second. "Are you hungry?" I asked.

  "Yeah I'm starved. The only person eating around here has been my little chubby cheeks over there," she replied, making a funny face at KJ, and he giggled. I got up and made us tacos, and we had rice pudding for dessert.

  "That was so good, Morgan. Thank you," Nic said, walking into her and Kendrick's bedroom after putting KJ to bed.

  "Anytime," I said, turning on the TV.

  "You sure Dreeis doesn't mind you spending the night with me?" she asked.

  "What? No, he stays out all night anyway. Plus you’re my best friend, Nic. I wouldn't care how mad he got," I told her, frowning as she started laughing.

  "I love you M-Dollas," she said, laying on my shoulder.

  "Love you too, Nic Nac."

  "Okay, I never approved that nickname, Morgan!"

  "Doesn't matter!" I spat, making us both laugh.

  We watched Being Mary Jane on Netflix until we fell asleep. I prayed that Kendrick woke up, because I didn't know if Nic could go on without him.

  Chapter One: Paris Knight

  When I heard Kendrick was hit by a car, I immediately approached Michael, but he assured me he had nothing to do with it. I was so sick without seeing him walk through KB's. Kendrick was like a drug that my body needed, and when I didn't see him or hear his voice, I had withdrawals. I would sneak upstairs into his office just to get a whiff of his cologne, and every time I did, tears would well up in my eyes. I begged God every night to wake my baby up out of that coma, and I hoped he did.

  Today, I decided I was going to visit him in the hospital. I had come up there once to see him, and I got his room number because I told one of the nurses that I was his sister, Paris King. When I walked up, I saw Nic sitting in the chair reading. I backed away slowly, cause I wanted no problems with her crazy quiet ass. I knew today would be a success, because I kept track of when Nic came and went.

  I pulled up at the hospital and shut off my engine. I hopped out and headed into the hospital. Once I informed the nurses that his “sister” was here, I headed to Kendrick's room. I had no idea why I was so nervous, but I was. I arrived at his room, and almost burst into tears to seeing him lying there like he was dead. I closed the door and walked over to him slowly.

  "Kendrick?" I said as if he would respond.

  I sat my purse down, and pulled a chair close to the side of his bed. I grabbed his hand in mine, and it felt so good to do so. I could barely touch him for more than ten seconds these days without him snatching away. I kissed the back of his hand, and let my tears fall down my face.

  "I miss you, Kendrick. I hope that if you
wake up, you will realize that I love you and we belong together. I want you to know I forgive you for moving on and having a kid. I can put that behind us," I said to him, hoping he could hear something.

  I smiled at the thought that I could use this chance to kiss his lips. Kendrick had never let me kiss him, ever. It was strictly sex and nothing else. I stood up with his hand still in mine and planted my lips on his. My body got goose bumps all over, at the feeling of his lips against mine for the first time, even with the feeding tube in the way. I instantly got wet. I planted a few more kisses on his soft lips, before sitting down; if only he could kiss me back, I thought.

  I sat there and talked with him for a little longer before my phone beeped, letting me know Nic would be showing up in about 30 minutes to take up all his damn time! I swear I hated her.

  "Well it’s time for me to go so that Lolita can come and sit with you for the rest of the day and night, Kendrick." I kissed his lips once more as the nurse walked in and startled me.

  "I thought he was your brother?" She asked raising her eyebrow.

  "He is. We kiss on the lips in our family. Mind your business," I spat, and quickly rushed out. I prayed that stupid nurse didn't blab about his sister visiting him, because they would immediately know it was my ass who showed up. I sped home feeling happy that Kendrick and I had shared our first kiss.

  Chapter Two: Kendon King

  I was sick. The longer my brother stayed in that coma, the madder and sadder I got. The disrespect was to the nth degree. I really wanted to know who was behind this shit. We had already killed the niggas who said they were hired on to do the job. Kendreeis and I were now focused on who the fuck hired them. We had a name, but couldn't find the nigga–Houston. His niggas, before we killed they asses, told us Houston ran the drug game up in Chicago, and some other nigga with clearly more brains took over his shit. He decided to pick up and head to Baltimore and take us down, one by one, once he found we ran shit over here.

  Kendreeis was coming over so that we could devise a plan on how to catch this nigga. He hadn't been anywhere that we assumed a nigga like him would be. Jessica was at the gym with Nic and Christy, so I invited over Gina. Gina knew any nigga that was a boss, and even the niggas that thought they were bosses–only good thing about having a gold digging hoe around; she'd have that info if you needed.

  Kendreeis and I were in my living room when Draco escorted Gina in. She was smiling and switching in a tight ass dress. She made sure to give Dreeis and I full view of her fat ass. She sat down next to me and kissed my cheek.

  "Aight, that's not what you here for." I needed to make this quick before Jessica returned.

  "Damn okay. So what's up?" she frowned.

  "You know a nigga named Houston?" Kendreeis asked, hopping straight to the point.

  "Yeah I do. He's some nigga from Chicago that's known for hiring niggas to do his dirty work. In Chicago, he had a reputation for killing a gang of niggas that crossed him, even a couple head honchos. He was on top until some nigga named French took over everything out there, and basically had his ass deported," she chuckled at her last sentence.

  "You ever seen him before?" I asked her.

  "Yeah, he is never at the places you'd expect, like strip clubs, bars, and shit. He is usually at local cafe's, malls, all shit that's pretty PG," she replied.

  "Where have you seen him multiple times? Where does he frequent?" I asked.

  "Damn. What this nigga do to y'all?!" she inquired.

  "Don't fucking worry about it. Where do you see this nigga a lot?" Kendreeis spat.

  She stared daggers through him and rolled her eyes. She smacked her lips, then turned her attention toward me and said, "City cafe, he is usually always there. He does go to strip joints on occasions, but he will have about 30 niggas with him if he does. He never comes to KB, though," she smiled at me.

  "City's hunh?" I raised my eyebrow and smiled at Kendreeis. "Well thanks Gina, that was all we needed. We about to head out."

  "I gave all that info and I get no dick?!" she pouted and folded her arms.

  "Gina, I thought you said we could be homies. You know I have a girl," I pleaded, not having the time or energy to argue and listen to her cry about her undying love for me.

  "Okay," she said somberly. She hugged me and stood up. "If you really want to catch him, reach out to his baby mama, Honey. She strips at Vido's. I bet if you could hire her at KB’s, he would no doubt show up," she smirked and walked out. We was definitely gon’ get up with Honey, but before all that, we were gon’ stake out City's.

  I called Jules, Maurice, Ricky, and newly promoted Damien. Damien got promoted when Kendrick killed Trenton. Damien was always loyal as fuck and rode for us. We just had no room for him with the big dogs, but when a spot opened up, it was only right to slide him in. I didn't call Kayden, but I told him all that Gina told me, just to put him up on game. I needed him focused on his music and not this shit. He loved it just like us, but I felt if you had some legit shit that you could make money with and loved just as much, do it. As for my brothers and I, the drug game was what we loved and nothing else compared.

  "Alright y'all. City's has only two entrances, and sometimes after this nigga does dirt, he enters from the back one for about two weeks," Kendreeis started.

  "Bitch ass nigga," Damien chimed in. I laughed cause this little nigga was ready.

  "We gon, take shifts staking it out, because we still need to run KB's and make sure our operation is still going as usual. The nigga goes at all times of the day, which is why we need to do this. Jules and Maurice, since y'all pick up the product at 4am, your shift will be 9am to 5pm, just to make sure you're well rested and ate and shit," I chimed in. It was nothing worse than having a sleepy nigga on a stake out.

  "Ricky and Damien, y'all got 5pm to 1am because y'all should be done collecting and counting the money by 12pm as usual. That way y'all have time to nap, relax, whatever. Kendon and I will take 1am - 9am, just because King Brothers opens at 2pm and that's where we sometimes double check the money count, make calls, etcetera, and run the place. Plus we not tryna hear Jessica and Morgan's mouth about being gone from 5pm-1am. Is this cool with everybody?" Kendreeis finished.

  Everybody nodded, and we continued to plan that shit to a tee. That Houston dude and any niggas he had left was about to feel the wrath like no other.

  Chapter Two: Gina Cornell

  I was getting so tired of Kendon playing me to the left ever since Jessica came into the picture. Where was this bitch for the past year when I was helping Kendon with everything? Whenever he asked me to do something, I did it with no questions asked. This whole time, I thought I was making an investment into our future together. It's almost like putting money into a business just for someone else to come and say they own it and reap the benefits. As a wise woman once said, you teach a dog how to walk and they'll walk off with another bitch. That's exactly what Kendon was doing to me in this very moment.

  Although I messed with his cousins Kayden and Khayman, Kendon was my heart. When I messed with his cousins, it was simply to get some dick, or just because they wanted some pussy and I didn't want to be a party pooper by acting like a bitch. With Kendon, I enjoyed spending time with him and the conversations we would have in bed while smoking a blunt. We never went on dates or anything, but that is not even what I cared about, as long as I could spend time with him.

  This shit was just not fair to my girls and I, cause we were the ones that acted as wifey before these power puff girls decided to slide on in. I hated seeing Paris cry herself to sleep over Kendrick, cause I knew she really loved that nigga and bent over backwards for him. So for this muthafucka to just skip over her ass for some moist ass young hoe had me furious.

  I was going to meet up with my girls today, just to have a little chitchat and catch up. We needed each other more than ever at this point. We decided to have lunch at the Miss Shirley's on Cold Spring Lane, since Paris and I were off tonight.

yy!" July said, standing up. She no longer worked at KB's because she had a baby now, and her baby daddy Trenton met his maker earlier than expected; and over a bitch.

  I hugged her and then Paris before sitting down. "How you been Juju?" I asked July.

  "I've been alright, trying to make ends meet. I got a new boo, who has a pretty sufficient income right now, and he helps a lot!" she half smiled.

  "New boo? Tell me more?" Paris smiled.

  "Well his name is Harley Gary. He's from Chicago, and right now he is just trying to get his hustle up over here so that he can run shit like he did in Chicago," she said, sipping her water the waiter brought.

  "Harley? Is his brother named Houston?" I frowned.

  "Yeah, they moved here together," she confirmed.

  "Why?" Paris quizzed.

  "Girl, Kendon and Dreeis is looking for that nigga and I don't know why, so don't ask. However, it sounds like they have a price on his head," I informed them.

  "What the fuck?" July frowned. "Are they purposely trying to kill every nigga I get with?" she rolled her eyes.

  "Yeah, you better warn him cause you know them Kings catch all their enemies and fast," I told her.

  "Why man? It's like I have a curse!" July shook her head.

  "Maybe Kendrick has a thing for you and he don't want you with nobody," I joked.

  "Bitch I wish!" July laughed as we high fived.

  Paris was staring at us, looking mad as hell. "That's not funny, y'all. Plus my boo is in a coma, he ain't even the one looking for that nigga. It's his brothers, so maybe Kendon got a thing for you July!" she said, not taking her eyes off me.

  "Whatever hoe!" I said, poofing her from afar.

  We put in our drink and food orders, then continued to chat. Paris told us how she visited Kendrick in the hospital by telling the nurses she was his sister. She told us that a nurse walked in on her kissing his lips and became suspicious, making her run out of the hospital. By the time she was done, we were dying laughing.


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