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Good Girls Love Thugs 2 (Good Girls Love Thugs - A Hood Romance)

Page 8

by Shvonne Latrice

  "Need it? You need me to marry you? Why?" he frowned.

  "Because Kendrick!" I whined.

  "I see. You think I'm gonna leave you and you don't want to be seen as just my baby mama," he chuckled.

  "What's funny?" I frowned.

  "Cause that's never gonna happen. You know how crazy I am about you, Nic. I almost bodied a nigga just cause he asked about you. I couldn't leave you if I wanted to. You got my heart, and I need you to know that. Forever," he said, lighting up his jade green eyes.

  I smiled, "Well Kendrick, until you prove that, I can't be here. I'm going to go stay with my mom until you're ready to do what you need to do to keep me happy, like I've done for you. If you need to take care of business first to do so, then so be it. But I can't wait here for you. Just don't take too long."

  I got up and packed me and KJ's stuff. I loved Kendrick, but I felt like he was stringing me along. If he didn't want to get married, he should say that, and I would be okay, but for him to pretend like it's just stuff in the way is cowardly, and that's not what I need right now. I need a man. Plus, if he really has shit to straighten out, me being gone should be a good thing, and he should be trying to get married soon. If not, I was gon’ keep it pushing.

  "Man, you fucking tripping!" he yelled as I brought a packed suitcase from upstairs.

  "No, you tripping if you think I'm just gonna sit here and have your babies, just for you to come home one day and say you done with me!" I yelled through tears.

  "I fucking love you, Nic! I would never do no shit like that! I’m stressed the fuck out trying to handle this shit and you giving me hell every damn time I come home is not helping! Damn!" he yelled, and threw a glass ashtray against the wall.

  I jumped at the crash. "Then me being gone will help you."

  "No it won’t! All that’s gonna do is stress me out, cause I won’t know if you're safe or not! This nigga is the biggest snake of the century and I can’t be worried about you being kidnapped and making sure my shit ain’t getting robbed at the same time!" he yelled, then plopped down on the couch and ran his fingers over his face.

  I hated how much I loved him sometimes. I walked over and sat next to him. I removed his face from his hands, and kissed all over his face. He grabbed my body close, and started tonguing me down.

  "Kendrick, stop," I whispered. He continued to kiss me and leaned me back until he was on top of me in between my legs.

  "Kendrick, I love you too much, and I need a stronger commitment from you," I said through tears.

  "Baby, I’m gonna marry you I promise," he said in between kisses.

  "When Kendrick?" I asked in a low tone.

  "ASAP," he said, removing my clothes.

  "Kendrick, I'm pregnant," I whispered.

  I was on birth control so, I don't know how it happened, but then again, this nigga fucked me at least three times a day. Any time he saw me, he was getting inside me. I hadn't showered alone in months. I didn't complain though, cause I loved fucking my nigga, and holding out would send him to another bitch, which I was not having.

  He smiled, bit his lip, and continued removing my clothes. He made love to me all night, right there on the couch. We fell asleep, and I woke up in the middle of the night. I quietly moved from under him, and grabbed KJ from his room. There was no way I could leave with Kendrick awake. I was too weak for him, and soon as he started laying on his charm, I would be unpacking my shit to stay. I needed him to know I was serious, especially being pregnant again.

  Chapter Seven: Kendrick King

  It had been a week and a half since Nic left and I was sick, but I had to take care of business. I tried to vent to my father, but he just pissed me off saying I needed to learn to balance my shit. I would learn to balance, but business had to come first right now. I tried calling her, texting, dropping by, asking her out, but got nothing. She was serious and refused to see me. I knew if I saw her, I'd be able to convince her to come home and she knew it too, which is why she refused. She didn't want to hear nothing I had to say, unless it was about the wedding. When it was time to see Kendrick Jr., she'd have her mother drop him off to me.

  This nigga French was a snake ass perverted ass nigga, and I needed to make sure he was fucking gone. I tried to warn him to get out of town, but he didn't listen. I got word that this nigga's operation in Chicago was no more, and that was all the confirmation I needed to know he was after our shit. Two days after Nic snuck her pretty ass out of here, French had some niggas rob our trap house. Thank God the two niggas I had working it were able to overpower the bitchmade ass muthafuckas he sent. I made sure to have their heads delivered to his crib. Hopefully that was his dummy crib, but as dumb as this nigga was, it probably was actually where he lived now.

  On top of that, he had Nic's little cousin Danielle and her friend Tia selling pussy. When I came to see Nic, she wouldn’t talk to me, and her mother made me promise to rescue Danielle. I wasn't captain save a hoe, but she was my baby girl’s mom and I was gon’ do it. Plus, I kind of felt bad for Danielle’s dumb ass. On a lighter note, we had successfully switched out all our trap houses. We kept two of our old ones, just to throw the snakes in the grass off.

  I was on the couch with my shirt off, getting high as fuck off some Kush. All I had on was my "N" chain and boxers. I was depressed without my baby girl, but I had to finish my shit. I heard keys in the door and I hopped up, waiting to see her. She walked in looking beautiful as ever. Her honey colored skin glistened, and her full lips made my mouth water. Her hair was up with some hanging down her sexy back. She had on yoga pants that showed off her small, round, plump ass that I loved to do all kinds of shit to. It looked a little fatter than usual, probably cause she was pregnant again. She had on a sports bra showing her piercings, and her stomach was toned and sexy, making me want to lick and bite and kiss it like I usually did.

  “Nic, I uh…” I stuttered, looking like a strung out ass crack head.

  “I’m just here to get some more clothes for KJ,” she said, giving me a half smile.

  “No hug or nothing? No love for your baby daddy?” I attempted to joke. She hesitated, then walked over to me, and I hugged her tight.

  “Damn, baby girl. I missed you,” I whispered. I began kissing her neck and collarbone, inhaling her sweet perfume. A nigga had been jacking off every night, and I missed her being in my arms when I went to sleep. I hadn't had to jack off in years.

  "Kendrick…" she said in a low tone as I sucked and bit her lips. This is why she didn't want to see me. Ha.

  I picked my head up and started tonguing her down. She wrapped her arms around my neck and melted in my embrace. I was rubbing my hands up and down her body. Putting my hands down the back of her pants, squeezing her ass, and feeling her pussy from the back. I fucking missed her so much.

  "Come back, Nic. I need KJ and you here with me while you carrying my seed," I whispered in between kisses. She didn't respond, and I laid her on the couch and started removing her pants and panties together. She put her hands over mine to stop me.

  "Just let me feel you babe, I been feining for you," I whispered, kissing her lips. She looked as if she was about to give in while I was kissing her, but snapped out of it.

  “No Kendrick. You don't have those privileges anymore,” she lightly pushed me off.

  “Oh yeah? You gave them to another nigga already, huh?” I blurted, like a dumb ass.

  “You know what? I will buy him some more stuff. Bye Kendrick,” she hopped up and left.

  “Nic! baby-” and like that she was gone. “Fuck!!!” I yelled and plopped down on the couch.

  I guess she let Kendreeis in, cause he walked into the den. "Ugh nigga! What the fuck?!" he yelled.

  I looked down and saw my dick sticking straight up through the hole in my boxers; I was rock hard. Nic was def gon’ give a nigga blue balls.

  "Sorry man," I said as I grabbed the couch pillow and sat it in my lap.

  “You good, nigga? You looking like a strun
g out Larenz Tate in Why Do Fools Fall In Love!” he said, laughing.

  I laughed too. “Fuck you nigga! It’s Nic. She got me losing it,” I said in a low tone.

  “I see. You need to get it together, Kendrick. How you gon’ be a kingpin, and have a family, if you stressing already?” he asked.

  “Whatever. Fuck Nic. We need to end this nigga French before he spits some more of his venom.”

  “Yeah nigga, I saw Tia on the streets and she looked miserable as hell. Maybe we can convince her to help us set that nigga up. Or get at his ass.”

  “Not Danielle?!” I asked.

  “Nah, she too up that nigga’s ass. She will tell him and give him a head start,” he replied, and I nodded in agreement.

  “Sounds like a plan. Who gon’ go after her?” I asked.

  “You. You know she got a thing for you,” he smirked, and I shook my head. Women were causing me enough problems these days.


  Three weeks had passed, and I finally saw Tia working. I drove on the side of her walking, and rolled down the window. Her face had a few bruises on it.

  “Kendrick?!” she yelped in excitement. Damn, shawty must be really feeling a nigga, I thought.

  “Yeah baby. Get in.” Before I could finish, she was in the car. I drove for about 30 minutes in silence.

  “Kendrick, if this isn’t about work, I need to go back. I have a certain amount I need to make,” she said.

  “How much you make, or are supposed to make a day?” I asked, looking straight and continuing to drive.


  “I’ll give you 8,” I replied, pulling over at one of my condos.


  “Yeah. Don’t trip,” I said, shutting the engine off.

  Once inside my condo, I gave her some juice and sat down across from her. “So this nigga French, I need you to tell me everything you know about him.”

  “Kendrick. He will kill me. I-“

  “Nah ma. I got you. Who you trust more, him or me?” I asked, flashing a smile.

  She blushed. “You.”

  “Good. Now talk to me.”

  She told me how he planned to kidnap Nic and her friends, to put on the track. She told me he was prepping Danielle to get closer to Nic so he could slither into our operation. I was mad as hell by the time she was done.

  “Are you mad at me?” she asked, noticing my facial expression.

  Tia was a pretty girl. Very fair-skinned, but you could tell she was black; full lips, curly hair, and skinny. She reminded me of Jurnee Smollett. I felt bad for her, cause she was way too sweet to be caught up in this shit. She reminded me of a dumb, weak, more slutty version of Nic. It's nicer than it sounds, trust me.

  “Nah I’m not mad at you, Tia,” I said, making her smile.

  She stood up and began undressing. “Whoa Tia! What you doing?” I said putting, my hand up. I was horny as fuck, but not that horny.

  “I wanted to thank you for the money,” she said, almost in a whisper.

  “Nah, no need. The $8000 was for the info. But you not going back to French,” I peeled off the $8000 for her. “Here, keep this as money to have in case you need something. You gon’ stay with my boy Jules for a bit, until we body French.”

  “I can’t stay with you?”

  “Tia, nah. You know I’m in a relationship with Nic, and that wouldn’t look good.”

  “I see. I didn't know that. She told her mother, who told my mother, that she was pretty much done with you.”

  That shit made my heart physically hurt, but as long as she had my son and new baby in her stomach, she wasn't done with nothing.

  “Tia, still-“

  “I feel safer with you!” she cut me off.

  “Okay. Okay, but no more stripping for me and shit.”

  “Okay,” she smiled.

  "You hungry?" I asked her. She shook her head yes, and I took her to get some lunch.

  I knew I shouldn’t have said yes to her staying with me, but she looked so fucking sad. I wasn't dumb though, I let her stay at one of the condos I barely used, so I knew she’d be safe there. I had Dice look after her and watch for any suspicious shit when I wasn't visiting.

  Chapter Seven: Danielle Moore

  Since Tia disappeared, French had been acting crazy as hell. Tia was supposed to be my girl, and for her to leave me here like this let me know she would rather be an enemy. French had us working the streets for a while now, and having her with me made me a bit stronger. When we first me French, I had no problem doing whatever he wanted, because I thought I was that bitch. Right now, I'm wishing I could turn back time, and be able to chill with my auntie and Nic while watching TV again. As much as I hated Nic, I missed her and my aunt Mariah. I thought about texting her, but I knew she would tell my aunt where I was, and I didn't want French to hurt them. Every time I told him I couldn't get info from Nic about Kendrick, he fucked me up. In reality, I hadn't even attempted to contact her for her safety.

  French wouldn't let me leave his sight, unless it was to work the block or "see Nic." If I did try to escape, he would find me and fuck me up. Trust me, Tia and I tried it, and we didn't make it two blocks before he caught up with us. I wasn't sure how Tia got away, and neither was French. He looked high and low for her everyday, and each day he didn't find her, he whooped my ass. We recruited another girl by the name of Kimmy, and she was pretty cool. I was just happy to have someone else here to take a percentage of these beatings with me. Surprisingly, French let me keep my phone, and I would text July and Paris here and there just to update them on my situation. Gina never responded, so I stopped trying. I made them believe everything was peaches and cream, and that French was the love of my life. I did ask them if they'd seen Tia around, but they said no.

  French and I arrived to his home that he swore was ours, but it didn't feel like home to me.

  "It's 6pm, you should probably start getting ready," he told me. I wanted to break down and cry so badly, but I needed to be strong. This was the life I asked for, so I needed to be a woman about it. "Hey, where is my kiss?" he asked, yanking my arm hard as hell.

  "Ouch!" I yelped.

  He planted a kiss on my lips and grabbed my ass. I wanted to throw up, but I held it in for my face's sake. "I love you girl!" he yelled after me as I went into the bathroom.

  I cut the shower on and began to remove my clothes. I cried silently as I looked in the wide mirror across the wall. I was no longer the girl I once was. I no longer wanted to only be wifey to a boss nigga. Right now, a man that loved me for me was good enough, no matter what his pockets looked like. I wish I had hung around my cousin, instead of girls with a mindset that was just as tainted as mine. I bit my lip to keep from making a sound, and let the tears fall. I got in the shower and let the water soothe the bruises from my constant ass whippings. Once I was dressed in my short red dress and stilettos to match, I was ready to start work. I sprayed some Victoria’s Secret Bombshell perfume, then headed out the door.

  "Sup ma?" a nice looking guy pulled on the side of me. I thanked God in my head, because I was tired of these ugly niggas.

  "Hey," I said, attempting to smile.

  "Get in," he instructed, and reached across his passenger seat to open the door for me.

  I slid into his Lexus truck, and the heated seats soothed my bruised body. "What are you looking to get tonight?" I asked, hopping straight to the point.

  "Full service," he said, making me roll my eyes.

  I just wasn't in the mood to do much right now, and my body was in pain. I hated my damn life, but at least he was cute as fuck. He pulled over in a dark area to park his car. He seemed too young to be wanting or needing to pay for sex. He had to be about 19 years old. "What's your name, ma?" he asked me.


  "That's a pretty name Danielle, I'm Damien," he said smiling.

  He was super cute, brown-skinned, had a pretty smile, and a low fade. "Thank you, and nice to meet you too."

  We climbed into the backseat, and he began to remove my dress from my body. He touched my bruises, and I winced in pain. He leaned over and kissed my lips, making me pull back.

  "Why did you do that?" I asked.

  "Do what?"

  "Kiss me?"

  "Cause I wanted to. I'm paying aren't I?"

  "Yeah, but kissing is an intimate thing."

  "Charge me extra," he said before leaning over and kissing me hard.

  His lips felt like heaven, and I melted. He unhooked my bra and started to lick and suck on my nipples. I took off his shirt and started to unbuckle his pants. I took him into my mouth, and he moaned softly. I glided up and down his shaft, making sure he touched my tonsils. He put his fingers in my hair and guided me up and down his penis. He pulled me up and removed my panties. He pushed me back and kissed my lips again. He kissed from my stomach to my pussy, making sure to kiss each bruise on the way down. No John had ever went down on me, and I didn't expect them to. He started to lick and suck my clit hard, making me cry out. He dipped his tongue in my hole and started to finger me. I came all over his fingers, and he slid a condom onto his dick. He entered me, and his big dick felt like it was ripping me open. Thank God French hadn't touched me in weeks, and my past clients were small in that department.

  "Fuck ma. This shit is good as fuck!" he moaned as he rammed into me.

  We soon exploded together, and he tongued kissed me passionately. I didn't know what his deal was, but I hoped to see him again.

  "Take my number and let me know when that nigga put his hands on you again," he said as he started up his car. I stored his number and he gave me $4000.

  "You only owe me $200," I told him.

  "Nah, I don't want you working no more tonight." He leaned in and kissed me again before I got out. I didn't know who he was, but I wanted to find out. I smiled as I looked at his name stored in my phone.

  Chapter Seven: Tia Alexander

  Happy was an understatement. I had been living with the love of my life for weeks now, with no Nic in sight. That whole she told my mother this bullshit was just that–bullshit. I would stay up as late as I could waiting for Kendrick to come home to the condo we shared. I would even sleep in his shirts to smell his cologne. Sometimes he wouldn't come home, but I knew it was because he was busy handling business. We slept in two different rooms, but tonight I was gonna make my move on him.


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