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Good Girls Love Thugs 2 (Good Girls Love Thugs - A Hood Romance)

Page 12

by Shvonne Latrice

  I started to move frantically, hoping to loosen at least one of these ties. I still felt weak from all the alcohol I had, plus whatever they slipped in my drink; plus weed. If this hoe touched me, they better kill me because I was gon’ whoop her ass once I got loose. Kimmy walked over grinning, and leaned down to kiss me. I bit the shit out of her, making her scream. French walked over and backhanded me hard as fuck, making me scream. He snatched my underwear off, ripping them.

  "Now. Kimmy," he panted, out of breath, with my poor underwear dangling from his hand.

  "Kimmy, no no, don't please," I tried to beg her. "You don't even know me like that! You don't want to do this!"

  She lowered her head, and flicked her tongue on my clit. She went to work sucking and licking. She was good as hell at what she did, but because of the circumstances and because it was her, I wasn't turned on at all. She sped up, licking and sucking on my pussy. She dipped her tongue in my hole nice and slow. She pushed my leg up, and sucked hard on my clit.

  "Ahhh. Kimmy! Please! Stop!" I begged her while crying.

  She kept going as French watched, smiling from ear to ear. "Your pussy is so pretty," he said to me, folding his arms and watching Kimmy.

  My body jerked as I came all over Kimmy's mouth. I was pissed as fuck! She licked me clean and dove back in, making me scream out of anger. French walked over and slapped me again. Kimmy sped up with her licks and sucks, and pushed my left leg back further. I was sensitive because of my previous orgasm, so I came again and hard. Kimmy let my leg down and came up with a smile.

  "I'm gon’ have some fun with y'all." French grinned as he watched Kimmy get up.

  I saw Jessica wake up and realized she was tied up. French ordered Kimmy to work her magic on Jessica as he watched.

  Chapter Nine: Kendon King

  I woke up and saw it was 2am. I couldn't believe Jessica wasn't here; that wasn't like her. I assumed she was at her grandmother's house if she wasn't here, and laid back down. After about thirty minutes, something told me that wasn't the case. No matter how mad Jess got at me, she always came home and spent the night with me, so I knew our little argument about her going out would not cause her to not come to me.

  "Fuck!" I yelled, hopping out the bed.

  I was panicking like a muthafucka, cause I knew that nigga had my girl. I didn't want to call my brothers, because I knew they'd be in my ass about not being able to put my foot down with Jessica. After a couple minutes, I looked for my phone frantically to call my brothers. I didn't give a fuck; right now was not the time for me to have pride.

  "Hello?" Kendrick said, obviously half sleep. I ran my hand over my low cut fade, still quiet. "Kendon," he said, due to me not responding.

  "French got Jessica and Christy, man," Soon as I said it, I plopped down on the couch and put my head in my free hand.

  I forgot she was even with Christy, which made me feel even worse that I hid Jessica going out from my brothers. Kayden is gon’ be on a fucking murder spree if something happens to Christy. On top of that shit, we assured him that we'd make sure she was good while he was on tour.

  "Nigga, what the fuck you mean he got them?! You better be fucking joking right now, Kendon!" he yelled.

  Although only a year older than me, Kendrick was like a second father, and I knew he was gon’ get in my ass about this shit. I wish I didn't have to call him, but I needed to save Jessica and I knew he'd be able to.

  "I know man I-"

  "No you don't know! That’s your fucking problem, Kendon! You need to take this shit serious! Get dressed!" he yelled, and disconnected the line in my face.

  Not even fifteen minutes later, Kendrick and Dreeis were at the front door banging. Soon as I opened the door, Kendrick walked in past me, headed to my living room area, and Dreeis followed. Dreeis made sure to mean mug me as he did so.

  "Call Kayden please," Kendrick said to no one in particular.

  Dreeis pulled out his phone and started dialing. He stepped out to tell him the news, while Kendrick and I talked.

  "Where did she say she was going?" he asked while glaring at me.

  "Some party. That shit they have every year around this time, at The Cave," I responded with my head down, avoiding eye contact.

  "Man, what the fuck?! Why you let her go to some shit like that, at a time like this?!" he yelled.

  "I told her ass she couldn't go and she went!" I yelled back.

  "So what, she run y'all fucking relationship, nigga? What you say should be what goes! It shouldn't be no damn discussions, debates, or votes muthafucka! Swear to God, I feel like punching yo bitch ass!" he yelled.

  "Kayden is furious man. He on a private plane right now, headed back from Detroit," Kendreeis entered the room to tell us.

  "That party is over by this time, pull up Find My iPhone and see if we can locate her," Kendrick ordered.

  I did as he asked, and after we waited for it to find her phone, it informed us that her phone couldn't be located, meaning it was dead or off. I called it to confirm, and it went straight to voicemail. We tried Christy after Kayden gave us her iCloud info, and the same thing.

  "Fuck! Let’s just go hit the pavement!" Kendrick shot up off the couch to leave, and we followed.

  I couldn't believe I had let my girl get kidnapped. I felt like the weakest nigga ever. I was embarrassed, and too ashamed to even look at my brothers’ faces. I prayed that my baby wasn't harmed over me acting like a damn bitch ass nigga. I deserved everything Kendrick said to me. No damn reason I should be out right now looking for my woman, cause I couldn't protect her. I was not ready to hear my father and uncle get in my ass, either. Fuck my life. I glanced at my brother from the backseat, and saw his jaw clenched hard; Kendrick was furious.

  Chapter Ten: Kendrick King

  I couldn't believe Kendon let Jessica go to that damn party, when we knew for a fact that this nigga wanted to kidnap our girls. He had to be out of his fucking mind to let her go. He was always letting Jessica run shit, and this time it turned out to be for the worst. I'm not saying to be her damn daddy, but learn when to put your damn foot down, especially when it's for her protection or well-being. Got damn! My father was gon’ get in his ass. I wasn't gon’ tell him, but my dad and uncle always found shit out, don't ask me how.

  I flew to my condo that I kept Tia in, with my brothers in the car. Before I parked good, I hopped out. I ran up the stairs, burst in, and saw Tia hanging from the ceiling.

  "Fuck!!!" I yelled.

  I was trying to protect her, and this nigga found her. Shit! Now I had no way of finding out where the fuck French may be with Jessica and Christy. I was flying to the one spot I knew French was at, the place I mailed his people's heads to. We ran up in there, and it was cleaned out like I knew it'd be. I was panicking like a muthafucka.

  "Paris!" I said, speeding to KB's. "That's pretty much her little hoe BFF. I know she would possibly know where Danielle is with French right in this moment," I said, speeding. I just hoped she and Danielle were still in contact with each other. My brothers nodded. We arrived at KB's, and I saw Paris sitting on a customers lap.

  "Excuse me," I said as I snatched her up. My brothers followed as we entered my office.

  "Damn daddy. You jealous," she smiled. I had to remember that I needed her, so I wouldn’t knock the shit out of her.

  "Paris. Where are Danielle and French?" Kendon asked calmly.

  He appeared to have tears welling up. I hated to yell and go off on him, but he needed to grow the fuck up and be a man, especially if he was gon’ have a girl by his side that he needed to protect.

  "I'm not sur-" I pulled my gun from my waist and placed it between her eyebrows

  "You better get sure real fucking fast bitch," This nigga French had too many people protecting him. Every time someone gave us his location in the past, he had dipped by the time we arrived.

  "Kendrick…Wa…wait," she stuttered. "She told me two nights ago that she was staying at Rade hotel with French."
/>   "Any other info? If you left anything out, I'm killing you soon as I see you." I threatened.

  She started to cry. "She said they were planning to kidnap your girl. I told her that if Nic ever came by or if I saw her, I would let them know. Every time I texted her that I saw Nic, she never replied, so I guess Christy and Jessica were the first they saw themselves. He planned to kidnap them all anyways! I was just in on him getting Nic, too!" she tried to plead her case. "They're at his new house," she said, running off his address.

  “Hotel or house, bitch?” I said through clenched teeth.

  “House!” she replied with her eyes bucked.

  It took everything inside of me not to empty this whole gun in her head. Just as she said that, I got a text from Damien letting me know he had Danielle, and giving me French’s address that she gave him. I ain’t gon’ lie, I was happy Danielle had been taken from that nigga, but I had some questions for Damien as to how he got her.

  "Get the fuck up and direct us to his house, and it better be right!" Kendon yelled.


  We arrived at his house, and all the lights were off.

  "He better be here, Paris," I told her, just to scare her dumb ass. I already knew he was here, because Damien confirmed the address she had given us prior.

  "She said they live here together, so they should be here," she replied with a shaken voice.

  We all hopped out and walked slowly up his driveway. Dumb ass nigga had no security, guards, homies, nothing. This nigga was living it up, so he didn't feel the need to watch his bitch ass back.

  "Knock on the fucking door, and make like you visiting!" Kendreeis ordered.

  We stood to the side as Paris knocked on the door. After about five minutes and about three more knocks, we heard footsteps. I looked at my brothers, letting them know to make sure their guns were ready. Some random chick opened the door, and we rushed her quietly. I grabbed her and covered her mouth. I held my gun to her head as my brothers looked around the dark living room.

  "Where is ya boy French? I'm gon’ take my hand off your mouth; if you scream, I'm killing your ass right now."

  "Downstairs in the basement," she whispered once I removed my hand.

  We walked downstairs, and I heard him in the basement yelling at some girls who I'm sure were Christy and Jessica.

  "Thanks," was all I said before I pumped one in old girl's dome.

  I let her fall out my arms slow, cause I didn't want her to make a thump sound. I pushed Paris towards the door to make sure she didn't run off. We burst in, and I saw some hoe down between Jessica's legs eating her pussy. What the fuck was going on in this muthafucka? French tried to run for his gun, and I shot him in the stomach. I didn't want to kill him just yet. He fell to the ground, and I shot his kneecaps as Kendon and Kendreeis untied Christy and Jessica. The bitch that was licking on Jessica ran her dumb ass to French's side, holding his head up.

  "Get the fuck up!" I ordered calmly, but irritated. What hoe in their right mind gon’ side with the nigga with no weapon? He really had these bitches gone.

  "French! Baby!" she yelled, ignoring me.

  "Get your dumb ass up ‘for I lay your ass out right here!" I yelled, making her jump.

  Kendon helped Jessica and Christy to the car. Kendreeis put a bullet in the dumb hoe’s head, then helped Kendon with the women. I looked over at Paris and shot her in the head. Stupid bitch, trying to get Nic kidnapped and thought she was gon’ live? Nah. The pussy was good, but not that good.

  I looked over to my right, and saw some brake fluid cans. I started emptying them, one by one, all over the floor. I saw French try to stand up, catching on to what I was gonna do. I shot his ass in the shoulder. I wanted to make sure he was immobile, but not dead so he could burn alive. After emptying all four cans everywhere, I took a match out my pocket, lit it, and threw it on the ground by him and Paris. He started squirming and trying to move away. I stood in the doorway to make sure the floor was burning correctly. I closed the door and smiled once I heard French's screams. I turned the eyes of the stove all the way up, and threw another lit match on the brake fluid, soaked carpet. I ran outside to the car with Kendreeis, Kendon, Jessica, and Christy. I sat there for a bit, and after about thirty seconds, the house went up in flames and I pulled off. I killed this nigga with no words exchanged between he an I; it was perfect.


  It was about 4am when I got home, and a sense of relief came over me. I smiled thinking about how Kendon tore into Jessica after making sure she was okay; about time. We dropped Christy off at the airport our private jets take off from, to give her to Kayden. He decided to bring her along while he finished off his tour. I don't blame him; every nigga felt no one could protect his woman like he could.

  I walked up the stairs slowly, and walked into KJ's room. He was sleep on his stomach with his cover on. I hoped our new baby was as calm and well behaved as he was. I laughed at my thought. I headed to the room I shared with my love, and began to pull off my clothes.

  "Is everything okay now?" Nic asked as soon as I sat on the edge of the bed.

  "Yeah. We got that nigga finally. And tell your mom Danielle is safe," I said, taking my small gold chain off.

  "Oh, okay good. Thank God!"

  "Which means we can get married Sunday," I said, cuddling up behind her excitedly.

  She turned around to face me. "Really?" she asked, caressing my face.

  "Yeah, I promised you after we got him, right?"

  She shook her head yes, and smiled big as hell. It made me feel good to make her smile like that. I placed my hand over her stomach to feel our new baby coming, and she put hers on top of mine. She kissed my lips and turned her back to me so I could hug her from behind.


  Nic and I were finally married, and after our honeymoon in Paris, we decided to go on a group trip to Vegas with Kendreeis, Kendon, Kayden, Damien, Morgan, Jessica, Christy, and Danielle. My father and uncle decided to come out of retirement temporarily, while my brothers and I had a good time. I told him I could stay, but he said a happy wife makes a happy life, and if going to Vegas and Paris made Nic happy, I needed to do it. I agreed with him, too.

  We landed our private jet around 6pm in Las Vegas, NV, and the city was gorgeous. The warmth of the weather felt good as hell as Nic and I walked off the runway hand in hand. I watched her long hair blow in the slight wind, and the way she smiled and laughed made me feel good. After all that we had been through, it was Heaven on earth to see her smile and be happy. At this moment, it seemed as if nothing else mattered in the world but her beautiful face and warm laughter. She saw me staring at her as we approached the doorway of the port, and she kissed my lips.

  "I love you, Mr. King," she said, wiping her lipstick off my lips.

  "I love you too, baby girl," I told her, half smiling.

  "I'm so ready to turn the fuck up!" Jessica yelled, making us laugh.

  "Not too much, my wife is pregnant," I smiled as we walked through the port to the limo.

  "She's only about 3 months, she can drink still," Morgan joked, and we laughed as we go into the limo.

  We arrived at Caesar’s Palace and helped the bellhop with our bags. We checked into the hotel, and headed up to our rooms. The suites we got were out of this world.

  "I love this!" Nic beamed as she belly hopped onto the bed back first. "Mmmmm! These sheets feel so good.”

  "Do they?"

  "Yes. Not better than the sheets in Paris, though."

  "I see you've upgraded your tastes since I met you," I smiled.

  "Well, I can't have a flashy man and still be shopping at Forever 21," she cheesed.

  "Yeah, I am pretty fly. But you make cheap shit look expensive," I said, pulling her off the bed into my arms. We kissed each other's lips for a bit, and basked in the moment of silence. I was so lucky to have Nic, and I knew she felt the same.

  "I'm going to call your mother real quick and check on Kendrick," she said, grabbing h
er iPhone.

  After she did, we looked around the room some more and looked out the window over the pretty city. "Where we going tonight? Y’all not even old enough to get in anywhere," I laughed.

  "Actually I have a fake ID, but we were just going to go to dinner tonight, and maybe walk the strip," she said, wrapping her arms around my neck.

  We arrived at Le Cirque, and everybody was dressed up. I had on a three-piece Armani suit in burgundy, with an all-black Armani button-up. Nic looked beautiful as usual in a black, strapless dress that was long in the back and short in the front. It was lined in burgundy like my suit, and she had in burgundy sandal stilettos to match. Her long hair was curled, and hanging down her back. We sat down at the table and I looked around, feeling thankful for everybody that was here, even Danielle’s wild ass. Morgan and Kendreeis were constantly exchanging pecks, like some hot young teenagers.

  "Did y’all not have enough time together in the room?" Christy asked.

  "I'm saying," Kendon chimed in, and we all laughed.

  I could get used to this. Being with my peoples, enjoying the good life. Making my lady happy, and actually enjoying all the damn money I make. I was wealthy as hell– not rich, but wealthy–and I needed to enjoy it. I was going to enjoy it. It had been too long since we all had time to chill out together. Every time I looked up, I was fighting somebody off, whether it was Trenton, Houston, or nasty ass French.

  "You okay?" Nic asked, snapping me out of my thoughts, and kissing my neck.

  "Don't start that," I told her, referring to the neck kiss. She just smiled and kissed my lips.

  We enjoyed the dinner, and walked the strip since the ladies couldn't go into the clubs. They swore that tomorrow we were gon’ try, since they had their fake IDs, but I doubted it. They said we could tell the bouncers Nic was Naya Rivera, Morgan was Cassie, and Christy was Lauren London. Afterwards, we retired to our suites, and I wore Nic's ass out. Tonight was the first night that I had actually slept peacefully, and I could get used to it.


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