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His to Reclaim

Page 4

by Shelli Stevens

  Gemma pushed against the mattress with her hands, rising up so she was balanced on her knees.

  Hunter wrapped an arm around her waist and leaned back, pulling her with him. She almost sat on his lap now, riding him in a way that gave him access to the front of her body.

  He brought his hands up her waist to cup her breasts, squeezing her nipples as he lifted his hips to impale himself into her again.

  “Oh, God, yes,” she breathed on a sigh and reached her arms behind her, curling them around his neck and pushing her tits more firmly into his palms.

  He pushed harder into her. Faster. The rhythm he’d tried to set became more uncontrolled and desperate. Each thrust into her resounded the word mine in his head.

  Pinching her nipples now, he kissed the back of her neck. It grew harder to breathe, to bring in more air than he was expending. He gasped in short breaths, his sac tightening with the impending climax.

  “Hunter,” she whispered, bouncing against his thrusts. “Please. Please, Hunter.”

  He released one of her tits to slide his hand down between her legs. Finding her clit again, he squeezed it just hard enough to make her cry out sharply.

  Then her body clenched around him again, more of her slick cream covering his dick as she orgasmed. Her frenzied cry catapulted him to his own release. He buried his cock to the hilt and grabbed her hips, jerking her hard back against him.

  “Gemma.” He clenched his jaw, closing his eyes. His hips jerked with each spurt of cum he emptied inside her, again and again, until he was empty, his body weak, and the fog from his climax began to lift from his mind.

  It took a moment to remember his surroundings. To realize that he’d finally had Gemma again. And then to understand that her body had gone completely still, and she was breathing in small short gasps.

  “Angel?” He kissed the back of her neck and cuddled the one breast still in his hand.

  She jerked away from him, and his cock slid from her body as she moved to the other side of the bed.

  “Don’t,” she whispered raggedly. “Don’t say anything.”

  His brows came together, his heart slowing. “Gemma—”

  “If you thought I hated you earlier, it’s nothing compared to how I feel about you now.” She shook her head. “I just betrayed the man I was supposed to marry.”

  She pulled a pillow in front of her to hide her nakedness. But though she might hide her body, she couldn’t hide the conflicting emotions in her eyes. The confusion, the guilt, the shock.

  He latched on to the one emotion that gave him hope: recognition in her eyes of the intimacy they’d just shared, how powerful it had been.

  Sliding his legs off the bed, he drew in a slow breath. Annoyance brewed low in his gut.

  He walked around to her side of the bed, keeping his voice firm. “I didn’t force you do anything, Gemma. You went willingly—”

  “I didn’t accuse you of forcing me. I let myself be seduced. Yes. But only because you touched me.” She clutched the pillow tighter. “When you touch me I just…” Her jaw hardened and the shutters went down on her expression. “It doesn’t matter. It happened, but it won’t happen again.”

  He closed the distance between them. “Like hell it won’t, Gemma.” He caught her chin, his gaze burning into hers. “And the sooner you realize you belong to me, the better.”

  She drew in a sharp breath, and fire flashed in her eyes. “You’ve got gall.”

  “No doubt.” His lips curved into a sardonic smile before he grew serious again. “We need to talk, Gemma. It’s what I came in here to do in the first place.’

  “Funny how talking ends up to be fucking in your world.” She shook her head.

  He bit back another wave of frustration. “Gemma, you can’t avoid—”

  “I know you want to talk, Hunter. And I know you always get what you want. But please, give me this time to myself.” Her voice cracked on the last words.

  Watching the raw emotional vulnerability on her face, guilt stabbed briefly in his gut. Maybe he could give her a brief respite. Time to compose herself.

  “All right. I’ll give you one hour. When I come back, we’ll eat dinner and talk. No more excuses.”

  She didn’t answer, just stared at the comforter on the bed.

  “Do you understand, Gemma?”

  “Yes,” she bit out and raised her heated gaze again. “Now, please go.”

  Unable to resist, he leaned forward and pulled the pillow away from her body, cupping one breast in his hand.

  “I’ll be back.” He grazed one nipple with his thumb, and triumph seared through him when it tightened and she let out a soft gasp. “And deny it all you want, but you’ll be looking forward to it.”


  She needed to find a way out of there. To get the hell away from Hunter. Before she did something completely stupid. Like sleep with him again.

  Gemma sat up on the bed, wrapping her arms around her knees as she stared at the closed door he’d just exited.

  God, she hated herself right now. Despised her weakness. He’d barely had to touch her and she was a puddle at his feet. How could she have made such a horrible choice to let him into her body again?

  Going to bed with Hunter didn’t feel horrible.

  Even her subconscious betrayed her.

  “Shut up,” she whispered to herself, rocking back and forth on the mattress.

  The door clicked, signaling the lock was being undone. Cold and hot swept through her. Oh, please, no. Was he coming back?

  A cool breeze rushed in as the door swung inward. Her body sagged with relief once she saw her cousin enter the room.


  Was her cousin alone? Had she managed to escape the other two?

  Brad stepped into the doorway and gave them both a quick look. His gaze lingered on Gemma, and his expression turned knowing.

  Gemma flushed, drawing a blanket around her body. It wasn’t being nude that embarrassed her—he’d already seen her naked on the drive over—it was his expression. Clearly he had no illusions about what had happened between her and Hunter.

  Brad cleared his throat and looked back at her cousin, saying softly, “You have half an hour, Megan.”

  Megan nodded, tucking a strand of pale blond hair behind her ear. “Thank you, Brad. I appreciate it.”

  Brad? Gemma glanced sharply at her cousin. They were on a first name basis?

  The door closed behind him as he left again.

  “So-o-o,” Megan said brightly. “I’m going to take a wild guess here and assume you and Hunter had some crazy wild sex a few minutes ago.”


  “Good thing you’re not married yet, girl. What a way to start a marriage, huh?”

  Gemma’s jaw flapped, her cheeks burning. “None of this is a joking matter.”

  Regret flashed in her cousin’s blue eyes before she sighed and gave a short nod. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I think I was just trying to lighten the mood a little.”

  Gemma was silent for a moment, guilt tearing her apart inside. She finally whispered, “I shouldn’t have let him touch me. I shouldn’t have liked it.”

  Megan crossed the room at sat down on the edge of the bed. “Don’t be so hard on yourself, Gem. You love the guy. And he took advant—”

  “I don’t love him.” The denial came out quicker than she would’ve liked. “I don’t, Megan. Maybe at one point, but now…now I’ve got Jeffrey.”

  Megan didn’t look convinced. “You know, speaking of Jeffrey, at dinner Brad was asking me some interesting questions about him.”

  “At dinner? You had dinner with Brad?”

  Megan glanced away, her cheeks turning pink.

  Gemma shook her head, marveling at the change in her cousin. This afternoon after they’d been taken, Megan had been petrified, pale, and barely able to form a word. Now she was back to her old self, bubbly and funny. As comfortable as if they were just spending the weekend at a spa in the m

  “Brad’s not a bad guy,” her cousin finally said. “He’s actually pretty cool. We’ve been talking a lot. And he agreed to let me come see you for a while, even though Hunter told him not to.”

  Panic clutched in Gemma’s belly, and she leaned forward to grip her cousin’s hand. “Brad hasn’t…have you two—”

  “No.” Megan laughed and rolled her eyes. “Jeez, Gemma. He hasn’t tried anything. Though I’ve gotta say, I’m almost disappointed. The man is hot.”

  Gemma’s mouth tightened. “He’s too old for you, Megan. Besides, have you forgotten that part where he kidnapped us?”

  Megan’s expression turned schooled; she suddenly looked older, wiser than her years. “They have their reasons, Gem. I’m not defending what they did, but it sounds like there’s something going on. Something with Jeffrey.”

  The reminder of Jeffrey had Gemma leaning forward, brows drawn together. “You said Brad was asking you questions about Jeffrey. What kind?”

  “He was wondering how much I knew about his business.”

  “The shelter for runaways?”

  “I guess so. I couldn’t tell him much. There’s not a lot I know about what he does.”

  “What else did Brad ask you?”

  “Whether I’d ever noticed anything strange about Jeffrey.” She paused. “And he asked if I ever got a bad vibe off him.”

  Okay, this was weird going on weirder. Gemma frowned and looked out the window into the dark night. “How bizarre. You of course told him no.”

  “Actually,” Megan’s voice grew warier. “I told him yes.”

  Gemma’s head whipped back, and she stared at her cousin incredulously. “What do you mean? Megan, what aren’t you telling me?”

  “Gem, I didn’t want to say anything. But I’ve always got a really weird vibe from Jeffrey. In fact, I’ll say it: the guy straight up freaks me out.”

  Gemma flinched as if she’d been slapped. “Are you serious? Why didn’t you ever say anything—”

  “Because I wanted you to be happy. I knew how important it was for you to move on with this guy.” Megan cleared her throat and looked down at her hands, which she twisted in her lap. “But I’m going to be honest now—like I should have been in the first place. I’m almost glad Hunter took you today. I don’t think you should marry Jeffrey.”

  Shock ripped the breath from Gemma’s lungs. When she finally recovered, it was only to sputter, “I don’t believe it. This morning you were all too eager to get me down the aisle. You came to warn me about Hunter.”

  “I was wrong.”

  Gemma stood up, pulling the sheet with her to cover her body. She swallowed hard against the lump in her throat. Against the panic that everyone she trusted was turning against her.

  “You were wrong,” she repeated. “What, have they brainwashed you? You sound just like Hunter. There is nothing—”


  “Nothing wrong with Jeffrey.”

  Megan stared at her, expression wary. “Okay. Well, I hope you’re right then, Gemma. I hope Jeffrey does turn out to be the prized citizen of the community. And once the guys let us go, you can run back and marry him. Because of course that’s what you want. Right? To spend the rest of your life with Jeffrey Delmore. Forget Hunter ever existed.”

  Nauseous now, Gemma rushed toward the door, but it opened before she got there. Brad stepped inside, his gaze taking in the scene. From Megan’s pale face to Gemma, who couldn’t control the tremble from the mix of fear and rage rushing through her body.

  “Everything okay, ladies?”

  “No.” Gemma didn’t even look at him as she responded.

  Megan slid off the bed, her face crumbling with disappointment as she walked toward the door.

  “I’m sorry, Gemma,” she whispered and touched Gemma’s arm lightly. “But it had to be said.”

  Her cousin left the room, but the door didn’t close immediately. Gemma looked up and met Brad’s hard gaze. “What?”

  “You shouldn’t take out your own uncertainties on your cousin. She just said what you needed to hear.” Brad closed the door, pausing long enough to say, “Hunter will return shortly.”

  Chapter 5

  Hunter had just finished his shower when someone entered the small gym in the safe house. He glanced up to see Brad step into the hall. Hunter nodded his head in acknowledgment and passed him, heading to the locker.

  “I haven’t had a chance to speak with Gemma,” he admitted before his friend had the chance to ask.

  “I gathered.”

  Hunter pulled his stack of clothes from the locker. “What makes you say that?”

  “I just came from her room.”

  Hunter went still, icy fury rushing through his blood. Brad had been in her room? Why? “And just what the hell were you doing in her room?”

  Brad leaned back against one of the lockers, folding his arms across his chest. “Megan asked to see her cousin. So I let her.”

  “You had no authorization to do that.”

  “I don’t really think I need any. It’s not right keeping Gemma isolated up in the south tower. There’s no reason she can’t be with her cousin.”

  “I’ll decide what’s right for her,” Hunter shot back, pulling on his clothes.

  “Right. Like you decided it was okay to forgo questioning her for a good fuck instead?”

  Hunter had his hands wrapped around Brad’s T-shirt in seconds, slamming him back against the locker. “Don’t presume to tell me how to do my job.”

  Brad twisted out from under him, forced an arm across Hunter’s shoulders, and reversed their position. The cold metal from the locker bit into Hunter’s back, and he clenched his jaw.

  Brad brought his face in close. “I’m not telling you how to do your job. I’m reminding you that we don’t have much time to nail Delmore, and you’re busy screwing around. Literally.” He released him and stepped away with a curse. “This wasn’t supposed to be about getting your girl back, man. I know we joked about it being a nice bonus, but this is consuming you, and there’re bigger things at stake.”

  Hunter stepped away, grinding his teeth together. “I’m on my way back up to talk to her now.”

  Brad was quiet for a moment. “I’m sorry, Hunter. I’m a bit high strung tonight. Headquarters just got word that another body was found.”

  Hunter stilled, his heart slamming in his chest. “Another one of Delmore’s?”

  “Yes. She went missing last week. She was found up on a ranch in Canada this morning. She was in jaguar form when she died. Shot three times.”

  “Fuck.” Hunter’s throat grew raw with anger, helplessness, and guilt. He swallowed hard. They needed to shut down Delmore’s operation. Now. They couldn’t afford to wait—to let another girl die. “What did you get from Megan tonight? Anything?”

  Brad’s shoulders visibly relaxed, his tormented expression easing some.

  “Nothing tangible. Though she admitted to me that Delmore has always scared her a bit. That the guy always gave her a bad vibe. And she said that she thought Delmore might have hit on her once.”

  “She couldn’t tell?”

  “I’m getting the impression that she doesn’t have a lot of experience with men.” Brad’s lips twitched before he cleared his throat. “Apparently Delmore offered her a backrub when Gemma was in the shower one day. Kept telling her how pretty she was.”

  “Hmm.” It wouldn’t surprise him in the least if Delmore had tried to make a move on Gemma’s younger cousin. Though it definitely made him a scumbag, it didn’t give them anything to convict the guy on.

  “Keep me posted on whether Megan remembers anything.” Hunter slammed his locker closed again. “I’m heading back upstairs. I think I’ve been way too soft with Gemma.”

  Hunter dropped a plate of food next to Gemma, and it bounced on the mattress, the roll almost sliding off the plate.

  “We’re talking. Now.”

  She didn’t glance up at
his announcement or look at the food. Just kept her eyes closed as she lay on the bed, arms folded above her head.

  “I’ll start.” He drew in a slow breath. It was time to tell her everything. “I haven’t been completely honest with you, Gemma.”

  That got her to open her eyes, or at least one peeked open. She regarded him warily.

  “I’d like to say I’m surprised,” she said. “But not so much.”

  “Five years ago we had a connection that neither of us could have expected.” He sat down on the edge of the bed but didn’t touch her. “You gave yourself to me—”

  “Can you not remind me of that please?”

  “We marked each other.”

  Her head snapped back to him, both eyes wide open now. “That means nothing. Marking is an old sentimentality that the elders believed in. Nobody in our generation actually takes it seriously anymore. It’s the equivalent of a hickie.”

  Hunter’s blood pounded and he swept his gaze over her, from the tawny hair that fell around her shoulders to her deep brown eyes that condemned him, to pink compressed lips and then over each curve and dip of her body that he loved.

  “How many times do I need to tell you not to lie to me, Gemma?” he asked softly. “It meant something to us. To me.”

  Her gaze flashed with regret and anger. “Well, guess what? Even if it did, you left me after that night. You lost any rights to me the day you walked out of my life.”

  His jaw clenched just before he ground out, “Because I was dead.”

  Gemma’s mouth fell open, disbelief rushing through her. Was he completely delusional?

  He was dead? Dead?

  She gave a slow shake of her head. “Well, once again you confirmed my theory that you’re certifiable.”


  “You were dead. Oh, right. Well, I have to give you originality for excuses, Hunter. Because that’s certainly one I haven’t heard before.”

  He slid forward on the bed, reaching out to encircle her wrist. She tugged, but he refused to let her back away from him.

  “I’m not who you think I am.”


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