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Belonging to Him

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  While they were at work, no one would know they were in a relationship together. Simon didn’t treat her any differently. When they were alone that was another matter entirely.

  After three months, Simon started moving her stuff into his house. She refused to move in completely. When four months passed, she was only paying the rent on her apartment but not actually living there. Six months together, he’d bought her a car and given her a credit card.

  Then last week as they were celebrating a year together Simon had asked her to be his wife. She hadn’t expected it. He was older than her but had never been married before. His proposal had shocked her. They were worlds apart and there was no way she was suitable to be his wife. Not only that, she knew he would tire of her. The subs he’d dated at the club had told her he’d moved on when he had tired of them. Simon Allen was not the settling type.

  She used the bathroom and washed her hands when she finished. When she walked back into the bedroom, Simon was waiting for her.

  “I didn’t give you permission to move,” he said.

  His gaze moved down her body. She felt his gaze like a caress of his hands. He always made her feel touched when he looked at her like that.

  “Come here.”

  Hope went to him without hesitation. She did love him and had known how she felt for a long time. Her days were filled with thoughts of him. He was her dominant and the man she loved.

  She stood in front of him and stared at his covered chest, waiting for his next instruction. The robe he wore kept his gorgeous body from her gaze. Hope licked her lips, once again thinking about his body. She’d loved every inch of him with her tongue. In the early days they’d explored each other, finding out what they liked and what made them squeal in excitement.

  Simon loved having her hair surround them. He’d banned her from cutting her locks. The length was essential for what he liked to do to her.

  “I’m going to have to punish you now, baby. Do you know why?” he asked.

  “I went to the bathroom without your permission, Sir.”

  Her body was already humming with excitement. She wondered what he would use—a whip, a paddle or maybe his hand. She loved his hand more than any of his other equipment.

  He moved to the bed and patted his knee. Hope kept her head lowered even as a smile broke across her lips. She lowered herself over his lap. Her stomach was over his closed thighs as her breasts were over one side of his legs and her mound over the other.

  “Why do you keep denying me?” he asked. His hand caressed her back and ass. Every second he stroked her body was drawing out her anticipation for the spanking he was going to give her. “I know you won’t answer me. You have given me everything, Hope—your heart, your body and your submission.”

  She’d never told him she loved him. Hope tried not to tense on his legs, but he caught it. Simon chuckled. “I know you love me, pet. I see it in your eyes when we’re at work. Several of the Doms at the club have seen it as well. They’ve congratulated me on finding you. Your devotion to your master and your boss is commended.”

  Tears sprang to her eyes. He knew she loved him and she didn’t know if he felt the same way. Simon had never spoken the words to her. How could she give herself completely to someone when she didn’t even know if they felt the same way?

  His hand left her body and came down with a whack. She moaned as the pain vibrated through to her clit. The dual sensation of pleasure and pain built up her arousal faster than any foreplay. She’d always needed an edge of pain to her pleasure. Simon understood her need and gave it to her constantly.

  “I can smell your arousal. You’re so sweet and musky,” he said.

  Simon slid a finger between her swollen folds. She cried out when he pinched her clit between his fingers. Biting her lip, she tried to stop herself from screaming.

  She opened her legs wide for him to move easily between her slit. He stroked, pinched and wreaked havoc with her body. The moment she was close to her climax, he pulled his hand away and slapped her ass three times. Her fingers clawed at the fabric of his robe.

  His slaps rained down one after the other. Hope couldn’t contain her screams and finally she let them go into the air. They echoed off the walls as he smacked her ass red raw.

  When she thought she couldn’t stand it a moment longer, Simon grabbed her round the waist and flipped her to the bed. She rolled over until she was facing him. The robe was torn off and then he was on top of her. Hope sank her fingers into his hair as she pulled him down for a kiss. Her ass was on fire from her punishment and her cream was dripping from her core. Her body was on fire with need. Simon knew exactly what to do with her.

  He glided a hand between her thighs, opening her legs for him. She broke from the kiss to watch him grab his cock and press the tip to her core. The full mushroomed head pressed inside her pussy. Hope gazed up at Simon as he paused at her entrance.

  His dark gaze penetrated her very soul. Her heart beat rapidly against her chest. If he’d asked her to be his wife in that moment she’d have relented and given herself to him. Simon shook his head and then slammed to the hilt inside her. She moaned as he stretched her inner walls to accommodate him.

  “Mine,” he said.

  Hope knew she was his. There was never any doubt in her mind. She pressed up to meet his thrusts.

  He pulled out of her body until only the tip was inside her before he plunged back into her pussy. Each thrust took him deeper inside her body. Hope sank her nails into the flesh of his back as his fucking became harsher. With each thrust of his cock, Simon went harder and deeper.

  She looked up into his eyes to see him staring back at her. It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him how much she loved him. She looked past his shoulder, containing the words.

  One of his hands moved down to cup her ass, which was still stinging from her spanking. He squeezed the flesh in his palm as he fucked her. He claimed her lips with his own and their moans filled the air around them.

  His cock hardened further and her climax rushed through her. Hope whimpered as her orgasm worked over her body. Her pussy tightened around his cock and her nails scored his back. She screamed out his name, thrusting up to meet him.

  Simon stroked and pinched her clit drawing out her pleasure. She begged him to stop. The pleasure was too much and she couldn’t survive it.

  He thrust into her body, once, twice and on the third time she heard him growl then felt the kick of his cock inside her. His release pulsed inside her pussy, washing her insides with his semen.

  They’d stopped using condoms some time ago. She loved the trust between them.

  They’d talked about their previous relationships with each other and also shared their medical history. Simon was too careful to forget something. When they’d discussed the lack of condoms she’d been a bit hesitant. Over the weeks they discussed the lack of condoms until eventually she’d been more curious than not. He was the first man she’d been with without protection.

  She came down from her release as Simon collapsed on top of her. His weight felt good against her. Hope stroked his hair feeling the love inside her ready to burst.

  After several moments, Simon eased off and stared into her eyes. He brushed the hair off her face and kissed her lips. “Be my wife,” he said.

  For a split second, Hope wanted to say yes then she thought about him growing bored. She didn’t want him to get bored with her.

  Cupping his cheek, she shook her head. “No.”

  Chapter Three

  The following morning Hope woke to find the bed empty and Simon gone. She rolled over and stared at the clock by the side of his bed. It was past ten and she knew he rarely slept past eight. Rubbing her eyes, she pushed the hair off her face then pulled the quilt off her body. She was naked, as he’d confiscated her clothes the moment she walked into his home on Friday evening.

  Simon had once said he preferred to see her naked. Most of their weekends together were spent naked. He liked it
when he was reading a report and she lay with her head in his lap reading a book. He’d stroke and fondle her body for hours before he would finally take her.

  Hope stood and stretched out her muscles. He’d worked her hard last night. After he’d asked her to be his wife again and she’d refused, he’d taken her to his playroom. She loved it when he tied her to his spanking bench and used all the implements in his possession on her ass.

  She walked to the bathroom and saw in the mirror her ass was still red from last night. He’d marked her. She ran the tips of her fingers over the marks, loving them on her body.

  Going to the shower, she washed the night’s sleep away. Then she dried her body, brushed her hair and made her way down the stairs to find Simon.

  He sat at the kitchen table reading the morning paper. There was a plate with steaming scrambled eggs and bacon waiting for her. He always seemed to know when she was awake and hungry. Without saying a word, she took the seat next to him and picked up her fork.

  “Did you sleep well?” he asked.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Simon nodded his head and didn’t look up from his paper.

  She scooped up some scrambled eggs onto her fork. Her stomach rumbled from hunger. Hope took the time to look at him while she ate. He wore a pristine white shirt and a pair of black dress trousers. On occasion, Simon liked to be dressed while she was naked. When he did this, Hope felt a clear divide between them but in the erotic sense. He was the master and she was the submissive.

  Why did he want her to be his wife?

  He reached out and stroked her hand that lay on the table. She thought the moment she refused his proposal he would get rid of her.

  Simon stroked her fingers and took her hand as he lifted the coffee mug to his lips with his other. The paper was wrapped up and put aside.

  “May I read it, Sir?” she asked.


  Frowning, Hope stared at her master. It was the first time he’d refused her. She would read the paper as he washed the dishes.

  Simon took her plate and placed it in the sink before coming back.

  “Stand up. I want to see your ass.”

  She stood and presented him with her back. His fingers caressed the welts he’d created on her ass. Out of the corner of her eye she watched him crouch down behind her.

  For the first few seconds she tensed. She didn’t like the thought of him assessing every square inch of her full ass. Hope wasn’t being vain. She knew her ass was big.

  “Stop tensing, you know I love this ass,” he said, laying a kiss to her upper right cheek.

  Hope knew his feelings about her ass. He’d been the first man to take her anal virginity and he had spent many devoted hours to loving her backside.

  Slowly, she relaxed under his intense gaze. There were times she didn’t care about her size and then there were others where she felt her weight would plague her for the rest of her life. At the club where she and Simon had discovered their mutual desires, there were always a variety of submissive women, from small and tiny through to large and rounded. She knew she was somewhere in between.

  Shaking her head, she tried to rid herself of her issues. Simon hadn’t changed in the last twenty-four hours. He wouldn’t ridicule her weight or taunt her. He never had.

  Stop bringing your insecurities here. This is your time with him. Don’t spoil it.

  His touch forced her insecurities aside. Hope felt his finger caress a line down each of her ass cheeks before his entire palm cupped her ass.

  “The marks won’t stay for long. I imagine they’ll be gone by morning.” He kissed each cheek in turn and then stood up.

  Simon pulled her back against him. His cock rubbed her ass, making her yearn for him. He ran his hands up her stomach to cup her breasts. “They are so big and full,” he said.

  She loved it when he talked about her like this. He made her feel beautiful with his loving words.

  Pinching her nipples, Simon kissed her neck. He hadn’t shaved and the bristles tickled her neck turning her on. Her nipples hardened and she pressed her chest towards him. Without thinking, she opened her legs, wanting one of his hands to wander down and caress her heat. No matter how many times they’d been together, Hope always felt the need to be with him even when they parted. She knew she’d never tire of him. Their chemistry was one of a kind and inexplicable.

  “Be my wife,” he said. Before she got chance to answer, he licked a line down her neck. She moaned, unable to deny his proposal. Her pussy was on fire and she wanted to give in to him.

  He’ll get bored and you’ll be all alone.

  “No,” she said.

  Simon ran both of his hands down her stomach. He caressed her flesh and then moved down to palm her mound. One of his fingers slid through her slit, teasing her clit.

  “You’re mine, Hope.”

  “I know.”

  “Then be my wife.”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  He sighed, resting his chin on top of her head. “Why do you keep denying me?”

  She stared out in front of her. Should she be honest with him? They’d always had honesty between them. Honesty had been the first point they’d agreed on when starting their relationship. He was her master and she should tell him the truth.

  “Tell me, Hope.”

  Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and then spoke. “The moment I give in to you, you’ll grow bored and move on.”

  Hope felt him freeze behind her.


  She gasped at the tone of his voice. In the last year she had never heard him angry and in that moment she knew he was blisteringly angry with her.

  He moved his hands to her shoulders and spun her around to look at him. His eyes darkened with his anger. Hope didn’t like the look on his face and tried to pull away.

  “I would never hurt you,” he said.

  “I know.” She stopped pulling away from him and waited for what he had to say. Simon loosened his hold on her shoulders and stroked her cheek. Hope turned and kissed his palm.

  “Do you really think I’d tire of you?” he asked. He moved his other hand up to cup her free cheek. Simon stared down into her eyes.

  “Why would I be any different from your other women?” She knew he hadn’t been a saint. His reputation preceded him. Hope did know she was the first woman to last a full year with him.

  “You really have no idea how much you mean to me, do you?” he asked. He moved her back towards the table. She stepped back until her ass hit the edge. There was no chair in the way. He bent in front of her, wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her onto the flat surface. He settled between her thighs. She felt the cool surface on her sore bottom.

  Simon slammed his lips down on hers, plunging his tongue inside. The sudden onslaught of his lips shocked and delighted her. He was always so reserved and held back. There were times Hope thought he wasn’t affected by her presence. Right at this moment she knew he was. His hands held her a little too hard and his mouth was so fierce that their teeth meshed together.

  She moved her fingers up his front, but he caught her hands with his and locked their hands at her sides. Hope whimpered as he moved from her lips down to her neck.

  “You drive me crazy with need,” he said, sucking on the tender flesh of her neck.

  She knew she should stop him. If he continued to suck on her neck she’d be marked and that would be hard to explain at work. No one knew about them. They were a secret.

  A sharp jolt went through her chest at her thoughts. Was the fact their relationship was a secret bothering her more than she’d thought?

  She’d never had a problem with their relationship being a secret. She liked having him all to herself and when he arrived at functions alone, she knew it was because of her.

  You want more.

  “I’ve never been more affected by a woman than when I’m with you.”

  Hope listened to his words. He left her neck and she
knew she’d have a love bite in its place.

  He ran his thumb over the spot. “Everyone will know who you belong to.”

  “You didn’t want others to know about us,” she said.

  Simon shook his head. “You didn’t want others to know about us. I’ve wanted to shout it from the rooftops. They know about us at the club, Hope. You’re mine and have always been mine, ever since you spilt coffee over in my office.”

  She closed her eyes, unable to believe his words.

  He pressed on her chest until she lay back on the table. “You’re mine, Hope. Be my wife.”

  She opened her lips to refuse and closed them. The words failed her, but she couldn’t give herself to him either. Tears sprang to her eyes and she knew she was fucking up their time together. Hope loved him with all of her heart. She wanted to give him everything.

  Why was she holding herself back?

  * * * *

  Simon saw the tears in her eyes and cursed himself. He’d known from the very beginning that she held herself back from him. The other subs at the club had obviously told her about his lack of attention. Didn’t she realise how different she was from every other woman?

  Being a billionaire meant women were throwing themselves at his feet begging for his attention. Hope had never done such a thing. She worked hard and their relationship didn’t affect their working one.

  He stared down at her luscious body. She was a fuller woman than the type he usually went for. Before Hope he’d liked the slender woman but that had changed when he’d become addicted to her curves and heavy breasts. Her shape held him captive and so did her mind.

  They had more conversations than any of his former lovers. She cared more about the world around her than what was hot in the latest fashion magazines.

  Simon caressed her chest, circling each nipple then dipping down to her rounded stomach. He saw her quiver and a tear escaped from out of her eye.

  “Don’t cry,” he said. He rubbed the tears away from her eyes. She was such a small woman compared to his height.

  “I don’t know what to think anymore.”


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