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Safe With Me, Special Edition

Page 20

by Shaina Richmond

  Before I realized it, she was on top of me, kissing me as her weight lay fully on top of me. I loved the feel of her soft body pressing down on mine. I wrapped my arms around her to pull her even tighter against me.

  It wasn’t long before she stopped to push herself away from me. She straddled my thighs several inches above my knees. Her fingers immediately reached inside the waist band of my boxer shorts and pulled them down just enough to expose my cock, which had been straining to be released. Then, on her knees, she maneuvered back up to my cock and sat down, taking it deep inside her thoroughly soaked pussy. She tossed her head back and screamed as she sat, still wearing her short black nightgown.

  I was so excited by then, I was afraid I might come too soon. Her aggression coupled with the vulnerability she’d shown had turned me on more than usual. It didn’t help that she hadn’t gone into her drawer for a condom before she started writhing around on top of me. It was like nothing I’d ever felt with her before. She didn’t bounce up and down like an experienced professional, like she normally did. Instead, she slowly twisted her hips as she went up and down my cock to her own rhythm. Sometimes she’d stay in one position and slowly rock side to side. Other times she’d move up quickly then back down, rocking forward and back. Her tits spilled out the front of her gown and bounced to the rhythm of her motions.

  “Tyler! You feel so good!”

  I sat up and grabbed her ass as she moved wildly. She looked deep into my eyes, her mouth hanging open in ecstasy.

  “Honey,” I whispered in her ear, “I think I’m gonna get off.” I expected her to jump away to open the drawer of her nightstand.

  “Don’t worry about it,” she said. If I hadn’t been close enough to read her lips I might not have understood what she said – her voice was breathless. Then she moved faster, biting her lip as her body thrashed around. Her eyes stayed fixed on mine.

  “Yes! Tyler!” she shrieked.

  I knew I was gonna come as soon as she screamed my name. My hands dug into her hips when I felt myself explode deep inside her. It drove me crazy to see her looking into my eyes as she got off. I screamed her name. It was like we had one long, amazing, shared orgasm. I’d never felt such a deep connection with her.

  Less than a minute later we lay next to each other on the bed catching our breath. I pulled her head close to mine on the pillow to kiss her cheek. I listened as her shallow breathing slowly returned to normal.

  “Damn, woman. That was really intense for someone who didn’t think she wanted to do it,” I said.

  Susie shook her head, then turned her body toward me to look in my eyes. “Yeah,” she breathed.

  I laughed. “I think I expected you to say something a little more profound.”

  She smiled. “Sorry.” Then I pulled her against me to feel her soft lips against mine again.

  The rest of the night included a lot more kissing and a shower before we went to bed. Her last words to me before she fell asleep in my arms were “I’m on birth control.”

  The next morning her alarm went off at 7:30. We took a quick shower after making love again. I swore to her that after she got back I was going to deny my urges and limit myself to having sex with her twice a week. She responded with eye rolling and much laughter. She told me I was crazy when I told her I wanted to start taking her out on real dates.

  Susie practically kicked me out of her house at 8:15 after I helped carry her luggage downstairs. She made no effort to tell me where she was going and I didn’t ask. She had no idea I’d seen her airline tickets. I almost told her I loved her as I walked out the door.

  After I left, I parked my car behind a church a few blocks away from her house. Then I ran back to her street as fast as I could. I remembered seeing a ‘For Rent’ sign at a house not far from hers. My heart raced as I casually strolled up to the front porch of the vacant house. Two women jogged by, walking a dog, and didn’t seem to notice me. I glanced around to make sure nobody was watching as I bent down to scoop up leaves from the corner of the porch.

  As I tossed my last handful of slimy leaves into the yard, I saw a large black Audi pull up in front of Susie’s house, facing my direction. The driver got out and walked up the concrete path to her porch. He was dressed like a limo driver, wearing a black hat and a jacket. Just as I was prepared to kneel down behind the porch railing, an older gentleman walked by and yelled “Howdy there!” when he saw me. He smiled and waved. I smiled and waved politely in return.

  Shit, I’m gonna have a heart attack.

  As soon as I saw the older gentleman’s back turned toward me, I knelt down onto the dirty porch. Through the narrow slats I saw the driver walk quickly back to the car carrying two suitcases. He put them in the trunk. Susie followed behind him, wearing a long brown jacket I hadn’t seen her wear before. She only carried the overnight bag I’d found on the counter the previous night. The driver said something that made them both laugh as he opened the back door to let her in.

  I crouched even lower as the car drove past me. Fuck! I hope she didn’t see me.

  Right then, my cell phone vibrated in my pocket. I almost screamed when I saw it was a text message from Susie. My stomach felt sick as I hit the button to look at the message. It said, “Thanks for a wonderful night. I’ll miss you.”

  I exhaled with great relief.

  I loved how Susie always used complete words and sentences in her text messages. I responded immediately. “I’ll miss you too baby. Be good. Can’t wait to see you next week.” What I really wanted to say was “I love you, don’t fuck anyone else” but I knew it wouldn’t go over so well. I figured ‘Be good’ was probably even pushing it.

  As I walked down the street to where I’d hidden my car I realized it had done me no good to spy on her. All I knew was that she’d used some kind of car service and wore a jacket I didn’t recognize. I’m an idiot.

  Later that afternoon I sat in the student union, the Cellar, talking to Michael, Corbie, and Joan. It was obvious by the number of empty tables that most students must have headed out of town for mid-term break as soon as their last classes were over.

  Secretly, I wondered if the reason I felt so comfortable with those guys in such a short period of time was because Susie was always around. She always went out of her way to make me feel included, whether she realized it or not. But after a few minutes it became obvious I was welcomed with or without her. We talked for a few minutes about hanging out over the break until the conversation took a turn.

  “So, your other half just took off and left you for a week.” Michael shook his head in mock sympathy. “Poor Tah-ler.”

  The three of them exploded in laughter at Michael’s impression of Susie.

  “Ha ha,” I said.

  “Come on, man. We don’t mean nothin’ bad.” Michael slapped my arm.

  Joan’s eyes lit up. “It’s very sweet how she acts with you.”

  Michael cleared his throat. “Couldn’t help noticin’ you two disappeared upstairs for a long time last night. Was she givin’ you a bath herself or somethin’?” He and Corbie laughed.

  I felt myself blush. “We weren’t up there that long.”

  “Huh?” Joan said.

  I figured I should explain. “I worked on a car all day and went to Susie’s house to take a shower.”

  “Yeah. With Susie. For three hours,” Corbie said.

  He and Michael laughed again. I cleared my throat. “Seriously, we weren’t gone that long,” I said.

  “It was a while. Jacinda could tell you,” Michael said. He turned to Joan. “She had to go upstairs and break ‘em up.” Michael turned to me. “Sorry about that, man. Jacinda was pretty drunk and we told her not to go up there. She didn’t believe us when we told her you guys were up there doin’ the thing.”

  I shook my head.

  “Come on, man,” Michael said. “It’s obvious.”

  Corbie nodded. “So, did she tell you where she was going this week?”

  “No,” I s

  “Really? She didn’t even tell you?” Corbie’s voice rose slightly.


  “Well.” Corbie lowered his voice. Joan leaned in toward him. “We found something last night. She’s staying at some fancy hotel in Vancouver tonight and tomorrow.”

  “What?” I asked. Fuck! I already knew she was going to Vancouver but the ‘fancy hotel’ part had me a little worried.

  “Yeah. We went through her purse. There was an email printed out,” Corbie said.

  I thought back to the strange conversation she had on her cell phone in my car on Sunday morning. She told the person on the other side of the phone to email her some information. “What purse? The big black bag on her kitchen counter?” I asked.

  “No, the little black one on the dining table,” Corbie said.

  “Okay, so that explains two nights,” Joan said. “What about the rest of the week?”

  “No idea.” Corbie shook his head.

  I had an idea, but I wasn’t about to tell them what I’d found. But at least I felt better knowing I wasn’t the only person nosy enough to snoop around Susie’s house.

  “What kind of hotel is it?” Joan asked.

  “It looks real nice online,” Michael said. “The bill for two nights was three grand.”

  “What?” Joan and I said it at the same time.

  Michael chuckled. “Yep. She don’t travel cheap. Not our girl.”

  “The room is, like, some kind of executive suite,” Corbie said. “The bill had all these add-on’s I’d never heard of before. A lot of it sounded like champagne.”

  “Jacinda’s convinced she’s with the mafia,” Michael said.

  “Yeah, we’ve had that theory for years,” Joan said, “but it doesn’t hold up.”

  “Well, her last name’s Italian. And she doesn’t look Italian,” Corbie said. “Mafia wife, maybe?”

  “No, I don’t think so.” Joan sighed. “Her aunt told me years ago Lombardi really is her last name. Lydia had a lot of pictures of the family. Susie’s the only one who doesn’t look Italian.”

  “Maybe she’s adopted?” Michael asked.

  “Did Lydia stay in contact with Susie’s brother and sister?” I asked.

  “As far as I know she still talks to them. She and Susie used to fight over it. One time Monica was over there and she had to leave because Susie started screaming at Lydia when she found out she’d been on the phone with her sister. Something about Lydia taking sides,” Joan said.

  “Oh!” Corbie turned to Joan. “Didn’t you say she heard her yell something about not going to their parents’ funeral? Like, that’s why her brother and sister are mad at her?”

  “I thought she was mad at them?” I asked.

  “It’s probably mutual.” Joan leaned across the table toward me. “Why? What did she tell you?”

  “Nothing. Why? Do you guys sit around and talk about her and try to piece her secrets together or something?” I then understood what Susie meant when she told me to keep things to myself. She was wrong when she said she was no longer their topic of discussion.

  “Not always,” Corbie said. “Just when we find out new information, like this Vancouver thing. I mean, can you blame us? Aren’t you curious about her?”

  I shrugged. “I guess so.” I tried to play it cool.

  “Yeah right!” Corbie’s mouth dropped open. “Be honest. She has all this money and no job.” He stopped to stare at me. “And I guess you could assume it’s an inheritance from her parents or something. But then, what’s the reason for all these trips and shit she won’t ever talk about? Nothing about the girl makes sense. I’ve known her for at least two years now and it’s only gotten crazier.”

  Michael slapped his hand on the table. “She’s fuckin’ with you! She probably would’ve told you where she was goin' a long time ago if you’d just leave her the fuck alone about it!”

  Joan shook her head. “I don’t know. She’s been really secretive as long as I’ve known her.”

  “Alright. So what do we know so far?” Corbie asked. He took a notebook out of his backpack.

  Michael groaned. “Here we go.” He stared at me and shook his head. “Every fuckin’ time.”

  Corbie ignored Michael. “Alright. So, she was how old when her parents died? Fifteen?” Corbie wrote on the paper in front of him. “That’s when she moved here from North Carolina to live with her aunt.”

  Joan nodded. Michael looked away like he was bored. His gaze settled on a couple of girls sitting several tables away in the sparsely populated food court.

  “So,” Corbie continued. “The brother and sister…”

  “Matt and Tabby,” Joan said.

  I thought back to the list I found in Susie’s bag. I didn’t remember seeing those names as contacts.

  “Yes. Matt and Tabby stayed in North Carolina but Susie moved all the way out here to Oregon. Why didn’t she go to the funeral? Did she maybe have something to do with the car accident? Are we sure it was even a car accident?” Corbie said.

  “They stopped talking to her way before the funeral,” I said.

  Joan, Corbie, and Michael all turned toward me.

  “Shit.” I knew I’d fucked up. She told me not to tell them anything. I tried to sit there and act indifferent but I was hanging on Corbie’s every word, trying to keep my mouth shut.

  “What? New information?” Corbie turned to Joan. “Did we know this?”

  Joan shook her head back and forth rapidly. “What else did she say?”

  “I wasn’t supposed to say anything to you guys. She knows you talk about her,” I said.

  “Yes! Of course we talk about her!” Corbie’s eyebrows shot up. “I mean, fuck! She’s got a million locked doors in her house and she won’t talk about her past and she has, like, an endless supply of money! And she goes on trips to expensive hotels in Vancouver and has these weird guys lurkin’ around! I mean, come on!”

  “Thanks, Corbie,” I said.

  “Huh?” Corbie cocked his head to the side, staring at me. “Oh! You’re not a weird guy. That’s not what I meant.”

  “It was only one weird guy,” Michael said. “It was a couple years ago. A bunch of us were hanging out at her house and this guy came to the door. He had tattoo’s all over him and shit. He started talking and saying he was sorry or something and she started screaming like he was killing her. She told him to get the fuck lost or she’d call the cops.”

  “Yeah.” Corbie’s eyes widened. “She wouldn’t tell us anything. And she didn’t act right for a few days.”

  “So, he left? Did you ever see him again?” I asked.

  “Never.” Michael said. “He took off when she screamed at him. I’m pretty sure she scared the shit out of him. Hell, she scared the shit out of all of us. That’s why we try to look out for her now. I don’t like her in that house all alone.”

  “What about that soccer player guy?” Corbie asked.

  “Oh yeah. He tried to break into her house. That’s when she finally got that alarm system,” Michael said. “It was about fuckin’ time. And I don’t think she even uses it anymore.”

  “She used it last night before bed,” I said.

  “Ohhhh!!” Michael covered his mouth with one hand and slammed his other hand down on the table. “So you admit it! You were there with her before bed!”

  The three of them laughed and made various teasing sounds while I sat there trying to look unaffected.

  “Dude, it’s obvious,” Corbie said. “Are you ashamed or something? I wouldn’t be. I’d be damn proud.”

  I sighed. “Oh, I’m proud. She’s the one who likes to keep secrets.”

  “Ha! How well we know!” Corbie said. “Don’t worry about it. I can tell she likes you.”

  Joan and Michael nodded.

  “I hope you’re right,” I said.

  “So.” Corbie cleared his throat. “You were saying? She hadn’t spoken to her family since before the funeral?”

p; “Shit!” I knew it was too late to un-say it. “She said her dad kicked her out of the house eight months before he and her mom died. She never saw him or her brother or sister again, but she saw her mom a couple of times.” I was mad at myself for caving in. I hoped like hell it wouldn’t get back to her.

  “Hmm.” Corbie wrote on his paper. “Eight months? Did she tell you why she didn’t go to the funeral? Wouldn’t it stand to reason that she still would’ve gone to her own parents’ funeral, especially if she still saw her mom? I mean, the obvious answer here is that she was pregnant, right?”


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