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Aeon Fugitive: Alien Menage Romance (Sensual Abduction Series Book 2)

Page 6

by Amelia Wilson

  “We should check the other houses,” Sarah said, and Gar agreed. They spent an hour going from house to house, confirming they were all empty. They returned outside near the tall building in the center of town.

  “This is the last one,” Gar said, and then turned and pushed the door open.

  It was dark, the few windows the tall building had, Sarah couldn’t stop thinking it looked like a church, were boarded up. The only light came from the open door, and the moonlight only illuminated the first ten yards or so inside the church.

  The smell hit them as soon as the doors had been opened; stench of decay. Sarah reached out and took Gar by the arm.

  “Shut the door,” she said, but it was too late, there came an awful screech from the darkness inside the church, and then something was rushing towards them.

  “No!” Gar yelled, and slammed the door shut, leaving Sarah to only manage a glimpse of the thing coming at them. It was black, running on two legs but with its arms tucked under its body, almost like a dinosaur from a Hollywood movie, but not quite reptilian. She could see teeth, gleaming and white in the moonlight.

  The door was closed just as the thing slammed against it, pushing against Gar’s strength, forcing the door open again. The alien knew he couldn’t match the beast’s force.

  “Come on!” he yelled, grabbing Sarah’s arm and pulling her after him. He headed towards one of the houses, needing to put some space between them and the beast before he even thought of taking the thing on with their rifles. They reached the home and pushed through the door, Gar turning and slamming it shut. Sarah took lead then, grabbing Gar’s arm and wrenching him away from the window he had begun walking towards.

  “There were more,” Sarah said, realizing it was true as soon as she said it. One thing had rushed them, but there had been more inside, she could sense them, hear them.

  “This planet is awful,” Gar whispered, and Sarah managed to suppress a laugh.

  “Yes, it is,” she agreed as they went into a back room, crouching down between the bed and the wall, pulling their rifles from their shoulders and readying them.

  There was a low growl at the door. Sarah could hear as the animal pushed the door open.

  “It’s inside,” Sarah said, her eyes on the doorway of the bedroom. Gar maneuvered himself in front of Sarah.

  “How many?” he asked her.

  “I don’t know,” she whispered.

  Then the thing was there, and Sarah could see it better due to the windows and the moonlight. It was black and it did resemble a dinosaur, seven feet tall with a long head and powerful legs, with smaller arms held close to its body, but instead of the scaly reptilian skin of a dinosaur it had fur, and its features were somehow feline.

  Gar fired. His gun roared in his hands and the dinosaur fell back with the force of the slug at such close range. It jumped to its feet then and roared, leaping forward, forcing Sarah and Gar to jump to the side, up and onto the bed.

  The window in the bedroom shattered, shards of glass flying into the room as another one of the black creatures burst through it, landing lithely on the floor and turning to face them. Sarah lifted her gun and fired, her shot finding its mark in the things shoulder, causing it to stagger, but not forcing it down.

  “Go,” Gar said, the doorway now clear, and he shoved Sarah forward as the first beast leapt at him.

  The creature landed on Gar’s back, sending him to the floor, his rifle sliding from his grasp and clattering against the wall. Sarah was at the doorway but she spun and aimed, firing her rifle once more. Her shot went wide, slapping into the wood of the wall as the creature bent its head and opened its wide jaws, biting Gar in the shoulder.

  The alien screamed and Sarah fired again. This time she didn’t miss, her shot taking the beast in the neck, a thin stream of white blood white blood spraying from the wound as the creature gagged and fell to the side.

  Gar scrambled up, running forward and grabbing his rifle, spinning, and firing as the other black beast moved towards him. He downed the creature in a spray of white and went to Sarah.

  “Your shoulder,” she said, reaching for him, but he gently took her hand.

  “Later,” he said. “We can deal with it later. You hear them?”

  Sarah did. The creatures were growling and shrieking all around the house.

  “Can we kill them all?”

  Gar turned his gun and checked the ammo. “Twenty or so more shots,” he said. Sarah handed her gun over so he could do the same.

  “You have thirty.”

  “We can do it,” she said.

  “We have to,” he agreed. “We need somewhere where they can only come from one direction.”

  “There,” the Earth woman said, pointing towards an open door in the bedroom. It was clearly a closet, and Sarah took a moment to wonder at how similar things could be to Earth, even millions of lightyears away.

  The couple hurried to the closet and slipped inside, turning and kneeling side by side, readying their rifles. Then, they waited.

  The first beast came in slowly, cautiously, crouching low to the ground and sniffing. It took a moment to nose around the body of one of the dead beasts, and then it moved to the other, which took it in view of the lover’s in their closet.

  “Boom!” Gar fired, his aim true, and he dropped the animal with one shot.

  More came in then, throwing caution to the wind, three of the creatures, rushing into the room together, not quite sure where Gar and Sarah were, and that worked out perfectly for the duo. They had a moment to take the bewildered animals by surprise, killing them all in seven shots.

  All around the house the beasts began to roar.

  “Oh no,” Gar said, and he knew an onslaught was coming.

  Three more creatures hopped through the broken window, one after the other, and four more rushed inside. They ran for the closet, bunching up at the skinny doorway, their jaws snapping at Sarah and her lover.

  Gar and Sarah could do nothing but fire, round after round, weathering the onslaught as best they could. Gar went empty before Sarah, his gun firing dry, the clicks of the trigger almost deafening somehow, even with all of the snarling and roaring.

  “No,” he said, turning the gun around in his hands and stepping forward, being careful to stay low and out of Sarah’s firing line. He used the butt of his gun to shove the black creatures back when they got too close, taking the doorway one at a time, stepping over the dead or dying bodies of their fellow beasts.

  “I’m out!” Sarah called, and Gar looked back. That was a problem. There were three creatures in the room still alive, crouched and ready to pounce.

  “Watch out!” Gar called as the first one leapt. It slid easily through the doorway, it’s back feet up to press against Gar’s chest, its long claws on each toe slicing painfully into his flesh.

  “Gar!” Sarah called as she watched her lover forced back, where he fell against the wall. The thin plaster cracking and then breaking, and suddenly there was a way to escape. The back of the closet was gone, lying in a dusty heap on the ground, the new exit letting out into the large living room area, right by the front door.

  “Go!” Gar said, turning his body and shoving the surprised black creature off him. He scrambled up, hot on Sarah’s heels, and they ran out the open door, each clutching their empty rifles.

  It appeared as though the three beasts were the last, for there weren’t any creatures outside.

  “Here!” Gar said, pulling Sarah towards one of the other structures. A plan forming quickly in his mind. They ran inside and Gar led the way to the kitchen. Sharp knives with blades of dark metal that looked almost black, with handles of white bone hung on hooks on the wall. Gar took the two largest and handed one to Sarah. They turned then, making their stand.

  The first of the creatures came loping into view. It saw them and paused, lowering its long head and snarling, hot drool dripping from its mouth like water from an upturned jug.

  It jumped forward
. Gar planted his feet and turned his body so his hand holding the knife was nearest the animal. He thrust upwards as it came down. He felt the heaviness of the creature against his body, felt a hot sensation on his hand, and then his arm. The creature roared and fell to the side. Gar looked down, saw the creatures white blood all over him and the knife.

  The black beast lay on the ground dying, its legs kicking feebly.

  The other two came at once, charging into the kitchen, one going for Gar, the other turning and heading for Sarah.

  The alien had to concentrate. He wanted to help Sarah but he couldn’t, and he had to trust that she was strong enough and determined enough, to take one of the beasts down with just a knife.

  He thrust forward with his knife, the blade audibly whistling through the air as he missed his target as the creature ducked down and juked to the left. Its head turned in a flash, its jaws wide, and it bit Gar, catching his forearm in its mouth, the razor like teeth slashing painfully against his skin.

  He dropped his knife since that was the hand he had been holding it with, and it clattered to the hard wooden floor.

  “Damn,” Gar said, and the creature jerked him off of his feet, sending him to the floor. It released his arm and went for his face, but Gar rolled. The thing jumped, landed on his back, and bent down to bite his head. Gar closed his eyes, knowing the end was near.

  But it never came. Instead, there was a stomach-churning squeal and the weight on his back lessened as the creature toppled off him. Gar opened his eyes and rolled over, looking up to Sarah, who held her knife in her hand. It was covered in the white blood of the two creatures she had just killed.

  “I got your back,” she said, and then bent and helped her lover up. He took her in his arms, and they kissed.

  Unsure of their next move, Gar led the way to the tall church in the center of town. The door was hanging open, and they stepped inside. It was hard to see anything, but the sky outside was lightening, the sun about to rise, and they could see further and further into the church with each passing moment.

  It had become a nest for the creatures, and Gar and Sarah could see evidence of many dead Aeon’s, skeletons, as well as severed arms.

  “A horrible way to go,” Gar said quietly.

  “They deserve it,” Sarah said, her eyes narrow, and her lover found himself wondering just how much her recent captivity on the alien planet had changed her. He took her by the hand and pulled her away.

  “We need a ship,” he said, when they were standing by the hover bikes. She nodded without a word as she threw her leg over the saddle. They started the bikes and picked a direction at random, driving forward.

  As the sun came up they saw the white worms in the distance, well, different ones, slithering out of mounds just like the one they had stayed on two days previous. It felt like a lifetime ago to Sarah, and she had to convince herself that she had only been on the alien planet for a week, and not years.

  Around midday they neared a city, Gar having seen it from the binoculars when they had stopped to scout around. It was smaller than the capital city, but still a city; the buildings tall and imposing. Just outside the city was a spaceport, with a number of ships landed on it, and more coming in as others took off.

  “We can find something here,” Gar said. They left their bikes a mile from the port and approached on foot, keeping low to the ground. As busy as the spaceport was it wasn’t hard for them to approach, for most of the activity was at the northern end of the port; were the big ships landed and took off. At the southern end looked to be where personal craft were stored, and landed and launched. A line of small one and two-person crafts sat in hangers.

  Gar led them to an empty hanger and entered the ship after a moment to disable the security system by wrenching the face of the control panel off and crossing some wires. The door slid open and the couple hurried inside.

  “I can’t believe we’re leaving here,” Sarah said, and Gar smiled as he sat behind the controls. He started the ship, letting it hover out of the hangar before he turned skyward and gunned the engine. The ship shot up towards the sky and then through the atmosphere. Soon, they were surrounded by the black of space. Sarah realized she was crying tears of joy.

  Chapter Twelve

  Gar put the ship on AI mode and pulled the metal halo from his head.

  “Hopefully those assholes won't ever be close enough for me to need this again,” he said as he tossed it to the floor.

  “I’m tired and filthy,” Sarah said, looking down at her hands.

  “I can help with one of those things,” Gar said with a grin. He stood and reached for Sarah, taking her hand and pulling her out of her seat. He led her to the back of the ship, into the cramped living space, and to a door on the wall. He pressed a button and the door slid open. Inside was a small circular room that Sarah mistook for a closet, but then she saw the spout near the ceiling and realized it was a shower. Gar turned to her and slid his hands on her hips, pulling her close for a kiss before he set about stripping her nude.

  His alien fingers curled under the hem of her shirt, tugging it up exposing her ivory skin slowly, sensually. She lifted her arms when the shirt passed over her head, then it was off and she was topless. Gar eyed her breasts hungrily but did not reach for them, yet. Instead, he let his hands run down her bare side, sending waves of pleasure through her body, making goosebumps erupt in the flesh of her arms.

  Gar reached for her pants and tugged them down, taking the thin cotton-like panties, she had been given by the Aeon’s, as well. Soon she was naked, and it was her turn to undress him. She did so slowly, teasingly, lifting his shirt over his injured but muscular body, pulling his pants down past his massive erection.

  When they were both nude they came together and kissed passionately, their arms wrapped tightly around one another, his rigid manhood pressing against the bottom of her stomach. He reached away from her for a moment, pressing a button on the wall and hot water sprayed down in the shower. The lovers stepped inside. Steam rose when the water splashed their bodies, as they continued to explore one another, slowly and gingerly, both of them aching, Gar bleeding in more than one place.

  Sarah dropped to her knees, splashing in the hot pool of water at their feet as she took the Alien in her mouth, sucking softly on the tip of his shaft, reaching up to grip his manhood at the base, stimulating him with small, slow strokes as she swirled her tongue around his tip. Gar groaned deeply as Sarah teased him.

  She was wet everywhere, her body from the shower, her womanhood from their passion. She stood, and Gar wrapped his hands under her buttocks and lifted her. She spread her legs, placing her knees on either side of his hips, and he lowered her slowly upon him.

  His cock was as hard and throbbing as ever, and it filled her completely. She wrapped her arms around the alien's neck and set the pace, lifting herself up and then lowering herself slowly, Gar simply holding her up.

  She rocked back and forth on his thick shaft. He bent his head, taking each nipple in turn into his mouth, his tongue swirling in a circle over it, flicking the hard nub back and forth.

  Sarah moaned and convulsed, and shuddered into orgasm around Gar.

  When she was done she leaned forward, pressing her lips to Gar’s before he pulled her up and off his body. He set her down in the shower and gently turned her away from him.

  She felt the hot water hitting her back, and she placed a hand on the rounded wall before her as Gar positioned his cock against her slit and pushed into her from behind. He grunted against her ear as he thrust deeply into her body.

  As gentle and slow as their lovemaking had been when Sarah was controlling the tempo, their sex was fast when Gar was in charge. He thrust in and out of her, pushing her forward each time their skin met and slapped together wetly. Her breasts were swinging back and forth. He bent over her, reaching around, gripping one of her breasts roughly, his fingers digging into her sensitive flesh painfully.

  But she did not stop him. She
was his, in that moment, and she wanted him to have her. He was hers, too, she knew, and would let her have him whenever she wanted. She liked being dominated by the alien, liked being used for his pleasure, the same way she had just ridden him and used him.

  She liked it so much she came again, the first time she’d ever had multiple orgasms. Her walls clenching around him as the orgasm took her was enough for Gar. He threw his head back and groaned as he came, his shaft pulsing inside her with each spurt until he was spent.

  After the shower, they lay on the small got together and slept for a long time. Gar had let Sarah bandage his wounds, and they’d had drifted off. When they awoke they had made love once more, tenderly the whole time, with Sarah atop Gar, rocking her hips back and forth. When they were done they lay together again until he was ready for a third time, and they finished each other off with their mouths, Gar lapping up her juices when she came, and Sarah letting him explode down her throat.

  “We need to get home,” Gar said after that. “My home.”

  “Can you?”

  “I think so, but it will be hard on this ship, they don’t use screens for navigation, it’s all in their heads. It’s going to be a long trip, and I won’t know if I’m going the right way or not.”

  Sarah didn’t know what to say. She thought their problems were over, but maybe they were just beginning.

  “I’ll keep you safe,” he said to her then, and kissed her. “I promise you that.”

  And somehow, right at that moment, that was enough for the girl from Earth, so many millions of lightyears away from her home.



  About The First Book: Aeon Captive

  When Sarah is abducted by aliens, she never imagines she’ll meet the love of her life in outer space.

  Sarah is a young woman adrift: she’s recently left school, she lives back home with her geologist father, and she’s avoiding her recently deceased best friend’s mother without really knowing why. When a crystal her father gave her begins to glow and make sounds, Sarah’s world is turned upside down. The crystal is a beacon, and aliens are here to take her away from her home. Far away.


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