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Legacy of Death: Revenge (Legacy of Dreams Book 2)

Page 34

by Thomas J. L. Green

  “I like that you always see the trap as I lay it out,” Zoey smiled viciously, “it makes it all that much more fun when you walk into it anyway.”

  “Remind me, why do I hang out with you, again?” Lucas sighed.

  “You tell me. Getting some emotional response out of you is harder than drawing blood from a stone,” Zoey replied.

  “I told you I’m not a good person to get attached to,” Lucas breathed.

  “Yea, you are. There is this girl I’ve met, Elizabeth Collward. From what I understand, she is the daughter of Edward Collward, the demon prince you had killed. She is about fifteen, so I was wondering how come she handles the departure of her father so well. It turned out that, shortly after he had died, her father visited her through the Dream World to bid her farewell. I don’t think he did that. What I think is that you killed him, shattered his soul, then made yourself look like him and went to give his daughter closure so she can learn to live with it. You keep acting heartless, but you are a good man,” Zoey retorted.

  “Anyway, I believe I’m delivering on the hot bath and I am not being pursued, so I’m looking forward to getting the promised reward,” Lucas smiled poisonously.

  “Now we go to the hot springs, you shall receive it tomorrow morning,” Zoey smiled back.

  I don’t like this smile.

  “Alright, time for lunch,” Zoey smiled innocently and let go of Lucas’ manhood.

  “I believe you forgot something,” Lucas remarked.

  “The finish? No, I didn’t forget. I said I would play with you a little; three hours are more than a little… but your balls aren’t nearly blue enough for anything more,” she countered with a sweet smile.

  “I admit the next level is not what I expected,” Lucas smirked painfully.

  “What did you expect? That I will just let you fuck me the way you want? You aren’t even close to that plus you are way more fun like this... but perhaps you will get lucky when we continue later. Now let’s move, I’m starving,” she rose from the bed and went to dress up. Lucas released a frustrated sigh and got up as well.

  “That’s way less resistance than I expected from you,” Zoey observed, “you fuck in the Dream World, don’t you?”

  “Where does that come from?” Lucas played cluelessly.

  “Just a feeling… feeling which you just turned into a certainty. I’ve been asking myself what would I do if I were half as powerful of a dreamwalker as you are and that’s something I would totally do. I mean, you can pick whatever random girl you meet during the day and have some sweet fun with her while changing it into a nice dream of her doing something with her crush or whatever… I would totally be doing that if I could,” Zoey revealed.

  “That doesn’t mean I do it.”

  “No, but you are similar to me in a lot of ways. I don’t think you have some stable partner for it. In fact, I would guess you never do the same girl twice in there. So… am I right?” she asked with a serious face.


  “Don’t worry, I’ve been suspecting you ever since the start and I don’t particularly care about it, but it also makes me not feel bad about anything I do to you in the real world. Let’s go,” Zoey stated and headed to the door. The inn was half empty as usual. The only interesting looking people were a group of five obvious adventurers, who were sitting at the large table straight next to the bar. Four men and a woman.

  “Fuck me senseless,” Lucas breathed as they entered the room.

  “Oh, come the fuck on! Can’t it be someone else?” a blue-skinned, red-eyed woman exclaimed as she saw them.

  “Hello, Iowen,” Lucas sighed.

  “Go to hell. Is that your new fuck toy? Your standards have dropped quite a bit,” she shot back sharply as she noticed Zoey.

  “I suppose you two know each other,” Zoey observed.

  “I’m his ex, Iowen Drach’Tea, not pleased to make your acquaintance. These are the Albertti brothers, left to right Battista, Alfons, Erik and Robert,” she introduced her group.

  “Zoey,” she introduced herself.

  “What do you want, Iowen?” Lucas shot back coldly, “and don’t bother pretending you aren’t here because of me.”

  “To cut you to pieces and feed them to pigs… but right now, we need to talk,” she retorted.

  Lucas shrugged and walked to their table to sit down. Zoey followed him.

  “So?” Lucas asked as he measured Iowen with an inquisitive stare.

  “Queen Khalia would like to ask you to stop doing whatever you have been doing lately, piss off from her future lands and not come back in the next few decades,” Iowen stated in a clearly annoyed voice.


  Zoey and the Albertti brothers burst out into laughter.

  “Care to add some detail? I can’t really go back to her and tell her this, can I?” Iowen inquired, clearly exasperated.


  “No to the first or to the second question?” Iowen pressed.


  “Can you answer me in more than one word?”


  “Pay up,” Iowen turned to her companions. They sighed and each handed her a small pouch. “I’m gonna go grab a drink, have fun,” she remarked and left for the bar.

  “How were the Urushnii wars?” Lucas asked the Albertti brothers.

  “Unexciting, to say the least. Chieftain Alog took over forty cities in about a year and a half, including Redwall. He is now busy figuring out how to manage them. I am sorry to ask you this, but would you happen to know what happened to the Redwall treasury? It was a touch emptier than everyone expected,” Battista took the word.

  “I actually don’t. How’d you guys end up working for Khalia?” Lucas pried.

  “Long story. Its essence lies in the fact that she has money and we do not,” Battista smiled.

  “And the fact that Iowen loved the idea of working for someone who isn’t you or one of your friends… can’t imagine why,” Alfons added.

  “I know, right? Anyway, what does Khalia really want from me?” Lucas went to the point.

  “She is holding a masked ball in a little over a week. We hereby present you the invitation,” Battista took a sealed envelope from his pocket and put it on the table, “she guarantees the absolute safety for you and whatever companions you bring within the region of her city, starting from this moment till seven days after the ball ends.”

  “Under what conditions?” Lucas asked calmly.

  “That you come in a formal suit and a mask for the ball, both without any Palai insignia, shall respect zero violence policy for the entire time toward any and all other participants. The queen had her people write up an ethic codex you are to abide to. It describes all you are not allowed to do, in detail,” Battista laid out. He then pulled a massive book out of his backpack and slammed it on the table.

  “Have you read it?” Lucas pried.

  “Briefly,” Alfons admitted.

  “What are the most interesting loopholes?”

  “What makes you think we could find any?”

  “A lawyer raised you four, I believe finding loopholes in legal documents is a fun free time activity for you guys,” Lucas remarked.

  “What do we get?” Robert shot up straight.

  “Ten gold per loophole, extra forty per interesting loophole, hundred extra for each I shall use,” Lucas offered.

  “Do we look that poor?” Erik shot back.

  “That bored. Deadline’s tomorrow’s lunch, let’s get to work,” Lucas concluded, “barmaid, bring us a round of beers and whiskeys! Drinks are on me.”

  They opened the codex and started reading out loud, while they immediately analyzed the contents.

  “I guess vacation’s over,” Zoey observed.

  “Sorry, this is a too good of an opportunity to pass up on it. I will make up for it sometime later,” Lucas admitted.

  “It’s alright… I shall see what they have at the bar.”

/>   37


  “Came to get some tips?” Iowen jabbed at Zoey as she sat on the stool next to her.

  Yes, but you aren’t going to give me anything useful, are you? Not intentionally, at the very least.

  “A drink, actually,” Zoey sighed.

  “Hmm? Lucas told you to piss off?” Iowen mocked.

  “Worse, they took out some long legal document and started analyzing it. I tried to listen for a minute and I literally heard my brain scream for help as it was dying of boredom… fucking asshole, this was supposed to be a vacation, so much for that,” Zoey replied.

  “Lucas sure knows how to be entertaining… to hell with that evil bastard,” Iowen remarked.

  “Work always comes only at the first place. It would just be nice if he didn’t shove it in my face every time it comes up,” Zoey breathed.

  “He will still find a way to backstab you with it as well, don’t worry. He’s good at that,” Iowen agreed.

  She is surprisingly friendly. The hatred for Lucas is radiating from her… but there is something more to it. Asking her about him is pointless. She already has an extremely good reason to lie and, at the same time, whatever the other thing is, it will likely further motivate her to lie. On the up side, this is a good opportunity to get drunk and have some fun.

  Zoey downed the shot and ordered two more.

  “Trying to get me drunk?”

  “Not you, myself.”

  “Aren’t you afraid that the asshole will try to abuse it?” Iowen inquired poisonously.

  “Not really… they are just ordering a second round of shots while still being at page one. I guess that he will get so drunk he will end up sleeping under the table. Provided your friends don’t drop unconscious too long before that happens,” Zoey evaluated.

  “Alfons can down two bottles of vodka, rope-walk over a chasm, down a third one and rope-walk back. The other three aren’t too far behind,” Iowen revealed.

  “Can they handle drugs? Because Lucas will spike their drinks for the pure fun of it,” Zoey smirked.

  “Robert is just making a blunt… I think they will knock each-other out just fine,” Iowen smiled.

  “I guess we’ve got the day for ourselves then, cheers,” Zoey chuckled and downed another shot.


  The day went exactly as expected.

  By the Goddess… what’s with this headache? Where am I?

  “Morning,” Iowen wheezed sweetly.

  “Ugggghhh… AH! FUCK!” Zoey cursed as she looked into the window. The light of sun felt like a thousand of burning spears that pierced through her eyes.

  What the hell happened last night? I have a hazy recollection of playing Iowen’s drinking game, throwing someone through the window, kneeing multiple men in the balls, hitting someone with a table and doing some bullshit outside.

  “Do you remember what happened?” Zoey breathed Iowen’s direction. She was lying on a table with the bottom half of her body, while the upper half was hanging down from it.

  “Mostly… just… I think someone turned the door upside down,” Iowen breathed.

  Zoey pushed her off the table.

  “Thanks… that’s better”, Iowen smiled as she scrambled up to her feet. They were the only two people standing in the inn.

  “I have a hazy memory of what happened yesterday… and I wish it’s wrong,” Zoey tossed up, “do you remember what did I do?”

  “Which part? The one where you smashed me with a table, the one where you threw Bat out through the window, or the one where you almost turned Lucas into a woman?” Iowen asked softly.

  By the Goddess… I really should be more careful with drinking games.

  “All of them… please give it to me one by one, slowly and gently,” Zoey asked.

  “Alright… first, we played Into the Woods. You made it both in and out, quite a feat, I admit… it made you a little tipsy,” Iowen started.

  Little tipsy… more like totally wasted.

  “How’s that played?”

  “You take one beer. Whenever you drink, you fill in whatever you drank by peppermint schnapps. You are in the woods when your glass is completely green. The way back works the same way, except you put in beer to replace the peppermint you drink. When the glass is fully made of beer, you are out of the woods,” Iowen explained.

  “Okay… that doesn’t sound so bad, why is Erik unconscious by the wall?"

  “He made a bet with you that you that you can’t take him down with one hit. You kneed his balls so hard he collapsed to the ground and started vomiting,” Iowen replied.

  “I am sorry I asked,” Zoey admitted.

  “Don’t be. Bit of his vomit got on your shoes. You kicked him in the ribs so hard he flew to the wall and fell unconscious,” Iowen added.

  “Well… rarely, I get a bit violent when I drink, especially when I drink something really sharp,” Zoey made an awkward face.

  “A bit violent is a nice way to put it. You were pissed, your shoes were dirty, so you swept Bat’s feet, cleaned your shoes with his shirt, grabbed him by the hair and threw him out of the window, remarking that he stinks of vomit, which is not acceptable in your presence,” Iowen stated, “but then came the fun part. You started taunting Lucas to let you hit him as well. He kept refusing but eventually, you got a hold of him and planted your knee into his crotch. He didn’t collapse, that pissed you off so you kicked him two more times before he did.”

  “There is no way I would get this drunk from peppermint schnapps,” Zoey exclaimed.

  “You had the same idea yesterday. Then you noticed Alf is using absinthe instead of the peppermint. That’s when you grabbed a table and swung it at him… but since he’s so small, you missed him and hit me instead. You got him with the second swing though,” Iowen revealed.

  “I am sorry.”

  “Don’t be; I was fine. We spent the rest of the night drinking together, while Lucas went to get stoned with Robert,” Iowen concluded.

  “Talking about the asshole… where is he?”

  “Beats me. He left you a note, I haven’t read it,” Iowen replied and handed Zoey a crumpled note. It read: ‘I’m off to Sirissi Skalla, I’ll be back in two to three weeks, await me with Raven, Luna and the company at Purple Tree Hill. Do NOT follow me, L.’

  Zoey crushed the note in her palm, “I will, fucking murder him!”

  They got the Albertti brothers back on their feet and packed up. Lucas had already paid the barkeep for their stay and the damages, so they got on horses and went to fetch Raven and Luna.

  “OI! Get your asses up, we are moving out!” Zoey barked as she bumped into Raven and Luna.

  “What happened?” Luna turned to her.

  “Lucas happened. We are going to Sirissi Skalla; the company goes to wait for us at Purple Tree Hill, we will be back in two to three weeks,” Zoey revealed.

  “Alright… but isn’t that really far away?” Raven asked.

  “The rest is ready with horses; we will be there in no time,” Zoey stated.

  Luna and Raven looked at each other, then went on to follow her.

  They walked up to the path and saw Iowen and the Albertti brothers ready on horses.

  “Well... look who’s there… hello Icecream,” Luna smirked provocatively as she came up.

  “Hey Luna, Raven… I suppose I should be more surprised than I am,” she observed, “you sure have grown up.”

  ‘Are we seriously going to cheat on Miranda with the FIRST available woman we run into?’

  Iowen’s an old friend; it doesn’t count.

  ‘It does fucking count.’

  Come on, Wolfie, where’s your spirit of adventure?

  ‘Where’s your sense of loyalty?’

  Separated from me by the newly remade bindings.

  ‘I don’t know you.’

  Come the fuck on, you old fur bag! I’ve had enough of chasing my coochie myself and I’m not giving up on this golden chance to
have someone else do it. So, shut the fuck up and let me enjoy myself!

  “What’s with the horses?” Raven tossed up.

  Battista removed the cloth from the head of his horse. Its skull was visible, skull half covered by rotten meat, “undead horses. We got them from queen Khalia; they never get tired… which is how we shall get to Sirissi Skalla in a few days as opposed to a few weeks. Is it a problem?”


  “Zoey rides with Battista, Raven with Alfons and Luna with Iowen,” Erik tossed up.

  “This shall truly be an exciting journey,” Luna mused as she walked to Iowen’s horse. She flung up to sit in front of Iowen.

  “You’re supposed to sit behind me, facing forward,” Iowen smiled.

  Luna softly caught her head with her hands.

  “It’s good to see you,” she breathed and kissed her.

  Zoey stared in amazement as she watched the cold of Iowen’s mouth rip off Luna’s lips and shredded her tongue, only for Luna to instantly regenerate as if nothing happened.

  “I see you two know each other,” Zoey remarked.

  “We are friends,” Iowen smiled.

  “With benefits,” Luna added.

  “Now really, Luna, I can’t ride the horse when I can’t see what’s ahead of me,” Iowen breathed.

  Luna sighed and swung herself to sit behind Iowen.

  “Let’s move,” Iowen commanded and they headed out.

  “What are you doing, Luna?” Iowen whispered after a bit.

  “Looking for… this!” Luna finally found where the jacket and pants of Iowen’s armor were separated. She slid her hands in, “no panties… I like that.”

  “You are seriously horny, aren’t you?” Iowen observed.

  “You have no idea… I’ve spent past two years with the Palai navy, while you, Yen and Mira are off somewhere far away,” Luna revealed.

  “Yen is in Sirissi Skalla, so I guess you’re gonna see her soon. Would you get your finger out of my hole? We’re gonna ride for at least twelve hours.”


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