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Page 5

by Ashers, LeAnn

  He puts the wand up me. It’s really, really uncomfortable. He moves it around inside me with hard, jerky movements. I flinch as it hits my cervix.

  I hear him clicking buttons and then hear the sound of my baby’s heartbeat in the room. Tears come to my eyes at the sound. I’m going to be a mom; it just hit me.

  “You just made me the happiest man in the world.” Torch presses a kiss on my lips.

  “You’re six weeks along,” the doctor says, interrupting our moment, and then pulls the wand out and snaps off his gloves. Why is he taking them off? I don’t want him to touch me without gloves.

  “You better have gloves on,” I call him out and feel Torch sit up.

  “I-I-I was just about to put a new pair on,” the doctor stutters, and I know I just caught the man red-handed about to touch me without gloves. I can only imagine how many girls he has done this to.

  “Babe, get your clothes on.” Torch helps me up from the bed then down onto the ground before he places my clothes in my hand. The bathroom is attached to this room, so he turns me in the right direction. As I close the door, I hear a loud thump.


  The doctor is a freaking dead man. He is staring at me looking like he is about to piss his pants, as he should. He was ready to touch Kayla without gloves on, and we all know the reason why.

  I stalk toward him, while he backs away with his hands held up in surrender. I grab him by the throat and push him against the wall hard. I hear the bathroom door click and look down at the doctor.

  “You just messed with the wrong fucking woman. She is my ole lady, and you just got on the shit side of the Devil’s Soul MC.” I press my hand into his neck hard, making him gasp for air. “Do you know what that means?” I ask and smile down at him. He shakes his head no. “You just made your life a living hell. If you had touched her, you would already be dead.” His eyes widen and his fat jaw shakes from his head shaking back and forth.

  When I release him, he almost hits the floor. I raise my hand and hit him on the shoulder, hard. “Watch your back.”

  Hearing something splash on the floor, I look down and see the guy is pissing himself. I laugh at him. Pussy.

  Kayla comes out of the bathroom with her hand slightly in front of her. She looks up and looks me straight in the face even though she doesn’t know she is doing so. She is so fucking gorgeous.

  “You ready to go?” I start in her direction.

  “Oh, I forgot my phone in the bathroom.” She turns around and hesitantly walks back into the bathroom.

  I turn around and look at the doctor, catching him staring at Kayla. That fucking asshole is just trying to die. Growling, I walk over, grab him by the back of the head, and smash his head against the sink. He collapses to the floor. “I-I will call the police,” he cries out.

  I laugh in his face. “Yeah, fucker, go to the police. Guess whose friends with everyone on the force.”

  I smell the stench of shit. Well, I will be damned. The fucker shit his pants. It’s been a while since that’s happened.

  “I’m ready,” Kayla says, and I walk over and pick her up, not wanting her to step in the man’s piss. She wraps her legs around me and holds on tight. I see her twitch her nose. “Something smells horrible in here.”

  I laugh, and the doctor makes a choked noise. “I do believe the doctor shit his pants.”

  Her mouth pops open and shuts a couple times before she throws her head back laughing. I set her back onto the ground once we’re outside of the room. She continues laughing, holding her stomach.

  We walk back into the waiting room, and people stare at her. But my Kayla doesn’t care. She is laughing even harder now and barely able to walk. Rolling my eyes, I pick her up off the ground and carry her bridal style.

  “You all right?” I ask once I set her in the truck. She wipes her eyes and breathes in and out deeply.

  “You made the guy shit himself, didn’t you?” She grins from ear-to-ear, that dimple on her right cheek popping out.

  “Yeah.” I chuckle and buckle her up before I close her door and walk over to my side of the truck, hop in, and shut the door before I put the key in the ignition and fire up the air conditioner.

  “It makes me wonder, Torch. What do you look like?” She is still laughing slightly.

  “I have tattoos covering both of my arms’ full sleeves, my hair is longer on top, but shorter on the sides, I have a five o’clock shadow, am 6’3 and 240 pounds of muscle, and my eyes are dark brown.” I tell her the basics of what I look like and see her face darken with a sexy look, which means she is turned on. “What’s that look for?”

  “You have full sleeves?” she asks and puts her hair up in a bun thing on top of her head.


  Her head shoots in my direction. “Oh. My. God. I am dating a freaking bad boy and didn’t even know it!” She fans herself dramatically.

  “You’re such a little shit.” I laugh at her dramatics.

  “I’m your little shit, though.” Her voice turns husky, and she smiles a shit-eating grin.

  “That’s right, and you’re not going anywhere.”


  First off, I am dating a tattooed badass, which makes my girly bits ready to combust. All girls have a thing for bad boys. Torch is a part of an MC, rides a motorcycle, and apparently can make a man shit his pants.

  Any sane person would run from a man who can make a guy shit himself, but I’m not sane. And to be honest, him being a bad boy makes him a million times more attractive to me.

  “Baby, we’re going to the clubhouse. Your leather is on the seat beside you.”

  I reach over until my hand touches a leather vest. I pick it up and put it on. “What does it say?”

  “Property of Torch.” I can hear the smugness in his voice and can’t help but feel thrilled at him claiming me in such a caveman way. I love his caveman ways. What girl wouldn’t?

  He pulls to a stop and gets out of the truck, then slams his door shut and mine opens a second later. He grabs me by the waist and lifts me out of the truck, takes my hand, and I follow him. I realize in this moment how much I fully trust this man. I should be scared giving myself fully like this to him, but I’m not. He hasn’t given me one reason to second-guess him, so I’m not going to start now.


  I step up and hear a door open then loud talking, which once we enter, stops. It gets so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. I bite my lip nervously, because it feels like there are a million eyes on me.

  “This is my ole lady, Kayla, and she is knocked up!” Torch yells into the room, and my heart literally stops. Holy. Shit. I didn’t expect this.

  I hear feet stomping and men yelling. Women squealing. And then a woman wraps me into a hug, unless guys wear womans perfume.

  “I’m so happy for you guys! I’m Jean,” she says while still hugging me. I grin at this woman who is so bubbly.

  “Thank you!”

  She pulls away and kisses me on the cheek. Then she grabs my hand and pulls me away. I’m not sure she knows I’m blind. “I’m blind.” Blunt and straightforward is how I roll.

  “Oh, I know,” she says softly and leads me farther away from Torch. “You need to meet the other ole ladies. The hoovers are in the corner over there sulking at you.”

  “Hoovers?” I ask, confused.

  “Oh, the hang-arounds. They want to be ole ladies, but the men don't want them. They never get the idea, and you just took a guy off the market,” she explains, and I lift my hand in the direction of the skanks and flip them off. They'll think twice about sulking at me again.

  I hear Torch’s booming laugh from behind me and know I’m caught. Oops.

  “Oh. My. Goodness. I just fell in love with you!” Jean says through her own laughter, and then everyone in the room starts laughing with her and Torch.

  “Bitch!” I hear someone scream. That best not be directed at me.

  Jean cackles evilly, and then I hear the la
dy that yelled at me scream. “What’s going on?”

  “Oh, she’s getting thrown out. You don’t disrespect ole ladies in the club. They are held in the highest honor.”

  “Wow.” I knew being an ole lady was a special thing in the club, but I didn’t realize how special.

  “Here in front of you is Chrystal. She is with the president of the club. She also runs the women’s center.”

  I raise my hand in front of me, and she grabs it, shaking it. “Nice to meet the woman who brought Torch to his knees.” She chuckles, and then I feel her arms around my neck hugging me.

  “Ha-ha, that man drives me the best kind of crazy,” I tell her as she pulls back.

  Another set of arms wrap around me. “I’m Tiffany. I am also an ole lady.” I hug her back and smile.

  “Hi, I’m Darcy! I am a gynecologist. Torch told me I’m needed?” A voice says beside me.

  “Umm, yeah, I’m going to need to find a new one. Torch made the one I saw today shit himself.” I grimace at the memory of the smell.

  “Shit himself?” Jean asks incredulously.

  “Yeah, the doctor insisted on doing a Pap, and I heard him take off his gloves. I called him out on it, knowing he was going to touch me with his bare hands.” I shift my feet at the girls’ silence. I know what the guy could’ve done would have been horrible.

  “Oh my God!” Jean gasps and wraps me in another hug.

  “What doctor was it?” Bell asks in a strange voice.

  “Doctor Cornett.”

  She gasps loudly. “What’s the matter?” I ask her and move in the direction of her gasp.

  “I just saw him a week ago and felt weird when he was touching me down there. When he went toward the sink, I noticed he didn’t have gloves on, but I thought he already took them off.” She starts crying. I know how she feels. Violated.

  “Bell! What’s the matter?” A man yells. His feet are hitting the cement floor as he runs over.

  I feel a large hand touch my back and know instantly it’s Torch. “What’s the matter, baby?” the man soothes Bell. She tells him what happened to me, then what happened to her.

  Torch wraps his arm around me. It’s killing me. She is still crying, and my heart is breaking for her. Turning in Torch’s arms, I lay my head on his chest, feeling like crying myself.

  “Church!” A man yells, and I hear chairs scooting back and heavy footsteps walking out of the room.

  “I’ll be back.” Torch kisses the top of my head before he walks out of the room.

  “Shh, baby. I have you, and this fucker will pay.” Bell’s man soothes her, and I hear her sniff. “I have to go to church.”

  “Okay,” she whispers and then arms are wrapped around me again. Wet cheeks hit my neck. Bell. I hug her tightly, letting her cry as much as she needs to. I hate this so fucking much.


  Later that night, I lie in bed with Torch. He’s behind me, holding me close. He was in church or a meeting with the club for an hour. Bell settled down a little bit after that, but kept holding on to me. Her whole body was shaking until her husband came back and made her feel safe, telling her everything would be okay.

  Paisley is coming in for the weekend, so I get to meet Torch’s daughter. He already told her about me, but I am feeling incredibly nervous. Who wouldn’t be? I’m meeting my man’s kid for the first time ever. What if she doesn’t like me?

  Tomorrow night is Thursday. Jean and the rest of the ole ladies are having a girls’ night. Well, since half of us are knocked up, it’s going to be a movie and dinner. I feel damn old now, ‘cause my night out consists of food and a movie.

  Torch moves in his sleep and rests his hand on my stomach. All day his hand kept moving to touch it. I close my eyes. I need to get some sleep. Today has been beyond exhausting.


  “Oh my God, girl! Do you even know how hot your man is?” Jean gasps and clutches onto my arm like I’m her lifeline.

  “Well, I guess not,” I tell her feeling amused, and by her reaction I’m assuming he is smokin’.

  “Girl, if you saw how many girls drool over him, you’d be ready to kick ass twenty-four seven, though poor ole Torch has his work cut out for him, too. You walk into a room and men stop what they’re doing to stare at you.”

  “Thank you, I guess.” I laugh at her and take a drink of my water. Jean is growing on me with her peppy, super-happy attitude.

  “How far along are you?” Bell asks from my other side.

  “Six weeks.” I take a bite of my steak.

  “I’m three months,” she says happily. I’m glad she is doing better after what happened yesterday.

  “Hey, ladies. Would you guys like a drink?” a male voice asks from directly in front of us.

  “No, thank you. We’re fine,” Chrystal tells him.

  “Come on!” the dude says, and Jean’s shoulder hits mine hard.

  “What the fuck are you doing, dickwad?” she asks. I feel her body move again, hitting my shoulder.

  “Just scoot over,” the dude says.

  I’m not in the fucking mood to deal with this fucker. “Listen here, dipshit, you have ten fucking seconds to get out of my face, or my taser is about to fry some dick.” I reach down into my purse, pull my taser out, and wag it in his direction.

  “I’m sorry. I just wanted to hang out,” he whines like the fucking pussy he is.

  “Yeah, well, when a lady says no it means no. Now, get up and let me eat in peace. Never mess with a hungry pregnant lady.” I click the button so he can hear the crackling sound.

  Then I hear a huge racket and retreating footsteps. I sigh and stick my taser back into my purse. Grabbing my fork, I take another bite of my steak. I wasn’t lying. I am damn hungry.

  “If I were a lesbian, I would so bang the shit out of you,” Jean says in awe. The rest of the girls start cracking up. I grin at all of them then get back to cleaning my plate.

  “Well, here comes the fucking hoover the club kicked out yesterday,” Bell whines beside me, and I bang my head against the wall.

  “Well, well. It didn’t fucking take long for the ole ladies to welcome you into the club,” she sneers. An intense smell of French whore hits me. Gah, why must she wear dollar-store perfume? I think my nose hairs are burnt off.

  “You best not be talking to me, girl,” I warn her without turning my head from my food.

  “I am, bitch! I was kicked out of the club,” she wails in her fake baby voice that irks my nerves. I ignore her and continue to eat.

  “Remember who had him first!” she taunts cockily and cackles like the evil bitch she is.

  I look up at that and grin from ear-to-ear. Does she honestly think I am falling for that?

  “What are you smiling at?” she asks snootily.

  “You. You honestly think I am going to get mad over that? I know you didn’t fuck him, because no man in the fucking club would touch you or your cronies. You’re hang-arounds. I knew he wasn’t a virgin before he met me, but that doesn’t matter now, because I’m his ole lady and you will continue being a whore who spreads her legs for anything that has a dick. Have a little respect for yourself and maybe a man will show the same respect for you. Now, go fucking sit down before I whip out my taser and fry your face.”

  “I-I-I,” she stutters, then her heels clack on the ground as she walks away.

  “Ha! I got it on record this time!” Bell laughs and wraps an arm around me, hugging me.

  “What is it tonight? Fuck with Kayla night?” I sigh and sit back in my seat rubbing my belly.


  “Get her!” Jean yells again out loud in the theater. We are watching Tarzan. Well, they are watching while I am listening. The movie is coming to an end, and I’m not sure what the hell is happening now, because their voices don’t explain what’s going on.

  A few minutes later, it ends and Chrystal leads me out of the theater. “Here comes Torch.”

  I can’t stop the grin that cross
es my face. My man is here. His hand touches mine and I plow into his stomach, hugging him and moving from side to side. I lift my face toward him. “Missed you.”

  “Missed you, too, baby.” He kisses me on the lips.

  “Have you been a bad girl?” he teases.

  I suck my lips into my mouth. “Maybe.”

  A hand smacks me on the butt. “Naughty girl. I think I’ll punish you.” He chuckles as he leads me to his truck. No more motorcycle until I pop the baby out.

  I sit in the middle of the bench seat on the way home. I have really missed him, because we usually spend every evening together.

  He lifts my hand and kisses the back of it. My heart skips a beat. This man is too much to handle sometimes. He gets my emotions all out of whack. I’m falling fast for him.

  Once we enter the house, I am slammed up against the wall, Torch’s lips on mine. I sink my hands into his hair and pull at the ends. He rips my shirt over my head and pushes my leggings down. They are thrown across the room with my underwear.

  His hand fists my hair and pulls so my neck is exposed. He bites it, his teeth skimming my skin. Two fingers move between my folds and into my pussy. I moan and pull Torch tighter against me.

  I hear his belt then his pants hit the floor. He lifts me off the ground, my back hitting the wall, his cock at my entrance. All it would take is one small movement for him to be inside. “Ahh!” I scream at the sudden fullness.

  Torch doesn’t move for a few moments, letting me adjust. I lock my feet behind his back and hold on for the ride. We have fucked more times than I can count, but this is different. Torch has fully unleashed, and I’m loving it.

  My body feels like it’s on fire, and he’s fucking me harder. “Oh my god!” I put my hands on the wall behind my head trying to find something to keep myself tethered. The fire in my stomach becomes unbearable. My toes curl.

  Throwing my head back, I scream as I come, the spasms hitting me over and over again. I feel Torch fill me up and then come to a stop. I fall forward, my head on his shoulder, unable to move and not sure I’ll be able to again after this.


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