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Page 15

by Ashers, LeAnn

  They just left my property and aren’t far.


  We are driving down the road. I try to control the panic I feel as I hold my stomach and tuck myself into a ball.

  Torch will be here for me. I know he will, but I hope he doesn’t get hurt in the process.

  What kind of parents do what they are doing to me? What they have wanted to do my whole life. My mom pretends to be a good mother, but all she cares about is him.

  My father has caused me pain my whole entire life. Belittling me because of my disability, making me feel worthless.

  My life was hell until I moved in with my grandparents.

  They showed me what kindness was. To them I wasn’t worthless. But when they died, I was alone again, which led me to living within myself until Torch. Meeting him was one of the worst and best days of my life.

  That was the day he changed my life forever. The day I finally felt, lived, and loved.

  He became my rock, my world. He made me see that it was okay to be afraid and that I shouldn’t fear, because he would always be there to catch me.

  At that thought, I hear the faint sound of motorcycles and let out a sob of relief.


  I hear her sob with relief and know she is close. I look up the road and see a beaten down, old car. Bingo. I raise my hand up and point at the car. Butch and Trey shoot ahead of us, so they can get in front of the car, their cuts off, hoods over there face, so her dad won’t recognize them.

  Ryan and I follow behind at a distance.

  We wait until they pull over and then take action.

  The wait is agony.


  I know they are here, following, but my parents don’t know that. They are too dumb to figure it out. I sit and wait patiently.

  An hour after they kidnapped me, we pull off the road and onto a dirt gravel road. I grab the bottom of my shirt and twist it nervously. I feel light-headed from being so nervous for so long in addition to the fear.

  The car comes to a stop then both car doors open and slam shut. I let out a deep breath. I can hear them arguing, but it’s not loud enough for me to hear their words. In the car they never said a word. The quiet was unnerving.

  My door opens, and I back away from it to the other side of the car. A hand fists my hair and I’m dragged out of the car by it. I grab the hand that’s holding my hair to steady myself as I get out of the car to the best of my abilities.

  Once I am out, the door shuts. His hand is still in my hair. My heart is pounding out of my chest, while I hold my stomach with my free hand. The other still holds the hand in my hair.

  “Just let me go!” I plead, and much to my surprise, he does. He pushes me with the movement and my back hits the car.

  That’s when I hear a gunshot ring out. I put my hands over my ears and hear my mother screaming, a thump as something hits the ground.

  “Brant!” my mom sobs, and I know that one of the guys shot him. I sink down onto the ground in relief.

  “I will come with you,” I hear my mom whisper and then another gunshot rings out. This time closer in range. My mom just killed herself.

  “Kayla!” Torch yells.

  I close my eyes at his voice and start crying at the pure relief I feel as I stand up crying. That’s when I feel his arms around me. I wrap my arms around his back and grab the back of his cut, clutching it in my hands tightly, not wanting to ever let go.

  Torch’s body is shaking as much as mine, and I just hold him. He lets go of me with one hand and then I feel his hand on my stomach. Our baby kicks, making me jolt. I sniff and lay my hand on his chest.

  “My baby’s okay?” Torch asks and I nod.

  “I just want to go home,” I whisper, and he kisses the top of my head before holding me tighter in his arms.

  “She okay, man?” I hear Ryan ask.

  “She’s fine. Can you call someone to bring a vehicle to pick us up? Along with one of the brothers to bring my bike back?”

  “Yeah, man.”



  Later than evening

  I am sitting on the couch with my eyes closed as Myra examines me. I wasn’t hurt and am okay. Just shook up. I was kidnapped, and that fear is something I will never forget. The fear for my unborn child.

  “She is fine, Torch. The day is just taking a toll on her,” Myra tells Torch when I feel her stand up from the couch.

  “Thank you,” Torch tells her, then his arms reach under my legs and behind my back. He lifts me off the couch, and I wrap my arms around his neck, my face at the crook of his neck.

  I am carried up the stairs and into our bedroom, where he sets me gently onto the bed before I feel him step away from me. “

  “Make love to me, Torch. I just need you.”

  Torch doesn’t say anything but strips me out of my clothes before he spreads my legs and moves between them.

  His hands run over my stomach. “I have never been so scared in my life,” he admits. I close my eyes, holding back tears. “I can’t imagine life without you, Kayla.” He kisses my stomach. Tears escape and his thumb wipes them away.

  His hand drifts down to my leg and lifts it so it’s hooked on his hip, while his lips press into mine and I cup his face. When he enters me slowly, I sob against his lips because of the raw pain of thinking I’ve lost him, the thought of something happening to my baby, and me losing my parents. I miss what they could have been.

  “Shhh, baby, don’t cry,” he whispers against my lips, and I press harder against him, holding his face between my hands. I just need to feel him, all over.

  He is now moving, slowly thrusting into me.

  “Just feel, baby, feel the love I have for you. Just feel.”

  I nod and hang on to him.

  He makes love to me like it’s his last day on earth. Like there is only us in the world.

  He is my world.


  Kayla being so upset is killing me. Today was the worst day of my life. Her being scared, me afraid of losing her.

  She is lying beneath me right now, giving me all her trust.

  Even though I was close behind her, something could have still happened. I have never been that scared in my life. Your world put in danger, the possibility of it being taken away changes a man.

  Like the moment when Paisley was attacked at her school.

  I hold her face in my hand, and she turns her head to get closer to my touch. Her hands are moving up and down my back.

  She looks me directly in the eyes as if she can see me. I get lost in those eyes. Those eyes convey her emotions better than words can.

  Today could have been the last time I got to look at them.

  So I make love to her.

  If you had told me a year ago I would be married today, with a kid growing in my wife’s stomach and making love to the woman who is my world, I would have said you were fucking crazy. I may be a gruff and violent man, but that doesn’t mean I can’t love someone.

  Love is a powerful thing. The moment I had my baby girl, she changed my life forever.

  Kayla made my world come crashing down around me with just one look.

  She gave me everything I never knew I wanted.



  “They got one of those instant baby bottle formula makers,” Torch says, and I hear him lifting the box into the cart.

  I am literally about to pop. I am like one day away from being nine months pregnant. I swear if my child doesn’t come soon, I am going to die.

  We are getting some last-minute shopping in. The baby room is set up, and for the past week I have been memorizing where everything is.

  It’s going to be a challenge since I can’t see, but I got this.

  “Here’s that thing you wanted that goes around your waist.” I hear him throw it in the buggy.

  Torch is trying so hard, and it’s a good thing he raised Paisley alone, because he knows what to get

  I lean against the buggy, exhausted. I waddle everywhere I go. My feet are killing me. The heat is torturous. My tits hurt, my pussy hurts, and it feels like I need to shit, but I don’t have to shit.

  “I think that’s everything,” Torch says and wraps his arm around me.

  He pays for everything before we head outside into that heat again. I waddle along with Torch clutching my back and belly. “Torch, I am very tempted to let you carry me.”

  We stop walking and he puts the things in the truck. I stand there patiently and wipe the sweat off my brow as I lean against the side of the truck.

  That’s when I feel the pain. “OWWW!” I scream and hold my stomach. I guess that’s what you call a contraction. I brace myself against the truck, breathing through the pain.

  “Oh shit, Kayla. You okay?” I hear Torch yell and then feel his hand on my stomach, then running up and down my body, checking to see if I’m okay.

  “The baby is coming,” I tell him once the pain stops and stand back up.

  “Oh shit, shit, shit,” Torch mutters under his breath. I can’t help but laugh.

  “Let’s get you to the hospital.” I hear him walk away from me and start the truck. Then it’s driving off.

  Oh my god. He just left me sitting here. I burst out laughing. Then I hear the sound of squealing breaks and then him reversing back toward me.

  I hear his door open and then him running. “You forget something?” I burst out laughing again and then immediately start wincing as another contraction hits.

  He doesn’t say anything, but I am picked up. He sets me in the truck and buckles me up, then slams the door and gets in on his side. The truck speeds down the parking lot.

  “I can’t believe I fucking left you,” he says, breaking the silence, and I start laughing again. He joins along. I wipe my tears.

  “I am going to tease you about that for years,” I admit and laugh again.

  “Shit,” he says one single word, and I hear honking.

  “Did you just run a red light?” I ask and shift in the seat.

  “No,” he says without emotion, so I know he is lying.


  “Fuck, Kayla.”


  Torch chokes as I grip his balls in my hand. “You are getting clipped. I fucking swear, Torch.”

  As the pain eases, I let go and turn my head into my pillow. I have been dealing with this pain for hours. I’m exhausted.

  When Torch kisses my forehead, I grip the back of his head. “I’m sorry, baby. It’s killing me you’re hurting.”

  “I will be okay,” I whisper back.

  “Hold me,” I ask him and scoot over in the bed. He may not be allowed, but who cares. I feel him climb into bed with me and rest my head against his shoulder. He puts his hand on my stomach.

  I grit my teeth and grip his shirt between my hands. “Owww,” I grind out as the pain intensifies. Then I get the strong need to push.

  “Torch, I need to push. Get the nurse.” I bite the pillow and scream into it. It hurts so much. It’s like my bones are getting broken.

  He gets off the bed and I hear him running.

  I grab the rails of the bed and squeeze.

  The pain lasts for over a minute. But I still have the intense need to push.

  “Let’s see how dilated you are,” a nurse says cheerfully.

  Torch is back to holding my hand.

  “You are completely dilated.” She pulls my hospital gown back down. The next few minutes are a flurry of people. The doctor comes in and is now sitting down below between my legs.

  “AHHH!” I scream as I have another contraction. Torch presses his forehead against mine, and I grip his shoulder. “I need to push!” I scream. A nurse grabs my left leg and pushes it toward my stomach. Torch does the same with the other.

  “Push!” Chrystal’s sister says.

  I do as the doctor says, screaming as I push. I feel Torch shaking the longer I push.

  “I am okay,” I reassure him, and he kisses my forehead.

  For the next hour, I hear the word ‘push’ and someone counting over and over again.

  Then my baby is here.

  When he is set on my chest, I bring my hand down, my fingers grazing his little head, and I burst out crying. I touch my baby boy as he wails at the world.

  “Torch,” I sob and touch my baby’s little hand before he is taken away.

  “You did an amazing job, baby.” His voice is cracking as he speaks.

  “I love you,” I grunt through my pain and tears.

  “I love you, too, baby.” He kisses my lips.


  “All right, Momma, let’s try breastfeeding.” Torch hands me Trent, my baby boy. I rub my nose up his forehead, smelling him, then pull down my top and free my breast. Torch helps me situate Trent until he latches on.

  It’s an amazing feeling knowing I am providing for my baby.

  I hear the chair scooting in as Torch sits down beside me and kiss Trent on the top of his head while I situate the blankets around him better. Hospitals are always so freaking cold.

  I already love my baby so much. More than I thought possible. Life couldn’t get better than this. My man at my side, me holding my baby, and our daughter on her way here from college.



  Two days later

  It’s time for me to leave the hospital. I am beyond ready. We just signed the discharge papers, and I am now feeding Trent, snuggled up in a swaddle blanket, before I have to place him in the car seat.

  Torch is in the bathroom showering. He hasn’t left my side since we arrived at the hospital. Club members brought us food, and the girls took care of Mika for me. Paisley is already at home waiting for us to get there.

  I can’t wait to sleep in my own bed.

  “Well, look here,” a man’s voice says.

  “Who are you?” I ask and hold Trent tighter against me.

  A hand touches my face. I flinch away.

  “I used to be your doctor, remember?” he says and then tsks. He touches my face again. I flinch away scooting farther into the bed. I don’t hesitate.

  “Torch!” I yell right before something hard hits me in the mouth.

  “Shut the fuck up! You’re going to ruin it.” His voice has a slight squeal to it. I can hear the panic. Panic makes people do stupid things.

  The man grabs my face in his palm this time and squeezes. I grab at him and scratch hard enough to draw blood.

  “You do know Torch is just in the bathroom?” I tell him through the pain his squeezing of my face causes. I tuck my baby tighter to me and away from the doctor.

  A door slams against the wall, and the next second he lets go of me and I hear him crashing into something.

  “You just signed your death warrant,” Torch says. I shiver at the tone of his voice.


  When I heard Kayla yelling my name, I stormed into her room to see that fucking doctor from months ago with his hand over her mouth. I saw red. That man hurt my woman and put my baby in danger. I hear someone walk into the room and see it’s Butch. He grins evilly as he takes his knife out of his pocket and motions for the doctor to walk over. In reality he isn’t a doctor anymore. We took that away from him; his clinic, everything.

  He shakes his head no and moves closer to Kayla. I take a step forward, ready to beat the shit out of the guy.

  I glare at him until he finally relents and walks over to Butch. There’s a wet stain on the front of his pants. Fuck man, he already pissed himself. Again. Butch brings his knife up to his face and bops it.

  “I got your nose!” He starts laughing.

  That man is fucking crazy.

  I see something sticking out of the fucker’s pocket and reach in, grabbing it. I look at the pills. Fucking date rape drugs. He was going to fucking drug Kayla! I will find out what he was planning to do to her.

  “Butch, take him away.” I take a step cl
oser so I am looking him dead in the eyes. “I will see you later.” He shivers and looks like he is about to shit himself. Not a moment later, I smell the strong aroma of shit. He just did indeed shit himself. Again.

  “Did he just shit himself?” Kayla asks from the bed. She is silently laughing.

  “Yeah,” I laugh, and Butch cackles, too.

  “Well, make sure you Tase him in the balls for me, all right, Butch?” Kayla asks then kisses our baby boy on the head, cuddling him.

  “Sure.” Butch smiles menacingly at the man. “Let’s get out of here, shall we? You’re going to be a good boy and walk out of here like nothing is going to happen. Like you aren’t about to get the shit kicked out of you.” Butch nods encouragingly as if the man is a child.

  “Damn, Butch.” Kayla laughs. I laugh along with her. There’s only one Butch.

  Butch wraps his arm around his shoulders and leads him out of the room. The shit stain on the back of his pants is hard to miss. When Butch looks back and sees it, he pushes him away. “Gross, man.”

  “Just walk beside me, and if you run, I will cut off your toes.” Butch points his knife at him.


  “Good boy.” Butch pats him on the head.

  I shake my head and walk over to Kayla, who is now breastfeeding Trent. I grab the car seat off the top of the bed and set it on the table before I sit down on the bed beside my wife and kiss the top of her head.

  “Why is that doctor showing up after all this time?” she asks, confused.

  “Don’t know, baby, but don’t worry about it. You won’t see him again,” I assure her. I notice Trent is finished eating, so I lift him from her arms and unwrap him from the blankets.

  “Son, this second is the beginning of the rest of your life.” I place him on my chest, one hands supporting his bottom, the other gently holding his head.

  “He’s perfect,” Kayla says and runs her fingers down his face. I stand up from the bed and place him in the car seat, buckling him in.

  “Ready to go home, sweetheart?” I ask Kayla and she grins, her smile lighting up the room.

  “Beyond ready!”

  I help her ease off the bed. She grabs the diaper bag and places it on her shoulder, while I grab the car seat and lift it off the ground. Then I wrap my arm around her shoulder, while she wraps hers around my waist.


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