The Henry Miller Reader
Page 42
1954 Alfred Perlès arrived in November to write My Friend Henry Miller. Traveling exhibition of water colors in Japan. Began writing Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch.
1955 Daughter by former marriage, Barbara Sandford, came to see me; hadn’t seen her since 1925. Perlès left for London in May. Visit from Buddhadeva Bose of Calcutta, Bengali poet. Wrote Reunion in Barcelona. Visit from Van Wyck Brooks.
1956 Left for Brooklyn in January with Eve to take care of mother who was dying. While there met Ben Grauer of NBC and made recording—“Henry Miller Recalls and Reflects.” Returned to Big Sur with sister, Lauretta, after mother’s death end of March. Visit from Witter Bynner and George Katsimbalis (the Colossus of Maroussi). Collection of short pieces translated and published in Hebrew—Hatzoth Vahetzi (Half Past Midnight). Finished Big Sur book.
1957 Rewrote Quiet Days in Clichy upon recovery of ms., lost for fifteen years. Exhibition of water colors at Gallery One, London. Visit from astrologer, Blanca Holmes, of Hollywood. Rewrote completely The World of Sex, for publication by Olympia Press, Paris. Visit from Gerald Heard. Exhibition of water colors in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Began writing Lime Twigs and Treachery but abandoned it soon to resume work on Nexus. Elected member of National Institute of Arts and Letters. Death of Michael Fraenkel, co-author of Hamlet. Visit from Marion Vandal of Paris. First letter to Oslo court re Sexus.
1958 Continued work on Nexus. Loss of two old friends by death: Hans Reichel, and Emil Schnellock. Had been in continuous touch with latter since age of ten.
1959 Second letter to Oslo court: “Defense of the Freedom to Read.” Finished Nexus in early April. Left for Europe with Eve and children April 14th.
H. M.
Tropic of Cancer: Obelisk Press, Paris, 1934.
Aller Retour New York (Siana Series No. 1): Obelisk Press, Paris, 1935.
Black Spring: Obelisk Press, Paris, 1936.
Max and the White Phagocytes: Obelisk Press, Paris, 1938.
Tropic of Capricorn: Obelisk Press, Paris, 1939.
Hamlet (with Michel Fraenkel), Vol. 1 (complete): Carrefour, Paris-N. Y., 1943. Vol. 2: Carrefour, Paris-N. Y., 1941.
The Cosmological Eye: New Directions, N. Y., 1939.
The World of Sex: privately printed, U.S.A., 1940.
The Colossus of Maroussi: The Colt Press, San Francisco, 1941.
The Wisdom of the Heart: New Directions, N. Y., 1941.
Sunday After the War: New Directions, N. Y., 1944.
The Air-Conditioned Nightmare: New Directions, N. Y., 1945.
Maurizius Forever: The Colt Press, San Francisco, 1946.
Remember to Remember: New Directions, N. Y., 1947.
The Smile at the Foot of the Ladder: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, N. Y., 1948.
Sexus: 2 vols. (Book One of The Rosy Crucifixion): Obelisk Press, Paris, 1949.
The Books in my Life: New Directions, N. Y., 1952.
Plexus: 2 vols. (Book Two of The Rosy Crucifixion), The Olympia Press, Paris, 1953.
The Time of the Assassins: New Directions, N. Y., 1956.
Nights of Love and Laughter: New American Library of World Literature, N. Y., 1955.
Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch: New Directions, N. Y., 1957.
A Devil in Paradise: Signet Pocket Book, New American Library, N. Y., 1958.
Quiet Days in Clichy: The Olympia Press, Paris, 1956.
The World of Sex (revised edition): The Olympia Press, Paris, 1957.
The Red Notebook: Jargon Books, Highlands, N. C., 1958.
Reunion in Barcelona: The Scorpion Press, Northwood, England, 1959.
The Intimate Henry Miller: Signet Pocket Book, New American Library, N. Y., 1959.
Nexus, Vol. 1: The Olympia Press, Paris, 1959.
Just Wild About Harry (play): New Directions, N. Y., 1963.
Henry Miller on Writing: New Directions, N. Y., 1964.
Stand Still Like the Hummingbird: New Directions, N. Y., 1967.
Medicine & Society: Oxford University Press, N. Y., 1973.
My Life and Times: Playboy Press, Chicago, 1973.
Insomnia or The Devil at Large: Doubleday, N. Y., 1974.
What Are You Going To Do About Alf?: Paris, 1935. Printed at author’s own expense.
Scenario: Obelisk Press, Paris, 1937.
Money and How It Gets That Way: Paris, 1938. Printed at author’s own expense.
Obscenity and the Law of Reflection: Alicat Book Shop, Yonkers, N. Y., 1944.
The Plight of the Creative Artist in the U.S.A.: Bern Porter, Berkeley, California, 1944.
Murder the Murderer: Bern Porter, Berkeley, California, 1944.
The Amazing and Invariable Beauford Delaney: Alicat Book Shop, Yonkers, N. Y., 1945.
Patchen, Man of Anger & Light: Padell, N. Y., 1946.
Of, By, and About Henry Miller: Alicat Book Shop, Yonkers, N. Y., 1947.
The Waters Reglitterized: John Kidis, San Jose, California, 1950.
To Paint is to Love Again (illus): Grossman Publishers, N. Y., 1968.
Books Tangent to Circle: Bern Porter, Belfast, Maine, 1969.
Holiday in Paint: Bern Porter, Belfast, Maine, 1970.
On Turning Eighty: Capra Press, Santa Barbara, California, 1972.
Reflections on the Death of Mishima: Capra Press, Santa Barbara, California, 1972.
Varda the Master Builder (rev. ed.): Bern Porter, Belfast, Maine, 1972.
First Impressions of Greece: Capra Press, Santa Barbara, California, 1973.
The Angel Is My Watermark: Holve-Barrows, Fullerton, California, 1944.
Semblance of a Devoted Past: Bern Porter, Berkeley, California, 1945.
Henry Miller Miscellanea: Bern Porter, Berkeley, California, 1945.
Why Abstract? (with Hilaire Hiler and William Saroyan): New Directions, N. Y., 1945.
Into the Night Life: by Henry Miller and Bezalel Schatz, Henry Miller and Bezalel Schatz, Berkeley, California, 1947.
The Nightmare Notebook (signed limited edition): New Directions, N. Y., 1975.
Copyright © 1959 by Henry Miller. Copyright © 1959 by New Directions. Copyright © 1956, 1957 by New Directions. Copyright 1940, 1941, 1944 by Henry Miller. Copyright 1939, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1949, 1950 by New Directions Publishing Corporation.
(eISBN: 978-0-8112-2545-8)
All rights reserved. Except for brief passages quoted in a newspaper, magazine, radio, or television review, no part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Publisher.
Grateful acknowledgment is made to Bern Porter, Publisher, for permission to use his chronology of Henry Miller’s life as the basis for that published here. Mr. Porter’s Henry Miller: A Chronology and Bibliography, Copyright 1945 by Bern Porter, is the most extensive, to that year, in existence. Readers will find further bibliographical data, through 1955, in Alfred Perlès’s book, My Friend Henry Miller, published by the John Day Co., New York.
The publisher regrets that two selections from Henry Miller’s contribution to Hamlet, A Correspondence, by Henry Miller and Michael Fraenkel, could not be included in this book because of the opposition of Mrs. Michael Fraenkel.
“Defense of the Freedom to Read” was originally published in pamphlet form by J. W. Cappelens Fodag, Oslo, and appeared in Evergreen Review No. 9., Grove Press, N.Y.
Manufactured in the United States of America.
First published as ND Paperbook 269, 1969.
Published in Canada by Penguin Books Canada Limited.
Design by Stefan Salter
New Directions Books are published for James Laughlin
by New Directions Publishing Corporation,
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