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Eden's Hammer

Page 6

by Lloyd Tackitt

  Rex dismissed the men and returned to his wall tent. He had chosen a camouflaged baker-style tent. Each evening when his men set up the tent, camouflage netting was placed over it and brush worked into the net. From a distance it would be invisible, the netting also allowing him to have a small, dim light inside without showing through the tent walls. Inside, the radio operator had set up the receiver and batteries that had been carried by the lowest rank men. A temporary antenna had been installed in a nearby tree. The radio was up and running. Rex had told the operator, “Focus on the Colorado and Fort Brazos signals. I want to know all traffic that moves between them. When I get the information I want, I’ll send you and the equipment back to your family.” He now stretched out on his bunk, staring at the tent’s ceiling with unblinking eyes, seeing only images of Adrian suffering.


  Rex watched as the men began moving into a north-south line. They were heading west by north with four hundred and fifty miles of country to cross. Some of this land would be either swamp or pine forest until they reached the Trinity River in Texas. After that, it would be rolling plains. They would use roads only where necessary to cross difficult terrain. Rex wanted the men spread out to make as much “noise” as possible. His orders to burn every house along the way had been supplemented with another order: to allow some of the women and children to escape. He didn’t explain that order to his men, knowing they would wonder but obey—after the women had been thoroughly raped, of course. He hadn’t forbidden that. Rex wanted the news of his men’s travel to spread far and wide and fast. When the time was right, he would step up his plan by planting the idea that the raiders were coming toward Fort Brazos, but not why. Using runners, he would keep the men in line in fairly good order.

  By midafternoon, Rex could see plumes of smoke on both sides of his position as his men torched every building they came to. Burning the houses not only signaled their position, but also let everyone in the area know in which direction they were moving. It would take a few days, maybe even a couple of weeks, but it would soon be common knowledge. He had considered that other villages or small towns might send out men to attack, to stop them from reaching their villages and homes. He wasn’t expecting any serious resistance, but if any were encountered, he would simply move around it and continue his line. His goal was Fort Brazos, not the people in between.

  They marched all that day, picking up less food than Rex had expected. They were primarily coming across single farms and ranches with one or two defenders at most. He hadn’t realized how poor the pickings out here were. These people were growing and raising their own food, not dependent on outside help, but having a hard time of it. Their independence and self-sufficiency was less than he had expected. His men were still happy with the results; they might not get fat until they reached his promised Shangri-La, but they were getting enough. Good, that’ll keep them moving forward until it’s too late to turn back, he thought. Once they were into the far side of East Texas, the pickings would be even slimmer as the farms became farther apart, making Fort Brazos all the more desirable to them.

  They had been on the move for a little over a week, leaving death and destruction behind. Rex was continuing the scorched earth policy while allowing enough survivors to escape to make sure everyone knew about their line of march. The radio reports had been infrequent, but from the ones they had, he gathered that Adrian was still at war with the cannibals. He couldn’t recharge the car batteries, but they were picking up plenty of them as they went. Every night before Rex went to sleep, he said what almost amounted to a prayer: “Please don’t let Adrian get killed.” Rex’s plans would be ruined if that happened.

  Rex visited a different group every night. He observed the men’s morale and found it typically good. These men were doing what they liked best: raping and pillaging and destroying. The body count they were leaving behind had crossed two hundred. Rex made sure his men counted the dead—he wanted to know how many every day. Rex himself had accounted for more than twenty. Each killed with a slashed throat as his eyes drank in the sight of squirting arterial blood. He had never been so relaxed. He was confident that word would soon reach Fort Brazos that they were directly in his path of destruction, and when it did, that Roman would call Adrian home. He was sure the news would get there, but he wasn’t depending on it; he had a plan to make absolutely certain. It would be implemented soon. It might be overkill, but Rex wasn’t taking any chances. Getting Adrian to come home was the keystone in his master plan; everything else depended on it.



  LINDA AROSE EARLY AND HEADED for Roman’s house. Adrian had asked her to come by, as he had something he wanted to discuss with her. She was instantly curious, but held her questions. Linda arrived and was soon having hot tea with Adrian and Sarah and Roman while Scott played with Bear in the living room.

  Adrian blew on the tea, took a sip, and set the cup down. “From the looks of things, this is going to be a hard fight, and one we can’t afford to lose. We lose this, and we’re all dead—or those that survive will wish they were dead. It’s going to take the total efforts of every able-bodied person we have, and that still leaves us badly outnumbered. I’m not just talking about the men; the women are going to have to fight, too. So will every child that is old enough to aim and pull a trigger, if a last ditch defense occurs. I want your advice on what I’m thinking.

  “My plan, such as it is right now, is to take all of the able-bodied men into the field and attack the raiders as far away from here as possible. What that does, though, is leave the infirm, the children, and the women here in the village. If our men don’t stop them, those who stay here will be captured or killed. So what I’m thinking is we arm everyone old enough and healthy enough that’s left here and train them for a last ditch defensive battle.”

  Linda interrupted him, “Let me get this straight: you plan to leave the women and children and elderly here to fight against the men that will have defeated you?”

  Adrian looked at her for a moment, noting that her face was turning pink and there was fire coming from her eyes. He said, “No, that’s not the total plan. The plan is that the women and children and old folks will evacuate to someplace miles away. Part of that plan is to create a fighting force of the able-bodied women and older children to fight a rear guard action, if necessary, to protect the evacuation point. To protect them in their new and hidden location. It’s either that, or they keep running, and that won’t work; by definition, they won’t be a group that can travel and survive because of the number of very young, very old, and the infirm. Whether you’ll be able to come back here someday or have to start over somewhere else is anybody’s guess. It’s the best safety valve I can think of. The reason I asked for your advice is that I’m hoping that you three can come up with a better plan.”

  The four sat in silence for several minutes. Then Linda said, “That plan stinks, but I’ll be damned if I can think of a better one…for now. Roman, Sarah, got any better ideas?”

  Sarah said, “Unfortunately, no.”

  Roman shook his head silently with a grim expression.

  Adrian waited a minute and then said, “All right, then, until a better plan comes along, we’ll need to get started on this one.” Patton said, “‘A good plan implemented today is better than a perfect plan implemented tomorrow.’ I fully believe that. My idea is that Sarah will lead the villagers to the remote location. I think it best if none of the men that are going out to fight know where that location is. Then, if they’re captured and tortured, they can’t give it up. Linda, I believe you’re the best choice to lead the rear guard fighters. I don’t know you all that well, but what I have seen leads me to believe you’re mentally and physically tough enough for it. You two willing to take these jobs on?”

  Sarah said, “I’ll get started today, talking to the people I know won’t be going out. There is a pecan orchard—”

  “Hush!” Ad
rian said quickly, interrupting her. “I don’t want to know where it is, either. I don’t believe any man can stand up to torture if the person doing the torture is skilled. I’ve seen a few instances of that.”

  Sarah replied, “Sorry, I wasn’t thinking. Anyway, I know of a good enough place—it’s quite a ways away from here and not likely to be found.”

  Linda impatiently said, “I can shoot and usually hit what I aim at, but I don’t know anything about fighting tactics. I’m a farmer. I’ve never been in a gunfight of any kind. Never shot at a man before. I don’t know anything about leading a combat team. Surely one of your Army buddies would be much better?”

  Adrian looked into her eyes. “Any rational person would have your doubts. If I left one of the men to lead you ladies into combat, I am afraid he would be too conservative, too unwilling to risk women’s lives. It’s a cultural failure we have in this country, men are overprotective of women. It goes against a man’s grain to put women into harm’s way. A woman, on the other hand, won’t have those unnatural ideas about leading women. A woman leader will be more objective, even clinical, in doing what has to be done using other women.

  “I also believe that women will trust a woman leader more readily than they will a man. Besides that, just about everyone else has attachments to the people that will be left in the village, and that will hamper their thinking. You have only your son here, and I think that enhances your ability to think clearly. You won’t be hampered in the way others would. The main thing a leader has to be able to do is coldly assess and evaluate their troop’s ability and the enemy’s capabilities. To see the big picture clearly and respond quickly to changes as they occur. I’m aware you have no experience at this, but I believe you have the qualities that are needed.”

  Adrian continued, “Don’t worry about the battle tactics, I’ll drill you until your eyes bleed, and then when the bullets fly, you’ll react correctly. It’s not brain surgery; it’s a matter of keeping your head when the fighting starts. I think you’ll do that just fine.”

  Linda took a sip of tea, her hand trembling a bit. “That’s an awful lot of believing that you’re doing on my behalf. I’m not at all sure you’re right, and if you’re not, what happens to those of us you leave behind? You’re pushing a huge amount of responsibility on me, and I have no background to determine if you’re right or wrong. If I accept, I have to blindly believe everything you’ve told me, and I’m not good at blindly believing anything. “

  Adrian said, “You see? That’s exactly what I’m talking about. You’re looking at this clearly and objectively and not being persuaded merely because I’m trying to persuade you. Are you aware of how rare that is? Can you pick out a better woman leader from the available women?”

  Linda looked down at her tea and thought for a long moment. “No, I can’t, but I’ve only been here a short time and don’t know the women that well.”

  Sarah reached over and squeezed Linda’s hand briefly. “I know every one of them, and none of them would be as good for this as you. I would follow you without hesitation; I can’t say that about any other woman in the village.”

  Adrian said, “Let’s do this. You take command, and if after a few days in the position you want to appoint someone else that you think will do a better job, I’ll back you up. You’ll get a chance to see the women in training, evaluate them from a new perspective. If you identify a better candidate, then we’ll make the change. But you have to make that decision within a week, or it’ll be too late to make the change effectively. Deal?”

  Linda looked hard at Adrian. He was aware of her inner turmoil, so he waited patiently for her to sort her thoughts out. She finally said, “I have to tell you that I resent being put in this spot. I just arrived here recently and now you want to put all of this responsibility on me. I don’t like it one bit. But I also realize that it isn’t you that created this situation—it just is what it is—so if you think I am the person you need for this, then I’ll go along with it for a few days and see what happens. I am agreeing with full reservations, though.”

  Adrian replied, “Understood and appreciated. I know that I have thrown you a hell of a lot in just a few minutes. Most people who have this level of responsibility in a war have had years to prepare for it. Most people would have been in a military career with years of training, would be there because that’s what they wanted for themselves. And here, I’m throwing this at you without warning, expectation, or any desire on your part for it. It’s a lot to consider. I get that, and I’m sorry to ask this of you. But I need the absolute best we have available, and in my eyes—backed up by Sarah, by the way—you are the absolute best available here. Frankly, I think you would be the absolute best in any group anywhere under similar conditions, based on how you handled the raider situation when it came upon you, and how you took your son across country and survived. I don’t see this as picking the best of a bad lot; I see this as being damn lucky someone of your caliber happens to be available. I know it’s a lot to ask, but the life of everyone that will be left behind in the village has to depend on someone, and you are heads and shoulders above anyone else here. I know many of the villagers, and have Sarah, Roman and Matt’s opinions on the ones I don’t know. I understand your reservations and accept them. I am convinced, though, that once I start training you, you’ll understand that it really is up to you, not someone else. You’ll be able to evaluate these folks in action and see for yourself. Sometimes, you just get hard stuff thrust on you because you’re the best available, and this is one of those times. I’m sorry, but that’s the way it is.”

  Linda studied Adrian’s eyes for a long moment, judging whether or not he was being sincere. Ultimately, her instincts told her that he was playing it straight. She responded, “That’s quite a speech, and it’s also quite complimentary. But speeches and compliments do not change facts, and I have to look at this from a factual basis, not an emotional one. I stand by what I said: I’ll take it on with full reservations that if I find a better person for the job, then that person takes over. If after one week I cannot honestly say someone else can do it better, then I’ll continue on…if you still think I’m the best person for it after you’ve seen me in operation for a week. That’s the best I can give you right now.”

  Before Adrian could reply, Sarah spoke. “Linda, I’ve raised Adrian since he was eight years old. You’ve only known me for a couple of weeks and Adrian for a couple of days. If it is of any help to you, I can promise you that he is sincere and honest. I can’t remember ever catching him in a lie, even as a little boy. Whenever he did wrong, he didn’t avoid responsibility or try to talk his way out of it. He took whatever consequences he had coming and never once tried to lie his way out. I’m well aware of how rare that is, and how you have little reason to believe it. I’m just telling you what I know for what little peace of mind you can get out of this. It’s a hard thing he’s asking you. But I’m asking you, too, and for the same reason. I know the women in this village, and I know a little about you. What I know of you makes me trust you, and I’m willing to trust you with my life, and my grandchildren’s lives. I can’t imagine any stronger way to put it than that. You’re the best we have for this.”

  Linda reached across the table and squeezed Sarah’s hand. “Thank you, Sarah. Thank you very much. That means more than you know. I realize, too, that you and the entire village are placing a lot of trust in me, and that’s an honor as high as any I have ever imagined. I’ll do the best I can for a week, and then we’ll see from there. Okay?”

  Sarah and Adrian simultaneously said, “Okay”


  Roman addressed the villagers, who had all gathered in the village square at his request.

  Roman stood in front of the crowd. “The reason I asked you here is to give you a vote on whether or not you want Adrian or someone else to lead us in this war against the raiders. I called him home to lead us, but I won’t be the only one following him—or foll
owing someone else we choose. Obviously, my vote is for Adrian. I’m his uncle, I raised him since he was eight years old, so I’m clearly biased.

  “This is a life or death situation. When we fight, if we choose to fight, some of us will die. I think that’s a given fact. So you have an absolute right to choose who you will follow. Your very life depends on who you follow. Therefore, let me hear any nominations for a leader. Nominate yourself or someone else. If anyone has an alternative plan, please raise your hand.” There was a long silence, and no hands were raised. “Please do not be shy about this, it’s too important. Anyone with any nomination, please raise your hand.”

  After another long silence, one hand was tentatively raised way in the back. “Yes?” Roman said. “Who’s your nominee?” A voice from the back said, “Adrian, of course.”

  Roman said, “All right, then, let’s have a show of hands for those who are willing to follow Adrian.”

  All hands went up; it was a unanimous vote. Roman said, “Then I’ll step back and let Adrian take it from here.” Roman moved back. Adrian stepped forward and began speaking.

  “As you all know, there are one hundred and eighty heavily armed and savage barbarians heading for us. They are two to three weeks out. We have few options, and none of them are great. I’ll lay them out for you. Option one: we sit here hoping they go away. Option two: we fight them here if they don’t go away. Option three: we take all able-bodied men and attack them as far from here as we can, attempting to destroy them before they get here. And option four: we evacuate the village and let them have it, then re-establish somewhere else, hoping they don’t come after us again once they decide they aren’t cut out to be farmers.

  “If we decide to attack them in the field, we have two choices for those who stay behind. One, they stay here and hope we win. Two, they evacuate to a place far away in case we don’t win. These decisions have to be made today, here, right now. There’s no time for delay. What I would like is for you all to take an hour to discuss it with your wives and husbands and friends. At the end of that hour, I’ll answer questions for half an hour or so. Then we’ll have a show of hands. But remember, there is one other personal option you have: you as individuals or families can choose to leave on your own. You also need to understand that if you do choose that route, I doubt you would ever be welcomed back here again by the ones who stayed and fought. So if you leave—which you are certainly free to do—it should be with the understanding that you won’t be allowed to come back here to live. If you won’t stand and fight for survival with us now, then you won’t be allowed to take protection later from those that did.”


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