You Are Never a Stranger
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“Anything else?” he asked persistently.
“I don’t remember anything else other than her smile and voice, not even her name, I want to meet her,” I said.
I got fervent to meet her.
“Definitely, you will meet her,” he encouraged me.
Sofia picked boo to speak and continued “He did have a dream about some kid” and she explained to him the entire dream.
“Do you think he is an orphan?” Roy asked Sofia.
“No, I guess, he seems to be from a rich family,” She told.
“Am I rich?,” my inner-self asked me and chuckled.
“I found this Rolex watch, platinum chain and ring on him, the day he was admitted,” I don’t guess a boy from an orphanage can afford all this at the age of 22 probably,” she guessed.
“It is just a chance, we can’t be sure,” Dr. Roy told.
“I will deal with his case in detail, don’t stress him too much, you can take leave for now,” Dr. Roy told me and asked me to wait out. It is clear that he is not going to help me at any rate. I have to pick my way to discover who I was and where my love is.
Sofia and Dr. Roy spoke for a while. I waited out, nothing is going to happen here, it was quite obvious, but these people are raising hype.
I gawked at walls, imagining how I would prove to the world that I am not a stranger, I too have a family somewhere, a girl who loves me and most importantly I have myself.
3. Save a Baby
“Do you really love her?” Sofia asked me out of curiosity. We rested on a bench near her hospital; while weather seems to be fabulous though unclouded. Anyone would love to spend time with their loved ones at beautiful locals like this.
“You trust people so easily and you are as blameless as pretty you are, ” I guessed a few of her characters.
“Yeah, I do, you seem to be very good at this work,” she chuckled.
“Which work?” I asked like a fool.
“Guessing something based on logic and reasoning,” she stated.
“Yes, I am, but I still don’t know who I am and this conspiracies me. And what my character is? Is there no way for me to guess?” I asked gloomily and continued, “I wish there is a time machine here,” in a hopeful way.
“You want to go to your past,” she laughed.
“Yeah,” I continued laughter.
“You still didn’t answer my question,” she continued to speak.
“What do you feel?” I wanted her to do some guess.
“I don’t know,” she yelled.
“What do you see there up in the sky?” I questioned her, pointing the sky.
“In the sky?” she asked and continued to speak “The moon, stars,” I interrupted her and asked, “Is it beautiful?”
“Of course, it is beautiful,” she said.
“I see her over there, only her, she is watching me,” I told fervently and slowly.
“I wish I had a husband like you,” she cried.
“Are you married?” I asked shocked.
“I am a divorcee,” she told putting on a sad expression; I continued to be in shock.
“What do you feel about love?” she asked me.
“Love,” I paused and continued.
“It’s a magic, you might not be in this world.
Might not be in this universe.
But still the magic sparks on you.
It runs down as tears when you aren’t with your loved ones.
It blossoms out as care from your loved ones.
It flows as your breath when you are in love.
I believe It’s everywhere,” I explained her.
“You are a wonderful guy,” she said and tapped my back as if I am a kid and I didn’t know what she fathomed regards me in the last few days.
“You are a perfect woman,” I tried to praise her, but my compliments didn’t prove to enlighten her mood.
“He betrayed me, I loved him, and he was my entire life. I couldn’t even spend a single day without him. I married him at the cost of my entire family. He was happy for a few days with my company; later he got bored looking at my face. He lost all the affection towards me. He fought for every single reason; he was only irritated by my presence. It wasn’t even a year after we got married and we broke up.
The world seems to be a hell from then on. I couldn’t even trust any human being, passed that day. Everyone in this world is selfish enough to cheat you, betray you, use you; there are no such words like true love. There are only fake people with a fake smile everywhere; who bow their head for money alone.
I am sorry, I must be irritating you,” she suddenly paused clearing her eyes.
“I’ll be your best friend from now on” I said holding her hands and continued “not every relationship is fake, give me a chance to prove”
“There are no such words like friendship and love,” she told bluntly; while tears accompanied her eyes. Her heart is badly broken by that guy.
“Give me a chance,” I requested her. She hardly nodded her head. I felt happy, I am able to persuade her and I decided to keep her happy forever.
“Good morning,” Sofia woke me with a warm smile. It took some time for me to come into this world after a deep sleep.
“It’s just 4,” I told furiously looking at Sofia after I checked the time.
“You know, we doctors have to make ourselves available during an emergency,” she told professionally and continued “Why should I suffer alone when I have a friend who shares it?” she giggled.
Abruptly a nurse rushed into my room shouting “Madam an infant baby went missing.”
Sofia and I are left shaken and Sofia already began to tremble.
“When did it happen?” I interrogated.
“We noticed it just now, not more than 5 minutes,” the nurse exclaimed.
“Kidnaper might not have left the hospital yet,” I fathomed and continued to ask “in which floor it was?”
“Our floor, 10th,” she told still tensed.
“Inform the lift man to switch off all the lifts at once, it delays the time for the kidnapper to reach the ground floor,” I ordered and rushed to the security room with Sofia to check recorded tapes during last 15 minutes.
The kidnapper might have been very familiar with the hospital and seems to be a very intelligent person. He escaped himself from falling on the eye of even a single camera. Sofia tried to frame a plan. She suggested holding tight security at each and every entrance and exit.
“Kidnaper may harm the kid to protect himself, that won’t be a satisfactory idea,” I told her and spoke to a security guard about a plan and asked Sofia to follow me.
Sofia and I waited near a tea stall near MJ road. Sofia still bestowed by penances didn’t know what to do. A woman framed moving slowly; completely covered in a blanket, her speed of footsteps increased from the very next moment I called her to pause.
I ran fast and caught her. I found the infant baby in her arms, sleeping peacefully, unknowing the malice happening around him. Security came in no time and caught her, the baby is sent to safe hands.
“Aren’t you happy? We saved the baby,” I asked Sofia after some time.
“Am still shocked, how you managed to know that the kidnapper is going to come on to MJ road?” she asked in misperception.
“I tricked her,” I laughed.
“How did you?” she asked, still confused.
“Simple, I asked the security guards to wait near each and every entrance and exit ways to every person who come in and went out, except the exit way to MJ road.
Kidnapper mistook that the security people might have overlooked to wait near the MJ road exit of the hospital, and I was pretty sure that the kidnapper will know about the exit way of MJ road, because, the kidnapper was a part of your hospital crew, which am sure with.
Kidnapper fell into my trap and walked straight through the exit door, but might not have fathomed that we will wait on the road” I explained.
“Yeah, I got it,” she laughe
d in excitement and told “it was a cute plan.”
“Where on earth did she find cute in this plan?” I wondered. “Yeah, but I am happy; we saved the baby,” I said.
“You know many tribes were being kidnapped from our city in the past 2 months,” she told the news.
“So many are being kidnapped and no one is taking any action?” I asked.
“People say Golden Mask men do this,” she told.
Golden Mask men from my dream sparked in my mind.
“I am going to upsurge security in my hospital, and try to know the purpose of the kidnap by that lady” Sofia ordered all her team members including doctors and other staff. A few were seniors to her.
“Yes, madam,” said the chief security officer.
“I know how to set myself free,” she cried, “and you boy, you need me, and there will be a day when you have to come to me,” the woman shouted to me.
Sofia and I stood staring at that woman, unknowing her intentions.
4. Got a Friend
“So, what’s next?” I asked Sofia. We went to a hotel to have our breakfast; though I don’t have a single penny, I am her guest all the way long.
“I think I need to trace the memories of the past of a beloved friend of mine,” she mocked at me.
“Do you know who admitted me?” I asked her curiously.
“To be frank, I don’t know, some stranger came to us, and admitted you telling that you met with a car accident,” she explained.
“Don’t you have any details of his?” I questioned.
“No. If I had, I would have called them long back,” she yelled.
“So, whatever he had told is it true?” I raised another question.
“What do you mean?” she asked, unable to fathom my question.
“I mean, did I really meet with an accident?” I asked clearly.
“Taking a look at your injuries, you seemed to be met with some sort of accident; you had a strong hit on your forehead. And we didn’t find any burns on your body,” she explained.
“So, who paid my expenses,” another question slipped from my mouth.
“I did,” she said in a casual way, now she seems to be a very matured and kind hearted person. She really is an awesome lady of her kind.
“Didn’t even a single person come to visit me?” I asked an uncanny question.
“How many questions do you ask?” she laughed and answered “No, not even a single person came. They might have no clue on your whereabouts, but you received a bouquet, a month later after you got admitted,” she explained.
“So you mean two months before now and the same month when the kidnaps started, am I correct?” I asked her.
“How are kidnaps related to you and your bouquet over there?” she asked puzzled.
“I don’t know how to elucidate you, but I do find some relation, I’ll find it out very soon,” I stated.
“Get that bouquet,” I ordered nurse
She followed my order and took no time to get it to me. I observed it carefully and found a mini letter in it.
‘Thanks for your life, I built mine over it’ is written on it
This statement inscribed more confirmation to my guesswork; those kidnaps and I are related somehow.
“Don’t think much about that bouquet,” Sofia told entering my room. Though she is busy all the time, with loads of work, she still manages time for me.
“Where can I get bouquets like this?” I asked a foolish question.
“Don’t kid, how can we trace a bouquet, thousands are made every day,” she told with no hope.
“I can try to trace the person who sent it, if we can find where it is ordered from,” I said confidently
“Can I help?” nurse raised voice.
“Sure,” Sofia and I in unison.
“These are odysseys, sold only at a single yard in the entire city,” she gave an awesome clue.
“How do you know about these flowers?” I asked.
“My husband works there,” she smiled.
“Sofia, I want to know who helped to place this bouquet in my room,” I asked Sofia turning towards her.
Sofia left the room alone, though I raised my hand to accompany; about an hour later she came in with a guy named Rupan and told, “He is the guy who helped the stranger to get this in.”
“Who gave you that bouquet?” I asked a stupid question.
“Am speaking the truth, sir. I seriously have no clue regarding the name of his; he just gave me a bouquet and asked me to keep it in your room. And as so did I, without asking a question,” he told everything he knew.
“Are you sure?” I warned him
“Yes, sir, I am,” he told frankly.
“Did he tell you, my name?” I asked him gloomily. His weird expression hurt me, but I wanted to know my name at any cost.
“No, sir, he didn’t tell your name, he just told me your room number,” he told straightforward.
“So, I’ll pay you double the amount he did,” I am sure Sofia would pay and continued “Can you recognize his face at least?” I asked him.
“Yes, sir, I do,” he said confidently
“So, if you ever have met or had to see him anywhere, please do call Sofia madam,” I asked him.
“Hello sir, can you recognize this bouquet?” I asked a kid sitting at the reception; showing the dried up bouquet.
“Yeah, it’s from here, look how beautiful it is even after 2 months. I am very good at guessing yeah?” be boasted about himself and he seems to be business minded.
“Am very great full that it is brought from your place, but I want to know who ordered it?” I asked frankly.
He laughed and said in an exasperated tone “Are you mad or something?”
“Please sir, this is very important to me, it deals with my life,” I requested him.
He started to think and replied, “To be frank; we sell at least 500 bouquets per day. How can we remember the names of every customer of ours?”
“I do understand your problem, but I have a solution. I want the list of all the people who ordered and booked bouquets on March 10th 2016,” I asked him.
“That I can provide you, wait for some time,” he told.
Thanks to Sofia, who even accompanied me to this place.
“Thanks, Sofia,” I told her.
“What?” she questioned as if she doesn’t know and did nothing.
“For everything, for saving my life, for paying my bills, for keeping that bouquet safe and even remembering that date, for everything,” I told and smiled.
“Friends don’t share thanks,” she sneered back.
That boy came back with a list of all the people who ordered and brought bouquets on March 10th 2016 and demanded us to pay money.
Sofia had to pay, I stood with no regrets.
Sofia helped me to make a list of all the contacts.
“I promise I can get ID proofs and photographs of all these numbers, though it’s illegal, I have got friends,” she promised me and left.
We had to wait for 2 days to get pictures of this entire list of people. She spoke to many higher officials and finally is able to get 402 pictures out of 480 contacts, those numbers where a cocktail of different networks, but tracing networks isn’t a tough job now a day, and she should be praised to get this confidential information.
“Well done Sofia,” I praised her with a huge smile.
“Thank my uncles, half of them are in the police department, which smoothed our assignment,” she blushed.
We called upon Rupan to check these 402 pictures if the stranger guy was among them. But fate disappointed me. Bouquet guy hasn’t been caught yet.
My heart beats more heavily thinking what should be the next solution; I stood to gaze at the left out contacts list. I wanted to call each and every left out contact and find out who sent it. I hated myself for my own pity circumstances. I don’t even know what people call me. And not even a single person cared about me, was I such a criminal hated
by everyone? My mind lost its control.
“Don’t stress yourself, Rupan will do his work, he will find out that guy,” Sofia reassured me.
Smiles all over the place, greenery all over, women are only concerned about showcasing their sarees and the jewelry they have on. The stage is ornamented no less than a costly film set.
I sat opposite to the most beautiful girl in this world. She is trendy in her golden attire; shining more gorgeously to any golden flower. The jewelry she had on, adding charm to her.
I could bet the entire world for her smile. She looks prettier than the moon.
I enjoyed watching her beauty; her words seemed to be like melodious songs. I enjoyed each and every word she uttered.
Our parents exchanged words. I was least bothered about anything else when she is in eye of me. We exchanged smiles every second, she came close to me and I saw into her eyes, I could sense her blush.
She took out the ring and put on it on my finger and so did I. I know her happiness is unbounded, her smiles told that clearly. She sent me messages every second.
We are showcased on the stage like puppets in a display. Every aged person and child came to us and blessed us to live happily forever and ever after. I called upon a waiter as I felt thirst and asked him to get me some drink.
“Is whiskey, fine sir?” he asked respectfully
“What the hell do you think, do I seem to be like a guy who would drink at his own wedding,” I fired at him all of a sudden
“Darling, you promised me to control your anger, and be a good and kind person,” she controlled my anger.
“I love you,” I told controlling my anger and looking straight into her eyes.
“I love you more than you ever know,” she smiled.
“What are you looking at?” she asked when I continued to look at her without replying.
“I am looking at my moon,” I said.
“Get up, you lazy,” Sofia expressed.
“Yeah,” I woke up after a few minutes of lazy nap.
A dream again, it still confused me. I don’t even remember her face clearly now, was I an orphan in real? If true, how could I be in such a rich wedding? My inner-self is more confused than me to resolve my own doubts.