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Book Four: Billionaire Baby Secret, #4

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by Nikki Steele

  I smiled through the tears. “Because that’s what you deserve. And I would tell the whole world if I could.” I looked up, to finally meet his eyes. “I would stand here and sing all day, so everyone who walked by would know. Even though the thought of performing in public terrifies me. Because the thought of being without you terrifies me even more.”

  “Please, forgive me,” I whispered. “Please take me back. I love you.”

  Chapter 4

  I held my breath as I looked up into Chase’s eyes. Did I have a chance? Could he still find it in his heart to love me, though I had lied to him and was with child? My entire life hung on his reply.

  I searched his face, looking for some sign of what he was thinking. His brow was slightly furrowed. What did that mean? How would I know if he never spoke? He just kept staring at me with those unnerving green eyes!

  Finally, I couldn’t take the suspense any longer. “Please, curse me out if you want to, only say something before I go crazy.”

  He took a deep breath and said, “Okay.”

  My eyes opened wide. “Okay? Okay what?”

  He smiled, and my dark world broke open and the sun poured in. “Okay. I accept your apology.”

  “Just like that?” I almost didn’t want to believe it. It seemed too good to be true.

  And yet he nodded, still smiling as lovingly as ever. “Yes. Just like that.”

  “I don’t understand. How can it be so easy?”

  “Come with me.” He took my hand, pulling me into the house, up the stairs.

  I was too happy to protest. He led me to the second level, to a room at the end of the hall. There were paint tins in the corridor, and a variety of tools. And then Chase opened the door, and we stepped into the most beautiful room I had ever seen.

  “What do you think?” Chase asked. “Will the baby like this?”

  I couldn’t speak, couldn’t find the words—and even if I could, the growing lump in my throat would have rendered me mute. The room was huge, and in my head I instantly knew it would grow along with the baby, changing as he or she got older.

  For now, the walls were painted a soft, dreamy blue. A huge mural was being sketched on one wall, half finished; a garden with trees and flowers and musical notes rising up into the air. It extended to the ceiling, which had been painted with thick billowy clouds like the sky. Twinkling lights had been hung from one end to the other—they would be magical when the main lights were turned out, twinkling like the stars.

  “Chase,” I breathed. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “So it’s all right? You think it works?”

  “Works?” I laughed, throwing my arms around him, not caring about the paint on his coveralls. “How did you do all this?” Nothing mattered more than him, and me, and the absolute joy in my heart when I thought of how lucky any child would be, to call this their bedroom.

  “I took the liberty of buying a crib, and rocking chair, and all the other furniture the woman at the store thought I’d need. I think she might have taken advantage of me, but I don’t care.” He laughed, holding me tight. “I had workers come in today to do most of the big stuff, but I wanted to paint the mural myself. I was thinking once the child gets a little older, we could build a castle in the far corner there, or a tree house type thing, or a pirate ship. Whatever they’re into.” He sounded so excited. That was the best thing of all.

  “I don’t know what to say,” I whispered. I’d gone from despair to breathless hope and then wonder in minutes. My entire situation seemed surreal. “You don’t like kids though. You said they weren’t a part of the plan.”

  He shook his head, growing somber. “I said they weren’t an option for me. There’s a difference.”

  I didn’t understand, until I saw the look in his eyes. Oh.

  He nodded. “I’ve always wanted children, but until yesterday, I’d given up hope. For all my money, for all the hundreds of thousands of dollars I’ve spent on it, there’s nothing the doctors can do.”

  “So you like kids?” I asked timidly.

  He laughed. “I love kids! I’ve even considered adopting—come close to it several times. But, with my schedule and everything, you know. They’d never have a chance to put down roots.”

  “And you’re not mad at me? For... for lying to you?”

  He shook his head. “I should be apologizing to you.” He stepped toward me, taking my hands. “Rachel, I reacted badly when I saw you last, and I’m sorry. The baby was a fact before we met. You weren’t trying to get money from me, I know that now. I knew it as soon as you walked away. Those things I said—I just... feel so much for you, that the thought of someone else...” his fists clenched, and even now I saw a look of jealousy cloud his eyes.

  I squeezed his hands. “He’s a jerk Chase. I want nothing to do with him.”

  “You mean that? Because I want what’s best for you. If... if...” I heard his voice break, like he had to force the words out. “If you did want to go back to him, for the baby, I’d understand. He’s the father.”

  I shook my head, then looked up at him with a smile. “You’re doing a better job already.”

  He pulled me into a hug, crushing me against him. “I’m so glad to hear that.” Then he pulled away, excitement in his eyes. “So you like the room? I started very early this morning, as you can see.”

  “So much has been done already,” I marveled, looking around.

  A crib sat in one corner, and I walked over to it, running my hands along its smooth timber. I could see what looked like a whole series of to-be-assembled bookshelves in another—and then against the far wall a changing table, and a rocking horse. There were piles of toys under plastic sheeting as well, waiting to be put in place once the painting was finished. Yes, the salespeople had seen him coming. I smiled to myself, then turned to him. “Where did all of this come from? I don’t mean the things. I mean, what made you want to do this?”

  “I wanted you to be happy—I’m sorry it’s not finished. I wanted to wait until it was all done and perfect before I reached out to you. I wanted to show you how good it could be, here, with me—the three of us.” He shrugged. “I guess I figured that when my commercial didn’t work, this would be my last shot.”

  Just when I thought I couldn’t love him more, he did something like this. What had I done in my life to deserve someone like him? Tears began to flow down my cheeks. I couldn’t stop them.

  He touched them with his thumbs, wiping them away. “You deserve to be loved, and I want to be the one who does it. I’ll do whatever I have to do to make sure you feel loved, every minute of the day, for as long as you’ll let me. If you’ll let me, that is.”

  I beamed, basking in the look in his eyes. “Will I let you? Are you serious? You’re the person I want more than anyone in the entire world.” But I hesitated for a moment—I wasn’t used to being loved. It was so strange to me that this wonderful man would want me. I was used to there being strings attached. Like Dan and his pipe dreams about blackmailing Chase into secret child support payments.

  I looked carefully at Chase, wanting to gauge his reaction. “Are you sure this is what you want? I mean, a package deal? Me and the baby?”

  Instead of answering, he pulled me to him for a kiss. That kiss told me everything I needed to know.

  Chapter 5

  He loved me! And he wanted my baby! My heart was full to bursting with joy. It was like something out of a dream; the sweetest dream I’d ever had.

  And this room, this beautiful room—the most perfect room ever. I knew that any dream my baby would have, Chase would make it come true. His generous heart would fill this child’s life. I’d never felt so blessed.

  “I love you,” I whispered between kisses. “You’ve made me so happy.”

  He smiled lovingly, taking my face in his hands, stroking my cheeks. “I love you, sweet girl.” We kissed again, this time more deeply. I’d felt so desperate when I’d walked away from Chase. I hadn’t thought I would
ever get the chance to kiss him again. I soaked up the opportunity now, pressing my mouth to his with growing urgency.

  Chase worked my coat off my shoulders, throwing it to the floor before digging his hands into my hair to pull my face toward his.

  Oh God I wanted him so badly. Was it pregnancy hormones making me this randy, or just Chase himself? I gave myself over to the passion, frantically unbuttoning his coveralls. “How do these work?” I grunted, frustrated. He laughed, helping me with the task. Once it was around his waist, I removed his t-shirt, as well. His body was so sexy, all tanned skin and muscle. My hands and mouth attacked him, as I kissed my way from one shoulder to the other, then up his throat to his mouth.

  We kissed again, this time more slowly, tantalizingly. His hands skimmed my curves. I groaned at his touch. He sucked my bottom lip between his teeth, biting gently.

  I thought I’d never experience this again. How could I have lived without it? His hands were on me, lifting my dress, pulling it over my head. Gripping my butt, pulling me toward him. I could feel the growth of his member against me, and I shivered. His breath was hot and fast. I could remember how good it felt to have him inside me.

  We sank to the floor, both of us laughing as Chase removed my boots. It was no easy task; I giggled helplessly. “Not the sexiest choice of footwear,” I admitted. He shook his head, crawling over me, lowering me until I was on my back. I sighed. I loved that we could laugh together one moment and sink back into pleasure in the next.

  He kissed his way down my body, lowering the cups of my bra so his mouth could access my tender flesh. I gasped at the first flick of his tongue against my erect nipples. Little laps, so tender and at the same time electrifying, tendrils of pleasure spiking through me at each soft touch.

  His mouth moved to the other nipple, a thumb caressing the breast now exposed. Whereas his tongue was soft, his hands were rough. They spoke of urgent need, and barely controlled passion. The juxtaposition was driving me crazy.

  One of his hands roamed down, until it stroked my thigh. I moaned in approval, raising my panty covered hips to meet him. It felt so good, being together like this. It always felt so good. His hand trailed around the outside of the lace. Goosebumps sprang instantly to my arms.

  Then his lips left my nipples and he began kissing down my torso. The lips trailed down the underside of my breasts, crossing my stomach, lingering over my navel, sweeping over the soft bit of skin just above the top of my panties, kissing all the way. Hot breath moved onto silky fabric. My fingers clutched at his dark hair, my body writhing as the heat upon me generated heat within.

  Soon his hands were easing the panties over my hips, then off my legs altogether. He knelt between my thighs, lifting one leg over his shoulder. He kissed my ankle, then up my leg with warm, slow kisses. I closed my eyes, gasping with every touch of his tongue on my skin. This wonderful man; as generous a lover as he was with everything else. He took his time, stoking my desire without ever touching that most precious part of me, ensuring that when I did explode, it would be in a soul-consuming inferno.

  By the time he reached my inner thigh, I was desperate for relief. I burned with aching need, enflamed by his lips and his swirling, sweeping tongue.

  “Oh, Chase, please...” I begged, thrusting my hips upward again and again, hoping my desperation would make him take pity on me. Instead, he teased me, dragging his tongue all over me without ever touching that one part of me that I desired.

  I whimpered, frustrated, and shot him a nasty look—I could only take so much more torment. He saw me, and laughed before moving between my legs to where they met. “Yes...” I breathed in anticipation.

  The feeling of his tongue when it touched was so intense I gave a start, gripping him by the hair. “Chase!”

  His tongue flicked out to touch me again, and again. I moaned out loud, then sunk back with a blissful sigh as the pleasure began a steady build in time with his motion.

  Suddenly, he went deeper, nibbling my pearl. I cried out, holding his head in my hands, pulling him closer as I pushed my hips upward. I was on edge, ready to explode. I forced him down into me as his tongue lapped at a blistering pace.

  I groaned, so close now, the vibrations traveling through my body and into my brain. “Chase!”

  In response, he took my pearl gently in his mouth. And sucked.

  I shot over the edge like a speedboat from a waterfall—hanging high in the sky, breathless, before plummeting at a pace that took my breath away into the depths of passion. Exquisite thrills surged through my body as my thighs tightened. I cried out in glorious climax.

  When I could breath, I opened my eyes to see a mischievous gleam in Chase’s face—there was more yet to come. But I scrambled up. “Your turn.” I wanted to give him the pleasure he had given me, first.

  He laid back as my hand pushed against his chest. I slid down his abdomen and removed the coveralls from his body, sucking in a breath as I did every time I saw that bulge beneath; so large and hard. At one time I’d wondered if I could handle him. Now I looked forward to it.

  I slid his boxers down, taking his member with my hands as he sighed. This was my favorite part—that first, gentle caress of something so hard yet still soft to the touch. He jerked in response. There was something about the anticipation of it all. The knowledge that his body was all mine, to do with as I liked. The knowledge that sex wasn’t just about the end result, but how you got there, too.

  I stroked him gently before dipping my head to take the tip of him in my mouth.

  “Ohhh...” he groaned, his hips flexing. I bobbed up and down slowly, taking my time, licking his tip as I moved onto him in tiny little increments. I wanted to drive him as wild as he’d driven me—to control his pleasure. It gave me a thrill knowing that I had such power over him. Every sigh and groan sparked my own fire.

  Would we still be able to have sex in a few months’ time? I didn’t know. I had so many unanswered questions. But one thing I did know was that I’d always be able to do this. And I’d always want to. It felt so good to be able to please him. Almost selfish, because I got so much satisfaction in return.

  Soon I felt his hands upon me, roaming over every bit of skin he could touch. They came to rest on my arms, and he began to tug at me. “Move up and face the other way, so I can do it to you, too.”

  I paused, slightly confused, but let him pull me around; my mouth still upon his member as I rotated like the hands on a clock, until he had maneuvered me to sit upon his chest.

  I was facing opposite to before, though I could still slide my mouth on him. I blushed, wondering and embarrassed about the fact that my legs were practically in his face, until I felt a hand upon them, and realized that must have been his intention all along.

  I groaned as I felt his fingers travel across my booty and then down the length of my cleft. Oh God. I knew what he was going to do!

  His fingers began to tease around my edges, drifting in what I’m sure he thought were light brushes, but to me were lightning strikes every time they connected. I plunged down upon him with renewed vigor, sucking sharply. His own body throbbed in response.

  Then one of his fingers slid inside me. My back arched, his member flying free as I cried out in pleasure. It felt so good! I resumed my sucking only with effort—all I wanted to do was bask in the feelings he generated.

  He began to move in tandem, the motions of his fingers matching the motion of my mouth. It was incredible! By pleasuring him, I was pleasuring myself. When I slowed, he slowed. When I picked up the pace, his fingers would quickly piston in and out. I was soon reduced to pathetic, shuddering moans upon him as I tried with every ounce of willpower to concentrate on what was happening at my head, and not give in to what was happening at my hips.

  I had to finish this. I had to bring it to a close so that I could give in to the feelings myself. I gripped my hand around his base, shuddering at the effects of his own hands upon me, and began to work him faster. My head bobbed lower
and lower each time I moved upon him, taking him deeper into my mouth.

  From this angle, it was easier to take the slight curve of his member. I came up, gasping for air, his shaft and my hand covered in saliva, then dove straight back down once more. His fingers mirrored my movements, giving brief respite before plunging deep inside. I couldn’t help it; I cried out with my mouth around him. The first lightning bolt of my approaching storm had struck out, and by the intensity of even this outlier, I knew it was going to be a big one.

  I kept going. Sucking and sliding upon him; going as deep as I dared—my hand gripping his length below—doing what my mouth couldn’t. And soon I was rewarded when his hands upon me started to falter. I renewed my action, sucking so hard my cheeks hollowed.

  An audible groan left his lips. He must be close.

  With my free hand, my elbows resting across his splayed hips, I reached down to fondle his scrotum. When I squeezed it gently, I felt his entire body stiffen. “Rachel!” he cried out.

  I felt him swell, and then his whole body tensed. His hands left my legs to grip my hips as he sat up in pleasure, his mouth finding the spot that fingers had just vacated. He gave another cry, this one muffled, as the first hot spurt of him entered my mouth. The feel of him on my tongue and between my legs was the final straw for me, too. I cried out, my own noises joining his as I clenched my legs, both of us convulsing upon the other. When it was over I collapsed upon him. We were both panting.

  He shifted beneath me. “I want you,” he grunted. The man was unstoppable.

  I moaned, still only barely recovered from the previous time but already warming in anticipation. I knew what this man could do. I allowed him to shift me until I was on my hands and knees.


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