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Darkness Falls (Darkness Series Book 3)

Page 3

by Drake, J. L.

  Maddy: You have the day off! Yippie! Gretchen said she’s going to drop me off at your place in ten. YAY!

  Oh shit. My head dropped into my hand. An afternoon spent with a fifteen year old girl…I was screwed.

  Seth: You’re dead.

  Emily: Sorry, baby, but you made me.

  Seth: What am I supposed to do with her?

  Emily: Be her big brother, she loves you, and you did promise to spend more time with her.

  I gave Pete a quick call; he’d know what to do.

  Sure enough, fifteen minutes later my little sister bounced on my patio and rang my doorbell like it was going out of style. I opened the door, only to have her leap into my arms and give me a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

  “Hey, Seth!” She beamed up at me with big, round, blue eyes. “I couldn’t believe when Em told me you had the day off and nothing to do.” She dropped her bag on the floor and looked around the house. “Wow, this place is nice.”

  “You want something to drink, Mads?” I closed the door behind her, then headed toward the kitchen. “Coke, Pepsi, water, juice?”

  “Pepsi.” She followed me, and I realized she’d never been here before. “Wow, that’s quite the patio.” She opened the door and whistled. “I can see why you never come home.” I felt a pang of guilt. I really needed to work on that more.

  “I work a lot.” I handed her the soda. “So I don’t enjoy it as much as I’d like to.”

  I pulled out a seat for her at the patio table and sat across from her. “So, why aren’t you at school?”

  She sat and downed nearly half the glass. “It was mainly Halloween festivities today and tomorrow, and when Em told me you were off, I came home early to come see you.”

  I nodded. “Right on. What’s Mom up to?”

  Her face dropped, and the excitement faded from her eyes. “She’s up north, seeing Dad.”

  “Oh.” A loud crack from my water bottle gave my tension away.

  “Yeah, I heard Mom on the phone last night. They were arguing about one of Dad’s clients coming by the house Friday. I wasn’t home, so I didn’t see him, but I guess he scared Mom a bit.” I cleared my throat as a way to stop my outburst. Fuck my father. “Dad gave him the passcode, so he didn’t even have to check in at the gate. Came right inside when Gretchen opened the door.” She shrugged her little shoulders. “Anyway, Mom called Dad to talk to him about it, and I guess he was a real dick.” She looked up at me to see if I was going to give her shit for swearing. I didn’t. She was right—he was a dick. “Somehow he convinced her to come and visit, so she’s there until tomorrow morning.”

  “I see.” I nodded and attempted to keep my cool. “All right, well, I’ll get the watchman to change the gate code, and make sure he keeps an eye on you guys. Does Nick know about what happened?”

  She shook her head as she stirred what was left of her soda. “He’d have to pick up his phone in order for him to hear anything.” I rolled my eyes. Nick loved to avoid any kind of drama, even at the expense of our little sister.

  “Sorry, Mads, we’re bad at communicating.”

  “It sucks.” She looked up at me. “Like I miss hanging out with you. But Emily is great, and we talk all the time. She even took me out to lunch the other day.”

  Really? “She did?”

  “Yup.” She grinned a little, and I could tell she thought it was great I didn’t know this. “We even went shopping. She helped me pick out a dress for the Halloween dance.”

  “Good.” I needed to remember to kiss Em extra hard for doing this. I glanced at my watch. “You ready?”

  “For what?”

  “I have someone I want you to meet.” She was going to love this.


  “Oh my God, Seth, I can’t believe you did that!” Maddy squealed while she scrolled through her pictures on her iPhone. “How in the world did you pull that off?”

  “Pete.” I couldn’t help but smile at her excitement, although my ears still hurt from her screams as Zayn Malik came out of the sound booth to greet us. I wasn’t sure what all the hype was with him. He reminded me of someone you’d find on one of the soaps Gretchen watched while she cooked.

  Maddy scrolled through her iPhone before she removed mine from the cord and plugged in hers. “Listen, this is one of their older ones, but one of my favorites.” Moments later, I heard a peppy beat strum through my speakers. Maddy started to sing along. I leaned my arm out the window and wondered if I should roll the windows up before anyone witnessed this show. “Oh, come on!” She started to dance, trying to get me to loosen up. She belted the chorus, and I laughed at her moves. “Fine.” She turned down the music.

  Her face said it all. Shit. “Give me your phone.” I checked the stoplight to see it was still red, then quickly pressed play and brought that horrible tune back into my car. She looked at me, confused. I held up my finger to make her wait, then I forced myself to remember she was my baby sis, someone I’d give my life for. I gave her a look before I popped my collar, turned my hat around, and did it. I started to sing the lyrics, with a little douchebag dance. Fuck me, no one better see this.

  Her mouth dropped open as I sang the words just as they did. Hell, I even added hand movements.

  “Oh!” She squealed and clapped her hands with an infectious laugh. “This is amazing!” She joined me at the chorus.

  When the song ended, I turned down the music and gave her my scariest face. “You tell anyone what just happened here, I will deny it for the rest of my life.”

  “Promise.” She giggled and beamed at me, and that made it all worth it. I turned my hat back around and smoothed down my collar. “Can I ask how you know the words?”

  “I live with a woman, who loves all music.” I pulled into my driveway. “A woman who sings all the time. You tend to pick up the words after hearing them eighty-seven times.” I opened my door but noticed she didn’t. “What?”

  “Shouldn’t you take me home?” I saw her eye Emily’s car. “I mean, I don’t want to overstay my welcome.”

  “Mads, get out of the car.” I wrapped my arm around her shoulders as we climbed the stairs. “Just because I don’t see you much, doesn’t mean I don’t want to spend time with you. I’ll take you back later, but for now you’re staying.”

  Her face lit up, then she looked past my shoulder. “Doesn’t that witch look like she’s spanking that ghost?”

  “Pete,” I hissed as I steered her away from the dirty scene.

  A male voice from the kitchen prompted me to step in front of Maddy. I opened the door and found Travis nursing a beer as Emily sprinkled cheese on top of a homemade pizza.

  “Oh, hey, man.” Travis nodded at me as he took a swig of his beer. He didn’t rise out of his seat like a man should do. “Wow,” he said when he saw Maddy, “you must be his sister, because you’re a mini Seth.”

  “I am,” she replied and smiled proudly.

  “Hey, Maddy,” Emily said while she brushed her hands clean. She moved over and gave her a hug. “Hey, baby,” she said to me and gave me a kiss on the lips. Then she mouthed, “Be nice.”

  “Oh my God, Emily,” Maddy said, following her over to the counter, “Seth took me to meet Zayn Malik! I got to listen to him sing, and I got a bunch of pictures.”

  “Seriously?” Emily grinned at me. “From One Direction?”

  “Yup!” Maddy pulled out her phone. “Look!”

  “One what?” Travis asked and downed the rest of his beer. Both girls turned to look at him. “Is that a person?”

  “Band,” they both answered together.

  Garrett came into the kitchen but stopped when he saw Travis, who looked mighty comfortable at the table.

  “Hey, Garrett.” Travis stood to get another beer, but Emily beat him to it. She pulled out three and handed us each one. Garrett gave her a quick hug before he eyed me.

  “Hey, Maddy.” Garrett waved. “What are you guys looking at?”

  “Don’t ask,” I muttere
d in fear they’d play the song again. “So, Travis, what are you doing here tonight?” Emily shot me a look, but I acted like I didn’t see it.

  “I came over to borrow some flour,” he said into his beer. This guy had zero respect for me. “Guess I got caught up having a drink with Emily.”

  “Or two,” Garrett added, and Emily glared at both of us.

  He picked up the container of flour and placed his beer on the counter. “One and a half,” he stated, then turned to Emily. “I’ll return this later. Thanks, as always.”

  “Anytime.” Em gave him a smile, but her cheeks were pink from blushing.

  Once Travis was gone, she turned to both of us. “Really, guys? That was rude.”

  “He’s hot,” Maddy chimed in. “Does he always wear his shirt open like that?”

  “Yes,” Garrett muttered as he sank into a chair.

  “Maddy.” I scowled at her.

  “What?” She watched him walk through the woods. “It’s not like I stand a chance. I’m just sneaking a peek.”

  Oh fuck. “No peeking.”

  “I’m fifteen, Seth.” She rolled her eyes. “A little peek is fun.”

  “Ah!” I shook my head. “Just stop.”

  She laughed over her shoulder as she headed for the restroom.

  I glance over at Emily, who looked mighty pissed at both of us. “Must you guys be so rude to him? I would think you’d be happy he’s a friendly neighbor. He’s always home, and you aren’t. If I was to get into trouble, he’s here, a few yards away. Isn’t that just as good as having one of your babysitters?”

  “No,” I said without missing a beat.

  “Nope,” Garrett added. “He likes you, Em.”

  “So?” She tossed the dishrag in the sink and shoved the pizzas into the oven. “I don’t like him that way. Doesn’t that count for something?”

  “It should, but it doesn’t.” Garrett sipped his beer.

  I crossed my arms. “When a guy like him likes a woman like you, he’ll make a move. It’s only a matter of time.”

  “Okay.” She leaned against the counter, and I could see she wasn’t going to back down on this either.

  “Okay?” I felt like I wasn’t going to like this answer.

  “Okay, when or if he makes his move, I tell him no. Then if he doesn’t get that I’m not interested, I stay away. But I’m not pushing away every guy you two think likes me, or I’d have no friends.”

  Garrett smacked me on the shoulder as he pulled Maddy into the living room area to give us some privacy.

  “Seth,” she held her hands up, looking tired, “please, please don’t start this whole jealously thing again. First Scott, then Vince. I can’t do Travis too.”

  I wanted to point out that both Scott and Vince had feelings for her at one time and probably still did, but I knew better right now.

  I took a few steps so I was in front of her and cupped her cheeks so she would look at me. “Can’t blame a guy for being crazy jealous over someone flirting with what’s his, baby. Just because you don’t see it yet doesn’t mean I don’t.” I leaned forward and sealed my lips over hers, tasting the wine that lingered on her tongue. “Don’t be mad.”

  She sighed when she heard Maddy in the other room. “Yeah.” She moved away to check on the pizza.



  My body was perfectly still behind a large tree, my senses heightened to every single sound around me. I was dressed in my normal attire for when I was watching, all black. I blended perfectly, trained to stay still for endless amounts of time, and have the patience of a saint, though I was anything but.

  I could see perfectly into the kitchen window, see Emily and Seth get into one of their famous fights over her blind stupidity and his over the top jealousy issues. They were a bit like oil and water.

  Travis was stopped a few feet away, watching too. Little did he know I was watching him with as much curiosity. My instincts told me he was hiding something, and I knew Garrett found something because I overheard him with Seth. I made a mental note to look into him further. I had plans for Travis, and the fact he was interested in Emily and not nervous of Seth’s territorial issues made it that much more fun.

  Travis suddenly looked in my direction, his eyes locked onto mine. I slipped into predator mode. I noted all the areas my knife could slice and dice into his flesh, ending his life quickly with no sound at all. I had a plastic sheet hidden a few yards away, along with some rope for times like this when it could get messy fast. My truck was a quarter of a mile due east. Travis was a big man. I would guess two hundred-some pounds, at six feet. I could carry him, but there was a chance I might have to drag him, so I would need a break. So, add all that together, if I had to kill my pawn, I’d be looking at least an hour or two of dealing with this shit.

  Travis’s eyes unlocked from mine and scanned the trees. His phone grabbed his attention, and he suddenly headed back toward his house. He walked right by me. If he were to lean to his right even an inch, he’d feel me. He had no idea how close he came to being carved into something spectacular tonight.

  My attention was drawn back to the window when I heard Seth’s little sister laugh. She brought the fight to a halt. Fuck! I hoped for some more tension. I guessed I’d have to step it up a notch.



  My hands sought the warmth of my coffee, and I held it close to my chest as the cool morning breeze brushed my skin, leaving a thin layer of sea spray. My toes flexed in the sand, and the sun rose behind me. Ever since I was a child, I’d tried to beat the sunrise so we could wake together. It was like an old friend who no matter what would always be there.

  I pushed last night’s events away, feeling a little a lost with them. I focused on the fact Maddy and Seth had a great day, and she seemed to be bubbling over with happiness. Lord knew the poor girl needed someone to look up to while Martha figured out how to deal with Jack’s messes. Seth’s father needed to be taken out back and dealt with.

  I dug at my pocket, shocked to see Maddy was up so early.

  Maddy: Have you decided on your costumes?

  Emily: Why aren’t you sleeping?

  Maddy: Excited! So…

  I rubbed my head, trying to get my head in the game.

  Emily: Yes, should be arriving today or tomorrow.

  Maddy: Yay!! Will you give me a clue?

  Emily: Your brother will be happy.

  Maddy: So you’re going as cops?

  Emily: Ha! No, you’ll just have to wait and see.

  I laughed. I was lucky enough that he agreed not to go as a cop. He claimed he and Garrett already had the uniforms, and they didn’t see the point in being anything else.

  Maddy: I had a lot of fun yesterday, thanks a lot.

  Emily: You should know you’re welcome at our place anytime, Maddy. You never need an invite.

  Maddy: Thanks, I needed to hear that. xo

  I closed my eyes and breathed in some warmth from the rays and tuned in to the waves. I should get ready for school and hit up the library, but I didn’t want to move.

  His warm chest found my back, and his arms wrapped around me as his legs settled in next to mine.

  “Morning.” His raspy voice sent a jolt to my system. I leaned back and rested my head on his broad shoulder. I loved how I felt in his arms. “You’re up early.” I nodded and nuzzled deeper into his hold.

  “I was saying hello to an old friend.”

  “Oh?” he asked, then kissed my temple. “Have I met this friend?”

  I looked up at him. “Yeah,” I closed my eyes and kissed his neck, “you have.”

  He made the connection and remembered the last time I did this, at the beach the morning after he told me he loved me.

  “What’s on your mind, baby?”

  I watched as a seagull dived into the water and came back up empty. “Nothing really worth getting into.” He didn’t push; he got what I was talking about. We didn’t need to beat
a dead horse again. “Seth?”


  “Do you see us together in ten years?”

  His left hand found mine and held it tightly. “Emily, if you’re not in my future in ten years, what is there to live for?”

  I felt the passion he had for me, but was it enough? “You think, with how we are, with how stubborn and crazy we are together, we’ll make it?”

  He leaned to the side to see my face. “Do you?” My finger traced circles in the sand, truly trying to find the honest answer. “Em, you fought so hard for us last year, so let me fight for us now. If you’re second guessing things, tell me now so I can make them right. I don’t want to do me without you.” His hand caught a tear I didn’t even know was falling.

  “I don’t want to either,” I whispered. He waited and studied my face to see how upset I was, then moved back and pulled me closer. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin against my shoulder.


  “How’s he holding up?” Erin asked through a bite into her apple. The library campus was surprisingly empty at three thirty in the afternoon. We decided to study outside since it was so cool, and you could smell rain in the air. I loved that scent; it meant the temperature would drop. I just hoped it held out for Martha’s Halloween party.

  “All right. I guess these past four days have been interesting, considering the guy hasn’t taken more than a day off work since he started at the station. He’s visiting his mom today.”

  She grinned. “You set that one up too?”

  “No, this one was all him. Guess there have been some problems with Jack again.”


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