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Darkness Falls (Darkness Series Book 3)

Page 9

by Drake, J. L.

  Emily waved at Seth. “A lot happened last year.” She shrugged at Travis. “I don’t blame him for being protective. I just bounced back a little faster than he did.”

  “Mmm,” Travis muttered, “well, there’s being protective and being smothering.”

  Fuck, Travis! I shook my head. You’re coming off way too strong there. I’d have to play damage control later.

  “Seth has been like this since day one. It’s nothing new, and it’s everything I love about him.” Emily took a step back.


  Travis ran his hand over the back of his neck. “Sorry, that was uncalled for, Emily. I guess sometimes as an outsider he can seem a little controlling, that’s all.” He placed a hand on her shoulder. “Thanks again for the invite. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Of course.” She waved goodbye as she turned to walk away. Travis walked a few feet into the woods, then stopped and watched her.

  I waited a beat, and then pinched my zipper on my jeans and walked onto the lit patio like I just took a piss in the woods. Vanessa shot me a gross look, and I shot her a playful wink. I didn’t like Vanessa. She was a nosy bitch who had inserted her life into Campbell’s way too quickly. She was one of those girls who saw security and grabbed it by the balls, squeezing until it surrendered. She didn’t get in my way, so I left her alone…for now.

  I opened a beer and listened to Emily speak to Seth as she approached him.

  “You know, you are one of the biggest men at this party, and you really don’t have to use your stare to scare people.” She placed her hands on her hips. Seth took a step toward her and towered over her petite frame.

  “And you need to open your pretty little eyes and see.” He pointed his beer at Travis’s house. “That man is interested in you.”

  She sighed heavily. “And you need to see that I’m not interested in anyone but you.”

  “Oh, I know that.” He almost grinned, but held it together. “But it doesn’t mean I need to be friendly. He knows you are mine.”

  “It’s true, Em.” Riggs closed the grill after he stole a peek. “Travis is sniffing out someone else’s property. There’s a man code, and he’s pissin’ all over it.”

  I fought the urge to rub my hands together in excitement…wait for it…wait for it…

  I almost felt Emily’s pulse speed up. “Property?” She cringed at the word. “You speak as though I am something you bought and set out in the yard for dogs to piss on!”

  “That’s not what I meant—I’m bad with words, Emily.” Riggs closed his eyes, clearly regretting what he just said.

  “Hey.” Seth hooked an arm around her waist and tugged her toward him. “I don’t trust him, I don’t like him, and while he’s hitting on you, I will be making damn sure he doesn’t touch what is mine.” His hand slid into her hair and tilted her head back to look at him. Seth was a natural Dom without even knowing it. “You don’t have to like it, but it’s going to happen.” He hovered above her lips and watched her closely. “You are mine, Emily, remember that.”

  She suddenly snapped out of the spell he had over her and wiggled out of his hold. “Shall I remind you?” She turned her head to study him. She seethed with anger, but she pulled it in and let her emotions take over. “Who fought for us?” she whispered as she headed into the kitchen, only to leave Seth to curse under his breath.

  I stepped down the stairs and slapped Seth on the shoulder. “Give her a minute.” I clinked my bottle to his, while really I imagined breaking the bottle over the table then jabbing it into his stomach so I could watch the blood drain from his body. “Any man can see he’s into her. He certainly doesn’t have a problem stepping over into your territory, does he?”

  Seth sighed heavily. “No, he doesn’t.”

  “Well.” I pressed my lips together and thought about how to play this just right. “Maybe you need to go have a talk with him. Let your friendly neighbor know where he belongs.” I moved my head in Emily’s direction. “And where you do.”

  “That’s a thought.” He nodded.

  Ha! This was too easy.

  I sank into a chair at the table and helped myself to a rather large hunk of steak. I grinned to myself. How I loved to fuck with their lives. There was so much they didn’t know, and it was so easy to mess with them, like child’s play. I saw Emily glance at Seth, letting him see she was hurt by his assumptions. That’s right, my puppets, dance.



  I avoided Seth most of the night. I just needed some space, and I hated that he thought I would ever cheat on him. In fact, I was a bit insulted. It wasn’t like I hadn’t put my time in to prove how much I loved the friggin’ guy! I chucked the trash in the bin and jumped when I heard footsteps behind me.

  “Sorry.” Garrett looked guilty. “Just wanted to check in. Make sure you’re all right.”

  “I’m fine.” I slammed the lid down. “Will he ever trust me, Garrett? ’Cause, honestly, it’s getting a little old.”

  Garrett leaned against the rail. “He trusts you, Em; it’s Travis he doesn’t trust.”

  “Such a you answer.” I went to move inside, but Garrett stopped me.

  “Right, because it’s the truth.” He stared down. “I spend more time with the guy than you do. I know what he’s thinking almost before he does. I’ve never lied to you, so hear me when I tell you he does trust you, but neither of us trusts Travis.”

  “What is it that you guys don’t like about Travis besides his supposed hitting on me? Is it something I don’t know? Something else?” I stepped closer to see if there was something there, but he turned to look away. “Right, so it’s just a jealousy thing. Perfect.”

  Pete appeared in the doorway. “Hey, all, we’re heading to the beach pit. Thought the fire might be nice.”

  The three of us headed down to the beach, where the guys had already started the fire and were settling into beach chairs. Vanessa joined me and handed me a Bailey’s hot chocolate. The evenings sure cooled down in October.

  “Thanks.” I caught sight of Seth, who was reading something on his phone. He looked annoyed as he sent a quick text. I made my way over and sat on the arm of his chair. I couldn’t help it. I loved to be near him, no matter how angry I got. My body was naturally drawn to his.

  Moments later I felt him wrap a blanket over my shoulders as he tugged me onto his lap. I tucked my legs up and curled into his chest. He kissed the top of my head. “Don’t be mad, baby.”

  “Too late for that.”

  I heard him growl deep down in his throat. His mouth pushed my head away from his chest so he could whisper, “Can you blame me?” His stare held me in place. “Any man wants you, any woman wants to look like you, you have a personality men only dream of, you’re incredibly smart, and you’re not married. You, Emily, are the perfect catch.” I couldn’t help myself. I reached up grabbed his head and pulled his lips to mine. He didn’t hesitate, and he swiped his tongue inside my mouth. He took over the kiss and reminded me of his intense love for me. I gave in until I heard Riggs crack a joke about us.

  “You’re not off the hook, but thank you for saying those things,” I whispered.

  “So, tell me something.” Vanessa pulled our attention to her. “I never heard the story of how you two met.”

  I sat up and wrapped my arm around Seth’s shoulders. I’d be the storyteller, since Seth didn’t talk too much about anything personal.

  “Three years ago, Erin and I went to a party of a friend of a friend’s.” I glanced at Erin, who loved that she was involved in this story. “It was mid-summer hot, I was itching to hit the pool when we ran into a bunch of friends who were in our Soc class. We started chatting. More and more people started to arrive, the place was filling up fast, but at one point I had this feeling someone was watching me. I was in mid-sentence when I looked up and saw this guy watching me from the doorway. His eyes were shaded by his baseball hat, but I knew he was staring at me.” I looked down at Seth. “You
didn’t smile, you just watched.” He nodded and remembered with me.

  “Then what?” Riggs asked and made us all laugh a little. Riggs didn’t seem like he cared.

  “Well, I couldn’t really think straight with him staring at me, so I had to turn a little and focus on the group.”

  “I didn’t like that,” Seth muttered.

  “Yeah, I know. After an hour, I checked to see if he was still there, but he was gone. I won’t lie, I was disappointed, but what did I expect? For him to hang around while I chatted in the heat? So I finally decided to take a dip in the pool. I ended up in a volleyball match where we were one player short. Someone, who I now know was Garrett, called over to his partner, and soon enough we had a full team of me, Garrett, Seth, and some guy named Tony.”

  “I played against them,” Erin chimed with a wink.

  “Yes, you did.” I grinned. “You may not want to brag about that, E.” I took a moment to sip my hot drink. The Baileys was just right. “We started to play, and by the time it ended, it was well into the night. Garrett and Tony vanished and left me and Seth all alone in the pool, and, well, the rest is history.” I took a quick drink.

  “Oh no!” Everyone started to shout. “You can’t leave it there.”

  “Come on.” Avery raised an eyebrow. “Share the good stuff.”

  “Nope.” Seth grinned up at me. “That’s our moment.” I gave him a quick peck on the lips and laid my head down on his shoulder and listened to people protest. Finally, Vanessa started to tell about how she and Campbell met, and the attention shifted to them. I stared at the fire and remembered the rest of our story.

  “Great game.” Seth’s smile made my stomach jump in excitement. He was incredibly hot. His shorts were dipped low, showing his tan line and part of his V. I had to look away before my body betrayed me. “Seth.” He extended his hand. I slipped mine into his and noticed how much larger he was than me.

  “Emily.” I tried to play it cool. He waited a beat before he released it. “So, Seth.” I leaned against the edge of the pool. “What is it that you do?”

  “I just got hired on with the Orange Police Department,” he said proudly, making my bloody brain picture him in the uniform. I could see my chest rise and fall as he stepped closer. “And you, Emily?”

  “I’m taking some time off, but I want to eventually enroll in Orange University. I would like to be a teacher.”

  His stomach flexed as he reached next to me for his drink. He was close. I could feel his body heat. “Looks like I’ll be seeing more of you, then. My partner and I patrol that area.”

  “I think you’ll have to make a better effort than that, Seth. I’m not one for getting into trouble.” I smirked in a playful manner. “But you can find me at the campus pub, The Goose.”

  “Is that so?”

  “It is.” I looked over his shoulder at Erin, who was coming toward us.

  “Sorry for interrupting, Em, but Alex wants to head back. You want to leave or…” She gave me a shake of the head as if to say, ‘stay!’

  Seth faced me. “I can take you home.” He looked at Erin. “I’ll get her home safe. You’ve met my partner, and you know who I am.”

  “That’s true.” Erin beamed at me. “That cool with you, Em?”

  “Umm, sure.”

  “All right, call me when you get home.” She waved goodbye.

  Once alone again, he turned back to me, still only a foot between us, just an arm’s length away from his perfect steel body. “I have to know something, Emily. Are you seeing anyone?” I was thankful for the darkness because I felt my face heat.

  “Why do you have to know?” I played.

  “Well.” He leaned against the edge of the pool next to me. “I spent more than half the day watching you, the other half with you, and I want to know if I am stepping on any man’s territory here.”

  “Why were you watching me?”

  “Because you’re beautiful. I have to know.” He smiled playfully. “Are you seeing anyone right now?”

  “If I am, then what?”

  “Then I’d be horribly disappointed, but I’d think of a million ways to show you we’re a better match.”

  “You’re pretty sure of yourself.” I smirked; his confidence was sexy.

  He shrugged. “I am, so?”

  “Single.” I saw his blue eyes brighten up in the little light there was. “So now what?”

  “Now I make sure you get home safely.” He hopped up and headed to the table where our towels were. I followed and took the towel he offered me.

  “It’s all right. I can call a cab.”

  He looked at me strangely. “No, I said I’d take you home, so I am.”

  “Are you warm enough?” he asked as he pulled out of the driveway and onto the road.

  “I’m fine.” I let my hair out of the elastic, and it fell all around me. It was nearly dry. Soft music played in the background, and I felt comfortable with Seth, even though he was quieter than earlier. My phone rang, and I dug it out of my purse.


  “Emily, is it a good time?”


  “Hey, Christopher, umm…not really. What’s up?” I snuck a glance over at Seth, whose jaw appeared to be locked in place.

  I could tell Christopher wasn’t pleased I wouldn’t give him much of my time. “Are we still on for Friday, six thirty at The Rhubarb?”

  “Umm, yeah, Friday, Rhubarb, six thirty. I’ll see you then.” I hung up before I could hear about anything he had planned. I tucked my phone in my purse and stared out the windshield.

  “You have a date?” he asked quietly.

  “Sort of.” I shrugged. “If you take the next turn, that’s my driveway there on the right.” He turned down the long, dark driveway and into my spot.

  “You live here by yourself?” He opened his door as I gathered my things. He came around and offered to take my bag as I stood.

  “My father passed away a few years ago, and my mother…” I closed my eyes. I didn’t even know where I should begin. “She’s in Africa saving anyone who’s not me.” I pushed away the painful thoughts. “I love the quiet, so it’s perfect.” It was a bit of a lie, but I didn’t care. I was sure I wouldn’t see this guy after tonight anyway. Men like Seth weren’t interested in women. I could see he was a workaholic.

  I unlocked my front door but stopped myself from going inside. “Thank you for the ride home.”

  “Of course, it was my pleasure.” He scanned my property, and I wondered what he was thinking.

  “What?” I looked around to see what he saw. “You’re kind of scaring me, here.”

  His face changed into a sexy smile. “Sorry, habit, I guess. It’s just you live in such a remote area. Are you all right with being here all on your own?”

  “I don’t want to give up my house. I fought hard enough to keep it. Sometimes it gets a little big, a little lonely, but that’s the price I paid to keep what’s mine.” I was curious as to why in the hell I was telling him so much. “Wow, that got heavy quick.” I stared down at my shoes and mentally kicked myself. “Sorry.”

  His finger lifted my chin so I’d look at him. “Why are you sorry? You’re very refreshing, Emily, in so many ways.” I nodded and resisted the urge to step forward and kiss him. “Now.” He handed me my bag. “Please go inside, lock your door, and call Erin so I can say I dropped you off safe and sound.”

  A tiny ping of disappointment hit me that I wouldn’t get a goodnight kiss, but at the same point, Seth seemed like the perfect gentleman, so it was nice.

  “See you around, Seth.” I opened my door.

  “Yeah, you will, Emily.” He gave a nod and watched me close my door on quite possibly the sexiest man who ever lived.


  “She’ll have a margarita,” Christopher said to the waiter, “and I’ll have a whiskey.” He scanned the menu without even so much as a look at me or a request for my input. “She’ll have the duck with baby potatoes,
and a salad with light ranch, and I’ll have the duck with mashed potatoes and coleslaw.”

  Wow, really? I leaned over the table. “Actually, I’ll have a dirty martini with three olives, and a steak, medium, with fries.” The waiter grinned a little as he took my menu. I noticed he made a quick retreat.

  Christopher closed his eyes in frustration. “That was rude and demeaning for me.”

  “What was rude, Chris, was you not asking me what I’d like. You just assumed.”

  He pulled at his tie and glanced around the busy restaurant. “You really should eat healthier. Too much red meat is fattening, and the fries are full of salt.”

  I wanted to toss my water at him for even referring to my weight at dinner. I ate healthy and exercised every day. If I wasn’t fit enough for him, then find someone else!

  After a mind-numbing dinner, a painful dessert, and three martinis, I found myself looking out the window. I wanted to be anywhere else. Christopher talked about his father’s company he was taking over, blah, blah, blah. If he thought it impressed me, he was so wrong. He was cocky in all the wrong ways.

  “So,” he muttered as we walked along the sidewalk, “that was a nice time.” Really? I barely said two words while he chatted the entire time. “You want to come back to my place?”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Christopher.” I stopped at his car and wished I had driven. “I had a nice time, but I think we’d be better off as friends.”

  I didn’t see him coming in for a kiss until his sloppy lips smacked into mine. I squeaked and tried to push him off. He took it as an invitation and stuck his tongue into my mouth like a dead slug. He pushed his body into mine against the car and pinned me with his weight. I pounded on his chest, but he didn’t stop. He was the worst kisser. He barely moved his tongue, and he created too much saliva. Get off me! I want to vomit!


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