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The Story of the Jews

Page 61

by Simon Schama

  Khaybar, 232, 239–42

  Khazar kingdom, 260–1, 265–7

  Khirbet Qeiyafa (now Elah Fortress), 79–86

  Khnum (Egyptian god), 9, 14, 24

  Khosrau II, Sassanian king, 228

  Kidron Valley: rock cut tombs, 122

  Kimche, David, 402

  Kings, Book of, 38–9, 47, 54, 587

  King’s Lynn, 305, 308

  Kitchener, Horatio Herbert (later 1st Earl), 67 Kittim, 164 kokhim (burial niches), 123

  Krokodopolis, Egypt, 91, 100

  Ktesias (Egyptian police chief ), 90

  Kuntillet Ajrud, 51–2, 75

  Laborde, Léon de: Voyages de l’Arabie Petrée, 69

  Lachish (fortress), 44, 51

  Ladino language, 394, 410

  Lamech (son of Methuselah), 164

  Langton, Stephen, Archbishop of Canterbury, 319

  Lateran Council, Fourth (1215), 319, 353

  Leontopolis, Egypt, 100 Letter of Aristeas, The, 95–6

  Levitas of Yavne, Rabbi, 184

  Levites: chant psalms, 151

  Leviticus: injunctions and Code of Holiness, 14, 28, 53, 82, 98, 101, 185, 328

  Lewis, Agnes, 250

  Liabanus, 206

  Licoricia of Winchester, 292, 315, 318–22; murdered, 322–3

  Lincoln, 310

  Llull, Ramon, 388

  Lopes, Jorge (formerly Jacob de Rua), 417

  Louis I (the Pious), king of France, 297

  Louis VII, king of France, 293, 302

  Louis IX, St, king of France, 350–1, 354

  Lucena, Andalusia, 280

  Lucius Verus, Roman co-emperor, 174

  Luna, Alvaro de, 398, 400

  Lynn see King’s Lynn Lysimachus, 112

  Ma’adanah (Jereboam II’s daughter), 79

  Maccabees: and Christians, 199

  Maccabees, Books of, 88–9, 92, 102–3, 104, 112–15, 117–22, 125–6, 162

  Macdonald, Colour Sergeant James, 68, 71

  Macedonius, 206

  Maecenas (of Dura), 179

  Magnesia, battle of (190 BCE), 111

  Mahseiah bar Jedaniah, 22

  Maimonides, Abraham (Moses’ son), 348

  Maimonides, David (Moses’ brother), 337–9

  Maimonides, David (Moses’ son), 348

  Maimonides, Moses: travels and career, 251–2, 285, 327, 330–7; and death of brother David, 337–9; teachings and beliefs, 339–48; overwork and exhaustion, 347–8; French and Spanish rabbinical opposition to, 351–2, 380; Nahmanides on, 357; writes treatise on haemorrhoids, 364; The Causes of Symptoms, 347; Commentary on the Mishnah, 341; Epistle, 336–7; Guide to the Perplexed, 339–40, 342, 344, 348, 352, 357; Letter on Forced Conversion (Iggeret hashemad), 330; Mishneh Torah, 328, 331, 337, 342, 369; Sefer HaMada (Book of Knowledge), 342, 351

  Mainz: Jews massacred, 299–301

  Majorca (Mallorca), 374–5, 379–82, 386–7, 389–91

  Malabar coast (India), 339, 421

  Malchiah, son of Rechab, 30

  Malebisse, Richard, 306–7

  Manasseh, king of Judah, 15, 38–40, 47–8, 213, 294

  Manetho (Egyptian priest- grammarian), 11, 99, 102, 158

  Mankhazina, Jacob and Estrea, 417

  Manuel I, king of Portugal, 415–16 manuscripts, illuminated, 367–71, 401–3 mappae mundi, 374–7; see also Catalan Atlas Marcellinus, Ammianus, 216

  Marchana, Diego, 406

  Marduk (Mesopotamian god), 10 marriage: at Elephantine, 18–22; and conjugal duties, 314, 320

  Martial, 156, 161

  Martinez, Ferran, 382–4

  Marwab (Jewish warrior), 240

  Mary, Virgin, 295

  Masada, 154–6, 165

  Maspero, Gaston, 6 massebot (standing stones), 76

  Mastema (counter-Creator), 164

  Mattathias (patriarch), 115, 119, 121–2

  Matthew, St, 202, 363

  Mauzi, 26

  Mauziah (of Elephantine), 24

  Maximus, Magnus, Roman emperor, 218

  Mazar, Benjamin, 86 mazkr: meaning, 37

  Mea Shearim (district), 59

  Mecca (or Makka), 235 medicine, 262, 335

  Medina see Yathrib Megara, 109

  Megiddo, 74, 78; battle of (Armageddon), 42

  Meir, Rabbi, 190

  Meir of Rothenburg, Rabbi, 312, 368

  Memphis, Egypt, 5, 12, 16

  Menahem ibn Saruq, 259–63, 267–9, 282–3

  Menelaus, 108, 112

  Mereptah, pharaoh, 11

  Mesha, king of the Moabites, 53

  Meshullam bar Zaccur, 19–22

  Mesopotomia, 4, 10, 48

  Messiah: in Qumran scrolls, 166–7; expected appearance, 187, 286, 361; Maimonides on, 348; Nahmanides on, 358–9 mezuzah, 37, 96

  Mibtahiah, ‘Lady’, 22

  Michael (archangel), 163 micrography, 372–3, 401 midrash, 194, 203

  Migdol, Egypt, 5

  Milla, wife of Samuel, 320

  Miriam bat Tanchum, 295

  Miriam (Moses’ sister), 370, 413

  Miriam, wife of Judanes, 169

  Misgav, Haggai, 83

  Mishnah: on dietary laws, 18; writing, 95; on circumcision, 110; origins, 128, 133, 183, 184; on images, 177, 190; prescriptions and ideals, 184–90, 224, 227, 257, 343; as supra-historical, 184; on women, 191; and Talmud, 194; and Beit Hamidrash, 197; names in, 198; commentary, 221; on husband and wife, 314; Maimonides’ commentary, 328, 336, 338, 341–4, 347, 351

  Modi’in, 112, 119, 122

  Modrzejewski, Joseph, 103

  Moellin, Rabbi Jacob, 312 moneylending, 296, 315, 323

  Montefiore family, 65

  Montefiore, Sir Moses, 63

  Montfort, Simon de, 323

  Moriah, Mount, 195 mosaic, 182, 183, 190–7

  Mosconi, Leon, 381

  Moses: leads Israelites out of Egypt, 3; name, 11; legacy to Israelites, 14; law of, 32, 39–41, 45, 183, 209–10, 344, 350, 353; and reading, 33; and Josiah’s recovery of purity, 41; and Palestine Exploration Fund survey, 68, 69–71; death, 72; as lawgiver, 93; and Zipporah, 111; Josephus on, 160; pictured as infant in Dura synagogue, 178–80; barefoot at Burning Bush, 195; Paul repudiates, 209–10; images, 369

  Moses of Bristol, 317

  Moshe, Jeyuhda ibn, 394

  Muhammad the Prophet: ascendancy, 232, 235; affinity with Jews, 235–6; rejected by Jews, 236–8; claims to have been in heaven, 237; represses Jewish opponents, 238–41

  Mulk, ibn Sana al-, 335

  Mumin, Abd al-, 328–9

  Muriel, wife of David of Oxford, 318, 320–1, 323

  Murphy, C. M., 174

  Murray, John, 63

  Musa, Mansa, ruler of Mali, 376

  Naghrela, Shmuel ibn, 270–6, 278, 345

  Naghrela, Yehosef ibn, 276–8

  Nahmanides (Rabbi Moshe ben Nahman): disputation with Christians, 355–63, 367; Vikuah, 360, 362

  Nahray ben Nissim, 245

  Najran, 234–5

  Naro see Hammam-Lif Nasrid dynasty (Spain), 278

  Natanael, Halfon ibn, 289

  Nathan, Samuel ben Abraham ibn, 401

  Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, 10, 12, 29, 35, 43

  Necho II, pharaoh, 42

  Nehemiah: as governor of Judah, 17; Book of, 27–8, 28, 30, 162; return to Jerusalem, 29–32, 33–4; and Jewish exclusivism, 35; and writing of Chronicles, 38; route of night ride, 58; as guardian of Temple flame, 115

  Nehemiah (Babylonian exilarch), 228

  Nephaina (son of Vidranga), 25

  Nicaea, Council of (325 CE), 212

  Nicanor, 120; Day of, 124

  Nicholas V, Pope, 399

  Nifoci, Isaac, 381, 386

  Nile, river, 8–9; see also Egypt;

  Elephantine Nittai the Arbelite, 183

  Noah, 89, 164, 211

  Numbers, Book of, 77, 104, 124, 167

  Obadiah of Bertinoro, 241

  Odo of Chateauroux, 354

i, king of Israel, 74

  Onias (high priest), 100, 106–8, 110

  Ophrit, Abraham ben, 395

  Osea, 3, 5

  Oseney Priory, 318

  Ostia, 200

  Ovadiah, Khazar king, 165

  Oxford Castle, 318

  Pablo Cristiani (Paul the Christian), 352, 355, 358–61

  Palestine: religious observance, 19; photographed and publicised, 61, 71; surveyed, 66–7; ethnic unrest, 139–40; Zealotry and war of destruction, 139, 141; Maimondes visits, 331–3; under Crusader rule, 331, 333; Halevi travels to, 332

  Palestine Exploration Fund, 60, 65–7, 72–3

  Palmer, Edward, 68, 70–1, 84

  Palmer, H. S., 68

  Palmer, Johannes Ferdinand, 59 paper: early use, 248–9 papyri: at Elephantine, 6–7, 23, 117

  Paris: Talmud condemned and burnt in, 349–51, 354, 356, 360–1

  Paris, Matthew, 319, 326

  Passion (of Christ), 365

  Passover: at Elephantine, 16–18; Josiah celebrates, 40

  Passover Haggadah, 176, 368–9, 371

  Pathros, Egypt, 5, 12, 35

  Paul, St: as government official, 128; on Torah, 186–7; dispute with Peter, 199, 209; confronts Elymas, 204; in Antioch, 205; teachings, 209–10; on circumcision, 217

  Pedro IV (the Cruel), king of Castile, 392–3

  Pelagia the Penitant Harlot, 205

  Pelopsos, Peroqlos (Pericles), 145, 177

  Penaforte, Raymond, 360, 362

  Peni, Carlo, 68

  Pentateuch: Spinoza on as historical document, 34

  Pere IV (the Ceremonious), king of Aragon, 374–5, 380–1, 386

  Pericles see Pelopsos Peroz, king of Persia, 223

  Persia: overlordship in Egypt, 5, 24; power destroyed in Egypt, 26; and return of Jews to Jerusalem, 30; conflict with Greeks, 88; conquers Dura-Europos, 174; Babylonia, 223–5

  Peter, St, 199, 209

  Peter the Hermit, 295

  Peter the Venerable, abbot of Cluny, 303, 353

  Peterborough Cathedral, 316

  Peton (son of Philoxenes), 90

  Petrie, Charles Flinders, 6, 72

  Petronius, 141, 156

  Peu (husband of Mibtahiah), 22

  Peytevin (brother of Muriel), 320–1

  Pharaoh: in illuminated manuscripts, 370

  Pharisees, 125–30, 137–8; dispute with Jesus of Nazareth, 202

  Philip II (Philip Augustus), king of France, 303, 316

  Philippa (niece of Seuthes), 101

  Philistines, 82

  Philo of Alexandria, 99, 110, 141, 157, 285, 294, 348

  Philostorgius, 233

  Phineas (or Pinehas), 119

  Phoenicians: religion, 74–5 pigs: bones absent from Khirbet Qeiyafa, 82

  Pilate, Pontius, 16

  Pilti (child), 20–1

  Pinheiro, Francisco de, 421

  Plato, 93, 160, 284

  Platonists, 159

  Pliny the Elder, 137–8 poetry (Hebrew), 221–3, 269–72, 274, 279–86, 289–90

  Polo, Marco, 375, 377, 379

  Polybius, 111 polygamy, 169, 314

  Pompey, Roman general, 129–31

  Poppaea Sabina, wife of Nero, 142, 144, 158 pork: prohibition on eating, 82

  Portugal, 414–19

  Poti-Phar (or Pentephres), 99

  Poulceline of Blois, 292–3, 315, 323 priests and priesthood, 106–7 prostration: as practice, 191

  Psalms, Book of, 162

  Psamtik I, pharaoh, 9

  Ptolemaic empire, 92, 96

  Ptolemais (port; later Acco), 109, 134

  Ptolemy II Philadelphus, 95–6, 98

  Ptolemy III, 100

  Ptolemy IV Philopator, 103

  Purim (festival), 103, 219–20, 307, 397

  Pythagoras, 93

  Qasr el-abd (now Iraq al-Amir), 108

  Qillir (poet), 222, 251

  Quinn, James and Alexander, 63

  Qumran: ascetic community, 137–9, 165, 208

  Qumran Scrolls: dated, 77; discovered, 89; on Hasmonean dynasty, 121; contents, 162, 165–6; and astronomy and astrology, 197; pseudepigrapha, 237

  Quran: on rabbis, 237

  Qurayza clan, 239

  Ra (Egyptian god), 10

  Rachel, Mistress (of Mainz), 300

  Raha, Plain of, 71

  Rahaina, wife of Muhammad, 239

  Ralph (saddler), 323

  Ramat Rahel, 78

  Rameses II, pharaoh, 11, 71

  Ras Sufsafeh, 70

  Rashi of Troyes see Solomon ben Isaac Rav Yehudah, 224

  Rava (Talmudist), 226 reading: public and ceremonial, 32–4, 38–9, 87, 106, 222

  Red Sea: crossing, 73; trade, 231

  Reland, Adriaan: Palaestina ex monumentis veteribus illustrata, 69

  Rhineland: Jews massacred, 295–6, 298–302, 327, 366

  Ribes, Jaume see Abraham, Jafuda Richard I (the Lionheart), king of England, 303–5, 307, 315, 317–18

  Richard II, king of England, 383

  Richard of Devizes, 305

  Richard, Duke of Cornwall, 310

  Rintfleisch, ‘King’, 366

  Rivalto, Giordano da, 366

  Rivers, Richard Woodville, 3rd Earl of, 408

  Robert of Bury, 309

  Robinson, Edward, 60, 65, 66, 69;

  Biblical Researches, 58, 62

  Rome (ancient): destroys Jerusalem, 93, 148–53; defeats Antiochus III at Magnesia, 111; rise to power, 125; intervenes and dominates in Jerusalem, 130–2; imposes puppet kingdom on Israel, 131; in pacification operations, 140; soldiers provoke riots, 142–3; Zealot resistance to, 143–4, 147–8; depravations in Galilee and Jerusalem, 148; Jews in, 156; view of Jews and Judaism, 156–9, 182, 217; Jews expelled, 159; Jewish rebellions against, 166–70, 193; and Jewish burial, 199–201; adopts Christianity as state religion, 200, 211; Julian’s de-Christianising campaign, 215; suppresses paganism, 217; turns against Judaism, 220

  Rostoftzeff, Michael, 175

  Rothschild family, 65

  Rua, Isaac and Velida de, 417

  Rubin, Miri, 308

  Ruthard, Bishop of Mainz, 299

  Saadia the Gaon, 348; Beliefs and Opinions, 267–8

  Saba, Rabbi Abraham, 415

  Sabbath: observed at Elephantine, 16; as innovation, 106; in Qumran rules, 138; Tacitus discredits, 157; and behaviour, 188; Talmud treatise on, 227; in Mishneh, 343

  Sabbathaios, 100

  Sabriel, king see Bulan, Khazar king Saccarium Aaronis, 316 sacrifice: burnt, 26, 28, 40, 104; temple, 33, 104–5, 111, 195; child, 39, 48; animal, 40, 208; live, 93

  Sadducees, 125, 129, 137, 149, 208

  Safiyya, wife of Muhammad, 240

  Sagrera, Guillermo, 387

  Saladin (Salah al-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub), 333, 344, 346

  Salim ibn Umayr, 238

  Samaria, 12, 35

  Samaritans: Mount Gerizim temple, 123

  Samson ben Tzadok, 312

  Samson (Eliyahu’s friend), 56–7

  Samuel: histories, 47

  Samuel, Book of, 80, 224, 336; Lament of David, 46

  Samuel (of Bristol), 309

  Samuel (of Dura), 179

  Samw’ayal ibn Adiya, 234

  Sanballat the Horonite, 26, 30–1

  Sanders, Seth, 50, 52

  Santa Fe, Geronimo de (formerly Joshua Halorki), 384–5, 388, 396

  Santa Maria, Pablo de (formerly Solomon Halevi), 384, 396

  Santangel, Luis de, 404, 418 São Tomé (island), 413–14, 416

  Sarah (Abraham’s wife), 46, 164

  Sarajevo Haggadah, 369

  Sardinia, 411

  Sarit of Cologne, 292, 301

  Sarmiento, Pero de, 398–9

  Sassanians, 174, 205, 223–4, 227, 235

  Saul, king of Israel: death, 46; rivalry with priests, 125

  Saul (Toledo cantor), 395

  Sayce, Archibald, 57

  Schama, Arthur Osea (author’s father), 5, 202

bsp; Schechter, Solomon, 250–1, 266

  Schedia, Egypt, 100

  Schick, Conrad, 57–60, 67

  Scopas, 111

  Scott, David: The Engineers and Machinists’ Assistant, 62 scrolls: as amulets, 77, 86, 89; and priest-ruler conflict, 127; used for early Talmud, 226

  Scythopolis see Beit She’an seal impressions, 78–9

  Seder ritual, 16, 211–12 Sefer Ahavah (Book of Love), 146 Sefer Hasidim, 312 Sefer Mikhlol, 402

  Sefer Torah (plural Sifrei Torah), 87, 153–4, 395 Sefer Yetzirot (Book of Creation), 372, 421

  Seleucid dynasty, 92, 103, 107, 111–13, 116, 206

  Seleucus IV, Seleucid emperor, 112

  Seleucus the Macedonian, 206

  Seneca, 156, 158, 161

  Seneor, Abraham (later Ferran Perez Colonel), 404, 407, 410–11

  Seneor, Melamed, 411

  Sennacherib, Assyrian king, 12, 54

  Sephardim: leave Spain, 412–13

  Sepphoris (Diocaesarea), 109, 134, 190, 192–6, 198, 201, 403

  Septuagint, 90, 95 Serekh (book), 162

  Seuthes, 101

  Severus, Roman emperor, 182

  Seville, 383–4, 403, 406 sex: strictures on, 314

  Sha’arayim, 83

  Shabahraz, general, 228

  Shallun, son of Col-hozeh, 31

  Shalomit, daughter of Zerubbabel, 79

  Shammai, 132, 147, 149, 184, 227

  Shaphan, 40

  Shapur I, Sassanian Persian king, 174

  Sharpe, Samuel, 69

  Shawar, Egyptian vizier, 325

  Sheba, queen of, 11

  Shelamzion, daughter of Judanes, 169

  Shelomam (Shelomo), 3, 4–6 shema, 90

  Shemaiah, 26

  Shephelah, 44, 83, 105

  Sherira of Pumbedita, 184

  Shushan Isaac ben, 395

  Shushan, Joseph ben Meir, 392, 395 sicarii (robbers), 140, 154

  Sicily, 411

  Sifrei Torah see Sefer Torah Siloam, Pool of, 54, 56–7, 64, 76, 82

  Silva, Roman general, 155

  Simon bar Giora, 147–8, 153

  Simon bar Kochba, 167–9

  Simon bar Kosha, 167

  Simon the Just, 106–7, 183

  Simon Maccabeus, Hasan king, 119–22

  Simon Stylites, 219

  Sinai: surveyed, 66, 68

  Sinai, Mount, 69, 71, 154

  Sitjar (bandit), 387

  Sixtus IV, Pope, 405

  Slater, John, 57 slaves, 255

  Smith, Eli, 58

  Smith, William, 69; Dictionary of the Bible, 63, 66

  Smith, William Robertson, 251

  Socoh, 80

  Solomon bar Abraham, Rabbi, 351–2, 357

  Solomon bar Samson, 299–301

  Solomon ben Isaac, Reb (Rashi), 297, 311, 350–1

  Solomon, king of Israel: and queen of Sheba, 11; Temple, 15, 84, 86; wives, 41; in Hebrew Bible, 48; as writer of Song, 106; authorship of parts of Apocrypha, 121; rivalry with priests, 125, 127


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