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The Psychopath's Prisoner

Page 2

by Darla Lark

  “I appreciate it, Rain, but I’m okay. I swear.” Cheyenne sat on the only open spot on the couch.

  Raina sighed on the other end. “Honey, you can’t do this alone. I know how you still feel and I understand that it’s difficult. I’ve been there. I know what you’re going through. You know I’m here for you.”

  “I know you are, Rain, but I’ll be okay. You’re right. I still love Tyler, but I also hate him.” Swiftly changing subjects, Cheyenne asked, “Look, what are you doing tomorrow night?”

  “Um, I don’t have anything going on. Why?”

  Cheyenne smiled knowing her sister was now apprehensive. “How about dinner?”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  “Just the two of us?” Cheyenne didn’t want to eliminate Raina’s husband, but…

  “Of course. I’ll have to find a sitter since Aiden has to work late, but it shouldn’t be a problem. A co-worker owes me a few favors.”

  “Good. I love you and will see you tomorrow night, then.”

  “Love you too, Chey. Call if you need anything.”

  “Will do.”

  Cheyenne hung up, stood, and then leaned against some boxes that were stacked up in the middle of the living room. Wow! It’ll be nice to get out with my sister, but I know that she’s going to try to tell me that things will be all right. How did Raina plan to get her through? The answer? A couple glasses of wine to take her mind off things.

  She looked around her apartment, shook her head, and turned the lights off. She needed a nap now. Tomorrow, she knew, reality would set in and she needed all the energy she could muster.

  Chapter 3

  Cheyenne took a sip of her wine then gazed at her sister for a moment before saying, “You know that things have been rough and time consuming lately.”

  “Chey, I know and understand that, but we haven’t hung out or talked that much either and I miss that. We’re family and all we have left is each other.”

  “Things will be different. I promise. I’ve got my freedom now, but still have a long way to go.”

  “I know that.” Raina noticed the waiter hovering with fresh coffee and covered her cup with her hand. “No thank you.” She turned her attention back to Cheyenne. “I’m just saying that I’m here for you, Chey.”

  “You don’t always have to be protective of me, Rain. I’m a grown up now.”

  “I can’t help it. I promised Mom I would always look out for you and that’s what I’m trying to do.”

  “You have your own life to live and your own worries. Don’t fret about me. Things will be all right.” Cheyenne squeezed Raina’s hand and cleared her throat while noticing the new mother’s ring. “How are Michael, Alaina, and Laird? Ornery as ever?”

  Raina’s dark brown eyes told everything as she gushed about her three children, the loves of her life she shared with her second husband, Aiden. “Oh my goodness! They are involved in so much that it’s hard to keep up with them, but they are doing well. Alaina is on the honor roll and made the soccer team this year. Michael is, well, an average student, but he’s holding his own. He’s on the school’s little league baseball team. Laird is doing wonderfully in school. He’s also on the honor roll and has become quite interested in a new science program called The Big Research Project for Kids. With his autism, I can’t stand to see him get bored because it makes him extremely hyper.”

  “Yeah, but he’s a good kid. In fact, they are all good kids.” Cheyenne leaned in conspiratorially. “Now, what’s this Big Research Project thing?”

  “Well, they take the kids on different field trips to a variety of science museums and do a lot of projects in a lab at one of the local universities. It’s actually pretty cool and Laird loves it.”

  “That’s really great.” Cheyenne’s voice deepened and took on a serious tone as she looked at her sister. “How are you and Aiden doing?”

  Raina took a sip of coffee and waived to the waiter before answering. “We’re doing great. He’s still a computer technician and just recently got a raise. Me? Well, I’m still teaching part-time at the local college and working for Children’s Services.” She leaned forward. “I should’ve ordered a glass of wine while he was over here.”

  “Uh huh. I mean, personally and don’t lie or attempt to change topics. Remember I know you better than that, Raina.” The conversation paused when the waiter came over. Raina ordered a glass of wine and Cheyenne noticed Raina’s hand constricting. “Rain?” she questioned.

  “Let me get my wine first.” Cheyenne nodded and they sat lost in their own thoughts. The waiter came over moments later and placed the glass in front of her.

  Slowly turning the wine glass’ stem in her fingers, she stared at the candle in the center of the table. She looked like the weight of the world was on her shoulders. Then with a scoff, she said, “You sure do. There’s definitely no fooling you.” Raina paused and took a deep breath. “I don’t know, Chey. One minute we’re fine and the next he’s so moody and angry. I don’t know what to do. I don’t think I can handle another divorce.”

  “I didn’t realize. I’m sorry and wish I had been there for you this whole time instead of drowning in my own problems. When did this start? What happened for all of this to begin?” Cheyenne shook her head at the realization. “Where have I been? I should’ve noticed.”

  “Aiden has become so distant.” Raina took a sip of her wine. “Every time I ask him about it, he becomes irritated and angry. I suspect an affair, but can’t prove it. To be honest, I’m not sure if I want to know. My gut tells me if he isn’t cheating, he’s up to something and that is not good.”

  Cheyenne noticed the desperation in Raina’s eyes. She bit her lip and contemplated how to respond. “I’ll be honest with you, Rain, I’m not sure I’m someone to give advice about relationships. But, with that said, after what I went through, I would hire a private investigator whether you want to know or not.” Cheyenne bit her lip again, furrowed her brow in thought and tilted her head. “It’s just that I really can’t picture Aiden cheating on you.”

  “You never thought Tyler would.” Raina’s words struck home.

  Cheyenne jerked at the words. “Touché. However, contrary to what you believe, I did have some suspicions. I couldn’t prove it once I did suspect until I finally caught them together. My situation is different. The only advice I can give is to be patient and you’ll have your answers.”

  Raina shook her head with slumped shoulders. She grabbed a lock of hair and absently twisted it around her index finger. Exasperated, she shoved the lock behind her ear. “Yeah. I suppose you’re right. Only time will tell.”

  “Just be cautious. Don’t end your marriage until you have proof enough for yourself. Something tells me that he’s not cheating.”

  “Will you speak with him, Chey?” Not only Raina’s voice, but her eyes begged for help. “You two have a good relationship. Aiden listens to you.”

  “Do you have any idea what you’re asking me to do?”

  Raina sipped at her wine before answering. “I’m sorry, but I need to know what’s going on.”

  Cheyenne shook a threatening fork in Raina’s direction. “Okay. Fine. I’ll do it, but only when I’m ready to.”

  “You’re the best sister in the universe. You do know that, right?”

  “As a matter of fact, I do.” Cheyenne replied in a smug manner.

  “You’re so vain.”

  “If you say so.”

  They laughed.


  Cheyenne glanced at her watch. “Oh my God, it’s getting late. Where did the time go? We’ve been chatting for over two hours.”

  “I know, but it’s been wonderful.” Raina wrapped her arms around Cheyenne in a bear hug. “I love you, sis.”

  “Love you, too.” Cheyenne gave her a small peck of a kiss near her ear.


  Cheyenne leaned against the front door as the room circled momentarily from too much wine, but she was glad to have spent time with he
r sister. She wondered why she agreed to speak with Aiden. It’s not like she didn’t have enough problems of her own.

  Chapter 4

  Ever since the day I first met you, it’s only been you but with the divorce, I now see there is a chance. I love you, Cheyenne. You’re the only woman for me. It would be so much easier for me if only her sister weren’t around. Raina and those damn kids of hers. They, especially Raina, take far too much of her time. Time wasted with Raina is more time away from me. It pisses me off. I have to find a way to escape with my queen.

  Every time I think about her, I want to be with her more and more. I want her in my arms forever. No one, I mean, NO ONE is going to interfere with our future together. Anyone who tries will die. I’ll make sure of that. Raina included.

  Chapter 5

  Cheyenne felt like an atomic bomb had been dropped on her head when the alarm rang the start of a new day. Not wanting to get out of bed, she pulled the covers over her head. The phone rang. It even sounded louder than it actually was.

  “Stop ringing already!” It stopped. She breathed a sigh of relief that was short-lived. It began to ring again. “Why can’t it just go away?” She slowly swung her legs over the bed and answered. “Hello?”

  “Hey Cheyenne.”

  “Gaby?” Cheyenne smiled hearing her childhood best friend’s voice. The one person she could talk to when she couldn’t talk with her sister.

  “Yes, Chey, it’s me.”

  “What’s up?” Cheyenne went to the bathroom and grabbed the bottle of aspirin from the medicine cabinet, dumping a couple into her hand. She turned the faucet on and grabbed the glass on the sink, filling it with water.

  “Just wanted to check on you.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I know. Raina did too. As I told her, I’ll tell you too. I’m fine.”

  “Okay. I believe you. Anyway, sorry I didn’t call sooner, but I was out of town. My boss had me doing a last minute inventory job. Well, the job wasn’t last minute. Jim and Mary called in sick.” Gaby took a deep breath. “So, needless to say, it put a huge damper on my plans. I was planning on going to court with you, but, well, obviously you know I didn’t make it. I am so sorry about that.”

  “Gabrielle, its fine. Really, it’s not a big deal. No biggie. Anyway, you know how to pick the perfect time to call. You do it every time.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Raina and I went out for dinner and drinks last night. We both got a little drunk.”

  “Wow! Really? It has been a while since you two went out together. But then again, we haven’t gone out and had a few drinks or anything in a while either.”

  “I know. I know. We will soon. I promise.”

  “Well, how far have you gotten on your apartment?”

  Cheyenne let out a sarcastic laugh. “Are you kidding me? I just moved in. How far do you think I got?” She began to rock from side to side as she, like her sister the night before, twisted a lock of her hair around her index finger before letting it drop to her shoulder.

  “Obviously, not very. Hm.”


  “I was thinking I could come over this weekend and help you unpack annnnnd… maybe have a beer or two if that’s good with you.”

  “Hey! I’m not turning away anyone who wants to help— especially if they’re offering to buy the beer.” Cheyenne gazed at the reflection of the mirror and didn’t like what she saw.

  “I thought you would already have some.”

  “I drank them all.”

  “Alcoholic.” Gabrielle’s retort was quick.

  “Not really.”


  “Well, I think I’m going to bed to sleep off the hangover.” Cheyenne sauntered into the bedroom.

  “Okay. Alcoholic.”

  “Whatever. Bye.” Cheyenne pulled the sheets over her head and fell back onto the pillows. I need to sleep this off.


  Cheyenne awoke and immediately went to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. Listening to the coffee dribble into the pot, she gazed around the kitchen, debating if she wanted to begin with the kitchen or the office. Cheyenne stared at the counter with the coffeepot, bag of coffee beans and the grinder. The rest of the kitchen still remained hidden inside boxes dotting the counter and table.

  “So this is how starting over feels.” She leaned against the refrigerator while rubbing the back of her neck with one hand. “It would be nice to have help. But, I guess it would also be nice to have some peace and quiet. Still, then again, I have been pretty isolated.” She shook her head. “No. I need to be alone. No. I need some company. No…” She folded her arms across her bosom. “Am I seriously standing here debating with and asking myself about it?” Cheyenne slapped her hands and rubbed them together. “Okay. I’m calling Gaby.”

  Cheyenne sashayed around the boxes to her bedroom and grabbed her phone. Gaby’s phone rang twice.

  “Hey Chey.”

  “We need to talk.”

  “Is everything all right?” Gaby’s voice reflected concern.

  “Not exactly.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Let’s put it this way. When one starts to debate with oneself, you know that they need a friend and have a few beers.”

  “Seriously?” Gaby snickered. “You were arguing with yourself?”

  “Debating. Debating with myself. There is a difference.”

  “Yeah, uh, okay. I’ll be over in an hour.”

  “You know me too well.”

  “Yes I do, especially when you give hints.”

  “That wasn’t a hint. Simply a request for a good friend and some beer.”

  “Okay. Be right over. It’s never too early for beer in this type of situations.”


  Cheyenne opened the front door an hour later and Gaby grinned at her while holding up two six packs. “Let’s get this party started! Woo hoo!”

  “I don’t know about partying, but,” she grabbed a beer, “I’ll definitely drink.”

  “Huh. For someone who just got divorced, you sure are cheerful.”

  Cheyenne stared at her beer bottle and swished it around. “Since everything started, all I could do was cry. Through the entire divorce process, I began to think about how I now get a fresh start—to begin all over again.”

  “Good thinking. Awesome frame of mind.”

  Cheyenne popped a cap and took a swig of her beer before going on. “When I signed those papers…” She drifted off into a trance. “When I signed them, I was devastated and it hurt a lot worse when I saw him and Elizabeth together at the courthouse of all places. It was supposed to be Tyler and me to have a family. He made it perfectly clear when he cheated that I wasn’t good enough. Yes, I did sit in my car and cry afterward, but I’m okay now. I’m choosing to be okay.”

  Gabrielle lifted her bottle into the air in a toast. “I’m glad for you.” She brought her hand down and held her beer in her lap. “But why on earth would slut-face be in the courthouse while you two are finalizing? Never mind. He’s an idiot.” Gabrielle sipped her beer and stared at Cheyenne. She cleared her throat. “So, anyway, is your lawyer available? He’s hot.”

  “I don’t think he would be interested in you.”

  “When I went with you the first time for the initial meeting, I think he was giving me the eye. I believe he likes me.”

  “Uh, yeah. Sure.” Cheyenne sipped on her beer. “I don’t think so.” Her voice was sing-songy.

  “Why not?” Gabrielle frowned.

  “Well, first of all, he’s stable in his life and, secondly, he’s a good guy. Remember? You like bad boys with no goals for themselves.”


  Cheyenne walked over to the kitchen table which had the chairs stacked on top of it, and pulled two of them down. “Tell me.”

  “Tell you what? I like him and I think he likes me.” Cheyenne cocked an eyebrow and glared at her. “Okay. Okay. He’s completely hot. You’ve seen him. His eyes are
so blue. His hair is so dark.” Gaby wiggled her fingers in the air. “I want to run my fingers through his hair. And that physique! Oooo oooo oooo. I just want to run my hands down his muscular chest. Not to mention, he makes good money doing what he does. Maybe I should go for someone who’s settled in his life for a change.”

  “Uh huh. I see. You deserve to be happy. However, with that said, he’s not your type. Mr. O’Neill is, well, mature.”

  “Hold on. What’s THAT supposed to mean?”

  “What?” Cheyenne gave Gaby an innocent look.

  “He’s not my type and he’s mature?”

  “He’s not your type. You agreed, you like the bad boys. Typical woman. As far as being mature goes, he is. In some aspects of your life you are, but not in the areas that I’m sure he’s looking for. That’s if he’s even looking.”

  “Whoa! I am too mature! Other than what you just said, why isn’t he my type?”

  Cheyenne rolled her eyes. “Because I know you and he’s my lawyer.”


  “Was what?” Cheyenne asked.

  “Was your lawyer. He was your lawyer.” Gabrielle held the bottle out, pointing the neck at her.

  “Whatever you say.”

  “By the way, what does ‘because I know you’ supposed to mean?”

  Cheyenne laughed. “Honey, you chew men up and spit them out like the garbage going down the disposal, especially if he’s a good guy. If he’s a decent guy, you find him boring.”

  “I do not!” Gabrielle flung herself back into the chair.

  “Okay. Let’s see.” Cheyenne closed one eye and started to count on her fingers. “Hm. Where do I begin? There was Joe, Mike, Allan, Perry, Craig, Jonas, Landon, Larry, Peter, Sam, Donald, Kevin…” She took a deep breath. “Oh, and Mark and Jacob were really nice guys, but they were too boring. Remember?”

  Gaby interrupted. “Okay! Okay! I get the point. Those guys were losers. Especially Mark and Jacob. Come on! Give me a break. Besides, you haven’t lived since you’ve only been with three men your entire life.” Gaby took a swallow of beer. “At least I’ve got some experience. You waited all your life to find the “perfect man” and settle down to have a boring “normal” life. Next time, don’t settle for the first guy you see.”


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