I recently launched a National Mentoring Program for insurance-based financial advisers, which teaches them how to “fish in deep waters” in accordance with biblical principles. I always proclaim Jesus from the public platform whenever and wherever I speak. To Him be the glory!
I am very grateful that you had the courage to ask me how my spiritual life was twenty-five years ago, as it not only changed my life, as mentioned, but it resulted in my salvation. THANK YOU MY DEAR FRIEND!
Paul, having spent half of my thirties and all of my forties in one of your groups, I can attest to the significant impact it has made in my role as a business leader and as a father. I quickly learned from other men in the group that life does not require you to make the same mistakes that someone else made just so that you can say you learned by the school of hard knocks. The truth is that many of the men in my groups, especially those older and more mature than myself, were able to help me avoid pitfalls and mistakes that they had made.
As men, we tend to think that we have not learned something well unless we got bruised or scraped in the process, when in fact simple truths that are shared by men who have been there can actually provide you with the same learning opportunity minus the damage. I also learned from Paul, having heard one of his favourite passages thousands of times, that iron sharpens iron, and that the sad reality is that there are very few venues in a man’s life where he can experience the type of exchange, learning, and support that comes from being in a group like so many of us were.
There have been many times in my life where I have met someone who I knew needed the type of learning, support, encouragement, and direction that comes from a group, and being part of Paul’s network allowed me to invite them to join. In my own business, I know that this has resulted in some of our most senior people coming to faith and experiencing life-changing results through their participation in a group that we were able to place them in. Long-term, I believe that most men who have had the opportunity to belong to a group will look back in the later years of their lives and realize the impact that their participation had on their own family lives, the lives of those whom they interacted with in the group, and the generations of children whose lives will be forever different as a result of a decision their father, grandfather, or great-grandfather made to belong to a group.
Being a part of a group helped me to develop a disciplined prayer life, a much deeper and more applicable understanding of the Bible, and a profound understanding and appreciation for the many common threads that intertwine us as men living in the business world. Being part of a group is like being tethered to a safe place where accountability, support, learning, and encouragement all become something you look forward to and yearn for when you are away.
I would also add that the life and work of the group is not confined to one morning a week, but in fact it has created bonds of friendship among men and families that will last a lifetime and touch people in ways that we could never track or imagine.
STUART MacMILLAN – Company President
The impact to me was centred around discipline. While I was successful in the business world, I was not quite as adept at applying the disciplined principles I used in business to my personal life. Through Paul and the group, we had enough open, frank conversation in which I was able to be honest to my colleagues – and, more importantly, myself – about the gaps in consistency in my behaviour. I was also able to understand that stress is created by a multiplicity of purpose. If I am able to align everything in my life to a central purpose – in my case, being a Christ follower – much of the stress disappears.
I am disciplined about daily devotions with my wife, Debra. I try to align all my decision making with my central purpose of being a Christ follower. I ensure that disciplined principles from my work life (being present, being an encourager, maximizing my time) are also principles that I follow in my personal life.
Paul has touched me in a way I would allow very few other people to. In that he has the combination of tough-minded accountability as well as compassion, I was able to address weaknesses in my life without feeling like I was being judged. He has become a model of the kind of man I want to be, and – as I turn fifty this year and am halfway through the earthly portion of my existence – has given me the drive to finish strong and do the next half way better!
Paul, it is hard to articulate how important the group was for me at that point in my walk, but here is one comment that comes to mind at once.
You can hear all the advice about personal prayer time, and read all the books on the importance of a personal devotional time becoming a habit, but until you personally witness the transformative power of this spiritual discipline, it will not imprint itself into a daily routine. Experiencing with other men in a discovery group what this transformative habit looks like, how to do it, how to stick with it, changes the course and the depth of our spiritual journey. And encouragement has always been recognized as the by-product of meeting together (Hebrews 10:25).
Paul, you have to be kidding. I could write a book!
As you know, the group significantly changed my life. For the first time in my life, I was challenged to read the Bible, discuss it, memorize scripture, and actually consider its impact on my life. It became clear to me that putting Jesus Christ in the centre of my life was essential to a meaningful and significant life. I was taught how to share my faith in a non-offensive but clear manner. I learned the importance of having a good church and having a close circle of Christian men in whom I could confide and whose counsel I could seek.
And most importantly, I learned what living an abundant life is really all about. I try to start each day with a “quiet time” as Paul encouraged us to do. I must confess that with the rush of life and the many demands on me, I am not as faithful in doing that as I should be.
After leaving the group led by Paul, he urged me to start my own group. I did that and have led or been actively involved in a group ever since … which is about twenty-five years now.
Because of being in Paul’s group, I was asked to share my faith at a Billy Graham Crusade in October 1988. On that evening, I met a lady who arranged for the men in the group I was leading at that time to take a mission trip to Haiti in August 1989. Since then, I have been back to Haiti more than forty times and worked with other volunteers to build twenty-five Christian schools in the north of Haiti where approximately seven thousand children now receive a Christian education. We have also built two churches and an orphanage where thirty-four children are fed, housed, and cared for largely due to donations from generous Canadians. We have seen the lives of many Canadians changed significantly when they have seen and smelled and felt the plight of the poor Haitian people.
Many of them have made decisions to accept Jesus Christ in their lives as a result of their exposure to that country.
Today, my faith is more important to me than ever as I deal with the multitude of concerns that confront me as a father, husband, and friend. In my role as a Superior Court judge, I daily ask God to give me wisdom before I enter the courtroom because virtually every decision I render significantly affects the lives of others.
I met Paul in 1994. The thing that resonated the most with me about his testimony is that he came into a relationship with Jesus Christ at a time when he had everything the secular world had to offer, and yet had this thirst to fill a void. I have always believed that people will not listen to what you say unless it matches what you do. Over the years, Paul has consistently demonstrated that his actions replicate what he tries to impart to others. Nothing has more poignantly shown this than the genuine peace and joy he shows while battling cancer.
Paul invited me to be a member of his morning group eleven years ago, telling us at the start that his objective was to mentor each of us to become leaders. After three years, I felt t
hat I was ready to lead my own and have done so on a weekly basis since then.
As a direct result of Paul’s impact on me, I have tried to “pay it forward,” and now men whom I have mentored understand and practise openness, are willing to share and address deep issues with other men, to have other men hold them accountable, and are better husbands and fathers and therefore better men. This, in turn, stirs the desire within them to share their growth with other men.
Paul, like any of us, is not perfect but, through example, demonstrates that if we strive for perfection, we can achieve excellence. He has taught me the value of prayer, and over the last eleven years there are few days when we have not prayed for one another. He lives his mantra that “there can be no impact without contact” through regular communication and making you feel that he has all the time in the world for you despite having contact with dozens on a daily basis.
When I mentioned to my wife that Paul was looking for feedback as to how he had influenced me, she volunteered the following observations of how I have grown as a husband as a result of his impact:
When with a group of couples, she feels that no woman in the room is loved more than she, a major change that is a result of Paul sharing that about how he makes Eleanor feel.
Paul is a natural leader and she feels that through his mentorship, my once latent leadership qualities have blossomed at home, professionally, and in mentoring men and other couples.
One of Paul’s favourite Bible verses is “iron sharpens iron,” and Deborah and I are certain that, as a result of his influence, I am a far better husband, father, and man than I would have been had I not had the opportunity of developing the relationship with a man who, as a result of scoring “the Goal of the Century,” has selflessly used that springboard to positively affect countless lives over the past forty years and who I am humbled to call one of my best friends.
DAVE TOYCEN – President, World Vision Canada
1) Paul has been a tremendous example of someone who has leveraged his status as one of Canada’s most iconic sports figures to accomplish things that have made a significant impact on others. He has taught me that every one of us has a responsibility to take what we have been given by God and use it to influence others to make this world a better place. If it’s humanly possible, Paul has enhanced God’s reputation across Canada. He has been courageous in sharing his faith in Jesus Christ with anyone who would listen. It challenged me to speak more boldly about my faith as well.
2) Paul has taught me grace when life gets tough. His confidence in God to see him through is both awesome and inspiring. It’s been a reminder to me that our faith is most vibrant when we are tested by life’s challenges and mysteries.
3) Paul’s eagerness to learn especially in matters of Christian faith has brought a balance and maturity to the natural enthusiasm that God has given him. My years in one of his leadership groups increased my confidence and encouraged my spiritual disciplines. He has reaffirmed my belief that growing as Christians is just as important as becoming a Christian.
4) Paul’s love and respect for his wife, Eleanor, has always set an example that I want to emulate. His willingness to share his shortcomings, speak frankly about his journey, and then challenge men to take their marriages and families seriously has set a new standard.
5) In my leadership role, Paul has always been an encourager. His passion and goal orientation have pushed me to be better. Paul’s example has helped me stay firm in my commitment as a Christian leader. I believe my leadership at World Vision Canada has benefited because of his support.
6) Most importantly, Paul has been a friend to me. His transparency, willingness to listen, and life experience are a gift.
I hope this encourages you and expresses my admiration for who you are and what you do.
GARY CASCONE – President, Zicon Construction
Some of the impact of my relationship with Paul and the ministry are as follows:
1) Paul was the one who courageously spoke to me about the gospel, and when I asked questions he followed up by inviting my wife and me to his home to discuss biblical and spiritual matters in depth.
2) From the first moment that he witnessed to me until the time I accepted Christ was a week and a half.
3) Upon Paul’s return to Canada, he became part of the ministry and almost immediately began a discipleship group modelled after the one he had attended in Birmingham, Alabama.
4) He invited me to be part of that first group using the master life series material. This material was similar to the purpose for living material that we use today.
4) He caught a vision to disciple men and challenge them to become vehicles and ambassadors for Christ. The challenge was also to be available to go wherever God called us to, anywhere in the world.
5) As Paul matured in his life as a Christian, his challenge also matured to the point of helping me realize that I must listen to the challenges put to me by the holy spirit of God.
6) I also know that I can always count on him to be consistent and honest with praise and criticism.
7) I know that he prays for me on a regular basis, and I am encouraged by that.
8) He has always encouraged me to stay in God’s word and step out in faith based on the leading of the Holy Spirit.
9) Through the ministry, I have been introduced to many Godly men, such as Bill Bright and Tony Campolo.
Some of the things that I do differently today are as follows:
1) After thirty-two years as a Christian and a friend of Paul’s, I find that he is a good sounding board for me to go to when needing spiritual advice, prayer, or encouragement on the ministry that God has called me to.
2) I have confidence now to step out on my own to witness, to preach, to teach, to disciple, or to minister to those grieving. I do this with the full understanding that if I prepare properly both spiritually and with the skills and talents that I have been given by God, that the Holy Spirit will use me as his vehicle.
3) Something that has also matured over the years is that I think of Paul not as the hero of the 1972 series and a major celebrity, but as my brother in Christ and one of the most important friends in my life. I am not envious of those who see him more often than me because we have mutual respect that involves the more important calling of God to help others find Christ and grow to further the gospel.
4) I do things more honestly today and make fewer excuses for my mistakes, knowing that God has it all under control and loves me just as I am.
5) I respond to the correcting of the Holy Spirit from a biblical point of view and trust the Holy Spirit to make the necessary changes in me for his glory and use in the body of Christ.
6) The first verse that Paul ever shared with me was Romans 1:16, and I attempt to live by that verse. I have seen God honour that stand many times and bless me because of it.
7) I don’t feel jealous of those who I was competing with prior to meeting Paul. Many of them have become wealthy by the world’s standards, and I am happy for them and still count them as my friends. I will continue to pray for them and be there for them, trusting the eternal destiny to Christ.
I am involved today in the following ways:
1) I still lead or am involved in two discipleship groups challenging men to trust Christ first and not the world.
2) Whenever possible, I try to support Paul if he needs me. He will forever be the one who God used to change the life of my family and myself, giving us a purpose for living with the promise of eternal life.
3) I spend a great deal of time encouraging men to consider Christ and become a part of the discipleship group. I leave the results to the Lord.
4) I have officiated at ten funerals and done more eulogies than I can remember, with the knowledge and understanding about the Holy Spirit as the head of the ministry. This came from the time spent in the word, at church, and with the many men in the many discipleship groups over the years, from the first one with Paul.
5) Today it
is much more about sharing Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit rather than in power. It is much more fruitful in His power.
6) I find that I am the go-to guy for many needing help in their spiritual lives. I also find more unbelievers calling me for help when life overtakes them.
7) I fully expect God to use me every day in a new and exciting way. He can use me for anything as long as I trust him.
I plan to be very aggressive the rest of the way to finish well. I am asking God to allow me to push a little harder to win to Christ those who don’t know him but whom I love. I will finish, without writing my own book, with a verse that many of my friends know: Cascone 1:1 – “He’s on the throne and he’s not nervous.”
AL BRANDSTATTER – Wealth Management Manager
This weekend, I reflected on not only where my life is today as a result of LeaderImpact Group, but also where my life might have been if not for your spiritual mentoring and friendship.
It was September 2002 when I first attended your group. Truthfully, I had no idea what to expect, and looking back, I can’t even imagine the first impression I must have made! I must have seemed so “lost” to you and the other seasoned veterans within the group, but no one ever looked down at me and I was simply accepted with open arms.
At that time, my life resembled the trajectory of Rory McIlroy’s pulled tee shot on the tenth at Augusta on that Sunday during the 2011 Masters – which led to one bad shot followed by another and another. I had already purchased a condo and informed both my wife and two young children that I would be moving out. I’ll never forget the pain I caused my son when he cried and held on to me, begging me not to leave. Thankfully, when I saw that completed penthouse, even I realized that it was not a home and I was about to abandon my family.
The Goal of My Life Page 17