Twinsequences (A Twisted Twin Series)

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Twinsequences (A Twisted Twin Series) Page 1

by Foor, Jennifer


  Written By: Jennifer Foor Copyright © 2013 Jennifer Foor All Rights Reserved

  Cover Art By : Wicked Cool Designs – Robin Harper This book is a written act of fiction. Any places, characters, or similarities are purely coincidence. If certain places or characters are referenced it is for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. This book is not allowed to be offered for sale, discounted, or free on any sites other than Kobo, IBook’s, Amazon and Barnes and Noble. This book may only be distributed by Jennifer Foor, the owner and Author of this series.

  Check out the other books by Jennifer Foor (Contemporary Romance)

  The Mitchell Family Series Letting Go – Book 1

  Folding Hearts – Book 2

  Raging Love – Book 3

  Risking Fate – Book 4

  Wrapping Up – A Mitchell Family Series Novella 4.5 Wanting More – Book 5

  Saving Us – Book 6

  Blinding Trust Book 7

  Hope’s Chance (Contemporary Romance) The Somnian Series (YA Paranormal)

  Books 1-‐5 Hustle Me (A Bank Shot Romance) Hustle Him (A Bank Shot Romance) Diary of a Male Maid

  I would like to thank everyone that continues to support me through the good times and the bad. Without you, I would never stay so determined. I never realized how rough things would be when I started to follow my dream of writing. There have been so many nights of microwave dinners and ignoring my family to make these books what they are today.

  Beta Readers

  Jennifer Lafon, Amy Haigler, Karrie Stewart, Jennifer Harried, Erica Willis, Sarah Thompson,

  Mechelle Lovell Jackson, Kim Eckley, Kim Person, Milasy Mugnolo, Lisa Hintz, Heather Gunter and Stephanie Horning Web Design and Marketing by: Amy Haigler

  Thanks to all of my new friends on my FB, Twitter and Goodreads. Author: Amanda Bennett, Author: Elizabeth Buchanan Author: Emily Snow Author: Michelle Valentine: Michelle Leighton Thank you for spreading the word and all of the support you give. Thanks to all of my other Independent Author Friends. (you know who you are) Thank you to all the book bloggers out there spreading the word for me and others who



  The Rock Stars of Romance

  Blog Tour ARCS

  The Book Bellas, Alpha Authors and Books Oh My, Book Addict Mummas ,Book

  Hookers, Book Readers Chronicles, Bridger Blog, Cruising Susan Book Reviews , Fiction and Fashion, I love Indie, Into the Night, Love N Books, Mary Elizabeth's Crazy Obsession with Books, THESUBCLUB, Up All Night, Wolfel's World of Books, Sugar and Spice Reviews, Rate My Romance, If Boobs Could Talk, Reality Bites. Let's Get Lost, Book Bitches, Perusing Princesses, Schmexygirlbookblog, Becca The Bibliphobe, Lookin' for a Bookin, Best Sellers & Best Stellers, Devoured Words, Nose Stuck in A Book, Reading is my Time Out, Smardy Pants Book Blog, Mommy's Reads and Treats, Love Between the Sheets, A Book Whores Obsession, Book Books Books,

  Special Thanks to:

  Stoshua Sheldon (Although he didn’t know it, I kind of used his awesome name.) Maryse

  Book Blog, Into the night Reviews, Book Bitches, Word, Rockstars of Romance, Kindlehooked, Shh Mom’s reading, Totally Booked, Word, Reading is my time out, Stick Girl Book Reviews, Wolfels World of Books

  Book Broads, Book Studs, Books Books Books, Reality Bites Books, Naughty Mafia , Smutty Book Whores,

  What to read after fifty shades

  And everyone who has made this series the success that it is. I am forever grateful. Thanks to my family and my faith. With them, all things are possible

  Chapter 1

  Just walk away.

  “Can I have an iced mocha latte with skim milk and whipped cream?” Yeah,

  the whipped cream cancelled out the skim milk, but at least I attempted to be good. Besides, it had been my breakfast for the past four years of college. “That’ll be three dollars and thirteen cents. Please pull around.” I loved routines, my life, and the future that I was going to have.

  I couldn’t believe that I’d finally graduated and was now able to start my life.

  After I’d found a job, it was my plan to go back to school and get my bachelors degree. I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t ambitious. It was in my blood, with my parents both being doctors.

  They’d wanted me to follow in their footsteps, but I still wasn’t sure that was the right career path for me. The hardest part was the fact that I hadn’t been home in years. It wasn’t because of my parents and it wasn’t even because of my sister, well, not directly because of her. She couldn’t have known what was going on inside of my head.

  No, there was someone else that I couldn’t face; someone that I’d be forced to be around if I went home to visit.

  Stoshua Wheeler.

  I guess to better understand my reasoning, I’ll have to go back to my senior year of high school, the year when everything happened. It was then that I decided that I needed to be as far away from my twin sister, and this town, as I could get.

  Growing up, and being just minutes apart, was awesome having a twin. We talked alike, dressed alike, and shared everything. Every memory I ever had as a little girl, my sister was with me. We were inseparable and the best of friends. Imagine having someone that is the mirror image of you. We shared the same friends and even interests.

  Then high school happened.

  It was the first day of our senior year. My sister, being captain of the cheerleading squad, changed her outfit at least six times. She couldn’t decide on putting her hair up or leaving it down.

  While she had a nervous breakdown, I straightened my hair and put on the outfit that I’d picked out the night before. I’d already looked up my syllabus and known my schedule, since I volunteered at the school during the summer.

  The one thing I hated about high school, was having to share a car with my sister. Sure, it was a BMW, and all of our friends envied us, but my sister had the crazy social life. I was usually stuck bumming a ride with one of my friends.

  As usual, I ended up being the first student to arrive in class. Most people wouldn’t enjoy AP Chemistry first thing in the morning. I felt it to be invigorating.

  The class filled with familiar faces. When you were enrolled in the classes that I was in, you were always stuck with the same people. It was good to have the same friends, even though my studies were more important than any kind of socializing.

  I’d been on a mission ever since middle school. My focus was to have the best grade point average that was possible

  I was prepared for the new school year. Nothing could distract me.

  Well, that’s what I thought.

  Five minutes after the bell rang, the most handsome specimen of a man walked into my classroom. His hair was wavy and he was so tan. Even before I saw his blue eyes, I think I knew they were going to make me melt.

  The teacher took his schedule and looked out at us. The only empty seat was next to me. I usually preferred sitting alone, so that I could focus.

  “What kind of name is Stoshua?”

  “Joshua was already taken,” he replied sarcastically.

  I couldn’t help but laugh.

  A couple students turned around and gave me a dirty look.

  When I looked up at the front of the classroom again, the new guy was looking right at me. I didn’t know what to do, so I looked down at my hands and refused to look at him again. My cheeks were rapidly growing hot and my heart was pounding out of my chest.

  I wasn’t used to feeling so embarrassed, but this guy was so gorgeous. To make matters worse, the teacher had him sit right next to me and assigned him as my lab partner. It was the first day that I didn’t want to be in chemistry and also the first time I’d had a panic attack.

  As the months went by, my obsession with the new guy, turned into an infatuation. The more I tried to stay focused on school, the more I fantasized about Stoshua. We got to know each other and became close friends. I was too shy to admit that I was interested in him. I’d never dated and I didn’t know how to be in a relationship.

  He became my second best friend. On the weekends, we’d watch eighties movies and hang out, studying or going places together. We talked about everything and had each other on speed dial. With my sister being so involved in herself, Stosh was my only confidant. Sure, I could never admit how I felt about him, but it didn’t matter. All I wanted to do was be with him, every second of every day. I fantasized about changing my last name to Wheeler. I designed my wedding gown in my head and named our first born son.

  Don’t act like you’ve never done it before. We all fantasize about being swept away by our own version of prince charming. For me, he was my kryptonite. I lived and breathed to be near him, all in hopes of one day to become Mrs. Stoshua Wheeler.

  At the end of the school year, a few weeks before prom, I had this feeling like he was going to ask me. Since we had even more classes together that semester, we were together all of the time. He’d come over to study and stay for dinner, or I’d do the same at his house.

  Even though I didn’t know for sure, I believed that he liked me as much as I liked him.

  I’ll never forget practicing over and over what my conversation with Stosh was going to be. At first, I wrote him notes. After going through almost an entire notebook of paper, I decided that it was better if I just came out and said what I was feeling.

  Gaining the courage to put myself out there was nerve racking. Once any other logical option was exhausted, I knew I had to go for it. My sister knew I was up to something immediately. This particular year had been harder for me. As focused as I was on school, I felt like she was leaving me out of things. She hung out with her friends more than she spent time with me. Most nights, she snuck in the house after curfew and smelled of booze. Her defiance was associated with her popularity and the type of people that she hung out with. In some ways I was jealous. Ivy was always having fun, where I was always focused on being the best person I could be. Responsibility was important to me, but not my sister.

  With prom being so close, it also meant that finals were even closer. I’d studied for weeks and was sure to ace all of my exams. Ivy came to me one day in tears.

  “Will, you have to help me. I’m in big trouble.”

  Only two people called me Will.

  Ivy and Stosh.

  “What’s wrong now? Did you break a nail or something? Did you lose your favorite mini-‐skirt? Is your period due?”

  She raised her eyebrow, like I was out of line. “I’m being serious!” She pushed me and sat next to me on my bed. “If I fail my exam, I won’t graduate.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  She rolled her eyes and stood up to admire herself in the mirror. “It’s Biology. You know I hate that class. The teacher is pissed at me because he’d never have someone like me. He has it out for me, I swear.”

  I shook my head. My sister could never admit that something was her fault. “So, you want me to help you study?”

  She gave me a dirty look. “Are you kidding me, right now? Um, hell to the no. I want you to take the exam for me.”

  “You’re crazy! I’m not doing that! Besides, I would miss my own final to help you.” She must be insane if she thought I would be willing to trade places with her and let her take my test. My sister was beautiful and very popular, but she sucked at anything that had to do with academics.

  “I am going to hook that day. The makeup exam will be the following day and you’ll be all done. Please Will? I don’t want to fail my senior year. I’m begging you.”

  I walked over to my window. Did she even know what she was asking me to do? How could I possibly do something so illegal? How could I chance losing everything that I’d worked for?

  I’ll tell you how…

  I did it for my twin sister; the one who shared the egg that created us. She was my partner, no matter what the sacrifice. I’d do anything to make her happy. In fact, I couldn’t be happy unless I knew she was too.

  That was my biggest mistake.

  I was already disappointed in myself, but it was something that I felt obligated to do, no matter what the risk was. “Fine. You owe me big for this one.”

  “Anything! You just name it.” She wrapped her arms around me. “What would I do without you, sis?”

  “Apparently, flunk Biology.”

  She snickered as she started to walk out of the room. “Now that you’ve helped me solve my itsy bitsy problem, I can concentrate on getting myself all sexified up for this party tonight. Everyone is going to be there. I’m so excited.”

  Everyone wasn’t going to be there. I’d be catching up on biology, in my room, alone.

  I only studied for a few hours before I got bored and my mind went back to Stoshua. I was running out of time to tell him how I felt. It was going to happen.

  There was a big end of year assembly for the seniors. We were both on the clean up committee and would have to stay after school. When we were alone, I was going to tell him everything. He would finally find out just how crazy in love with him I was. Since I was so sure he felt the same way, I was excited and optimistic.

  The assembly was focused on superlatives, which my sister won a lot of. She was most beautiful, most daring, and most popular. Everyone cheered when she went up to collect her little awards.

  I spotted Stosh in the crowd and ca
ught him looking back at me three times. It gave me even more courage.

  After the assembly was over, I weeded through the crowd to find him. I should have known when I saw him standing in front of my sister that something was wrong. It just didn’t dawn on me that it would go the way it went.

  They both saw me heading their way. My smile turned upside down and my heart was beating a thousand times too fast. “What’s up?”

  They looked at each other and then back at me. “Stoshua just asked me to prom. We are going to be the hottest couple there. I just know it.” She put her arm into his and waited for me to reply.

  Of all the people on the entire planet, nobody could have hurt me like my sister did at that very moment. I was literally crushed into a million pieces. “I didn’t know you guys liked each other.”

  They both looked at each other and shrugged. After all of this time, I’d thought he was interested in me, when the whole time he’d only been into my sister. She’d probably told him to be nice to me.

  I felt like such a fool.

  “That’s great.” I could feel the burning in my throat. I was choking back my own pain to try and be happy for my sister. It was impossible to even look at Stosh. I wanted to die!

  The next week was even worse. Ivy drug me all over town, looking for the perfect dress. She said she needed to be the hottest girl there.

  When she found her version of a perfect dress, which consisted of it just ending at her ass and showing entirely too much cleavage, she got even more annoying. “You know, you should come to prom. We could get matching dresses, like we did when we were kids.”


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