Twinsequences (A Twisted Twin Series)

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Twinsequences (A Twisted Twin Series) Page 2

by Foor, Jennifer

  “No thanks. Prom isn’t my kind of scene. I’m just going to catch a movie. You know, the statistics show that drunk driving is heightened during events such as dances. Drug use is even worse. I prefer being home by ten and knowing I will wake up in one piece.”

  She rolled her eyes at me. “Whatever!” While admiring herself in the mirror, “I seriously wonder what planet you came from sometimes. I mean, do you even hear yourself?”

  If she wasn’t my sister, I knew we’d never be friends. We had nothing in common except our looks. “I can’t help who I am. When I’m out of college and I have a good job, I’ll have plenty of time to go out and have fun. I just don’t want to make a mistake that could cost me the future that I’m working so hard for. You can’t hate me for being responsible.”

  “You really need to live a little. Your vagina is going to shrivel up like an old lady if you don’t use it!”

  I rolled my eyes. “My vagina is fine, thank you very much.”

  “Don’t say I didn’t warn ya.” She continued admiring herself in the mirror.

  “Just because I’m saving myself, doesn’t mean I’m a prude. I’m happy with my life. One day I can look back and be happy with my decisions. I don’t want regrets, Ivy.” She was going to have them. Everything my sister did made me wonder what the hell she was thinking.

  Since dress shopping had been a nightmare, I avoided my sister until the big day. I’d had my moments and it was a blessing that we didn’t share rooms. I’d cried myself to sleep every night and being in school wasn’t easier. I had to maintain my friendship with Stosh like nothing had happened. He was into my sister, which meant he had never been into me. It was like a slap in the face to have to put on a smile everyday and pretend that our friendship hadn’t been tainted.

  When he started asking me questions about my sister, I wanted to scream.

  Then they became more than just prom dates. I saw him walking her to class and she kissed him right in front of me. I wanted to cringe. The two people that I loved the most were into each other. I was the odd person out. Nothing was going to be the same.

  As upset as I was about their situation, I did switch places with my sister and take her exam. For some reason, I didn’t think about having to pretend to be her around Stosh. He found me walking down the hall and grabbed my hand. I’d pictured it for so long and wondered what it would be like to have his large hand holding mine.

  He kept looking at me and smiling, but didn’t say anything. A few people passed us in the hall and he spoke to them, but not to me. When we arrived at my sister’s class, I knew we had to say something. “Thanks for walking with me.”

  “It was my pleasure.” He played with my bangs, causing me to blush. I was so hot for him but, I couldn’t tell him.

  I bit down on my lip. “Willow isn’t here today.”

  “Really? Where is she?”

  “She’s not feeling well.” It wasn’t totally a lie. I felt like I was going to puke.

  “Good thing she finished her exams. I just thought we could hang out in the library. Oh well, I guess I’ll just take a nap.”

  I thought he was just going to walk away. I mean, he started to, but all of the sudden he turned around and pulled me into his arms. Butterflies filled my stomach as he closed his eyes and pressed his warm lips on mine. I would have been able to manage with just a peck, but it escalated quickly. His tongue intruded it’s way into my mouth and found mine. I just couldn’t help myself. I’d dreamed of kissing this fabulous guy for so long. I had to feel what it was like once.

  I’d never seen him kiss my sister so intensely. He grabbed the back of the hair on my head and kissed me again and again. I never even noticed that the bell had rang until the teacher cleared his voice. “Do you plan on taking your final exam, Ivy?”

  Stoshua pulled away, but not before placing a small kiss on my forehead. “It was worth it,” he whispered before walking away.

  I walked into the classroom with my heart beating out of my chest. From just one kiss, I’d fallen more in love with him. My sister was never going to forgive me and I didn’t even care.

  Well, I didn’t care about anything Ivy related until I got home and heard her talking about him. She was all excited and trying on her dress for the twentieth time. “I can’t wait until tomorrow. We’re going to have such a good time. He’s going to have a night he will never forget.”

  I was so jealous that I couldn’t help myself. “We kissed today. He thought I was you.”

  Her eyes got huge and she walked over to me. “That’s impossible. I talked to him right before he walked into school and told him I wasn’t going to be there.”

  I was speechless. Stosh knew he was kissing me. Maybe I was wrong about his feelings. Maybe I really had a chance. “But, he…”

  “He was probably just playing the part. He kisses me every day before that class. Wow, he is an awesome boyfriend, don’t you think?”

  She was oblivious to what I was thinking.

  I didn’t care what Ivy thought had happened. I’d felt the connection between us. It was real, I could have sworn it.

  While I retreated to my room to relive the most magical moment of my life, I got a text from Stosh, saying that he missed me at school. It made no sense. Ivy swore he knew it was me the whole time.

  Choosing to ignore him, I tried to stay in my room when he came to pick up my sister in the limousine. I didn’t even want to peek out the window to see them together. It just hurt too much.

  It wasn’t until my mother came in and pulled me out to take pictures with them, that things got even more confusing. She positioned me on the opposite side of Stosh. When I felt his arm around my shoulder, the same sensations as before went running through my body. I looked up and saw him looking down at me, with a big smile on his face.

  After a few more pictures, and me trying to hold my breath, I ran back into the house and never looked out the window to watch them leave.

  My sister never came home that night. I knew what it meant. She’s slept with Stoshua. My whole world was shattered. I hated her for being with him and she didn’t even know it.

  It took three days for them to stop talking to each other. Summer had begun and my sister never had a boyfriend during the season of bathing suits and beach weather. She could have cared less about Stosh and what they’d done at Prom. The pictures came and they were placed on the mantel with all of our other family photos. I hated going into the living room.

  About five weeks after school ended, I found my sister in my room sitting on my bed. She was crying and holding something in her hand.

  I sat down beside her. “Ivy, what’s wrong?”

  She sniffled and leaned her head on my shoulder. “I fucked up. Dad’s going to kill me.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  She handed me the
pregnancy test. “This is the third one I took. What am I going to do?”

  That was the exact moment when I knew I’d lost him forever. I was speechless. All I could do was hug my sister, because my mind was on me never being with the only guy I ever loved.

  After the truth came out, Stosh’s family insisted on him doing the right thing by Ivy. They were married in a small ceremony at our church a month later. I remember it raining it’s ass off and her hair getting messed up. In eighteen years, I’d never wanted my sister to suffer. Something had changed between us. I was done giving up things for her. I needed a new start, away from my sister and her new husband. They were going to have the family that I wanted with him.

  I decided to take the scholarship that I’d earned to a college out of state. In fact, I’d already moved in when my mother called to tell me that Ivy lost the baby. Although I felt her pain, our time apart hadn’t mended my heart. I had animosity toward my sister and knew that as long as she was with Stosh, I couldn’t be around them. He and I stopped talking altogether. It was extremely difficult to be cordial when I heard about them.

  In just a few short months, I’d lost my two best friends. I felt saddened and completely alone. Every second of every day, I’d always known that I had someone by my side. My whole life was immediately turned upside down and I couldn’t deal with it. I had to get as far away as I could. I didn’t care about anything anymore. Why bother, when you can end up losing in the end?

  My sister and I kept in touch, but nothing was ever the same as before he came into our lives. She could never know what she’d taken from me. I loved her enough to never hurt her like that.

  So I thought…

  Chapter 2

  The mirror has two faces.

  I should probably explain the conversation that put all of this into play.

  The call from my sister came around four in the morning. When my cell phone started vibrating across my bedside table, I should have known it was her. Since I’d left for college, she never called unless she needed something, or wanted to brag about her perfect life.

  I shared a house with four other girls and our lease was up in one month. Since we’d all graduated, we’d already started packing up our things.

  I attempted to reach for my phone with my eyes still closed, but ended up knocking it into a box on the floor.

  The vibrating stopped and then started back again.

  I finally felt it and pulled it out to see my sister’s face displayed on the screen. I doubled checked the time before answering.


  It’s me. I’m in trouble and I need you to come home.

  Ivy, it’s four in the morning. Call me back in a couple of hours.

  I can’t. Look I don’t have time to explain. I need you to come here. Will, I need you to be me for a couple of days.

  I sat up straight. Are you crazy?

  No. I’m desperate. Please, Will. Please help me. She started to sob and I immediately felt sorry for her.

  I’m not doing anything until you tell me what’s wrong. Where’s Stosh? Why can’t he help you?

  He can’t know! He can’t ever find out. That’s why I need you to be me.

  You’re crazy. He’s your husband. He’s going to know I’m not you.

  No, he really won’t. We barely see each other. He is obsessed with work and doesn’t pay attention to anything I do.

  Ivy, this is insane. I have a life here. I can’t just get up and be you. It’s not feasible.

  Will, I’m begging you. It’s life or death.

  What? What have you done, Ivy?

  How fast can you get here?

  She wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

  I don’t know.

  Will, please. I wouldn’t ask you if it wasn’t so important. Please. I have to leave today. I don’t have a choice.

  Her cryptic reasoning was making me worry. My sister was always an open book.

  Ivy, if I drive four hours and this is over a past due electric bill, I am going to kill you.

  Meet me at the airport at noon. I will explain everything.

  You better!

  She was still crying when we hung up. Something was wrong and I hated that I didn’t know what it was. I felt like I wanted to call Stosh and ask him what was going on, but Ivy insisted that he couldn’t know. I knew it wasn’t my parents. She would have told me something like that.

  Without knowing what could have been going on, I got out of bed and packed a bag. There was a chance that I’d be heading home once I heard her out.

  I sucked down my latte as I headed toward the interstate. It was going to be a long lonely drive. Luckily, my vehicle had satellite radio. I hated commercials and needed my fix of nineties music.

  I arrived into town a little before ten. There had been two accidents that caused major delays. Since it had been so long that I’d been home, I was surprised to see that the small town had built up. Convenience stores and fast food restaurants had been added, as well as a Super Walmart.

  Since I was so early, I decided to get out at a local park and do my morning run. It usually took about an hour and it was a perfect day. Changing in my car wasn’t so hard considering that I was already wearing a pair of yoga pants. I took off my flip-‐flops and put on my tennis shoes. After pulling up my long hair, I headed out to take in the fresh air.

  This particular route of my run was a little scenic trail on the one side of our town. I ran past the high school and thought about all of the eventful moments that I’d spent there. It made me run faster, causing me to get out of breath much sooner than I was used to.

  After getting myself so upset, I rethought my decision and considered turning around and heading back home. There was nothing left here for me.

  Sure, I could move on easily. I’d dated in college and even had one serious relationship. Unfortunately, none of them gave me the same feelings that Stosh had given me when he kissed me. I know it was hard to believe, but I knew I’d been in love with him. My feelings were true and I wasn’t sure if they’d ever be able to completely go away.

  Now that he’d been married to my sister for four years, I’d spent that time being cordial with him on the phone. He would say hi, but our friendship didn’t survive their relationship. I kept our conversations to a minimum and couldn’t deal with hearing my sister go on and on about the little things he did that annoyed her.

  I hate to say this, but I almost hoped that they would get an annulment just to calm the stake that was permanently being stabbed into my heart. I’d deleted my Facebook page, because I got tired of my sister posting statuses involving places that his parents and my parents were taking them.

  Jealousy had gotten the best of me, that’s for sure.

  By twelve, I’d been sitting in my car, in the airport parking lot, for more than an hour. When I saw my sister pulling up, I
knew that I couldn’t turn my back on her, even if it was what I should have done.

  It was just a couple of days.

  What could go wrong?

  When I first saw her sitting down, I could tell that she’d been through something. She appeared to have been crying for days. “Spill it, Ivy. I just drove all this way and deserve to hear what the hell is going on.”

  She covered her face into her hands. “You wouldn’t understand. Can’t you just take my word for it?”

  “You’re asking me to be you. Not only is it against the law, but I can’t be someone that I haven’t been around in years.”

  She ignored my comment and ran her fingers through my hair. “Our lengths are almost identical.”

  I pulled away from her. “Ivy, are you freaking serious? I can’t believe I was so stupid.”

  She stood up and put her hands on her hips. “Will, please. I’m begging you.”

  “Do you even understand what you’re asking me to do? I can’t be you, Ivy. I can’t go and pretend to be married to your husband. I don’t know where anything in your house is and I sure don’t know how to act around him. He will know.”

  She smiled, but somehow looked annoyed. “You don’t know anything about marriage. Not only will Stosh not notice, but you may not even have to see him. He’s playing cards with his friends like he does this same time every week. When he comes home he’ll be so drunk he’ll pass out on the couch. Tomorrow he has an appointment with a buyer out of town. He usually stays the whole night there and doesn’t come home until lunch time the next day. He’s got bowling the following night after work, so you’ll be fine until I get back.”


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