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Romancing the Pirate 01 - Blood and Treasure

Page 3

by Jennifer Bray-Weber

  Pulling her hair off her neck the best she could, she determined to replace the medallion upon her person down in her tight bodice. She needed to know more about the pendant if she were to escape with her life. But how? This would take a bit more consideration.

  She sighed as the keys rattled and her door opened.

  Jason stuck his head in, his eyes to the floor. “Capt’n is expecting you, ma’am.”

  “Yes, I suppose he is,” she said disparagingly. She opened the door wide to receive him.

  “Are you to be my escort?”

  “Escort?” The boy lifted his head.

  Lianna smiled. An overwhelming maternal urge to protect him centered within her. A child at such a tender age shouldn’t be among killers and thieves. “A lady needs an escort in the company of men. You are a tough looking young man and I should be honored to be accompanied by such.” She curtsied.

  Jason’s cheeks colored crimson as he shyly took her by the elbow. “Yes, ma’am. This way, ma’am.” Shoulders back and chin high, he led her into the hall to the adjacent captain’s chambers.

  To her surprise, the captain stood at a table that had been laid with porcelain plates, a fat pheasant and bowls of fruit. She swallowed hard for she had never seen such a delicious piece of meat, and she did not mean the bird. The captain appeared relaxed in fresh clothes. His hair hung in curly waves down past his shoulders. Trousers fit low around his hips and his thighs strained against the canvas. With his tunic unlaced, she caught sight of a tattoo on his exposed chest, a striking phoenix, she noted. Even through his loosened clothing, she could see muscles sculpted to perfection. And those eyes, those blue eyes seemed to assault her.

  “Let us properly introduce ourselves. My name is Captain Zane Fox.” He bowed.

  His name suited him, a devious, insistent man.

  “Lianna Whitney.” She made no move to extend her hand.

  “Sit.” He pulled out a chair. “I must apologize. I didn’t have time to obtain wine for this voyage. I can only offer you a bit of brew.” He motioned for Jason to pour the cups with ale as the captain took his seat.

  Captain Fox leaned back, eyebrows up, watching her swallow her ale in one quick gulp. She held up her glass for Jason to refill. The cabin boy looked to him for approval.

  “You amuse me. A common girl…” He twirled his hand and nodded to the boy to pour her cup, “With royal haughtiness.”

  He paused, taking more time than respectable to admire her wares. “You look quite fetching now that you are out of those stained damp rags and in this pretty gown. It affords me a better look at your chest.” His gaze turned glassy, unfocused. “Hmm. Breasts, they’re what makes this world worthwhile.”

  She mustered up a droll look. Oh, sweet merciful heaven.

  Clearing his throat with a grin, he said, “Well, Miss Whitney. I hope you approve of your accommodations.”

  “Quite nice.” She glared at him as she took another sip. “Tell me, Captain Fox. How is it that your ship has comforts such as in a palace?”

  He shrugged. “Lucrative bartering. After all, a man’s home is his palace.”

  “Ah, yes.” She toyed with her cup. “Pirates and kings, one in the same. They take what they want delivering tyranny and death over those whom they conquer.”

  His humor faded from his face. “Watch your tongue, Madame. I will not suffer your indignation.” Softening, he said, “Let us eat.” He sawed his meat, shoveling the food into his mouth.

  Lianna sat with her hands in her lap. The food smelled delicious, the meat braised perfectly, the fruit shined bright and colorful with freshness. Such a feast for a pirate.

  As if reading her mind, he nodded at the spread before them. “We eat well after being in port. Henri was once my helmsman, but now serves as this ship’s cook. He scours the marketplaces for the best foods. I swear that man is like a grievous, particular old maid when he prepares meals, always fussing that his talent is wasted on a bunch of worthless sea dogs.”

  Zane looked up from his meal. “Eat.” He pointed with his fork at her plate.

  It pained Lianna to watch him chomp his food with his mouth open. For someone who pretended nobility, he certainly ate like a barbarian. ’Twas a shame his table manners weren’t better. She might be more inclined to join him in his imperial role. As it were, she could not bring herself to be ordered around. She was not his property.

  Anger pulled on his brow when she did not comply and dine on the fine food he’d offered. “Leave us,” he ordered Jason. The boy scurried out like a frightened mouse, and the captain leveled his voice steady and sharp. “You are reckless to refuse my goodwill. If you are trying to provoke me with your brazen attitude, well, then, you have succeeded. Dare you insult your host?”

  “Host? I don’t believe I was given an opportunity to decline an invitation.” Serving drunkards at her uncle’s tavern had taught her to not bend to the will of a man. She did what was expected, but no line ever became crossed. She took a few beatings for it, too. Her uncle had only intervened when he thought she would be too injured to carry on with her work. How lucky for her. She was not about to give in now, despite the captain’s choler evident as he clenched and unclenched his left fist.

  “Lady, you have tested my patience beyond a dignified control.”

  “And it is here we find ourselves on common ground.”

  “In your current position, you would do well not to anger me further.”

  “Or what, sir? Prove you are a fraud? Pity me, you are not the gentleman you try to impersonate but a vile ruffian. A cur of a pirate.” Lianna could have sworn the room darkened with black swirling clouds. Uh-oh. Maybe she went too far.

  “Let me make my point to you very plain.” Zane’s eyes dimmed, their blueness extinguished by the unhallowed decay of tombstone gray. He stood and methodically walked around the table. Bending low, with one hand on the back of her chair, the other fisted on the table, he leveled his face to hers.

  Lianna tilted her head, but didn’t dare speak, fixing her stare into his wild eyes. She would not cower to him. No matter that fear had lodged itself in the back of her throat.

  “The medallion you hide between your tits will be handed over to me. Whether you do it willingly or if I do it by force is of no concern of mine.

  “Jason!” The wide-eyed boy stepped in the cabin. “Take Miss Whitney to her room.” He looked down at her hissing, “Before I kill her.” Zane grasped her arm in a firm grip and pulled her up from her chair. “You have till daybreak to decide the course you take.” With that, he shoved her out his door.


  Come morning, Lianna was fit to be tied. She barely slept a wink, and now paced the floor like a caged wildcat. She had chewed her bottom lip more than the salt pork she had been given to break her fast. Without a window in her room, she couldn’t gauge the time, but the captain would be calling for her soon. Her choices ran few and she had been a fool to anger the captain as she had done the night before. A bloody stupid fool. She was at his mercy.

  No. Harrumphing with resolve, she would go down fighting and with dignity.

  She glanced at the gown lying across the chair. Last night was a flurry in her mind. Basile, the medallion, being spirited away by pirates, never would she have imagined that her insignificant life would be interrupted so unexpectedly. Since arriving in Nassau many years ago, she had not spent one night away from the tavern. Her entire existence was fettered to ale casks and maudlin drunks. It both scared and liberated her. Her uncle would make her lick the whip for the Black Dog’s fire—if she made it off this ship alive.

  Lianna folded the gown and placed it on the dresser. Her fingers glided over the fine fabric. Someone knocked and she snatched her hand away like a naughty child.

  “Ma’am?” Jason poked his head inside.

  “Good morning, young sir.”

  His face brightened. “Good morning, ma’am.”

  “Are you the handsome lad to take me to Captain Fox?
I should be all too delighted for you to see my way again.”

  Jason, grinning, nervously switched his weight from foot to foot. “Yes, ma’am. The Capt’n is waitin’ for you.”

  “Well then, let’s not keep your captain waiting any longer. Lead the way.” Sarcasm stitched in her words but the boy was none the wiser.

  Sun-drenched rays of light poured down the steps they climbed toward the open deck. The air choked her, thick with sweat, salt and gunpowder. Bare-chested seamen carried about their duties, scrubbing the deck, cleaning the guns, mending the sails. Above, a gangly man perched high up the foremast kept watch out for dangerous reefs and enemy ships. Not one crewman sat idle. Until she walked by. The savages stopped to glower as she passed. A few ogled with lopsided grins. She kept her back straight and looked each one of the buccaneers in the eye.

  She intended to prove she wasn’t scared, although her wobbly legs felt like they would give at any moment. She nodded in greeting with “good day” or “how do you do” and commented on the lovely morning.

  “Nice arse.” A swabber leaned on a mop handle, not bothering to hide his ribald stare.

  “Why thank you for noticing,” she replied. “I am quite attached to it myself.”

  The man laughed and returned to swabbing.

  Another tar working on a sail grumbled as she passed, bearing on the bad luck she would sure to bestow upon the ship.

  “Aye.” Lianna shook her head. “Women are a hazard for certain. I know this to be true from experience.” She shrugged.

  The man sat there on his barrel with his needle in mid stitch, his expression confused. She strolled away, pleased at discovering the ease of dumbfounding the clods.

  Concentrating on her feint, she didn’t see the pile of rope in front of her. Lianna tripped in a grand display of flapping arms, landing with a thump on all fours. She kicked at the scratchy rope tangled about her ankles in effort to get up quickly and stave off embarrassment.

  A massive shadow cast over her. A black form blocking out the sun loomed above her. “Oh shit.”

  Bull grabbed her by the hair pulling her to her feet. “You tangled up my rigging.” The floor beneath her feet rumbled under his gruff voice.

  “Ow. Let go, you gorilla!” She grasped at his arm.

  Bull pushed her back where she stumbled and fell again, this time on her bottom. Men began to gather at the spectacle.

  “Brute.” Lianna scrambled up and stomped to Bull, face to chest. “Such a big man,” she sneered, “bullyragging a woman.”

  Bull pushed her down again more forcefully. Laughter from the seamen erupted.

  “Bull, no!” Jason rushed him.

  “Outta the way, ya little whelp.” Bull picked the lad up by his shirt and threw him against the spar beside her, knocking the wind from him.

  Lianna fumed. She was not going to stand for him hurting the boy. “Beast!” She plucked a belaying pin from the mast. Swinging it at Bull, she landed a blow upside his jaw.

  He roared, the sound deafening. In a flash he hit her across her face with the back of his hand. Violent pain exploded from her cheek to behind her eyes. She fell to the deck stunned.

  A collective cheer rose among the men, echoing loud in her bleary skull. “Take her, Bull,” a voice called. “Throw her to the sharks,” another suggested.

  Bull took one step forward and all went black.

  A single gunshot resonated above the shouts. The men instinctively ducked.

  Zane stood at the top of the quarterdeck, holding his pistol skyward. “Belay!” He took two steps down the ladder and jumped the rest of the way to the main deck. The thud of his boots hitting the planks reverberated. The crew quieted and made way for him as he, Blade, and Henri came forward. “What is the meaning of this?”

  “She struck me, Capt’n.” Bull crossed his arms, challenging Zane to call him a liar.

  “Without provocation from you, no doubt. I’m disappointed in you. In all of you.” No. He was damn near lobbing off heads. “What debaucheries you men do in port is your matter. Here on the Rissa, I will not permit this degenerate behavior.

  “Jason.” He motioned the boy over.

  “I’m complainin’ none, Capt’n.”

  Good. The lad had learned well. Never show pain, fear, or any sort of weakness. Especially at his age. Depraved, wicked men get great pleasure out of victimizing boys.

  Blade knelt beside Lianna, moving her head to the side for a better look at the swelling already growing under her eye. “Ouch. That’s going to hurt when she wakes.” He gathered the lass up into his arms. She groaned, her head lolling back and forth. “Uh-oh,” he murmured as she began to come around. Her eyes popped open.

  “Put me down!” Lianna slapped frantically at Blade, kicking her feet wildly, until he complied. She lost her balance and toppled right into his chest. He flashed a crooked smile, winking at Zane.

  Zane blew out a heavy sigh at his best mate’s antics.

  Catching the wink, she pushed away, jabbing her fist into Blade’s stomach. Caught off guard, he let out “Oomph.” Zane was shamefully entertained. But he would not so much as grin, understanding his crew may find it a weakness.

  “Enough, my lady.” He grabbed her arm, guided her away from Blade, and put himself between her and Bull. “Take her back to her quarters, Henri. See to her eye.”

  Henri grumbled but nodded and the lass followed him to the hatch. She glanced over her shoulder. Every one of the Rissa’s crew, including Zane, fixed upon her backside. “How fitting. I shouldn’t expect anything less from the lot of you,” she said. “Miscreants.” Flipping her hair in a huff, she disappeared behind the doorway shadows.

  With her gone, Zane turned to his crew. “Miss Whitney is a guest on this ship.” His voice amplified loud enough for all to hear. “And as such, she should be treated with civility. Anyone on board who lays a hand to the lady will have it promptly removed. I will not tolerate insubordination. Are we clear?” He scanned the crew as they nodded in agreement.

  “Bull, you understand I cannot dismiss what you have done without punishment.”

  The large man’s nostrils flared. “Capt’n, she hit me with the pin.”

  “Aye, and I believe she has been duly subdued.” Turning to Blade, Zane said, “Get the cat-o-nine-tails. Eight lashes to the cove.”


  Lianna stared at her black eye in the silver looking-glass. She could hardly see out of it. The puffy bruising smarted under her gingerly touch. Once again, her temper had gotten the better of her. Her short fuse would be the death of her yet.

  A crusty frown upon his whiskered mug, Henri entered her chambers with a pitcher of fresh water.

  “That Bull is a fiend,” she grumbled.

  “More than that, girlie.” Henri poured the water into a small bowl beautifully painted with blue birds in flight. “He got the cat cause of ye.”

  “Oh.” An ogre like Bull would seek retribution. He’d want blood. Her blood. An idea she decided not to entertain. She strove to keep the old tar talking, but on a different subject.

  “Whose room is this?” She really didn’t expect an answer. Yet, the intrigue of a pirate captain bestowing finer things upon a woman staying on his ship gnawed at her. “She must be a special lady to have a cabin with such finery.”

  The deep lines of his leathery face furrowed.

  Lianna plied further. “What was her name?”

  He set the pitcher down hard upon the dresser, the water sloshing out.

  “Well, whoever she is, you had a fondness for her.”

  The short man seemed troubled by the thought of the esoteric woman. “Mind your bidness, lass.” He threw a wet rag at her. Henri opened her door and shook his head as he passed Zane at the threshold.

  “That was quite a display out there.” He let on that he had seen more than he should’ve allowed. Indeed, he probably had watched her from the time she set foot on the ship’s waist, thoroughly amused by her chaffing his men.r />
  She put the cool rag to her eye. “Well, one does what one must to stay alive. Got to show them who’s boss.”

  Zane leaned against the dresser, watching her dab the wet rag to her eye. “Aye, those ropes are vicious.” He chuckled.


  “How is your eye?” He pulled her hand away and winced. “Oh.”

  Wonderful, she thought. My eye looks like a rotten goose egg and he’s grimacing. She couldn’t fathom why she would care how she looked to him. But she did.

  “Why should you give it a moment’s thought?” She stood, squaring off at him. “Are you not ready to dispatch of me?”

  “You are still in possession of the medallion,” he said.

  “And now you have come to relieve me of my burden.” Her reply came crisp and dry.

  “I should be most pleased to unburden you of all your encumbrances.” He smiled wickedly as he hooked his finger into her bodice, tugging her nearer to him.

  Lianna squirmed under the warmth that seemed to suddenly manifest in her lower belly. He drifted so near. His musky skin filled her senses, mesmerizing her. He stared at her in a way that no man had before. Hungry. Keenly hungry. She wanted to scream, break free from him, but she couldn’t move. He possessed her. Lightly, he skimmed the back of his fingertips across her cheek. Desire heated a rhythmic pounding deep within her. His lips were slightly parted and oh, so inviting. She wished to taste them. He bent his head and she closed her eye, the other one already sealed shut, anticipating his kiss. Instead, he deftly reached into her dress, pulling out the medallion by its chain. He stepped back and smugly held up the pendant.

  Lianna stood, openmouthed, in shock. He hadn’t kissed her. She was such a buffoon. A complete fool. He lured her in so he could get the pendant. And she fell for it. Her cheeks burned. She was mortified. Mortified and growing angrier by the second.


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