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El Diablo (The Devil): The Good Ol' Boys Spin Off

Page 18

by M. Robinson

  Her eyes widened and her lips parted as I gripped her chin harder. “This is an adult establishment, the best one in New York City. Women take their clothes off for money, a lot of it. You want to come back? I suggest you come for an audition when you grow a pair of tits and an ass. Until then, you’re no use to me. Now be a good little girl, turn around, and go sit your ass in the fucking car. If you don’t listen, I won’t hesitate to take you over my knee and teach you some goddamn respect like your father should have.”

  I was finally getting to her. She immediately jerked her face back, away from my grasp. The hurt evident all over her solemn expression.

  All I wanted to do was put an end to this conversation, or any fucking illusions of who she thought I was in her head. I didn’t have time for this bullshit, the last thing I needed was to fucking babysit.

  I spoke with conviction, “Go play with your Barbie dolls, sweetheart. Let the men handle business.” And with that I abruptly turned, walking back toward the club’s back entrance.

  “Take care of it, Rick,” I called over my shoulder, never once looking back.

  I saw him before we even pulled into the parking lot of the strip club on Twenty-third Street. It was known to be one of the most pristine establishment in New York City. At least for a strip club anyway.

  It wasn’t hard to miss him. The man was built like a brick house, muscular, solid and tall. Standing at least a half foot taller than the guy next to him. They were obviously having a heated conversation. I never wanted to be a fly on the wall more than I did at that moment.

  I couldn’t stop staring at him, the man exuded dominance. He was dressed in an expensive suit, which probably cost more than the piece of shit car I was sitting in. His black hair was slicked back away from his face. I pictured it falling at the end the day, framing his narrow cheekbones perfectly. He was devilishly handsome. Tan skin that can only be accomplished from spending hours under the sun, a masculine face and nose that highlighted his strong cheekbones and jawline. His dark facial hair only added to his appeal. He was a fine specimen. His bright green eyes are what caught my attention though. They looked like they could reach into your soul and possess you.

  He wasn’t even looking at me, and I could feel him all over.

  I was drawn to a man who had to be twice my age, like a magnet. Feeling his pull on me. But, I couldn’t help it. I was fifteen years old, and it was the first time in my life I ever felt an attraction to someone. I hated guys. I steered clear of them at school, even my poor foster father who never did anything to me.

  Yet, there I was, physically propelled toward a man I had never met before. There was something about him, and I could see that from a block away. I felt like I had seen him before, met him somewhere, but I knew it was impossible.

  Where would I have met a man like this?

  His presence was comforting and afflicting all at once. The way he just stood there, consumed me in ways I never thought possible. There was a predatory, yet captivating look in his eyes, like he had the answer to every question I ever thought of. I couldn’t tear my gaze away from his, and I didn’t want to.

  I could watch this man all day, and it still wouldn’t be enough.

  My heart pounded out of my chest as we pulled into the crowded parking lot just after midnight. I stared out the passenger window ignoring all the rich and probably famous people, dressed to the nines. A line wrapped around the huge building with customers eager to go inside and get a taste of the erotic dancers.

  Luis put the car in park, glancing over at me. “Lexi, stay in the car. I will only be a few minutes. Lock the doors, okay?”

  “I know why we’re here, Luis. You do remember smoking weed with me, right? You used to live in my neighborhood. Your parents still do. I know you sell drugs at NYU. I’m not stupid.”

  “Stay in the fucking car, Lexi. You don’t know what this man is capable of. I didn’t tell him I was bringing anyone.”

  “Then why did you bring me?”

  “You know why… Your fucking foster parents are having another one of their parties. You don’t need to be there.”

  “I’ve been there since you’ve been away at college,” I whispered loud enough for him to hear.

  Luis was always nice to me. He was almost twenty-years-old and had been looking out for me for the past two years. Ever since I moved in with my foster parents.

  “Lexi, just fucking listen. Why is that so hard for you to do?”

  I shrugged, nodding, annoyed as I watched him open the car door. I couldn’t blame him for wanting to make money on the side. His parents didn’t have any, often leaving him to fend for himself, exactly like I had to. I never realized how expensive college could be until my advisor at school told me. She said I would have to apply for all kinds of loans and grants if I ever wanted to be admitted into a good school. The only one I was interested in was Julliard, and I had no idea how I was going to make my dream come true.

  After my stepdad ran off, it only took three days for the principal to call me into his office to tell me they got an anonymous phone call, informing them I was home with no parental supervision. A few hours later I was sitting in Child Protective Services, waiting to meet my caseworker. They looked for him everywhere and I secretly prayed every night they would never find him.

  They didn’t.

  I had been thanking God ever since. It didn’t take long for them to place me with a family. I was only at the boarding house a few weeks top, which was surprising because I was technically not an ideal foster candidate. Meaning, I wasn’t a baby or a toddler. The only downfall was I had to move from the only place I’d ever known to Manhattan. Leaving behind Susan and my dance studio. I often wished she would have adopted me, letting me stay in my home town.

  We wrote emails to each other every so often, but I never got up the nerve to ask her why she couldn’t take me in. Too apprehensive about what her answer would be. The last thing I wanted was to stay in a place I wasn’t welcome. My foster parents weren’t so bad though. I’d been living with them in a small New York apartment near the Manhattan Bridge for the last two years. They provided me with a roof over my head and food to eat, other than that, I was pretty much on my own.

  Thank God there was a ballet studio not far from their home. I’d ride my bike over there every day after school, just to watch from the windows. Wishing I could be dancing like they were. Yearning for the music that once swept me away from reality, to take me away again. One day I got caught up in the melody, dancing right outside the studio along with the girls, while they were practicing a routine inside. It never crossed my mind that I could be seen, then the bell dinged above the studio entrance, startling me. I almost jumped out of my skin.

  “Honey, you have been here for weeks. What are you doing out here?”

  I bowed my head, embarrassed I’d been caught. “I’m sorry, ma’am. I was a dancer back home in Rhode Island. Watching you gives me peace. I apologize for interrupting your class, I will be going now,” I said, walking past her to grab my bike.

  “Don’t be silly. Come inside. You probably know the routine better than most of my girls,” the instructor gestured to the building.

  She walked me in and introduced me to the other dancers. They were all very welcoming, inviting me to dance with them for the day. I didn’t have to be told twice. When the class was over, the instructor told me I had a talent like she’d never seen before, and I was allowed to come to class as long as I helped out around the studio. I’d been there ever since.

  The sound of the car door shutting brought me back to the present, pulling me away from my thoughts. Rolling down my window, I watched Luis walk toward the two men in suits. I sat there like I was told, for a second, fighting the urge to open the door. I hated being told what to do. I wasn’t a child, I had never been.

  Especially now.

  I’d seen too much.

  Experienced more than anyone my age should have.

  Making me feel and a
ct older than I actually was.

  The wind effortlessly made its way into the car, bringing a strong masculine scent of cologne with it, assaulting my senses and every last fiber of my being. It had to be him. Before I even knew what I was doing, I stepped out of the car and followed Luis across the lot. I didn’t receive the warm welcome I’d expected. To be honest, I didn’t expect anything of what had just happened.

  All I knew was my nerves were set on fire the entire time I stood there with them.

  Watching him.

  Inhaling him.

  Feeling him.

  A hot blaze roared through my body, like nothing I had ever experienced before. He had me questioning who he was, and how he had this hold on me. I hated and loved the new found feeling he produced deep within my core.

  It was overwhelming.

  It was frightening.

  It was all consuming.

  It. Was. Everything.

  I wanted to know every single thing about him, including the man beneath the ruthless bastard…

  Behind the power.

  Behind the suit.

  Behind the dominance.

  Underneath the bright green, soulless eyes which showed no emotion whatsoever. Not one.

  “Lexi,” Luis announced, parking his car in front of my house.

  “Hmm…” I replied, still lost in my thoughts of tonight.

  “Martinez has no sanctity of value for anything or anyone. Nothing is sacred to him. He respects nothing. It's why no one shakes his goddamn hand. He's a dirty, ruthless motherfucker, Lexi. You need to stay away from that son of a bitch. He won't think twice about fucking you over or fucking you period. You won’t be fifteen forever. I know what you’re thinking, I can see it in your eyes. And if I can see it, I know he could too.”

  I would remember his exact words for the next three years. Until I would see him again.

  “It's why they call him… El Diablo.”

  Knowing all I wanted was to meet The Devil.

  Austin Fucking Taylor, the good ol’ boy who was proving to be a major pain in my ass. He was damn lucky he made my niece happy. The last thing I needed or wanted was for Briggs to fall in love with a fucking southern boy from Oak Island, North Carolina. But, fucking fate slapped me in the goddamn face again. You’d think I’d be used to it by now. She’d been with him for the past three years, playing house in the apartment I provided for her.

  Not him.

  They met in Miami at one of the parties I sent her to supply. Things didn’t become official until I watched them run into each other a year later, on one of my cameras at the dance club I owned downtown.

  I ran a background check immediately, discovering he was fucking harmless. He started traveling with her behind my back, and when I called her out on it, she conned me into hiring him as her bodyguard. I wasn’t a goddamn idiot. I knew they were fucking each other. Briggs seemed to have a thing for bodyguards. All those romance books she read, she wanted a hero.

  It wasn’t like she needed defending, up until recently, with Hector. He had been an old acquaintance of mine, who wanted to fuck my niece since she grew tits and an ass. The second he requested a meeting alone with her, was the moment I knew I could test Austin. I just didn’t know he would show up to the meeting, fucked up on my drugs. Both of them trying to recover from the three days of non-stop partying with clients. Things went south fast. Austin was lucky I didn’t put a fucking bullet in his head. Hector, on the other hand, wasn’t so lucky.

  Needless to say, Austin passed with flying colors, defending Briggs with his life. Exactly what I was paying him a fuck load of money to do. But, it wasn’t about the cash. He loved Briggs, even a blind man could see it, the man wore it proudly.

  A man like me could respect that about a man like him. He wasn’t made for this life, and neither was Briggs, but that didn’t stop me from bringing her into it anyway.

  I heard the lock release on Briggs’ apartment door. She lived there, but I owned it. The door swung open, revealing Austin and her pretty much dry fucking each other in the hallway. His hand immediately reached in her panties.

  “Jesus Christ, you can't even keep your fingers off my niece’s pussy long enough to walk through the goddamn door!” I roared, taking in the debauchery in front of me.

  “Uncle!” Briggs shrieked, shoving Austin away to pull down her dress.

  “You’re lucky it was my fingers and not my tongue. Next time knock on the fucking door before you make yourself at home in our apartment,” Austin spewed, pissed I was there unannounced and uninvited.

  I cocked my head to the side, arching an eyebrow. “Our?”

  “Did I stutter?”

  “Austin…” Briggs coaxed, gently placing her hand on his chest, trying to get him to back down.

  He wouldn’t.

  And I fucking respected that too.

  “This isn’t her apartment. It’s mine. I pay for it. Briggs, how about the next time you ask someone to move in, they are aware of who fucking owns it first.”

  “There won’t be a next time. I’ll start paying for it. Just tell me who to make the check out to,” Austin said, not backing down.

  He hated me. I guess I would too if the woman I loved was related to a man like me. I’m sure Briggs told him all about her childhood, painting me to be the villain I always wanted her to think I was. The monster that didn’t show her any affection when she was growing up. Showing her the cruelty and reality of the world instead.

  I grinned, narrowing my eyes at him. Contemplating if I really wanted to go through with what I had been thinking, ever since Briggs fucked up the meeting with Hector. Austin may have been the one on drugs, but she allowed it to happen. When she was supposed to be in charge and in control of the situation, proving to me she was being blinded by love.

  I looked back and forth between them, before my stare settled on Briggs. She eyed me warily, knowing I wasn’t there for fucking chit-chat.

  “I’ve decided to make some changes. You want him involved in every aspect of your life, peladita? I can’t stop you… but I’m personally over the fact that you’re spreading your legs for the goddamn help again.”

  Austin stepped toward me, and Briggs held him back.

  I scoffed, standing. Placing my hands in the pockets of my slacks, I rounded the corner of the island unfazed. Stopping about a foot away from them. Briggs stood right in the middle, waiting to intervene if needed.

  Even after all these years, she still feared me. And I would be lying if I said I didn’t fucking hate it.

  “Since you’re so fucking involved in my business and what’s mine,” I paused, looking at Briggs, “including this apartment, I’ve decided to promote you.”

  “No!” Briggs yelled, stepping toward me. Knowing what I was about to do.

  My niece knew me as well as I knew her. I could control Briggs. Now, since I knew Austin wasn’t going anywhere, I needed to control him too. And nothing made a man think he was in control more than power did. I knew Austin would be chomping at the bit.

  I was about to make him an offer he couldn’t refuse.

  “You can’t fucking do this, Uncle! I won’t let you. He’s not—”

  “Baby, I don’t need you to answer for me,” Austin sneered, pulling her aside to stand in front of me instead.

  Man to fucking man.

  “What you did in Colombia took some fucking balls. I can appreciate a man that protects what he thinks is his. You would have shot Hector in the fucking face had Briggs not stopped you. Without even batting an eye, I know you would have pulled the fucking trigger. I was fourteen when I had my first taste of blood. I murdered a man point blank, protecting what I thought was also mine,” I informed, giving Briggs a piece of my life’s puzzle. A glimpse of who I was.

  Even though she would never know the truth about my life. I wouldn’t allow it.

  “Uncle, please… don’t do this,” Briggs whispered, her head bowed with an expression I couldn’t see.

bsp; “I don’t need both of you. Austin here,” I nodded toward him, “is now in charge.”

  “What?” he replied, confused.

  “You want to be boss man? Well then, here’s your fucking chance.”

  “You want me to take over Briggs’ job? I can’t do that to her,” Austin stated with a sincere tone, shaking his head. “I could never take this away from her. It’s—”

  “She will be right there with you. Won’t you, Briggs?”

  She glared at me with an expression I had never seen before. She loved Austin too much to ever leave his side, especially when it came to this life. She wouldn’t say no. I had her right where I wanted her.

  Bottom line.

  It would keep them safe. I would make sure of it.

  “He doesn’t know what—”

  “And that’s why you’ll teach him. I’ll have someone else take over the traveling for the time being. He will run New York with you. Look at it this way, he will have plenty of time to fuck you in your own bed,” I mocked, repeating what I overheard him saying to her as they opened the door.

  It was the first time in over fifteen years, after everything I had put her through, made her see, made her experience, that she wanted to tell me she fucking hated me. I could see it in her eyes.

  And it took everything inside me not to tell her I loved her more than anything in this world at the same exact moment.

  My phone rang, breaking through her plaguing thoughts. I grabbed it out of my suit pocket, putting a finger out in front of me before I turned to answer it.

  “Habla,” I ordered, “Talk,” walking out onto the balcony, shutting the door behind me.

  “Boss, there’s this girl at the strip club. She says she needs to talk to you. She won’t fucking leave. She’s adamant about seeing you, and only you.”

  “Get rid of her.”

  “I tried, she—”

  “I don’t give a flying fuck, get rid of her, or I’ll get rid of you.”

  “Her name is—”

  I hung up, placing my vibrating phone back into my pocket. I walked back inside, ignoring the calls. Waiting not-so-patiently to hear the two words that would forever change my niece’s life, in ways I never expected, and would spend the rest of my life trying to make up for.


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