Cowboys, Babies and Shotgun Vows

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Cowboys, Babies and Shotgun Vows Page 18

by Shirley Rogers

  “Oh, Ryder,” Ashley cried softly, then threw herself at him, her face lighting with joy. He caught her to him and held her tight. “Do you, do you really?” she asked, looking up at him, tears in her eyes. Ashley thought her heart would surely burst.

  Still looking a little surprised himself, Ryder tilted her face up to his. “I’m afraid I do.” He hadn’t wanted to, but sometime when he wasn’t looking he’d given her his heart. “Well,” he said, when Ashley remained silent.

  “Well, what?” She gave him a saucy look.

  “Ashley.” Her name came out a warning and he glanced briefly at the water trough, then back at her.

  “You wouldn’t.”

  Ryder bent abruptly and lifted her in his arms. “Don’t bet on it, darlin’.”

  Ashley squealed as he took a step toward it. “Okay! Okay!” She grinned, hugging him around the neck with her arms. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”

  Ryder let her feet slide to the ground as he kissed her thoroughly. “Now, are you going to marry me or not?” he asked, lifting his lips from hers.

  She smiled up at him. “Yes. Oh, yes.” His mouth claimed hers again, deeply, hungrily. Ashley sank against him, the pleasure of being in his arms making her feel weak with need. She lost herself in the smell, the taste, the essence of him.

  “Oh, I love you so, Ryder McCall,” she whispered when he lifted his lips from hers.

  “Hot damn!” Deke yelled, throwing his brown cowboy hat in the air. “We’re gonna have a wedding!” He walked over and slapped his brother on the back. “If I’d known having a date with Ashley was all it would take to bring you to your senses, I’d have taken her out a long time ago.”

  Ryder gave his brother a pointed look. “Don’t be cute.”

  Ashley gave Deke a hug, then slipped back into Ryder’s arms, thinking all was right in her world.

  The feeling of euphoria lasted only minutes. As she stood in the circle of Ryder’s embrace, a long black limousine came up the road toward the house, billowing a huge cloud of dust behind it.

  “Oh, my,” Ashley murmured, a feeling of dread coming over her. Suddenly, within seconds, her stomach was in knots. She had become so comfortable living here, that she’d forgotten all about her life in San Antonio. She didn’t doubt that whoever was in that car, was here to see her. Trembling, she pressed closer to Ryder, hoping, praying she was wrong. “Ryder, are you expecting someone?” Her voice shook when she spoke. Maybe, she thought, it wasn’t doom riding in that car.

  Ryder shook his head and looked into her eyes. “Not that I know of.” He had a feeling in his gut that the devil in the form of Jacob Bennett was riding in the black limo. He’d figured that it was just a matter of time before her father showed up. Actually Ryder was surprised that Bennett hadn’t shown up before now. He hadn’t exactly planned on meeting the man soaking wet, either, but it couldn’t be helped.

  The car pulled to a stop on the other side of Ryder’s pickup. Deke moved closer to Ashley and Ryder, standing beside them as if sensing a problem and presenting a united front. Silence reigned between them as they watched the driver get out and open one of the doors.

  Ashley sucked in a breath when she saw her father step out of the car. He was a striking figure, tall and silver-haired and every bit as formidable as she remembered. She nearly fainted when Martin got out of the limousine behind her father. Jacob Bennett approached the three of them, stopping on the other side of the truck when Ryder spoke.

  “That’s far enough.” Ryder eyed the two men with scrutiny, then his hard gaze locked with the older one. “State your business,” he told him, knowing it was Ashley’s father.

  “I don’t have any quarrel with you unless you make it that way,” Jacob Bennett stated, his tone rigid. “I’ve come for my daughter,” he stated frankly. He said it as if just saying the words had the power to make it so.

  Ryder looked at Ashley. Though there was a slight touch of uneasiness in her eyes, he was proud of the way she was facing her father. Her shoulders were squared, her back straight. Even her chin jutted out a bit. His gaze slid back to her father. “I don’t think your daughter wants to go with you.”

  Jacob Bennett ignored Ryder’s response and he glared directly at Ashley. “I’ve had enough of your foolishness. I’ve given you time to see the error of your ways. Now get in this car.” It was a demand that he fully expected to be followed. When she didn’t move, his expression hardened even more.

  “Martin, here, is ready to accept the fact that you had cold feet,” he said, gesturing toward the polished man beside him. On cue, Martin spoke up.

  “Don’t let a little misunderstanding keep us apart.” He said the words as if he’d practiced them, without emotion, without meaning. “I’ve missed you, Ashley. Come on home.”

  Ashley was sickened by the saccharine smile that came so easily to him. She couldn’t believe how easily the lie slid from his lips. Looking at him with disgust, she wondered how in the world, even in the most desperate of times, she could have settled for such a spineless jerk.

  “I’m not going anywhere.” She stared defiantly back at her father. His expression was thunderous, and his skin turned a deep shade of pink.

  “If you don’t get in this car, right now, I swear I’ll—”

  “You’ll what?” Ashley demanded, cutting him off. She shrugged away from Ryder and stepped a little closer, her body still blocked by the truck. “Never speak to me again? Forget that I exist? You see, it really doesn’t matter, Father, because you never really knew I did. And you know what? I don’t care anymore.” She turned and looked at Ryder, took encouragement from the expression of love in his eyes. “I have a new life now. Here, on this ranch, with this man. This is my home.” Her eyes glowed with love.

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” Jacob Bennett didn’t even consider what she said believable. “You don’t belong here.”

  Ashley closed her eyes for a moment, facing reality. She knew it was time to accept that a part of her life was over. She opened her eyes and they were filled with pity. Her father would never understand her, would never know what really mattered to her. What was more important, she didn’t care anymore. Her heart no longer held a place for him.

  “You’re wrong, though I’m sure you’ll never admit it because the great Jacob Bennett only cares about himself and what he wants.” Her voice lowered a notch. “What’s the matter, Father? Did I throw a glitch in your plans? Is that why you’ve come here?”

  “Listen here—”

  “No, you listen,” Ashley went on, her voice even, her stance confident. “Whether you choose to believe it or not, I’m a grown woman and you can no longer control me.”

  Jacob Bennett’s face turned bloodred. “I’m warning you, Ashley. If you don’t stop this foolishness and get in the car, you’ll be sorry.” He hesitated a brief moment, then declared, “I’ll disown you. I swear I will.” Another tense moment passed. “If you don’t believe it, just try me.”

  “That just shows how little you know me,” Ashley replied stiffly, not even surprised that he would try to bribe or threaten her to his will. He thought money could buy anything he wanted. Well, she had news for him.

  “I don’t care about your money. I never did.” She glanced at Ryder and, as if she’d asked him with unspoken words, he came forward and put his arm around her. “I have everything I ever wanted right here.” Looking from her father to Martin, she stated firmly, “Now, I think you both should leave.”

  Her father started to speak, but Ryder took a step toward him. “Ashley asked you to leave, sir. She did it nicely.” As he spoke, his tone was deadly. “Now, I’m telling you to go. You’re on McCall land and you’re not welcome.” His glance slid to the younger man. “And take this piece of slime with you.”

  The older man’s eyes warred scarcely a moment with Ryder’s menacing gaze before he realized the threat implied by his words. He took a slow step backward, then headed for the car, calling under his breath
for Martin to follow him. The driver closed the door behind them, then got in and started the car. Ashley, Ryder and Deke watched as the limousine made a large circle and headed away from the house.

  Looking at Ashley, Ryder realized how much her father must have hurt her. He put his arm around her. “Ashley, dariin’, I’m sorry. He’ll never know what he’s done,” he said, thinking about the man and cursing him for being a fool and giving up a wonderful daughter he would never know.

  She put her arms around Ryder and he hugged her closer. His palm caressed her back and her heart swelled with her love for him. She thought about how much her life had changed and happiness spread through her, warming her and filling her completely.

  “I love you,” she said, looking up at Ryder.

  “I love you more,” he answered easily and kissed her.

  He lifted his mouth and Ashley closed her eyes and rested her cheek against his chest. She’d found a wonderful man who loved her and together they would raise their babies, showering them with love and attention. She’d gained a family whose acceptance and support came as easily as taking a breath.

  She had everything she’d ever really wanted.


  Ashley stood quietly beside the two matching bassinets where her babies lay sleeping. Though both of them had dark hair like her, they shared their father’s baby blue eyes. Just over three months old, Michelle and Melissa had come into the world in their own special way. Michelle had been born first and she’d let everyone know of her presence right away, screaming and wanting her demands met immediately. Melissa had made her entrance serenely and with great poise, perfectly content to let her sister lead the way.

  Hearing the thud of boots coming down the hallway, Ashley turned to see Ryder walk into the room. A warm feeling rushed over her as he came to her and she lifted her mouth to his. His kiss was hot and possessive, fueling a desire between them that was as consuming as it was captivating.

  Even with a houseful of help, two tiny infants demanded an unbelievable amount of attention. She and Ryder had resorted to taking advantage of every spare moment that came their way. Ashley kissed him back hungrily, giving him her heart and soul. She couldn’t imagine her life without him.

  “Mmm,” she murmured, her lips clinging to his for one more taste of him. Ryder’s tongue made a swift foray into her mouth before he raised his head.

  “You taste wonderful,” he whispered into her mouth, then kissed her again and his heart swelled. They’d been married in a small, intimate ceremony at the house before the babies were born. Ryder had fallen in love with Ashley. all over again when he’d looked into her eyes and said his vows.

  “Are you sorry?” Ashley asked, her eyes searching his as she looked up at him. He’d told her at least a million times that he loved her, and she loved him so much that it hurt. Still, today especially, she needed to hear it again.

  Ryder’s eyes locked with hers and he frowned. “What? For loving you?” he questioned. He slid his hand behind her neck, then lifted her chin with his thumb, rubbing it gently over her tender, swollen lips. “Darlin’, I could never be sorry for falling in love with you. I’m only sorry it took me so long to figure it ont.”

  When she would have looked away, he gently held her face in place. “What’s troubling you?” he asked, his curious gaze sweeping her face, taking in the troubled expression in her eyes. “Have you heard from your father?” he asked, and his voice hardened just a notch.

  Ashley shook her head. “No.” She pressed herself closer to her husband, seeking his warmth and needing to feel his strength. “I do wonder sometimes if he’ll cause trouble for us.” They’d discussed the possibility of problems with her father, and Ryder had tried to dismiss her fears.

  “You don’t need to worry about him, Ashley,” Ryder told her. She seemed a little distressed and he wanted to allay her fears for good. “We’re married and these are our beautiful daughters. Just because your father has money, doesn’t mean he could ever really threaten us.” He pulled her closer to him. “Our holdings aren’t meager by any stretch of the word, and we have connections with some pretty powerful people ourselves. I promise that you’ll never have to see him unless you want to.”

  “I know.”

  She shook her head and smiled, yet Ryder suspected something was still troubling her. He turned and looked at his sleeping daughters. “I can’t believe how much they’ve grown in just three months. It seems like only yesterday that they were born.”

  Ashley giggled, forgetting her troubles for a moment. “The three of you did cause quite a commotion.” Thinking about when she’d delivered the babies always made her laugh. Her labor had been long, thirteen hours, and Ryder had been with her every minute. He’d held her hand, bathed her face and fed her ice chips.

  It wasn’t until Michelle had entered the world that chaos had taken place. The doctor had called Ryder down to see his first daughter being born. Ryder had taken one look at her, smiled, then he’d promptly fainted. Ashley had screamed and Melissa had been born. The nurses had been quite busy, tending to the two newborns and their daddy.

  Ryder fixed her with a warning stare. “Don’t even start,” he advised her. He glowered and a flush crawled up his neck. He’d been the butt of jokes for weeks before his brothers had finally let it go. They still brought it up whenever someone new stopped by to see the babies.

  Ashley laughed, then tried to dodge Ryder as he grabbed her and started tickling her. She squealed, slapping at his hands.

  “Stop! All right, all right, I’m sorry,” she pleaded, panting and trying to catch her breath. Ryder stopped tickling her, then held her to him.

  Michelle took that moment to cry, and they both glanced at the wiggling bundle. “I’ll get her,” Ryder said, letting Ashley go. He leaned down and lifted the baby in his arms. She gurgled, then fixed her eyes on her father, quieting immediately.

  “You’re going to spoil her,” Ashley told him. His expression softened as he gazed at his daughter. Her heart grew bigger as she watched the two of them bond.

  “That’s my right as her daddy,” Ryder quipped.

  Ashley leaned up and kissed him. Their lips clung, his tongue seeking and finding hers. His lips were soft and sensual, his taste enticing.

  “Careful, my bride,” he teased, his baby blue eyes sparkling. “This is what got us into trouble to begin with.” He grinned and added, “I told you I’d get the hang of this if you just gave me some time.”

  “Yes, you did.” She still worried about it sometimes. She remembered the day that Ryder had told her he didn’t want children. It stuck in her mind like bubble gum to a shoe in the middle of summer. “I know how you felt about having children.”

  Something in her voice, a hesitancy, made Ryder look at her. He’d learned his wife’s habits and knew that when she avoided looking at him, something was troubling her.

  “I love these babies, Ashley. Don’t ever think that I don’t. Before I knew you, I was afraid to love, afraid that someone would love me back and then I’d lose them. I’ll admit it took me a while, but you taught me that true love is a good thing, something to hold on to.” He leaned over and kissed his wife. “The way I feel right now, I think we ought to have a dozen.” He gave the baby in his arms a tender kiss.

  Relieved, Ashley smiled and picked up Melissa, who had started to squirm in her bassinet. “I’m glad you feel like that.”

  “You are?” he asked, then looked at Ashley, his gaze narrowing.

  “Yes,” she said, quite relieved. A smile spread on her lips. “I’m pregnant.”

  ISBN : 978-1-4592-6522-6


  Copyright © 1998 by Shirley Rogerson

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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