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Unlawfully Wedded Bride (Love Inspired Historical)

Page 23

by Noelle Marchand

  Ellie giggled. Kate was going to question the mischief she read in her gaze but at that moment the music inside the chapel changed. “Get ready!”

  They all stepped aside as Ellie took her position at the door with her basket of flowers in hand.

  “Try to look the opposite of what you are. You know, sweet,” Sean whispered.

  Ellie shot him a glare. The door opened, signaling the beginning of the ceremony.

  Nathan’s heart beat rapidly in his throat as the doors to the chapel opened to reveal Ellie dressed in a spring green dress. The girl looked surprisingly innocent with her blond hair artfully arranged so that wisps of it purposely hung around her face. She glanced over the crowd then gave a demure smile. An “aw” escaped the crowd as one.

  He knew Ellie too well not to notice the way her lips curved a bit too smugly in response. She was up to something, no doubt about it. She gaily prepared the way for her sister by tossing brightly covered flowers onto the aisle. As she neared the end of the aisle she glanced up from her task. Nathan met her gaze and grinned. Delight sprang into Ellie’s eyes. She nearly took an unplanned side trip toward him but Ms. Lettie caught her hand and guided her to her seat.

  Rachel was the next down the aisle. Finally, the music changed and Kate appeared in the doorway. His heart, which had been pounding in his chest moments earlier, seemed to still along with his breath. She was stunningly beautiful in the Irish lace dress he’d read so much about.

  Most of her cinnamon-colored locks were pulled away from her face in an elaborate knot with a few escaping tendrils. A filmy veil covered most of her face, maddeningly so, for he desperately wanted to see her expression.

  Lawson discreetly leaned forward to whisper, “Breathe.”

  Nathan shot him a grateful glance.

  “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of God and this congregation to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony,” Pastor began. “Who gives this woman to this man?”

  “Her family and friends do,” Sean said. At the minister’s affirmation, he lifted Kate’s veil and handed her to Nathan before he moved to sit beside Lawson on the other side of Doc and Ms. Lettie.

  Hand in hand, they turned toward the minister but Nathan could not keep his eyes off Kate. Her blue eyes met his. She smiled and suddenly it was as if everything in his world was put to rights.

  As the ceremony progressed, he repeated the words he had said once before but this time with a new understanding of their importance and the depth of their meaning. He’d certainly never dreamed that the pledge he had made then would lead him to this time and place with a woman he loved so deeply. He had to admit. This was better than any dream he could have imagined on his own.

  Kate had never felt more at home than she did at Nathan’s side as they accepted congratulations from the stream of well-wishers. Even Mrs. Greene managed a courteous, if mumbled, expression of congratulations. It was long before the streams of parishioners and guests dwindled to just their closest circle of friends.

  Kate smiled in greeting as Judge Hendricks stepped forward. She accepted his kiss on the cheek, then watched as he shook Nathan’s hand. “Congratulations to you both. I’ll be heading out soon but I wanted to give you this.”

  Kate took the piece of paper the judge held out to her and studied it carefully before an amused smile lifted her lips. She handed it to Nathan. “It’s our marriage license.”

  “Your official marriage license,” the judge interjected.

  Nathan grinned. “I’ll be sure to keep this in a safe place. We might even frame it.”

  “You do that.” Judge Hendricks laughed, then said his goodbyes.

  For the first time all day, Kate found herself in a moment alone with Nathan. She glanced up toward him. He took a step closer. Suddenly Ms. Lettie appeared at her side.

  “Sorry to interrupt but I thought you might be interested in taking care of the gifts now so you’ll be free to slip off when you please later.”

  Kate frowned. “We didn’t need any gifts.”

  Rachel stepped forward. “Don’t be silly. Everyone receives gifts at their wedding. It’s only proper.”

  Deputy Stone nodded. “In this case, it might even be timely.”

  “What are you talking about?” Nathan asked suspiciously.

  Doc handed Kate a sealed envelope. “This was entrusted to me to give to you. Go ahead and open it.”

  Kate broke the seal. Opening the envelope, she gasped. She’d never seen so much paper money in all her life.

  “Practically everyone in town who had something to give contributed. Life’s been a bit rough for you lately. The town has wanted to do something to support you for years. When your barn burned down they saw that as an opportunity. There’s enough in there to purchase the lumber you need not only to replace your barn but to build a bigger one for the future.”

  She felt Nathan tense beside her and knew he was wondering if she’d accept such a gift. A few months ago she certainly wouldn’t have. She’d learned a lot since then. She’d learned to trust. She’d learned to love. She’d also learned to accept help. Kate smiled tremulously. “I don’t know what else to say besides thank you.”

  Deputy Stone grinned. “That isn’t the only gift.”

  “I’m not sure if I can accept anything more.”

  “This one isn’t for you, Kate. It’s mostly for Nathan. As much as I’d like to say I thought this up and carried it out, I can’t. This one came from someone named Davis Reynolds.”

  Nathan caught Kate’s questioning gaze but shrugged. He was just as confused as she seemed to be. The entire party followed Deputy Stone down the steps of the church to where the few remaining horses and buggies stood. “Davis contacted the sheriff, who put me in charge of the covert operation. There he is.”

  Nathan followed his friend’s gesture toward one of the finest and largest stallions Nathan had ever seen. He heard Kate gasp and realized that even though she hadn’t had much exposure to horses, she was able tell the quality of the animal. He stepped toward the horse haltingly, not entirely sure if he should believe what his eyes were seeing or where his brain was leading him.

  “Was there any message with the horse?” he asked.

  “He said you’d understand.”

  Kate stepped up beside Nathan. “Does the horse have a name?”

  Nathan shook his head incredulously. “Samson. The horse’s name is Samson.”

  The deputy frowned. “How did you know?”

  “I guessed.” Nathan turned to Kate to explain. “Davis is an old friend of mine. He always said I should raise horses again.”

  Understanding lit her blue eyes. “That sounds perfect.”

  “What about the wheat?”

  “I have no particular affinity for it except that it puts food on the table,” she said. “We can always try doing both until you become established in this.”

  Incredible, Nathan thought to himself as he strode forward to inspect the animal more closely. As impressed as he was by it, his gaze kept straying toward where Kate stood talking with her siblings. He felt someone nudge his ribs and turned to find the deputy’s eyes twinkling meaningfully. “It’s about time for you two to be heading out, isn’t it? Why don’t you attend to your bride, Nathan? I’ll take care of the horse.”

  Nathan grinned. “Thanks. I owe you one.”

  “Good.” The deputy’s gaze strayed toward Rachel. “Who knows, I may actually collect on that.”

  Kate closed her eyes as a last sultry breeze of summer danced across her cheek like a warm touch. She pulled the ridiculous pins from her hair and tucked them in her skirt pocket before peeking inside the picnic basket Ms. Lettie had sent along with them. Her stomach growled. Ms. Lettie was right when she said no one actually ate at their own wedding.

  She’d succumbed to the temptation of one of Ms. Lettie’s cookies before the door opened behind her and Nathan stepped out of the house in his regular clothes. They’d bot
h been uncomfortable in their wedding finery. Kate took a deep breath just because she could as they set out for the creek. It wasn’t long before she slipped her hand into Nathan’s strong yet gentle grasp.

  He lifted her hand to kiss the tips of her fingers. She met his warm brown gaze and smiled at the love she saw echoed there. The corners of his mouth lifted into an answering smile as he tugged her slightly closer to his side. She sighed. “The ceremony was beautiful, wasn’t it?”

  His gaze turned teasing. “Best I’ve ever been to, that’s for sure.”

  She laughed even as she sent him an exasperated look. “I’m serious. What was your favorite part?”

  “My favorite part,” he echoed. He met her gaze seriously. “The wedding vows.”

  She angled her steps sideways so she could see his face. “Really?”

  He nodded. “Without a doubt.”

  She turned to walk forward again, then hearing the gentle roar of the waterfall, she smiled. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today—”

  “In the presence of God and these witnesses,” he interrupted. She laughed as he gestured to the empty woods around them before his deep voice continued. “To join—”

  She placed a hand on his chest as she stepped in front of him, forcing him to stop. Lifting her gaze to his, she allowed her deepest feelings to show unrestrained as she said, “To join together this man…”

  “And this woman,” Nathan said slipping an arm around her waist. “In holy matrimony.”

  He would have kissed her but Kate shook her head and slipped out of his arms, teasing, “That doesn’t come until later.”

  He grinned rakishly. “Well, I forgot what comes next so I thought we could just as well skip to the end.”

  She laughed. “No. The next part is very important.”

  “What’s that?” he asked as he took the basket from her and set it on the ground in a dry spot.

  “If anyone knows of a reason the two should not be joined together, speak now or forever hold your peace,” she said over her shoulder as she slipped out of her boots. The water looked wonderful. She bet it was just the right temperature. She tiptoed through the mud near the bank of the creek to find out.

  “You think that was an important part?” Nathan asked as he joined her to wade in the creek.

  She lifted her chin to meet his gaze. “It’s important because it leads to the most important question.”

  “What question would that be?” He reached out to slip his fingers through her cinnamon-colored curls.

  “The question was, if you, Nathan Rutledge, would take me to be your lawfully wedded wife.”

  He stepped closer. “And I did.”

  A smile tilted her lips. “You do remember what came after that, don’t you?”

  Her lashes drifted closed as his lips covered hers in a loving kiss that was all the answer she needed.

  Dear Reader,

  I began writing this story at the tender age of sixteen. It all started with a simple question. What if you found out that, through no fault of your own, you were married to a stranger? I’ve lived a lot of life since I asked that question. Just like me, this story has grown and evolved in ways I never expected. I’ve had the most creative co-writer along the way—God. He is not only the Author and Perfecter of my faith, but also of this book.

  He taught me that it all comes down to trust. I learned that life doesn’t always make sense, it isn’t always comfortable, and sometimes is downright painful. Yet, like Kate and Nathan, I also discovered that if I hold on long enough and allow God to lead me, then I will end up in a moment like this. A moment when my dreams have come true, my work is complete and His glory is revealed.

  Thank you for stepping back in time with me to the fictional town of Peppin, Texas. I hope you enjoyed reading Kate and Nathan’s story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Sean’s story is next so look for more of the O’Briens’ marriage mayhem soon. In the meantime, I would love to hear from you. Please contact me at or check out my Facebook page.


  Questions for Discussion

  Kate believes she is proving to everyone that she doesn’t need help taking care of the farm and her siblings. How do Sean and Ellie feel about this at the beginning of the story? Why do you think their perceptions differ?

  Do you think Sean and Ellie were right to take matters into their own hands at the beginning of the story? Why or why not? Is there a different means by which they could have reached the same end?

  What was Ms. Lettie’s role in the story? In Kate and Nathan’s relationship? How would you label her? Is she a busybody, motherly figure, friend?

  In the events leading up to the story, Kate, Nathan and Jeremiah have all experienced the death of someone close to them. How do the three characters deal with their grief? What are the similarities? What are the differences?

  Nathan chooses not to tell anyone about the events in his past that led up to him responding to the advertisement. What are his reasons for doing this? Do you think he was right to keep his past a secret? How does this impact the story? How does this impact his relationship with Kate?

  Why is Nathan estranged from his family? Do you think he could have done something to prevent that from happening? Why did Lawson urge Nathan to repair his relationship with his family? Why did Sean?

  How do you feel about Lawson’s desperate need for a family? The story hints that Lawson may decide to live with Doc and Ms. Lettie Williams. What do you think the future holds for him?

  What was the turning point in Kate and Nathan’s relationship? How did they reach it?

  Kate struggles to discern and trust God’s will at different points in the story. Have you ever had this problem? If so, what did you do to overcome it?

  Nathan decides to pursue Kate and begins courting her. What brings him to this decision? Why is it important to his spiritual walk with God? How does it affect his relationship with Kate?

  How does Nathan’s presence change the O’Brien family? What does he teach them about living life? He emphasizes the importance of not only working hard, but also of enjoying life. How does this impact the O’Briens’ relationships with him and each other?

  What would you say are the overriding themes of the story? Why?

  Were you expecting the judge’s ruling about the annulment? What reasons did he give for his decision? Do you agree with him? Why or why not?

  How do you think Kate and Nathan’s marriage will affect the O’Brien family? What will change for them?

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-1485-9


  Copyright © 2011 by Noelle Marchand

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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