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Always Yours

Page 26

by Kari March

  Kate hugged me goodbye. "I will. Have a great night you two," she said, raising her eyebrows. Cam and I laughed while she ducked into my car and we stood there, watching, until she drove out of sight.

  "Shall we?" Cam said as he held his arm out for me.

  I looped mine through his and he led me over to the table.

  "So, are you impressed?" he asked me as he pulled out the chair.

  I took a seat as I looked around again. "Thoroughly. You really know how to treat a girl," I said with a smile.

  "Well you haven't seen anything yet, firecracker."

  We sat at the table and talked for a bit, while we munched on a few things I had prepared. I wasn't hungry though. I was fucking nervous as hell. I felt like taking a shot but didn't want to be drunk when I asked Cara to marry me.

  Everything had been going according to plan. The sun was getting lower in the sky and pretty soon I would be down on one knee, pouring my heart and soul out to the woman I loved.

  I wanted to hurl.

  What if she said no?

  I pushed those fucking thoughts out of my head. There was no way she would say no.

  I looked out to the horizon and then back at Cara. "Should we watch the sunset?" I asked and her eyes lit up as she nodded.

  We walked over to the truck and I slip inside, turning on the playlist I made especially for tonight.

  The slow smooth sound of "Who You Love" by John Mayer and Katy Perry drifted through the speakers and I closed the door, joining Cara on the tailgate. She had a pillow pulled into her chest and her legs were dangling in the air, swinging back and forth. I jumped up next to her, put my arm around her waist and pulled her to me. She rested her head on my shoulder and my senses were invaded with the smell of lavender.

  "Do you have any idea how much I love you?" I asked her and she shook her head no as she giggled. "More than life itself. Looking back I think I knew that all along. I knew you were the one before I even knew your name. I think about that night at Maggie's Place a lot."

  She looked up at me. "You do? Why?"

  "Because it was the night you turned my whole world upside down. You and your smartass attitude," I said, tickling her side. She giggled and it was the sweetest sound on earth. "Ahh, stop, Cam," she screamed, but I couldn't. Her laugh was to addicting. I needed more of it.

  Jumping down off the tailgate I stepped between her legs. "You could laugh every second of every day and I would never get sick of it." Rubbing my hands up and down her legs, I looked her in the eyes. "These past six months have been like a dream, Cara. Every day I wake up with you next to me and I think there's no way life could ever get better. But then you open your eyes and smile that beautiful smile and somehow it gets better." I reached into my pocket and grasped the ring box in my hand.

  It's almost time.

  "I never saw you coming, firecracker, and I think that's why I fell so hard, so fast. You blindsided me and knocked me off balance. It may have taken me some time to figure it out but I was always yours, even before we met." Tears started to pool in her eyes and I when I slowly sank down to one knee they spilled over, running down her cheeks. I pulled the box from my pocket. Lifting the lid, I presented it to her. "And I always will be."

  Her hands flew to her mouth, covering them as the tears kept falling. "I love you, Cara. Will you marry me?"

  My head started nodding yes before the words were even out of his mouth. I had no control. "Yes, of course!" I squealed and his eyes glowed brighter than I had ever seen them.

  He stood up and took the ring from the box. I held out my hand as he slipped the most exquisite emerald cut diamond ring I had ever seen onto my finger. The platinum band was incased with round diamonds and I knew it had cost him a small fortune. I was in total awe.

  "Do you like it?" he asked as he held my hand.

  I tore my eyes away from the massive rock and looked at him. "I love it, Cam. It's absolutely stunning." I cupped his face with my hands and pulled his mouth to mine.

  "Hey Pretty Girl" by Kip Moore started playing and he pulled back from me and offered me his hand. "Dance with me, Mrs. Greer?" he asked and I took his hand.

  He helped me down from the tailgate and twirled me around in a circle before pulling me to him. His arms squeezed around my waist and I leaned into his chest as we moved to the music. I couldn't believe how full circle we had come as we danced. The first night we danced to this song I imagined a life with him—I just never thought it would ever become a reality. Everything happens for a reason and Cam is that reason.

  The sun had finally set and the candles were glowing like fireflies all around us. It was like a dream and I never wanted to wake up. I had never been happier than I was in this moment. And then I remembered the news I needed to tell Cam and my heart fluttered nervously in my chest.

  As the song came to an end, I stared into Cam's eyes. "I love you so much, baby," I said.

  His smile touched his eyes and melted my heart. "I love you, too, Cara, more than anything in this world."

  "Are you sure about that?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at him.

  "Yes," he said as he stared at me with bewilderment. "Is there a reason why I shouldn't be?"

  A tight-lipped grin appeared on my face and my eyes darted down to my stomach. "I'm pregnant, Cam," I said, looking back up at him.

  He stared at me, his expression blank, for what seemed like years. He wasn't giving anything away and it was slowly killing me.

  Was he pissed? Happy? Sad? He better say something soon or I'm going to completely break down.

  He looked towards my stomach and placed his hand on it gently and my whole body warmed from his contact. "We're going to have a baby?" he asked softly.

  His gaze darted back up to mine, his eyes were glossed over and full of contentment as he waited for my answer.

  With a soft smile I answered, "We're due in May."

  He crashed his lips down on mine and held me close. I could feel his heart and soul radiating as he kissed me. This kiss was better than any other kiss we ever shared because this kiss held our future.

  I wanted to pause time. I wanted to hold on to this feeling and never let go.

  We had gone through so much pain and heartache, we faced our worse fears, and we fought like hell to get where we were today and I wouldn't change one minute of any of it. I would gladly do it all over again if it meant I could relive this moment.

  "Are you sure you can handle it tonight?" I asked Kate as I grabbed my purse and slung it over my shoulder.

  "I've got this, Cara. Now go! You're going to be late," Kate said as she practically pushed me out the door.

  I don't know what I would have done if Kate hadn't asked for a job at Maggie's Place the day she turned eighteen. Shay and Kyle were about halfway through their first pregnancy, when they decided together that it would be better for their family if Shay stayed home with little Logan after he was born. While I was completely bummed and stressed out that Shay was leaving the bar I couldn't have been more thrilled that she was going to be able to stay home with her baby.

  For a month I stressed out, interviewed, and search for someone that I trusted enough to take her spot. That's when Kate called me. She had just graduated high school and was going to attend Denver University in the fall and she needed a job. She was a perfect fit.

  I trained her all summer long and when school started that fall she was officially ready for the management position. She graduated just last month from DU with a bachelor's degree in business management and I couldn't have been more proud of her.

  "Thanks, Kate. I'll see you tomorrow," I said as I headed for the door.

  "I want all the details about how Cam takes the news when you get in tomorrow," she yelled.

  "I guarantee you it's going to be comical," I shouted back with a smile. The door closed behind me and I got in my car. It was 3:16pm and I had exactly fourteen minutes to get to the elementary school to pick up Jessa on my way home.

  I made it
to school just as the bell rang and Jessa was one of the first kids to exit the school. She spotted me immediately, gave her teacher a high five, and then ran to me—her long, dark brown hair flowing behind her in waves. I kneeled down and scooped her up in my arms. "How was your first day of kindergarten, baby?"

  "It was so much fun, Mommy!" she exclaimed. "We got to color...a lot. We read books and I even have my very own hook that I get to hang my backpack on."

  I smiled at her enthusiasm. "That's so awesome, Jessa." I set her back down and took her hand as we walked to the car. "Did you make any new friends?"

  "Uh huh, I did. Adriana and I are going to be BFFs...Best friends forever. She sits at my work table with me." She started skipping and I just laughed.

  "Where did you learn what BFF means?" I asked her as I opened the car door.

  She climbed in and buckled her seat belt. "From Aunt Shay. She says you are her BFF all the time so I asked her what it meant."

  "You are so smart, baby." I kissed her on the forehead and then shut the door.

  When we arrived home, Cam was watching TV while Easton, our three-year-old, played on the floor with his cars. Jessa and I walked in and I set my purse on the kitchen counter.

  "Mommy, you're home!" Easton shouted as he stood up and ran to me. I picked him up in my arms and gave him a big kiss.

  Jessa put her backpack down and ran to Cam, giving him the biggest hug. Jessa looked just like her father. Her bright blue eyes could light up the night sky and her nose and mouth were exact replicas of Cam's. She even had his facial expression. Sometimes I swore I was looking at twins when they were next to each other.

  I set Easton down and walked over to Cam, kissing his lips. I pulled away after the quick peck and he grabbed me around the neck. "That's all I get?" he asked and I rolled my eyes at him. He pulled me down and captured my lips, giving me a slow, sensual kiss.

  "Ewwwwww," the kids said in unison.

  "Ewww yourselves," Cam shot back and everyone laughed.

  I stood up, tickled Jessa, and made my way to the kitchen to pull out something for dinner. I decided on my favorite lemon chicken casserole. Pulling out the ingredients, I eavesdropped on Cam and Jessa's conversation.

  "How was school today, firework?" Cam asked.

  Jessa proceeded to tell him everything she told me only she was way more excited when she told Cam. They had a very special daddy-daughter bond that no one in a million years would ever be able to understand. It was special and I was so happy they shared it.

  "I'm glad you made a friend. Was everyone else nice to you?" he asked and Jessa's face fell a little.

  "This one girl at recess was kind of mean to me," she said and Cam's eyes narrowed.

  "What did she do to you?" His voice was clipped and you could tell he was becoming protective. No one was allowed to be mean to his little firework. I feared for the boy that took Jessa on her first date.

  "She said she didn't want to be my friend." The little frown on Jessa's face broke my heart.

  "You want to know something?" Cam said as he leaned in closer to Jessa like he was going to tell her a secret. She nodded and her baby blue eyes lit up. "You're a firework, baby, and that means if someone doesn't like you, then they're the silly one. Because fireworks are freaking incredible and so are you."

  Jessa's smile filled the room. "Thanks, Daddy," she said as she threw herself into his arms.

  He kissed her on the forehead and looked at me out of the corner of his eye and I grinned at him. "Don't ever forget that either, okay?"

  "Okay!" she agreed before she ran upstairs.

  Cam was an amazing father and I truly was the luckiest woman alive.

  Joining me in the kitchen he wrapped his arms around my midsection and splayed his hands across my belly. "How was the appointment this morning? Is everything good?"

  I placed my hands over his. "Everything's great," I said as I leaned back into his arms. "I'm just over eight weeks, like we thought, and the official due date is June 23rd."

  He kissed my neck and I closed my eyes. "You're so sexy when you're pregnant," he whispered.

  I smiled at his words. "Shhh...We don't want the kids to hear, remember?"

  We decided to wait to tell the kids about the baby until after the twelve week mark, just to be safe.

  "Tell me more after bedtime then?" he asked. "I want to hear all about it."

  After dinner, I demanded that Cara go and lie down. She would never admit it, but she was wearing herself out and it wasn't good for the baby. Cara was working long hours, making sure everything was perfect for the franchising of Maggie's Place. I was so proud of her but she needed to try and take it easy. Luckily, Kate was there to help with the nights.

  This pregnancy had already been harder than Jessa's and Easton's put together. She was nauseous almost twenty-four seven and the fatigue she was experiencing was unreal—she was never this tired with the first two. It was actually making me nervous that something might be wrong.

  "Daddy," Easton said as he came down the stairs. "I want mommy." His little voice sounded defeated.

  "Mommy's resting right now, little man. What can I help you with?" I said as I knelt down in front of him. Easton was a mama's boy to the core. He had been attached to Cara since the day he was born.

  He held out a toy car in his tiny little hand. "It's broken," he said as his sad green eyes looked up at me. "Can you fix it?"

  "I'm sure I can." I took the car. "Let's see here..." I flipped the car over and noticed a string wrapped around the wheels. "I think I found the problem."

  "You did? What is it?" he asked curiously as he reached for my hand.

  "You have a piece of string caught in your tires."

  "How'd that get there?" Easton asked with his palm up in the air.

  I smiled and ruffled my hand in his dark brown hair. I pulled the string loose and handed it back to him. "There, good as new," I said and he wrapped his arms around my neck.

  "Thank you, Daddy."

  "You're welcome, little man."

  "Can I go see mommy now?" He looked at me with big puppy dog eyes.

  I looked at the clock—7:36pm. "Yeah, but let's get your pajamas on first, okay?"

  Swooping Easton up in my arms, I flipped him over my shoulder, holding on to his legs so he was hanging upside down. He screamed and laughed the whole way up to his room.

  After getting him ready for bed I finally let him into our room to see Cara. She was reading on her tablet when I opened the door. Easton ran into the room, jumped on the bed and into Cara's arms. My heart burst with pride as I watched my youngest son and his mother embrace. Jessa ran past me and lunged onto the bed laughing and Cara reached over and tickled both the kids until they were begging her to stop.

  "Will you read us a story, Mommy?" Jessa asked.

  "Of course, go grab one," Cara said.

  I sat on the edge of the bed while Cara read "I Love You Forever" to the kids. They were all snuggled up next to her, looking at the pictures. As I sat there, smiling, because my entire world was right in front of me.

  We tucked the kids into bed and then headed downstairs for a little 'us' time. I sat down on the couch and Cara snuggled up next to me, resting her head on my chest. "So you want to hear what happened at the appointment today?" she asked excitedly.

  "Yeah, how did things go? I wanted to be there so bad." I was so pissed when I was called to the emergency training this morning. I was present for every ultrasound appointment Cara had with Jessa and Easton and I was fucking pissed that I missed it.

  "It's okay, baby, I understand. Duty calls," she said with a smile.

  "So what did I miss?"

  "The heartbeats," she said, looking up at me with a wicked grin on her face.

  Did she put an 'S' at the end of that word?

  "Wait, did you just say heartbeats?" I asked confused. "As in, more than one?"

  "Yep!" she said, popping the P. "Two, to be exact." She held up an ultrasound photo with t
wo distinct, peanut shaped dots in the middle of it. "Congratulations, Cam. We're having twins!"

  I thought my eyes were going to come out of their sockets, they were so wide. My chest tightened and I'm sure all the color drained from my face.

  Twins. Two babies. At the same time.

  I was going to hyperventilate.

  But then I looked at Cara. She was glowing—positively radiant and overwhelmed with joy. The smile on her face stretched from ear to ear and her unstressed demeanor made me want to relax.

  "Don't think, Cam, just feel," she warned me and the words brought a smile to my face.

  She already had everything under control. Just like she always did.

  "We're really having twins?" I asked when I finally collected myself.

  She laughed and shook her head at me. "Yes, we are really having twins."

  I sat up and took her face in my hands, kissing her deeply. I tried to picture what my life would've been like without her in it and I couldn't do it. Because she is my life. I wouldn't exist without her and I wouldn't want to. We always belonged together and we always will.

  To my husband and my two wonderful children - Life itself wouldn't be what it is without you. You are my reasons for breathing and I love you all so very much.

  To my parents - Thanks for always believing in me and supporting me no matter what I do in this life.

  To my sister - Thanks for being there, when I need you the most. You always have my back and I couldn't do half of what I do without you.

  To Cara Arthur - You are the reason this story was written. You wanted your HEA and you got it! I FLove the shit out of you lady. You bring a smile to my face every day and you push me when I don't want to write. This story was for you and I hope you loved it as much as I loved writing it.

  To Cami Davis - Thanks for very encouraging word you have ever given me. You build me up more than you'll ever know and I love sharing these crazy stories of mine with you before anyone else!


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