Page 15
She shook her head. ‘I wish, but I have a kid at home who wants to see his mummy.’
‘You have a kid?' To her surprise, he didn't look wary but excited, interested. Had she misjudged this man that much? Yes.
‘I do, Tiger, he's four. Me and his dad, well, it was more of a one-off, but we get on really well, and he loves Tiger.'
‘That’s cool…my twin brother had Skandar when he was really young, but the mother didn’t stick around.’
‘Usually the other way around. So, yeah, I’d love to spend the day with you but…unless you want to come along? We’re going to the Natural History Museum.’
Kit looked surprised. ‘Really? I’d love to…are you sure it isn’t too soon for him to exposed to me?’
Bo couldn't help smiling. ‘Too soon' implied he wanted to see her again, and the idea thrilled her more than she liked to admit. ‘Nah, mate, he’s cool.’
Kit was surprised with himself. Normally, spending an afternoon with a brat wasn’t on his wishlist at all, but he was curious about this woman. This woman who could command audience numbers in the tens of thousands for her live shows; could sell millions of copies of records and yet still found time to manage herself and look after a kid.
She made him laugh too, and later, when he was with Bo and her entirely adorable nerd of a son, he found himself both relaxed and happy; yet suddenly depressed. Was this what he had been missing? He had everything – everything – and yet he was having more fun listening to a four-year-old kid tell him about each different dinosaur he’d had than at a million Hollywood events. Tiger had taken to him straight away – like his mother – he wasn't shy, and when Bo introduced them, he'd looked Kit up and down with clear green eyes and shrugged. ‘Okay, cool.'
Now Tiger was listening enrapt to the tour guide. Kit grinned down at Bo. ‘Such a great kid.’
She beamed. She wore a simple navy wrap dress cinched in at the waist to emphasize her curvy hips and bust; her hair tucked up into a loose chignon, her lovely, radiant face bare of makeup.
You are everything the world says I shouldn’t go for, he thought, looking down at her, and everything I want.
They were recognized, of course, and frequency stopped for photos and autographs. Kit admired the easy way Bo interacted with her fans, hugging them and posing for selfies with a mad grin on her face. He abandoned his usual ploy of posing like a movie star and followed her lead.
‘You're so sweet,' he was told, their voices amazed and again, he felt both happy and sad at their surprise. Was his reputation as a douchebag set for life?. Damn. No wonder his family was so distant. He'd been a pig to Skandar, the poor kid – he vowed now to make it up to him, to all of them when he got back.
‘You look deep in thought.’ Bo, finally free of fans, tucked her hand under his arm. He kissed her temple.
‘Bo…do you think it’s possible for someone’s life to change completely in the space of a few days.’
Bo grinned. ‘Mate, my life changed in a millisecond,’ she nodded at Tiger, ‘but yeah, of course. Why?’ She studied him. ‘You’re not going to tell me you’re in love with me yet, are you?’ She was joking but then she saw his face and her smile faded. ‘Kit, don’t. Please don’t. If you say it now, so soon, I won’t believe you.’
Kit was stung. ‘I can’t help how I feel.’
She took his face in her hands. ‘Look, whatever you’re feeling, happiness, desire, lust, heck, even the beginnings of love…that’s what I’m feeling, I promise you that. So don’t look so down…this is the exciting part. We’re getting to know each other.’
He stroked the back of his hand down her cheek. ‘You’ve changed me already.’
She smiled. ‘Bloody good job too.’ Her eyes softened. ‘Look, I’m not saying don’t say it, just make sure you’re sure before you do and I’ll do the same. We’re not teenagers.’
Kit smiled. ‘Then how come I feel like I am?’
She laughed. ‘Kit Mallory…are you telling me you’re finally tamed by this London girl?’
‘I don’t know,’ he said and kissed her, ‘but I’m getting there.’
Skandar grinned at Hayley as he drew up to her house in his convertible. ‘Hayley Applebee, one day soon I hope I have to say ‘I'm taking you home’ and mean our house instead of this house.'
Her eyebrows shot up and she laughed. ‘Baby, people will talk if I move in with you so soon.’
‘Bah humbug.’
She kissed him, savoring the taste of his lips. ‘I’d invite you in but I think your dad’s in there with my sister and you know what happened last time I burst in on them.’
He groaned. 'The image is seared into my brain.'
She laughed and started to get out of his car but he stopped her. She frowned at the expression in his eyes.
‘Seriously, Hays. I hate leaving you here. Please…go grab some stuff and move in with me. Now. Tonight. Let’s just jump in and figure it out on the way.’
Hayley stared at the man she loved beyond reason and knew what she was going to say.
Her face was blank, and she could see the sadness in his eyes…so she grinned widely. ‘Come help me pack then.'
Skandar blinked them beamed. ‘Really?’
She laughed. ‘Really, truly, yes, yes, yes…’
Inside, Joel and Nan, who were watching them from the window, laughing as Skandar picked his girlfriend up and carried her, shrieking with laughter, into the house.
Quilla Chen bent double over the toilet and threw up again. ng….she hadn't felt this bad since she was stabbed – the searing pain in her stomach made her want to scream. Outside the bathroom, Jed, one of her ever-present bodyguards knocked cautiously. ‘Miss Chen, do you want me to call a doctor?'
She didn't answer for a second, rinsing her mouth with water. She wiped her mouth then went to the door. ‘Not just yet,' she smiled at Jed weakly, ‘it's probably just the stomach flu. I'll call if I change my mind. Thanks, Jed, you're sweet to worry.'
Jed nodded 'If you're sure, I'll be in my room.' Their guest room was now the bodyguard's room, six of them on a rotating schedule of eight hours a day, three days on, three days off. She was never alone - but she was certainly safe.
Jakob was at work late again, so she got into bed and switched on the t.v. She was just falling asleep when she heard her name.
‘Chen, a twenty-four-year-old art graduate, is best known for dating billionaire Jakob Mallory. Now that her past is better known, it remains to be seen if that relationship can overcome the revelation that Chen comes from a family of high-end prostitutes and drug addicts…'
She couldn’t breathe, the shock slamming into her, she was reeling, reeling…
Not knowing where she was going, she stumbled out of the bedroom, trying to get help and reaching for the phone. An all-consuming agonizing pain in her stomach ripped through her, and as she passed out, she heard Jakob's voice calling for her, far away, so far away….
End of Part Four
Trouble Me Part 5
By Michelle Love
Grady Mallory stepped off the plane into one hundred degrees heat and grinned. New Orleans was experiencing a late summer heat wave, and it was just as Grady loved it – hot, sweaty, and sexy.
He caught a cab to his hotel in the French Quarter, showered and stepped back out onto the street. Whenever he came here, he had a tradition of walking around the Quarter for an hour or two, get his bearings, soak in the atmosphere.
He was glad to be away from Seattle – so much drama and upset. After the revelations about Quilla’s family hit the headlines, and her subsequent illness – thankfully just stomach flu and nothing worse – Jakob had been snappy and irritable – back to the wreck he had been before he met her. Grady hoped against hope that his beloved older brother wasn’t using again. His father, Ran, was worrying himself into an early grave, because of this thing with Gregor Fisk. That asshole, Grady thought now, if I got my hands on him…
The streets were crowded with tourists and entertainers. He found a restaurant off the main thoroughfare and went into grab some food. The diner was filled with, by the looks of it, mostly local people, so he regarded this as a good sign.
He loved this city so when he heard about the artwork being auctioned here – a very exclusive invite only auction at that – he had jumped at the chance. He’d tried to persuade his dad to come, but Ran was too locked into the Fisk situation and taking care of the family. Grady understood but now, sitting, here he would have loved his dad to be sitting opposite, excited about the new pieces. Grady had no doubt he would get them for the Mallory collection – he was that good at this now. That wasn’t conceit, just the confidence of a man who had spent the last twenty years honing his craft.
He was so lost in his thoughts, he didn’t see her at first – although to be fair, it looked like she didn’t want to draw any attention to herself. She was sitting two tables away, a tiny table stuffed into an alcove, her laptop out and on, her eyes intent on the screen. Something blue must have flashed on the screen because that’s what drew his attention. The girl looked exasperated and knocked the computer as if annoyed with it. Grady studied her with interest. Dark brown hair, pulled back into a ponytail, massive black rimmed spectacles on a small, delicate face, huge blue eyes rimmed with kohl. Geek, Grady thought with a smile and a very attractive one. He heard her curse – Italian then English – then sigh, shutting the laptop and shoving it into her bag. She got up, throwing some money onto the table, and he watched her slim, athletic frame stumble through the nest of tables, apologizing to the diners who got hit on the head with her overstuffed messenger bag. Cute, Grady decided. Seriously cute. Time was he would have followed her out, got her number. A long time ago. Before Molly, before the cancer that took her less than a year after their wedding. Before Asia. Before Asia and Kit.
Stop it. If Grady was going to break one damn habit this year, it was wondering ‘what if?’. It had been holding him back from living, from loving again.
No more, he said to himself, it’s time to start over.
He hoped he could stick to his new plan.
Asia rolled her eyes after Quilla had apologized for the hundredth time. ‘Sorry you got landed with babysitting duties again,’ Quilla said ruefully.
‘Girl, stop. It’s a pleasure spending time with you; we don’t do it enough.’ They were driving along the highway, out towards the Olympic Mountains. Asia had suggested the trip after Jakob had insisted that Quilla not be alone. At all. She was starting to feel trapped in both by Jakob’s fear and Gregor’s malevolence, she told Asia now.
Asia, driving, turned to glance at her. ‘How are you feeling about the…you know?’
‘A lot better after Ran told me it made no difference to him what my family was alleged to have been, or what they did.’
Asia frowned. ‘Did Jakob not say that to you first?’
Quilla hesitated. ‘He did. Over and over. But I always felt like he was saying it because he had to. God, what a mess, and what a fucking bastard Gregor Fisk it – what did I do to him? Wasn’t stabbing me and threatening me enough for him?’
‘Ran seems to think that his obsession with you has become his…how can I put this, his main focus. Yes, he wants revenge on Jakob, and Ran but it’s almost as if he just can’t get you out of his head. It’s like he stabbed you – then realized…’
‘…He enjoyed it. God,’ Quilla looked like she was going to throw up. ‘Can we change the subject? I hate feeling like a damn target.’
Asia squeezed her hand. ‘Sure, honey.’
Quilla shot her a look. ‘How’s Sebastian?’
Sebastian Winter was one of the world’s most eligible bachelors, from old New Hampshire money. In essence, he was a money man in the city but really, he was a party boy and socialite.
Asia sighed. ‘Sebastian is very, very pretty. Also very, very gay but don’t tell anyone that. He asked me to accompany him to a couple of things to help throw his father off his scent – he thinks his dad knows about Sebastian’s boyfriend and doesn’t know how he will react. His father is, well, old school.’
‘Bigoted, you mean?’
‘Pretty much.’
‘Asshole. So what’s Sebastian like?’
‘Like a little boy lost. Underneath all the glamor, he’s a sweet kid who reacts to his lack of paternal love by acting the big man.’
‘Gosh,’ said Quilla hiding a grin, ‘never let it be said you have a type, Asia Flynn.’
Asia conceded with a grin. ‘Kit can’t claim lack of paternal love, just a rampant immaturity. I think Joel stole it from him in the womb because he never has trouble stepping up to the plate.’
‘I know, how sweet are he and Nan? I swear to God one moves and the other moves with them.’ Quilla sounded almost jealous, but Asia decided not to push it.
‘Yeah so, romance wise…I’m just doing a favor for a friend. Nothing else happening.’
‘Shame.’ Quilla shot her a sideways look. ‘You know, Ran and I were having a chat, and he tells me Grady is in New Orleans for a week or so.’
Asia chuckled. ‘You are two are like scheming old matchmakers, sitting around hatching your plans.’
Quilla laughed. ‘Can you blame us? We love both of you and now Kit’s, er, ‘moved on’…’
Asia snorted. ‘Don’t remind me of that damn interview. You know people were coming up to me, this look on their faces like… oh poor, poor thing, you must be devastated. Ugh.’
‘If you want, I can bust some moves on him, kick his ass?’ Quilla looked like she was serious but Asia smiled, shaking her head.
‘Nah, leave it alone. I suspect Kit’s being handled properly now.’
Quilla giggled. ‘I love Bo Kennedy. You’re right; she won’t take any crap from him, will she? Did you see that video of her taking down that pap who tried to take photos of her kid?’
Asia nodded. ‘Warrior Woman.’
‘Kit’s going to have his ass handed to him if he tries to do what…’ Quilla broke off, looked over at Asia apologetically. ‘Sorry. I’m about as sensitive as…’
‘Don’t worry about it.’
They drove in silence for a couple of minutes. ‘You know,’ Asia said thoughtfully, ‘maybe it isn’t the worst idea to reconnect with Grady. As friends I mean, before you get excited. I miss our talks; we were always such good friends.’
Quilla tried not to grin. ‘Just so happens I know where he’s staying.’
Okay, this is not happening. No way, nuh-uh. Grady Mallory did not lose out when he went to auction. Ever. Something about having a vast pot of money to dip into but… it was happening. He’d had to stop when the two pieces already auctioned went way past their reserve… way, way past, even what they were worth for two rare O’Keefe sketches, that was saying something.
And what was bugging him, even more, was he didn’t know who was bidding. He’d scoured the room every single time, but no-one apart from him was even signaling. Every time Grady nodded at the auctioneer, the man would check the ledger in front of him and hike the price another twenty thousand. In the end, Grady had to forfeit.
Not this time, though. The Rothko was being brought out. Jesus, it was magnificent, a monument to color, depth, abstraction. Grady got that feeling he always did when he saw a piece that spoke directly to his soul. His heartbeat would quicken, his breath would catch in his throat. Only two human beings in the world had ever had that effect on him: Molly and Asia. He struggled to think of one piece of the artist which didn’t incite that reaction in him.
The auctioneer introduced the piece, then looking around the gathering. ‘So I’ll start us off at thirty-two million dollars.’
Even though the starting price had been expected, there was still a hum of awe around the room. Grady nodded, and the auctioneer signaled to him. ‘Thirty-two, I’m bid, thank you, sir, thirty-three.’ He glanced down at his book.
Not this time, buddy. Grady gr
itted his teeth. ‘Thirty-four.’
The bidding went on, Grady refusing to back down even when the price went past one hundred million. Finally, just a Grady thought he had it at one-hundred-and-seven, the auctioneer was tapped on the shoulder by a clerk who handed him a piece of paper. The auctioneer’s eyebrows shot up.
‘We have a bid… goodness gracious… a bid of five hundred million.’
Afterward, Grady would swear you could hear the collective jaws dropping. He felt sick. There was no way he could justify spending that much on a painting, no matter what it was. His dad would kill him. Shit, shit, shit. Grady shook his head as the auctioneer looked questioningly at him. It slightly cheered him that the auctioneer knew he could afford it if he wanted, but Grady hadn’t made his fortune by being reckless.
He sat through the rest of the bidding, occasionally making a half-hearted attempt to bid, but whenever he did, he was quickly outbid. It was hard not to think someone was messing with him.
At the end, he got up, and as he stopped to let people pass, he saw her. The girl from the café. Grady blinked. This auction was an invite only, an incredibly exclusive gathering of which you had to have a clear few billion in the bank to be allowed entry. What the hell? The way the girl had been bashing her ancient computer the other night, he was certain she didn’t fit the brief. She moved toward him, her gaze flicking left and right, but never at him.
‘Hey,’ he said as she passed. She nodded briefly, and then disappeared. Grady shook his head. This was so damn weird. The secret buyer with the seemingly bottomless pockets and this girl, who looked like she had fallen asleep in her clothes.
He was still shaking his head as he walked back to his hotel. The sun was hidden behind some pretty black clouds, and a few fat raindrops hit him as he entered the hotel. Still preoccupied, he was about to press the elevator call button when he heard his voice being called.