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Arsen called out to her over and over, but Steele was in such a screaming, cursing rage, she heard no one, was his thought on why she continued the assault on the woman who’d made him her submissive.
He grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her away and found Mrs. Sinclair had a good amount of blood on her face from a busted lip and a wad of blonde hair was held tight in Steele’s small fist.
“Steele, calm down!” He ordered her in a strict tone as she wiggled in his grip to get back at the woman.
“Let me go, Arsen! Let me deal with this bitch!” Steele continued to try to get away from him as Paul helped the older woman up.
Arsen watched as the woman who’d helped make him the hard man he was stood up, her body shaking. She wiped the blood from her mouth with the back of her hand and said, “My God, Arsen! Is this your little Hell cat?”
Steele wiggled and kicked into the air, screaming, “Shut the fuck up! You cannot talk to him!”
Arsen kissed the side of her head and had to hold in a laugh.
“This is my little Hell cat. Didn’t know she was one, but she’s mine. You should leave. She doesn’t seem to like you much.”
“We need to talk, you and I.” Sinclair looked at him then at Steele. “Preferably alone. I can take one attack but not two in one night. I’m not as tough as I used to be.”
Steele stopped wiggling and looked at Arsen.
“Do not be alone with this woman. Arsen, please.”
He kissed the tip of her nose and smiled.
“You have nothing to worry about, Baby.” He looked back at Sinclair. “I don’t give one shit what you have to say. This woman is my life now. The other three who were a part of the life I had before this little Hell cat came along are gone and you, I want nothing to do with. Thanks for going to the police and telling them I’m threatening you, though. You always have been one magnificent liar.” Waving a hand to dismiss the wretched bitch, Arsen turned to take Steele inside.
“I know who killed them, Arsen. I thought it was you and I kept digging until I found out who it was. If it was you, I meant to see you go to prison for the murders. Seems it wasn’t though. Seems like once again you are in need of my help, my protection. Are you really going to walk away from that again?”
Arsen turned and looked at her. The woman who’d nearly broke him.
Do I need her?
For Keeps Part 8
Arsen’s Rules
By Michelle Love
Red was all she could see as Arsen held her tight around her waist, holding her off the ground, and said the words she never thought she’d hear come out of his mouth, “Maybe I should hear her out.”
The tall, thin, blonde woman smiled and looked at Steele.
“My name is Anne, by the way. And did I hear Arsen call you, Steele?” Her voice was calm and told nothing of the blood which still flowed from her busted lip or the swelling of her right eye.
Steele looked up at Arsen.
“I will not let you do this, Arsen. She’s a horrible person and you can’t believe a word she’ll say anyway.”
Anne Sinclair’s left eyebrow arched in amusement.
“Do not tell me this poor excuse for a submissive is going to tell you what to do, Master Sloan. Even in those clothes, she’s so obviously vanilla.”
A growl came from deep in Steele’s chest as she said, “Let me go, Arsen. I can make her stop talking if you just let me go.” She began to wiggle in his tight grip again.
Arsen narrowed his eyes at his old mistress.
“She is not a person I want you to speak about any more, Sinclair. Now tell me what you know so we can be done with this.”
“In private, Arsen. It’s not a quick thing, and I’d like to see to my wounds your hell cat has inflicted on me. If you don’t mind.” Anne moved towards the glass doors to the lobby of the building Arsen’s penthouse was in.
“Paul, will you see her to your apartment? I don’t want her in my home.” Arsen walked ahead of Anne. Steele was still held under one of his arms as she kicked and squirmed. “I’ll be down to talk to her shortly. I have to deal with a couple of things first.”
Anne followed behind him.
“I hope one of those things is teaching that hell cat a thing or two about her position. She is quite the brat. I can give you some pointers on breaking that part of her if you like.”
Steele screamed, “Shut the fuck up, you fucking bitch!”
“And the language, Arsen, tsk, tsk…” Anne shook her head and sighed as she walked on the other side of Arsen and Steele glared at her.
Arsen took Steele to the private elevator up to his penthouse and Paul took Anne to the other set of elevators.
“Help her see to her wounds, will you, Paul?” Arsen called out over his shoulder as he took Steel into the elevator.
Paul gave a nod and the elevator doors closed. Arsen finally let Steele go and placed her feet on the floor.
Her face was as red as a beet and her body was shaking.
“Arsen, please don’t go talk to her. She really is not a viable person who you can get information from. You know that. She’s already lied on you to the police about you threatening her.”
Arsen ran his hand through her disheveled hair. The braid had come loose and her hair hung in tendrils around her red face.
“Steele, you know that I need every clue I can get. I have to at least hear what she has to say then I’ll send her on her way.”
Steele threw her arms around him.
“No! Please, don’t! I’m begging you not to go talk to her.”
He pushed her back, gently.
“And I’m asking you to trust me, Baby.”
Steele stood perfectly still as she thought about his constant need for trust. It was one of his biggest issues.
“Arsen, it’s not that I don’t trust you. I mean, I do trust you. That woman is capable of hurting you. I want you to realize you have deep seeded issues with her. It’s not a smart thing to put your trust in her.”
“And I’m not. I simply want to hear what she’s found out.” He ran his hands over her back and pulled her to him in a hug.
“Arsen, I’m afraid for you.” Steele looked up at him. “Something isn’t right. Why would she pop up after all this time? What if she was the one who really killed those women? What if this is some type of set up?”
“Do you think I’m an ignorant person, Steele?” His dark eyes danced as he looked at her.
She brushed back a section of his dark hair, letting her fingers relish the silkiness of it.
“You know I think you’re the smartest person I’ve ever met. But your past with that woman makes her dangerous to you. Call Paul’s phone, talk to her that way.”
He shook his head.
“I need to be able to read her body language as she talks or I’ll have no idea if she’s lying or not.”
They got off the elevator, and he ran his arm around her shoulders.
“Arsen, let me come with you then.”
Arsen’s laugh filled the hallway they were walking down as they went towards his bedroom.
“Steele, you cannot be trusted to keep your cool with her. That’s been proven, Baby.” He kissed the top of her head. “By the way, thank you. I’ve never had anyone be as protective over me as you are. It’s nice and makes me feel like what we have is deeper than either of us even realized.”
Steele stopped and turned to hug him again.
“I love you, Arsen. You might be right about me not being able to control myself with her. I really hate her. And I really would not stop until she’s dead. What she did to you was unforgivable.”
“At least you agree with me.” He opened the door to the bedroom.
“I want you to take a nice, hot bath. I’m going to bring you a bottle of wine and I want you to relax and let that temper settle down a bit. I’ll go see what she has to say then be right back up here to tuck you into bed.”
A shiver ran through Steele as
she began to realize just how many of his rules she’d just broken.
“Arsen, please don’t keep me away from you as a punishment for all the rules I’ve broken just now. I have to be able to touch you. To hold you after all that’s happened.”
A little grin ran over his caramel lips.
“Steele, there will be no punishments for that. Your anger was justifiable. I would like you to gain control over it, but much like I found myself punching Rowan, I know your anger.” His lips touched hers then he pulled back. “Go jump in the tub as I’ve told you to and I’ll be right back.”
Steele did as he said but everything in her wanted to follow him down to Paul’s apartment and make sure his old mistress didn’t play any mind games with him.
I hope she doesn’t make him change his mind about me!
Arsen’s hand moved up to his twitching eye, and he cursed his weakness. “Damn nerves.”
He got off his private elevator and went to the other which would take him to Paul’s apartment. He was glad his stomach hadn’t begun to ache. Anne Sinclair was not able to make him feel all the little ticks he’d had when he was under her.
A quick knock on Paul’s door had Paul answering with a frown. He looked over his shoulder to make sure Anne wasn’t behind him then whispered, “What a complete bitch this woman is, Arsen.”
Arsen gave him a nod.
“I’m more than aware of that fact. I’d like you to stay in here with us. I want a witness the whole time we’re together.”
Paul nodded and followed Arsen to the living area where Anne was seated on a sofa. A bag of frozen peas covered the eye Steele had punched.
“I see Paul took care of you, Sinclair. Now down to business. What do you have?” Arsen took a seat across from her.
Her eyes darted back and forth between Arsen who sat and Paul who stood behind him.
“We should be alone, Arsen.”
Arsen shook his head.
“I will not be alone with you. You’ve already lied and told the police you’re afraid of me. I won’t be setting myself up for any further trouble. So spill it, tell me what you found out.”
“I have a friend in the lab where the autopsies have been done on the three women you’re being accused of killing. Tell me, Arsen, do you have any way of getting a drug called succinylcholine?”
With a shake of his head, he answered, “Not only do I have no way of getting any drug, legally, I also have no idea what that drug is even used for. Do you?”
Paul’s voice from behind him had him turning to look back at the man.
“It’s used in anesthesia. It paralyzes the body. If too much is used it can cause complete respiratory failure. I dated a girl in pre-med last year and helped her study a lot.”
Anne’s eyes darted back to Arsen’s.
“Were you aware of that, Arsen?”
“Him dating a girl in pre-med?” Arsen shook his head. “No, but he and I don’t get into each other’s business like that.”
“So, could you get access to that drug, Paul?” she asked.
He laughed.
“No. I just know about it is all. And it doesn’t leave any traces in the body. Only slightly elevated amounts of choline and succinic acid are evidence the drug could’ve been used to kill the girls.”
Arsen’s mind was working fast.
“As of right now, all the women’s deaths have been ruled from asphyxiation. But that drug would also cause the same effects as strangulation.” He looked at Anne. “Do you know if that’s the case?”
She nodded.
“My friend is just a student and an intern. She said the only thing the women had in common, other than the marks around their necks, are slightly elevated choline and succinic acids. She couldn’t get anyone to listen to her about looking for a point of puncture where a needle would’ve been inserted to deliver the drug.”
Arsen rose quickly.
“Then I need to make sure that gets done.”
“Where are you going?” she asked him.
“To make a call. I’ll get that new detective to make sure they look for that.” He strode away.
“Arsen, wait!” Anne was behind him instantly. “That alone won’t get you off the charges. I know who did it. I just need your help in finding the man. He works at the California Pacific Medical Center, here in San Francisco.” She tugged at his arm to get him to sit back down. This time she sat next to him.
“How do you know this?” he asked in confusion.
“Once I found out the women may have been poisoned, I was able to get into all three women’s medical records.” She smiled at Arsen.
“Just how did you manage that?” he asked with a frown.
“I’m a billing specialist now. So I did a little illegal searching and found out all three women knew a certain anesthesiologist as they all had little procedures done this last year. Two had boob jobs and one had implants removed. This guy’s name was on all three as the one who billed for the anesthesia. He also frequented one of the local BDSM clubs in town. It’s called ‘Hard’ do you know about it?” Her hand lingered on his arm and he felt her squeezing his bicep.
He moved back away from her.
“I haven’t been to that one. I knew they all went there, and I didn’t want to run into them. So this man may have been the one who killed them. What’s his name so I can tell the detective?”
With a laugh, she shook her head.
“You don’t get it at all. The San Francisco Police want you out of the picture. You get way too many criminals off the charges they work so hard to get on them. This is an easy way to be rid of you, Arsen. We have to catch him. You and I, together. Just like old times.”
“There is not going to be a you and I, Sinclair. Thanks for the information. If you don’t want to give me the man’s name, I can work to find it on my own. I do have my sources as well. It would be much easier and appreciated if you did though.” He stood up and prepared to leave.
Anne picked up her purse and pulled out a piece of paper. She handed it to him.
“I can see you’ve changed a lot since you were young. Your eyes tell me your set on doing this without me. So I may as well let you have this. To be honest I thought this might get us back to where we were.”
He laughed.
“I’ll never be going back to that. I’m pretty much on my way out of this lifestyle all together.”
“The hell cat got anything to do with that?” she asked.
“Everything.” Arsen took the paper from her and looked at the picture of a man in blue scrubs. The name on the tag was Peter Christy, but the man in the picture was Allen White. “How the hell did he manage to get a position at a hospital as an anesthesiologist?”
“You know this man?” she asked.
“Yeah. And he’s easy for me to get to now. He’s Steele’s roommate’s fiancé. Looks like we have to give him another visit in the morning. I’ll have the little fucker confessing in no time.” He turned to leave and felt Anne’s hand on his arm.
“Arsen, can I have one last kiss, please?”
Arsen turned and looked into the light blue eyes which once had been a dark blue. Thin lines ran around them and when she smiled she almost seemed likeable.
Only Arsen knew how quickly that sweet exterior could go dark. He ran his knuckles across her cheek.
“Please. Interesting choice of words. Don’t you think?”
Her smile changed quickly into a frown.
“Arsen, you know I was only trying to toughen you up. And what I did worked.”
“It made me a man who shut himself off. I can take the worst kinds of pain. You made sure of that. You also made sure I knew how to inflict the most pain and I now have to live with the guilt of how I’ve hurt people. Mentally and physically.” He moved his hand off her face and smiled. “So, no, I won’t give you one last kiss. Goodbye, Sinclair.”
Arsen walked away without looking back and he felt better than he had i
n a long time.
Steele had waited for what seemed like forever in the deep bathtub filled with lilac scented bubbles. She sipped some red wine and jumped as Arsen opened the door.
“Finally!” she said as she breathed a sigh of relief. “Well?”
Arsen picked up a towel and held it out. She got out and let him wrap the towel around her. He picked her up and carried her to the bed.
She giggled as he tossed her on it then started taking his clothes off.
“Arsen! Tell me what she said!”
He just shook his head, making her sigh. Once the last stitch of clothing was removed, he crawled on his hands and knees up the bed to her. His grin was constant, and she squealed as he ran his whiskered cheek along her inner thigh.
Unwrapping the towel from her body, his eyes went from playful to lusty and he ran his hand from her breast to her clit and looked into her eyes.
“I want you, Steele.”
A half grin she made as her hand ran through his hair.
“I’m yours.”
One leg he took, holding it up. His tongue ran down the inside of it, igniting a shock of chills over her entire body. Arsen took her other leg and lifted it up, doing the same to it.
He pushed them up until her heels were by her ears then he leaned over her and teased her with his erection. Allowing the tip to move over her, but not pressing it to her while he nipped and sucked at her neck.
Her arms moved to press him to her, but he didn’t let her move him. He held himself back until she was begging.
“Arsen, please. I need to feel you inside me. Please, Baby.”
He let one leg go, and she moved it to wrap around him as she arched up. Arsen pulled his head from her neck and ran a thumb over the nice purple hickey he’d made just behind her ear.
Arsen watched her face as he pushed his cock into her wet depths. Relief filled her as he entered her.
“I love you,” she said as she let her breath out.
He stilled and continued to look at her.