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Page 97

by Michelle Love

  “Packing.” Only one word could come out of her mouth while holding back the cries which longed to escape her.

  “You don’t want something new and different then?” he asked.

  She blinked and wiped her eyes.


  “I meant by burning the book and the contract that I don’t want that life any longer. That is behind me and I want it all to stay in the past. None of that has a place in my future. You do, though. You will always have a place there. If you want it.” He turned her in his strong arms.

  Her eyes were rimmed red with her tears and he kissed her tear-stained cheeks. She looked up at him.

  “I don’t understand, Arsen. You will have to be a bit more communicative and let me know what it is you want.”

  “I want you and me to have a normal relationship. Free of contracts and punishments and control,” he said. “Normal, Steele. What do you say? Want to be normal with me?”

  “Normal? You, normal?” A laugh came from her and she sniffled. “Is that even possible?”

  He frowned. “I was a normal guy once upon a time, Steele.”

  “You want that man back?” she asked.

  “I’ll never be that kid again. No matter how hard I might try, I’d never get him back. People grow no matter how hard they might try not to. It just happens.” He kissed her cheek. “I have something to give you. If you want to move forward with me, that is.”

  Steele looked into his dark eyes and found a new man there in them. They shone brightly and had lost so much of the sadness she’d thought was a permanent part of him.

  “I love you, Arsen. All I want is to be with you every single day of my life.” Her arms ran around his neck and she pulled him to her and kissed him.

  He moaned with the kiss and ran his tongue through her lips. Then he pulled back and smiled at her. “I have something for you, then.”

  Arsen pulled her out of the closet and into the bedroom. Guiding her to sit on the edge of the bed, he had her sit down as he went to the nightstand beside the bed.

  A leather-bound book he pulled out and placed it on her lap. “You seemed to love the book I made for you so I made you another one. One that our children can see. The other was never what I really wanted, anyway.”

  Steele ran her hand over the cover. The title was hand written in calligraphy. “This is beautiful, Arsen. You are a true artist.”

  “What do you think of the title, Baby?” He sat down next to her and looked over her shoulder.

  “No Truer Love Has Ever Existed, The Arsen and Steele True Life Series,” she read out loud. She looked up at him with a smile. “I love the title.”

  “Good. Open it up and see what else I have written in our book.”

  Steele opened the book and on the first page, she saw the words he’d written there and she read them to him, “On April eleventh in the year two-thousand-sixteen Arsen Sloan and Steele Gannon married at the Paris Chapel at Paris, Las Vegas at noon.”

  She turned to look as Arsen as she felt him moving and found him pulling a black box out of his pocket. He moved to get on one knee in front of her and held out the box then flipped the lid up.

  Her eyes went wide with the size of the single diamond cast in platinum. She looked at him and the tears started flowing again.

  A smile crossed his lips.

  “Steele Gannon, you are a rare find. The night I saw you for the first time changed my life. You’ve been my rock, a thing I never realized I needed before you came along. You’re tenacious, feisty, and hard to handle and I love every part of you. You keep me guessing and on my toes and I can’t imagine a life without you right by my side. Would you consider becoming my wife?”

  He pulled the ring out of the box and she stopped looking at him as the light glanced off the large stone, making her look at the ring. After taking in a deep breath, she let it out and said, “Arsen Sloan, I would love to become your wife.”

  He slipped the ring on her finger and she noticed his hand was shaking. She pulled his hand up to her mouth and kissed his knuckles. Arsen stood up and eased her back onto the bed and moved his body over hers.

  Taking her lips with his, he kissed her long and hard. Steele ran her arms around him and held him to her as they kissed and held one another.

  Their time, though short, had been intense and full. She’d learned so much about the man who held her. And now she’d learn so much more about him as they spend their lives together.

  Then the date in the book ran through her mind and she pulled away, stopping the kiss.

  “Arsen, April eleventh is tomorrow!”

  “It is, Baby. Tomorrow, your name will change.” He tried to kiss her again.

  She turned her head. “Arsen! There’s so much to do! We have to get ready! Let me up!”

  “I’ll let you up in a little while. Right now I’d like to seal this deal with you. If you don’t mind that is.” He nudged her cheek with his nose and made a low growling sound.

  She looked at him and saw the desire in his dark eyes and ran her hands through his silky, dark waves. “Well, if you’re feeling frisky, I guess there’s time for that.”

  “There’s always time for this, Baby.” His mouth took hers again.

  I’m going to be Mrs. Arsen Sloan!


  Steele’s body felt good under his hands. He ran them over every inch of her after he’d undressed her. She was about to become his wife in the matter of one day and he could hardly believe it.

  His lips grazed over her stomach as his hands roamed over her perky breasts. He felt her hands go through his hair and her stomach twitched under his lips.

  Arsen nipped her stomach, and she groaned.


  He nipped her flesh again, and she wiggled a little. As he moved up her body, he bit her place after place, leaving little red marks on her pristine skin. Arsen moved up until his hands ran into her hair and he fisted large chunks of it.

  Her face was so close and he let his lips barely touch hers. By the way her body was moving under his and her lips were pursed for his kiss, he knew she was more than ready for him.

  Arsen didn’t settle on her lips. He moved around and took her neck with his teeth. She arched up.

  “Please, Arsen.”

  “We’ve discussed little about what you want for the future, Steele.”

  “For the immediate future, I want you, Arsen. I want you all over me. I want you inside me,” she said with a moan and a wiggle.

  His laugh was deep.

  “Do you want your family flown in for the wedding?” he asked.

  “If you want.” She raked her nails over his back. “Come on, Baby.”

  He smiled at her want for him. But didn’t give in to her yet.

  “How many children should we have, Baby?”

  “As many as you want,” she moaned and moved her mouth to his neck and bit him. “Baby, please.”

  “Do you like dogs or cats, Steele?” He bit her neck and sucked it.

  “For the love of God! Arsen, please!” She writhed under him. “I’m on fire here.”

  “Dogs or cats, Baby. What kind of family are we going to be?” His hands moved over her sides.

  “A dog family, Arsen. A salt water fish tank and a cockatoo named Bentley who will have a cage in the corner of the living room. There, our life in a nutshell. Now take me, Baby, before I implode.” She ran her hands to grip his large biceps as he laughed.

  “Are you saying that you want me, Steele?” he growled in her ear as he ground his erection against her soft core.

  “I want you bad, Baby. So please stop asking me questions about the future and let’s get going with right now.” She arched up to him and he gave into her.

  Sliding his erection into her, her sigh of relief filled his ears.

  “There you go, Baby.”

  “Yes,” she said as she breathed out. “Yes, Baby. That’s what I wanted.”

  He smiled against her neck the
n moved to take her lips. Nipping at her bottom lip with his first, slow stroke. She placed her hands on either side of his head and held him tight in them. Her mouth opened, and she kissed him hungrily.

  She was on fire. He could tell that and she was making him heat up as well. Her hot body gyrated with each one of his strokes. She arched up just as he pulled out and made him stroke her more quickly.

  Arsen moved his hands down her arms and took her hands in his and pulled them up over her head and held them to the bed. He held them with one hand and took the other hand and moved it up and down her side.

  One hard thrust he gave her, knocking the breath from her. He felt it shoot into his mouth and he eased their kiss. Pulling his mouth from hers, he looked at her.

  Another hard stroke he made and her breath puffed out of her mouth. He felt it on his lips which hovered near hers. He took in a deep breath and made another hard thrust.

  She opened her mouth and let the air come out and he breathed it in.

  “I cannot wait to call you mine, Steele.”

  “I am yours, Arsen. I always have been.”

  He growled and kissed her hard and wanting. Moving hard and fast inside her, he claimed her as his. Every last inch of her was nearly entirely his, and his alone.

  The fact she was about to be his wife had him feeling wild and free. She bucked under him and he let her.

  Their ragged breathing filled the room along with the sound of flesh smacking against flesh. Arsen’s body began to shake with his need to release. Steele’s words fell soft near his ear. “Just do it, Baby. Let it all go.”

  So many years holding himself back, stopping the normal urges had him forgetting he didn’t have to or even want to do that any longer. He whispered in her ear, “Come.”

  Her body blasted with his words and she fell apart around him. He released her hands, and they moved over his back, raking it over and over as she pulsed around his cock, taking him along with her.

  His heart pounded as he spilled inside her. He lay still on top of her. Their bodies wet with sweat. Their hearts pounded loud and hard. Their breathing was rough.

  One soft kiss he placed on her sweet lips. The next day she would be his in name as well.

  I cannot wait!


  A white dress, a white bouquet of roses, and a bottle of white wine sat on the table in their hotel suite. The Paris theme of the place was gorgeous and Arsen told her the honeymoon would be a surprise.

  Since he told her to bring her passport, she thought it was safe to say he planned on taking her to Paris for that.

  Steele’s family was there. In several rooms a few floors down. Though not the most expensive place in this city, the hotel had a charm all its own.

  Arsen picked the place out because he’d always wanted to visit France, but never made time to do it before. He told Steele he was going to make time for so many things he never did before.

  He was really changing. And while she was nervous about it, she knew she could handle it. If she loved him in the first place, she would love him as he morphed into the man who would soon be her husband and father to her children.

  Detective Fontaine had to stay back in San Francisco to deal with what she said was a mountain of paperwork on the three murder cases. But Paul came along anyway.

  He was Arsen’s best man after all. With Gwen still in the hospital, Steele asked her younger sister to be her bride’s maid. She was over the moon about it.

  Steele’s parents were still unsure about the marriage. It was too sudden for them. She hadn’t even told them about her and Arsen as she knew if they found out she was living with a murder suspect, who lived a BDSM lifestyle, her father would’ve come straight out to San Francisco and snatched her out of Arsen’s penthouse.

  He’s a little controlling himself.

  A knock at the door startled Steele.

  “It’s Mom and Dad, sweetheart.” Her mother called out from the other side.

  Steele went to open the door and found they had changed into the clothes she and Arsen had bought for them. In true Arsen style, he paid for the whole shebang, clothes included.

  “My father in an Armani suit,” Steele said, adding in a wolf whistle at the end. “My, my, you make a dashing man when you get all cleaned up, Dad.”

  Her mother smiled and took his arm and wrapped hers around it.

  “He does, doesn’t he?”

  Steele’s eyes raked over her mother in a Vera Wang dress that they had found in a shop in Vegas when they flew into town last night. “And you look like a fashion model, Mom!”

  Her father looked at his wife with a smile.

  “She always does.” He kissed the top of her head, making her giggle and slap at his chest.

  “It’s time, isn’t it?” Steele asked as she grabbed the bouquet and took a long drink of the glass of white wine she’d poured herself to take the edge of her nerves.

  Her father took her hand and pulled her along with him and her mother to go down to the chapel. Steele looked back at the room one last time. She thought to herself that the girl who was leaving that room wasn’t the same one who would be coming back to it in just a little while.

  She closed the door on who she was and went to become who she would be.


  Her naked back pressed up against his bare chest as they laid on the bed together. The entire night had been spent showing each other how happy they were to finally be married.

  A picture of the two as they stood at the altar in front of the preacher had been taken by her older brother and Arsen had their book out and was making a sketch of it on the second page.

  Steel watched as he moved the pencil over the cream-colored page. He was almost done with it and she seemed impressed.

  “Arsen, you really are very artistic. I hope our children inherit that.”

  His lips touched the side of her head. “I hope they get your heart.”

  She ran her hands along his thighs which were on either side of her.

  “I hope the boys get your muscles.”

  He laughed. “I hope the girls get your hair.”

  “Yours is nice too. They could get either of our hair,” she said with a little laugh. “I hope they get your gorgeous, naturally tanned skin tone.”

  Making the last few strokes with his pencil he held the book up.

  “There, finished!”

  Steele took the book in her hands and looked at the picture of them he had drawn. “You made me look very pretty, Arsen. I love it.”

  “It wasn’t me who made you look so pretty,” he said. “We can thank your parents and the Lord above for that.”

  She closed the book and sat it on the nightstand then took his pencil from him and placed it next to it. Turning in his arms, she ran hers around his neck. “Want to practice making babies again?”

  His lips quirked up to the right. “Anytime.”

  He moved his hands over her back and held her close to him. Her lips pressed to his for a moment then she pulled them back and trailed kisses down his chest and slid her body down his. “While I have you on your back I may as well have a taste of you.”

  “By all means, taste away,” he said as he laced his fingers and placed his hands behind his head, leaning back on the mountain of pillows.

  Steele’s warm mouth covered his chest with her sweet kisses. His body was washed in warmth from her lips touching him all over. When they ran over the head of his dick, it twitched.

  She laughed. “Did you make it do that on purpose?”

  He shook his head. “You made it do that.”

  A smile moved over her lips and she pressed them to it again and it twitched for her again. “Wow!”

  “You think that’s something. Sometimes you can just walk by me and it does that.” He gave her a grin.

  “Does that mean you like me?” she asked then kissed the tip of his growing cock again.

  He shook his head. And she frowned. “It means I love you, Ba

  “Oh, okay then,” she said and took the stiffening organ into her hands, running them up and down it.

  Her lips touched the tip again then she opened her mouth and slid it over his hard cock. His eyes closed with the sensation and he let out a groan without realizing it.

  The way her mouth was making slow strokes over him had him enjoying every sweet moment she had him inside her steamy hot mouth. When she slipped it all the way in, deep throating him, he moaned and moved his hands to run them into her dark waves of thick hair.

  “Baby, yeah. Take me all in,” he moaned as he fisted her hair and moved her a little faster over him.

  She moaned and the vibration of it made him moan too. It was all he could think about. Her mouth on him. The way her head was bobbing up and down was mesmerizing.

  Her tongue glided over the tip of his dick and he knew a bit of pre-cum must be oozing out of it as Steele made a sound like she was saying, ummm.

  Arsen didn’t want to waste a thing, so he pulled her head up and she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. He sat up and lifted her up and sat her on his cock.

  “Let’s put that stuff to good use, Baby.”

  She placed her hands on his wide chest and began moving up and down with long, deep strokes. Her dark hair fell to her waist in waves and her tits bounced just the right amount.

  His hands stayed on her narrow waist as he helped her go up and down his length. “How about you put one of those juicy tits in my mouth, Kitten?”

  Steele’s dark brows arched up. “Kitten?”

  “Yeah, Kitten.” He smiled, and she leaned forward.

  “That sounds kind of cute.” She kissed him then placed her nipple to his lips.

  His teeth grazed it at first then he gave it a nip and she let out a yelp. He pulled it into his mouth and gave it a hard pull. Her eyes closed, and she made a wonderful little purring noise.

  The vibration he could feel coming through her breast in his mouth and her body covering his cock. His hands trailed up her sides and back down again as he lifted her, moving her a little faster.

  Steele’s hands tangled up in his hair as she held him to her breast and bounced up and down on his cock. Over and over she went until she was squealing with her release and pulsing all around him.


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