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Ye Olde Kinke Faire

Page 6

by Thianna D

  His heart softened for the sweet sub. Many submissives had issues a Dom had to work with and he’d met a few who had similar problems. “Becca, our contract will be for a finite time. It can only last until you return to Seattle. Will that create barriers you won’t be able to let down? Or will it help knowing there’s no reason to push me away because there’s already an end in mind?”

  She finished her last piece of pizza and set the plate back on the coffee table. “I don’t know.” Honesty rang in her tone and in the worry in her eyes.

  He reached forward and drifted two fingers over her cheeks. “That’s fine, Becca. You don’t have to know. But if you’re willing to go forward with me, we’ll figure it out together.” He smiled to make sure she knew he was being honest. “All couples have to find those little things and pluck them out. Who knows? Maybe I can help there so that your next Dom just needs to fine tune it.”

  “You think that’s possible?” Becca asked. “That would be nice. I get tired of realizing I’m the one who screwed things up.”

  Kendrick scoffed. “Those Doms had the choice to pick up and run or stay and fight. So it isn’t all on you. And knowing this ahead of time, I know of a couple rules right off I’ll make for you that will hopefully help.” He patted her leg. “Let me go grab the contract. I printed it off right before you arrived.”

  The contract still sat in the printer and he removed it and brought it back into the living room to her. “Here. My contracts are simple,” he explained as she took the paperwork from him. “I don’t believe in spelling out every little thing because A: that’s not how I work, B: I’m not that anal retentive, and C: we’re just starting out and there’s no way for me to know what you need.”

  He filled two glasses with water and put them on the coffee table before taking his seat, this time putting a little space between them. While she looked at the contract, he would not interfere.

  “Just a limits list?” she asked in surprise after thumbing through it.

  “And the last page where I’ll list the things that will be part of our relationship. And just so you know, that list of limits is extensive. It doesn’t mean I do everything on it. In fact, there are some items that are a hard limit for me. But I want to know what you need,” he said firmly. “Because if it turned out our needs were diametrically opposite to one another, I would be a poor Dom indeed if I took you on.”

  Chapter Eight

  Becca’s head was reeling. In so many ways, Kendrick sounded like Master Rob. They had the same philosophy about D/s. And she liked that he didn’t try to make their relationship into some “You do this, you do that” list of rules that would have automatically brought her hackles up. And he was right about the list being extensive. She’d never seen so many items on a limits list at one time. Then again, he knew she was experienced and she did recognize each item. Well, all except for one. “What’s whomping?” she asked and turned toward him again.

  He stared back at her, confusion in his eyes. “Whomping?”

  “Yes. I know all of the BDSM activities named except that one.” She hoped whomping didn’t mean some derivation of beating. But that was what it sounded like.

  “May I?” Kendrick held out his hand and she passed over the paper. He looked at it, blinked, and then burst out laughing. That was not the reaction she expected and his laugh, while booming and practically shaking the cabin, was also light and open and made her smile. “I’m sorry,” he said with a chuckle as he handed the list back. “My friend Alice has a wonderful sense of humor and thinks it’s up to her to keep Craig’s, Neil’s, and my head on straight. She got into my computer and added that.” His shoulders shook with laughter.

  “So what is it?” she said, half laughing.

  “Nothing. Just a joke.” He grinned. “When I first got on the rodeo circuit, I went with Joseph and Alice. They were friends of my parents and I trusted them implicitly. She recognized the Dom in me and when I expressed interest, offered to train me. She also trained Neil. Craig was trained by another Dom. But from time to time, Alice enjoys little jokes like this.” He chuckled as he took a sip of water. “You’ve met Craig, right?”

  “The once,” she hedged.

  “Well, Craig’s a hard ass. He’s tough and definitely not the cuddly type, not even with his wife and slave, Jilly. Those two have an open relationship. She can serve other Doms as long as he okays it and he can take on a new sub for the night when he wants something new. Last year he took on a bratty woman by the name of Caitlyn. She wasn’t submissive, but she was one hell of a masochist. They were well matched. He’s a sadist. So he printed off the contract and handed it over.” He started laughing again. “I guess Caitlyn paused part way through and then a little while longer did the same. She was horrified as on the limits list were things like hugging, holding hands, and taking long walks under the moonlight.”

  Becca burst out laughing, imagining the reaction. “I bet he was pissed.” She definitely had to get to know Alice. Any woman who could keep these men on their toes was worth knowing.

  “Oh yeah. We tended to stay in low-end motels as they were close to the rodeo grounds and those don’t have any sound proofing at all. Everyone heard him yell, ‘God damn it, Alice!’”

  “How long have you known Neil and Craig?” she asked as she marked her the limits.

  “Met Neil when we were twenty-one. I met Craig when I was first on the circuit, but I thought he was an ass and kept my distance. It wasn’t until I was twenty-two or –three that I realized there was more to him that the gruff exterior. They’re good men. I’d trust them with my life. Joseph too.”

  That was saying a lot and she was impressed. “That’s some pretty intense trust.”

  He looked right into her eyes and nodded. “We lived and worked the rodeo. Riding a broncing horse or bull isn’t easy and can be dangerous. Craig was on clown patrol the first time I rode a bull. Saved me from getting hurt. We all want the same thing: peace to live our lives the way we want. We hope to find it here.” His blue eyes were so captivating that she couldn’t look away.

  And then he kissed her. His lips took hers with a bruising power that took her breath away and she grasped hold of his shirt to ground herself. It was like going from 0mph to 100mph. For as forceful as his lips were, his hands were gentle as they cradled her head. She melted under the onslaught until by the time he pulled his head back, she was a quavering mass who just wanted more.

  He glanced down at her lips and smiled. “You look amazing freshly kissed.” She let out a long ragged breath and tried to get her bearings. “And you definitely look good all rattled. I’ll have to keep you that way more often.” Becca had the feeling he might be able to. All he had to do was kiss her and she lost the ability to think.

  “Now—” he patted her leg “—finish the list.”

  List? She blinked and turned to the paperwork. Oh right. Contract. Quickly, she went through and made sure all her limits were marked. There were many things she was open to and she looked forward to seeing what he’d do with their scenes. Hell, she looked forward to seeing what he’d do with her submission. He seemed so much like Master Rob and if he was, she was about to be in for an amazing ten weeks.

  After scrawling her signature at the bottom of the list, she handed him back the paperwork. He went through the list rapidly, the smile on his face turning more wicked with each page. “Oh, Rebecca,” he said, his voice rumbling, “we’re going to have some fun.”

  She trembled, excited at the possibilities.

  “First let me tell you my rules that will settle us as Dom and sub and will hopefully keep the lid on your fears.” Kendrick picked up a pen and began to write. “Every day, and given how busy we are, I’m figuring it will be at night, you and I will sit down and go over your day, your fears, your thoughts, and your feelings. Some days there won’t be a lot to share, some days there will be an overwhelming amount. One day won’t tell me much, but that information over time will help me if your fear ta
kes over and you try to push me away. You’ll call me Sir to my face. To anyone else, use my name. As we get closer to the opening, I’ll know more of who my persona is as a Faire resident and so that reference may change.” He paused and then began to write again. “Given how intense the work will be, I also want to have a weekly…” Kendrick cocked his head as though looking for the right word. “Settling of our roles. I haven’t seen it in overall BDSM so much, but those who practice the subset of domestic discipline use a process called maintenance. Essentially it’s discipline, heavier than an erotic spanking but lighter than true disciplinary measures. You would submit to it and by doing so, emphasize our roles in life.” He cocked a brow. “Does that make sense?”

  She’d never heard of it before, but she remembered that Master Rob had done something similar. Every Saturday while she was his sub, he’d had her do something she didn’t particularly like, but wasn’t a limit, to remind her that serving him was in her best interest. And it had worked perfectly. Becca had come to look forward to the aftermath of those sessions. “Yes it does. Master Rob did something akin to it when he trained me.” And knowing it would be a spanking, would actually keep her mind centered.

  “Good. Tomorrow both of us will go to Dr. Myles and have him do tests to make sure we’re both disease free. I don’t believe in assumptions. If we were in a long-term contract, you would slowly learn my rules and after a certain amount of time, I would insist on them or a punishment system would be implemented. Since we have little time, I want to know what you feel comfortable with doing without having to think too much about it. How are you on kneeling?”

  She sat up a little straighter, proud of the training she’d received. “I was trained to kneel and can do so freely without issues for up to an hour.”

  “We’ll figure out your clothing as you’ll kneel every time you approach me. And await my word to speak. Though you may feel free to speak freely, if respectfully, when I am not nearby. When on Faire grounds, you’ll act fully in your submissive role to me. Your actions will reflect on me, so keep that in mind. If something happens you need help with, you’ll text me immediately. As I wish for everyone to know you’re mine, you’ll wear my collar from morning until night.” There was a slight pause and he looked her in the eye, the intensity in his gaze making her gasp. “You will not, under any circumstances, put yourself in harm’s way. If you walk into a situation like the whipping post and don’t refuse, you will be disciplined for it. And you don’t need to make up an excuse. All you have to say is ‘I must ask Kendrick first.’ Remember, you’re watching over my property and I expect you to treat yourself with the highest respect.”

  A trickle of wonder went up her spine. His property. She was his property. Master Rob was right. She was happiest when under the care of a Dom.

  “How should I address your friends, Sir?” she asked softly, her eyes instantly lowering to his chest.

  “As I don’t want you to have two separate rules and have you become confused, I would suggest you refer to Neil and Craig as sir and Alice as ma’am at all times. Joseph and Jilly you can refer to by name as they are both subs. My word is law, but if Neil, Craig, or Alice give you a direct order for your safety, you’re to obey it. Understood?”

  She nodded quickly.

  “If their order is wrong, I’ll discuss it with them. You’ll never be punished for obeying their direct orders.” He stopped writing and put the paperwork on the coffee table. “Do you have any questions?”

  Becca nibbled on her lower lip and nodded. “Will I still stay next door?”

  “Yes. When we scene, we’ll do it here or in the Faire grounds, but you’ll sleep in your own bed next door.”

  While not surprised, she was disappointed. It was best to keep everything on as impersonal a level as possible given their relationship. She didn’t want to fall for him. And she had the feeling she could far too easily.

  “Would you need me to clean and cook for you?” Both Masters Dennis and Rob had her serve that way and while not enjoying the cleaning, she’d enjoyed the service. And she loved to cook.

  “I would appreciate having my cabin cleaned. As for cooking, we’re trying to figure out the system here. There’s a building with a professional kitchen. If it’s usable and we can get a cook to work for us, we’ll have a cafeteria. So for now, no. I won’t need you to cook.”

  She stayed silent as she wasn’t sure what else to say or ask. She knew the drills and how things worked, but she wanted Kendrick to do something. To make her melt like he did just moments before. It had been too long since she’d fully submitted and she craved it.

  “Are there no more questions?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “All right. As long as you obey my other requests and do it respectfully, you may ask something at any time, Rebecca.” She trembled at his use of her full first name. “I’m not an ogre nor am I a tyrant. I am, however, a Dom and I do plan to use your body for my pleasure.” His lips quirked and she quivered in excitement. “Let’s move into the fun part of the evening.”


  “Strip and display yourself for me.”

  The words flowed over her like waterfall, enflaming her mind. The command was firmly spoken and she thrilled at the sound of it. Fluidly, she rose to her feet and stepped around the coffee table. Slowly she unwound the scarf from around her body, revealing small amounts with each movement until she was completely bare. She folded the scarf and laid it on the table before standing with her feet shoulder width apart and her hands behind her head with her elbows out, jutting out her breasts for his perusal.

  She held her head high and her eyes lowered, and she was aware of every move he made. He didn’t stand for some time, but she could feel his eyes on her. The crack and snap of the fire a few feet away lent a wonderfully naughty air to the entire thing. As if they were outside and she stood naked in front of a campfire.

  Finally he stood and walked behind her. Warm, rough fingers trailed above and below each welt. “How are they healing?”

  Barely, Becca kept herself from wincing. “Two of them opened up when I took my suitcases downstairs this afternoon, but they’re healing.”

  “You didn’t wait for someone to do it for you?” he asked.

  “I wanted to make things as easy as possible.”

  “Ah. In the future, follow the letter of the law. When I say don’t do anything strenuous, don’t.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered, trembling as he wrapped one arm around her waist and slid his fingers between her legs and along her wet folds.

  “Someone’s excited,” he murmured as he coated his fingers with her juices. He pressed something hard against her lower back. “So am I.”

  Chapter Nine

  She was so fucking wet. Kendrick purposefully kept his breathing low and slow as her excitement drove up his own. Becca had an independent streak that he both respected and wanted to temper. He wanted her to be her own person, but not so much that she endangered herself. For one thing, he was intent on keeping his subs safe and healthy. Not only did he want them safe, if they harmed themselves and he had to temper his fun? Well that was no fun at all.

  Never take a Dom’s fun away, he thought with amusement.

  “Well, since your back needs to be watched, I want you to walk over to the sofa, kneel on the cushions with your hands together on the back of it.” If her back wasn’t hurt he would have had her crawl over there so he could watch her body move as she climbed up on the couch. He’d do that another time.

  “Rules for tonight,” he said as she walked over to the sofa. “You’re to speak freely as this is our first scene. I want to know if anything feels uncomfortable in a bad way, if something bothers you, and most especially if you enjoy something. Gasps and moans are always welcome.” She snickered. “Laugher is not, little one. No laughing allowed. Not tonight anyway.” He grinned. “Not even if I tickle you.”

  Her head snapped around and she stared at him wide-eyed. “It’s on yo
ur list as okay, little one, so I may use it.”

  Her mouth moved and no word came out, but he could clearly read the word shit on her lips. “Rebecca, is swearing respectful?”

  She winced. “No, Sir.”

  “No, it isn’t. Once I’ve tied you up, my belt will meet your ass ten times in response.” Her eyes widened and she gulped.

  Becca knelt on the edge of the sofa and leaned forward against the back. It lifted her buttocks slightly. “Widen your knees and your feet. I want to see that pussy.” She obeyed and he moaned as her glistening folds came into view. “Don’t move. I’m going to tie you into that position so I can have some fun.” Her shoulders shook a little with laughter, but no sound escaped. He did enjoy a sub with a sense of humor. If he could get her to laugh, that included more fun for him as he got to torture her body and mind into a more submissive headspace.

  On a corner table, he’d laid out several of his favorite items. He grabbed two sets of hemp rope, an anal plug, and a combination nipple and clit clamp. He also grabbed a condom as he would need it once she was perfectly outfitted.

  First he went around to the back of the sofa and unwound the rope. Her hands were laying palm down on the back rest. “Put your hands together lightly.” She placed her palms together and he wrapped the rope around and between her wrists. Once it was secure, he tied the other rope to it and tossed each end to a side of her. “Keep your face forward,” he commanded. Her body trembled but she didn’t move.

  He loved playing with a sub’s mind. Finding out what made them tick and what sent them into space gave him a high. Plus it was fun. He took one strand of the rope and wound it around her right ankle, pulling it taught so that her leg stretched out at an odd angle and would ensure she couldn’t pull it back. “Is that uncomfortable?” he asked.

  She moved a little and shook her head. “No, Sir.”

  He did the exact same on her left ankle so that her knees were wide and her ankles wider. It gave him a view of every part of her pussy and ass. He slid his tongue along his lower lip, imagining all the things he could do to her in that position. Of course, he would need to wait until her back was healed. In the meantime, he had a belt to remove.


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