Not Her Gargoyle_Shifter Romance
Page 22
She nodded against his shoulder, not trusting her voice.
Suddenly, Peter’s body stiffened against her, his arms squeezing her tight. “What the fuck?” He jerked her behind him before she could question him.
Her head spun at the rush of movement. Over her boss’ broad shoulders, she glimpsed a large gray face pressed against the coffee shop window.
“Ruby, are you in there?” A familiar voice called out, but not the one she wanted.
Her heart fell.
Neil rapped a knuckle against the window. The glass fogged with his breath.
The customers gave a collective gasp as another huge gray form with wings ducked through the door and scanned the room. His gaze stopped on her. Relief flooded Nate’s face. “Ruby, we’ve been looking all over for you. Have you any clue how many coffee shops there are in the city?”
“I suspect we’ll find out on the evening news,” Peter muttered under his breath.
Her stomach roiled and she pushed past Peter. “Did something happen to Nick?”
Nate scrunched his face as if he didn’t understand her. “He’s chained to the dragon’s castle. Weren’t you listening to him last night?”
She shoved her cold coffee cup into Peter’s hands. “Of course, I was listening.” Sirens sang in the distance. “What are you doing, scaring half of the city?” She groaned at the chaos the brothers must have caused going from coffee shop to coffee shop. Most likely calling her name.
Nate and Neil exchanged glances. “We don’t have time to explain. Hey, man.” Nate waved to a table of teens who were in the process of snapping photos. He had time to pose for pictures though.
“Hurry up,” shouted Neil. “I see the lights flashing.”
Nate grabbed her upper arm and dragged her to the exit. “We have to rescue Nick.”
Peter used his supernatural speed, shoving Nate with a hand to the chest.
Stumbling back, Nate rubbed the spot Peter hit. “You’re strong. What kind of shifter are you?”
She inserted herself between gargoyle and tiger shifter. “Peter, it’s okay.” She untied her apron and placed it in his hands, surprised how easy it was. All this time, she thought she’d needed a job to survive, but now she knew money wasn’t the solution to her problems. Being with Nick was. “I think this is goodbye.” She gave Peter a quick hug. “Thank you for the opportunity you gave both me and Nick, but I guess this kind of life isn’t for us after all.” The apartment wasn’t a home, it was a shackle.
She offered Nate her hand and left the coffee shop with Nick’s brothers.
For the first time in…forever, Ruby felt free.
Chapter Thirty-Three
Flying to the dragons’ castle was out of the question. Because…dragons. They’d be spotted instantly. While the two brothers were fire resistant, Ruby wasn’t.
They now hid in the forest surrounding their destination. To arrive here unseen, Ruby had forced the two cry babies to hike through the forest. They complained the whole way. Their feet hurt, their wings tangled in the brambles, and they knocked their heads on low hanging branches. But neither of them were wearing high heels. It took all her skills to remain upright while maneuvering around rocks, roots, and holes.
From the edge, they watched while the white dragon scooped some small trees into her mouth and carried them into the castle. Angie glowed. Ruby had heard she was pregnant and smiled as the white dragon almost seemed to skip. If it was possible to skip on four legs.
Ruby glanced at Nate. “Which plan are we using?” They had discussed various ones on their journey but couldn’t agree on any specific strategy. “We only have one shot. We can’t half-ass this.” Like all the other schemes.
Neil squatted next to her so they could see eye to eye. “Nate flies up and picks the lock like last time.”
Nate shook his head. “Not happening. You’re not big enough to carry me if some nasty spell knocks me out again. It took both you and Norm to fly me last time.”
“Nick will help me,” Neil replied.
“Who will carry Ruby?”
“I can walk back. The dragons won’t be looking for me and they won’t see me under the forest canopy.”
“What if I can’t pick the lock? What if I get zapped and Nick isn’t free to carry me.” Nate jabbed his finger in Neil’s chest. “I’m not waking up chained next to Nick with a pissed off dragon.”
Ruby stepped between the gargoyles, hands pushing them apart. “Enough. The dragons will hear you. I’ll pick the lock.” Was she good at picking locks? Not really. That was more a Trixie skill, but her sister had taught her a few things.
“Nick will like that.” Neil’s sarcasm was not lost on her. “Last time, the spell knocked Nate out for eight hours straight. It might kill you.”
She set her hands on her hips. “Then we’ll let Nick pick it. We just need to fly the tools up to him.”
Both brothers wouldn’t meet her gaze.
“We hate to admit this.” Nate kicked a stone. “But even together, I don’t think we’re strong enough to carry Nick. He’s pretty heavy. We need Norm.”
“Good thing I have this then.” She showed them the charm. Ruby had carried it with her today as a reminder. They had sacrificed so much for the damn thing. It seemed appropriate to use it to save Nick. He’d be much lighter in human form.
The brothers exchanged a high five over her head. Then Nate gave her a wary look. “Once Nick is free, we can’t stay in New Port, Ruby. We’ll have to leave. That dragon has it bad for Nick.”
She tried to breathe past the gaping hole in her chest where her heart used to be. “I know.” She wanted to go with them. There wasn’t anything tying her to New Port anymore, but they hadn’t asked her. “Let’s do this.” She slipped the charm over her neck so her hands would be free to grip Nate’s shoulders.
A sudden weight fell upon her and the world spun. The sound of clothes ripping surrounded her. “Whoa.” She reached out for balance and fell to one knee. The ground shook at the impact. Something heavy hung from her back. On hands and knees, she slowly opened her eyes. The dizziness had passed. She pushed herself onto her feet. “Something’s wrong.”
Both brothers seemed to have turned to stone. Unmoving, mouths open, and eyes wide. Had they all been hit by some dragon spell? If so, why could she move? She glanced down at her body and froze as well. Her skin was gray. Smoother than the brothers and she had long delicate claws protruding from her fingers.
Ruby had changed shape? The tearing sounds! She patted her body. Oh, thank goodness, her bra had survived the transformation. Unfortunately, nothing else had. Her jeans were in shreds around her legs and she tore the rags free until she was left with shorts. She ran her palms over her legs. No wonder they all wore shorts. Look at her muscular thighs. She could crack walnuts between them.
Reaching over her shoulder, she slid her hand over the edge of her wings. Her self-examination ended with her hands resting on the charm. The witch had said the charm’s spell was locked in gargoyle/human change. “I guess this thing works both ways.”
Neil was dancing from one foot to the other. “Man, is Nick in for a surprise.”
Feet dangling over the ledge, Nick counted the birds. There had only been two since Angie left. Oh wait, something was taking flight from the forest. Three, four, five… He rubbed his eyes to clear his vision. Not birds. Brothers.
He jumped to his feet, twisting around and scanning what he could see of the castle walls and the sky for any signs of Eoin. Technically, the dragon had never forbidden him from having visitors but Eoin’s ideas of hospitality could leave his family singed. Again.
It appeared Nate and Neil were carrying a third gargoyle between them who was way too small to be Norm.
As they drew closer, he sucked in a breath. Who was that?
A female of their kind and she was a knockout. Where the hell had his brothers found her? And why couldn’t she fly?
She waved. “Hi,
sweetie.” That voice…
He couldn’t move. Half of him was overwhelmed with joy and the other terrified of what would happen if Eoin spotted her. The two halves warred and he was trapped. Frozen like a real gargoyle statue.
The charm hung from her neck. They had never really received the full instructions on how to use the magic. The witch had said it bonded to him. He assumed he was the only one who could use it now. She must have meant the spell could only go from gargoyle to human and vice versa.
His brothers gently set her next to him and she flung herself into his arms.
“Ruby.” His voice echoed over the mountain peak and he clapped his hand over his mouth before he shouted again. He just couldn’t contain the torrent of emotions fighting inside of him.
He ran his hands over her slim shoulders and down along the curves of her waist, back over her ass and up to where her wings bloomed from her back.
“Can you wait until you’re alone?” asked Neil.
Nate elbowed him. “Hush, they were getting to the good part.”
This changed everything. There was no way Nick would remain chained to this castle now. Not even a dragon could keep him away. “What’s the escape plan?” Ruby could fly away with them. Away from New Port and their crazy flying lizards. His heart dropped. That’s if she wanted to.
Nate pointed to Nick’s collar. “Have you tried to pick it yet?”
“I hadn’t expected to want to escape so I haven’t tried.” Not to mention, he didn’t feel like being spelled. If he was knocked out, he’d probably fall off the ledge again.
Ruby held out her hand. “Give me the lock pick tools and let me try.”
Neil tossed them.
Nick grabbed the tools out of the air. “No way. We haven’t a clue what would happen if the charm magic comes into contact with another spell like the one around you. If there’s one thing I learned from all this, it’s not to screw around with magic.” Nick twisted toward Neil. “You do it.”
His youngest brother held up his hands. “Why am I always the scapegoat? Neil, fly the vampire home and I missed meeting the witch. Neil, pick the lock so you can get zapped. Neil, take his place chained to the castle wall so the dragons doesn’t hunt me down.” He wagged his finger at Nick. “I know, you haven’t asked that last one, but admit it, you were thinking about it.”
Something clattered on the ledge next to Nick. He searched the ledge for the source and found a key. He glanced at the windows above and spotted a single white feather floating to the ground. “Angie?” he whispered.
“Now you decide to whisper?” The white dragon stuck her delicate snouted head out the window. “You’re lucky Eoin isn’t home or you might have been dinner. Quick, before I change my mind and make all of you gather saplings for me until my nest is built.”
Nick inserted the key in the lock and turned. The click was the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard.
“Nick, I can’t promise Eoin will be so merciful next time he catches you in New Port. I think it’s time for all of you to find another home.” The dragon ducked back inside the castle.
Ruby went to remove the charm from her throat, but he stopped her. His hand over hers. He slid to one knee. “Come with me.” It was a plea and he wasn’t ashamed of it. “Marry me.”
She glanced over her shoulder at the city.
Ruby’s little sister didn’t need her anymore. She had found a safe place in the universe within Viktor’s arms and now Ruby had found hers. Right next to Nick. As a gargoyle or a human, it didn’t matter. As long as they were together.
“We’ll sneak back into the city to visit your sister whenever you want. In the meantime, let the wind guide us. Anywhere you want to go.” He caressed her face. “Or if you want, I can wear the charm again and we can settle down as humans. Maybe in Riverbend.”
She leaned closer and pressed her lips to his. “You had me at Hi Ruby.”
“Is that a yes?”
She nodded. “Yes, I’ll marry you.” She’d never been more sure of anything in her life.
Nate coughed.
Flying with these four—wait. “What about Norm?”
“Who do you think sent us? He’ll leave as soon as they are ready to start the ceremony and join us in Riverbend. From there…” Nate shrugged his shoulders.
“To adventures,” she whispered. Her heart was a tattoo in her chest. The world was open to her and she’d finally found her place in it.
Nick kissed the back of her hand and pulled her into his arms. “To shenanigans.” He leaped into the sky with her still held tight.
“Will you teach me to fly?” She spread her wings.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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A Word From Annie
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The story continues in a series of funny, romances. NOT HER ALPHA is the next installment. See what happens next to Chris and Jade. I’m not sure Riverbend will survive them.
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