Just Another Job
Page 18
“My God,” said Chris.
Johnykin glanced back quickly but couldn’t make out what happened and grabbed at the rear-view mirror. In the reflection she saw it. The tears rolled out. She continued to drive.
Chris's hands swept through his hair as he tried to find an order for his emotions and thoughts. 'What the fuck had happened' dominated his head space. The past hour or however long, he wasn't sure, blurred across his eyes. Then they focused on the bullets hitting Klaus, just like they would in a movie or any regular person.
“What the fuck?” said Chris aloud this time. Frank turned to him ready to shut him up for breaking the silence. Jane was stuck in her own time still holding Klaus's head.
Johnykin answered, “Don’t, Chris.”
“I'm so sorry, but what the hell is all of this? I… I can't see it, but I know something’s here. How could he... how can Klaus... Why didn't you guys stop them?”
“Stop who? What did you expect us to do?” said Johnykin.
“We tried,” said Frank.
“Not you,” said Chris to Frank. “The Supers. Why didn't you jump or run super-fast and take out those guys? Why did Klaus use the gun?”
“Seriously?” asked Johnykin. “You're fucking asking that right now? Use your head Chris! Stop pretending. You know the answer.”
A part of Chris knew it before she said it. He wanted her to say it, though. He wanted her to admit it. In his mind it was her fault, or everyone else that had lied's fault.
Frank knew what Chris expected. He'd seen the child playing the adult before; believing it was more important to admit wrongdoing than anything else.
“You're such a dick,” said Frank to Chris.
Chris turned to stare at the accusation. Out of the corner he saw Jane still mourning. He was a dick.
“I'm sorry,” said Chris. “Just tell me. Has it always been fake? I mean everything from the beginning.”
Johnykin cried again and didn't answer.
“Of course it was,” said Frank. He glowered at Chris daring him to continue the conversation.
Chris treaded lightly. “How did you know? When?”
Frank shook his head.
“Come on!” said Chris. “I thought, but not really. Why didn't you tell me? I could've done more or done things differently.”
“Yeah, you would've left,” said Frank. “I'm not talking about this here.”
“We're almost to the rally point,” said Johnykin, as if nothing else was discussed.
Chris realized now he had to put his motives and questions to the side. This wasn't the place to play any guilt games or push for meaningless answers. Johnykin kept the SUV on course. She had one headlight to see through the near pitch black night and maneuvered with relentless skill. Chris silently admired her.
Sooner than Chris thought, the other SUVs came into view. They were in a semi-circle that Johnykin completed with a deft turn of the wheel and a hard stomp on the brake. Johnykin slowly stepped out, Frank followed just as carefully, and Chris took another look at the scene behind him before getting out too.
As reassurance that the rest of them went through as tough a time, Chris checked out each of the SUVs for damage. All of them had minor wear; a bullet hole, side mirror broken, or dents in the body. Inside the circle of vehicles was another circle of slightly damaged 'Supers' trying to gain answers from Alan.
He spoke calmly and assured them with the best knowledge he had of the situation. Johnykin and Frank were already a part of the group when Chris joined in to hear what their next plans were.
“We'll get a copter in the morning with fresh supplies and weapons for everyone,” said Alan.
“Why? What the hell are the weapons going to be good for?” asked Chris.
“Shut up, Chris,” said Frank.
“No! This is over. We paid the price for this joke. Klaus is dead because he went along with this shit. What do you have to show? A couple of dings and dents in your cars?”
Johnykin grabbed Chris's arm to pull him away from his rant. “Look around you. Klaus isn't the only one.”
The group waited silently for Chris to realize. Jean and Hal were missing.
“Even more reason for this to end. I'm sorry if I’m insensitive, difficult, whatever; but come on.” Chris looked around the circle again. “Unless you can really prove to me you're something incredible, someone who's not just like me, then we're all going to end up like Jean, Hal, and Klaus.”
Everyone looked away and then almost unanimously roared in rage at Chris. The force of their shouting clicked a switch in Chris's mind that told him to give in. He saw the imaginary flip and he saw himself following along with its advice. His mind didn't stop there. It jumped forward to him continuing on a mission or two, making it back finally home, barely speaking to his family, then going back to the labs to get another mission from Erik. This was not going to be his life.
“You're scared!” said Chris. Above the name-calling and threats this caught the attention of most of them.
“Not as much as you are,” said Alan. The group trailed off to listen. “This isn't your fight. No fight is yours. Stop trying to bring us with you. Leave. There’s no reason for you to be here especially if you're trying to tell us something so obvious.”
“Then call it in or whatever military speak it is. We're out of here,” said Chris. He raised his dark eyebrows and softened the deep voice that caught everyone’s attention a moment ago. Johnykin was next to him and her silence confirmed her agreement. “Our team's not going to help you at this point. Get us out of here before there's more damage.”
Johnykin walked away from the group back to the SUV. Everyone watched her open the passenger door and sit down. She turned away from their view. Frank stayed, but Chris knew it was his turn to walk away too.
The group started up again while Alan did as Chris told him and called in an evacuation. Chris slid into the driver's seat across from Johnykin. His hands gripped the steering wheel and he looked out into the night.
“I'm going with you,” said Jane from the backseat. She hadn't moved from the spot but had stopped crying.
Johnykin smiled at her through the rear-view mirror.
Chapter Twenty
They fell asleep in the seats. Except for Frank, he found room in the cargo space in the back. At sunrise, the helicopter landed in the middle of the camp. Alan was already talking to the pilot when Chris opened his eyes to the dying roar of the blades. Johnykin and the rest of the SUV woke up. Chris leaned forward on the steering wheel to take in the full ending of the camp fire story the helicopter brought with it.
Alan continued his conversation with the pilot whose head just nodded in response. Then two long bags containing Jean and Hal's bodies were carried over. Chris knew they would be doing the same in just a few moments with Klaus. Jane began to cry again as she brushed Klaus's hair.
In the back, Frank rummaged around and then stepped out while discreetly holding the body bag for Klaus. Johnykin followed him out and opened the door next to Jane to quietly talk. Chris went to help Frank. They unfolded the thick plastic together even though it was a one-man job. Frank unzipped the top and they waited. Johnykin was still talking, her body leaning into the vehicle with one hand on the open door and the other holding Jane's hand.
Eventually Johnykin stepped away, which Frank and Chris took as the signal to move forward. Jane saw the bag and tore herself away from the seat and Klaus. She immediately fell into Johnykin's arms and cried some more.
It was the most awkward pushing and pulling Chris had ever done. Klaus's huge frame made the act of being respectful impossible. Frank's impatience didn't help either, but the job wrapped up and he and Chris carried Klaus's body to the waiting helicopter.
With the help of the co-pilot, the three bags were pushed to the back to make room for more passengers.
“You're leaving in ten,” said Alan. He opened his mouth to say more, but stopped.
“Yeah,” said Chris.
“All of you,” said Alan looking at Frank. Frank gaped at him with disbelief, but Alan continued, “Your group is compromised. There’s no point in splitting you up either. We’ll take care of things here.”
Chris looked over to watch the blowup from Frank. It didn’t come. He just continued to stare at Alan who paused for a response and then walked away from the silence. Chris placed his hand on Frank’s shoulder, but Frank shrugged it off and walked back to the SUV.
Johnykin and Jane carried the group’s bags over to the helicopter. Jane kept her head bowed, but Johnykin looked Chris in the eyes and gave him the smallest of smiles. Chris stood there waiting for directions. Nothing came. Johnykin and Jane finished loading and then made their way to the other SUVs to say goodbye. Chris thought about that. Did he have anyone to talk to one last time? The doubting turned quickly to regret. The ones that cared were at home. The ones he truly cared for were at home plus one more.
Chris stomped over to the SUV where Frank sat in the driver’s seat. Chris wrenched the door open and pulled him out by his shirt.
“Let’s go,” said Chris.
Frank was caught by surprise but once on his feet outside he tore Chris’s hand away. “What the fuck?”
“Come on. We’re not waiting for the ten minutes.”
“Oh, yeah? You going to tell me what to do now? How in the fuck do you think you’re in charge here?”
“What makes me not? I can order your ass around as much as I want because this is nothing. This is a big fuckin’ lie. It’s all make believe and I’m ready to leave now. So, let’s go.”
“I’m not going. Like you said this isn’t real. Alan can’t tell me what to do.” Frank glared at Chris, challenging him to continue.
Chris saw it and accepted. He grabbed Frank with both hands around the collar. Chris’s fingers were clutched so tight he thought they would rip through the cloth. For a split second his mind said release/apologize, but his hands didn’t obey. He made the decision and now all of him needed to support it.
“You didn’t tell me the truth,” said Chris. “You kept us in when you knew it was fake.”
The proximity of their faces only inches apart made Frank uncomfortable, but he wouldn’t show it to Chris and bulled through the feeling to make his nose just a hair’s difference from Chris’s Grecian nose as Frank voiced his loud opinion, “I don’t make decisions for you. You should have fucking seen this coming. You were the one that said it was fake when we first saw the videos. I know you knew what was going on. Ever since your date with Johnykin at the baseball game. How could you not know? Were you too dumbstruck by puppy love to see it? I didn’t fucking keep it from you. You lied to yourself.”
“That’s not true. No, I would’ve said something. I don’t play those kinds of games. You should know that about me or you just don’t give a shit anymore.” Chris eased his grip and pushed Frank away to think more clearly. “Maybe I was blind or just wanted it to be true. And it doesn’t matter if you knew. None of that matters now. I am going to change this.”
“Bullshit.” Frank adjusted his collar and made to walk away.
Chris moved instinctively and grabbed Frank’s arm to stop him. “Watch me.”
“Watch what? You say all this shit and then back down when everyone else pressures you. Just like the gun thing; just like everything. Bullshit.”
“No. I’m going home to my family and you’re coming back to your family too. We’re going to quit together. This isn’t for you. Erik’s little puppet that will lie and do whatever he says because you get to run around in a tight outfit.”
“I haven’t lied about anything.”
“You’re a walking lie. Pretending to be a Super. Not even that; a Super’s sidekick. I call bullshit on you.”
“I’m doing something I’m good at. Don’t take you’re petty guilt trip on me because you suck at being a man.”
Chris shoved Frank’s shoulder. “A man? A real man is there for his family and takes care of them.”
“I am taking care of them and watching out for yours. That was me, remember. When we got fired, I found us jobs.” Frank pointed at his chest to emphasize.
“Well now it’s my turn. I can’t die out here or let you die out here. This is me being a man and standing up for our families.”
Frank shoved back. “I’m a man that stands up and fights. Who’s not afraid to sacrifice a little —“
“So the orders can be complete. That’s all you want; orders to follow. You’re not even thinking of what you’re doing. You’re someone’s robot.” Chris shoved Frank again.
Frank returned it one more time. “Stop shoving me asshole. This isn’t a game where you can pretend to be something or fix it with a joke. This isn’t going to end in us kissing and making up like little boys.”
The thought did occur to Chris. He wanted an ending so they could get on the helicopter and back to their lives. “Stop pretending yourself. I’m getting on that helicopter and you’re getting on it with me. And yeah I do wish it would end with a hug, but I’m also ready to kick your ass and drag you on that thing too.”
Frank scanned every inch of Chris’s face twice for a line of humor. He couldn't find any but it didn't mean anything. He turned away again as he said, “Prove it.”
Chris didn't hesitate. He leaped forward and tackled Frank face first into the dirt. The impact knocked the wind out of Frank and Chris took advantage by bending both of Frank's arms behind him like a police officer. Chris then straddled Frank and pulled him back to his feet but it was awkward. Frank could breathe again and shrugged off the loose hold Chris had on his arms.
The dirt kicked up in the air as Frank spun around and dug his fist deep into Chris's abdomen with the intent of returning the feeling of breathlessness. Frank didn’t get the same results; instead Chris only staggered back a little before taking a wide swing into Frank’s face. It turned into a full on fight. Frank hit back and the two bobbed and weaved like boxers. None of them were trained for this style of fighting and things switched into grapples and knees to the thighs. It took longer than they both expected for the fighting to reach the ground. First Frank pinned Chris and it looked just about over. But while watching the sweat drip into the dry dirt, Chris knew he wasn’t ready to quit; he squirmed a leg free and rolled Frank and himself to the side. The movement gave him leverage enough for a forearm to Frank’s chest, which itself gave Chris the opportunity to move on top of Frank. Chris pulled his fist back for a final blow, but Frank threw his arms up to protect his head. The hit was hard enough to move Frank’s arms away long enough for another attempt that rang true. Black and specks of blinking white lights crossed Frank’s vision and then another hit brought more darkness, another almost pitch black, finally Chris put everything behind it, and wiped all vision and consciousness from Frank.
Chris waited for Frank to move again, possibly playing possum, but he didn’t. How long were they fighting, thought Chris? He was still sitting on Frank’s unconscious body and looked around for a sign of time passing. No one was around, but then again the SUV blocked them off from the inside of the camp circle. Chris finally stood up and felt dizzy and then sick. He looked down at his friend, turned away, and puked.
He did it. He kicked Frank's ass like he said he would. Chris's hands shook a little. Adrenaline, he thought. But the influx of energy continued and the rest of him wanted to move too. His body didn't want to waste the opportunity. Chris's mind seemed to be working on a different level as well. Ideas popped like fireworks but left a lasting image that pushed him forward to act.
Chris picked Frank up from underneath his armpits and dragged him around the SUV and towards the helicopter. The sight of another limp body to the others was more shocking than Chris could have forethought.
Johnykin saw them first. “Oh my God, Chris. What happened?”
Another firework went off in Chris's head that kept him moving forward. “He’s fine. Just needed some help getting over here.”
“What?!” said Johnykin. She stared into Chris’s hazel eyes.
“We’re going to be late,” said Chris without blinking, and pulled Frank into the helicopter.
Jane was already inside and didn’t say anything. Johnykin followed behind Frank’s dangling feet. Chris checked Frank’s breathing and it was regular, so Chris propped a bag underneath Frank’s head and let him continue to slumber. Then Chris settled into a seat and buckled in with a satisfied smile on his face.
Johnykin sat next to Chris before she realized it and started in on him. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? You can’t just beat up Frank. Why did you do that?”
“He wasn’t going to come. I couldn’t leave him behind. This is what it came to and I’m okay with it because… it’s right. I can’t explain it better than that.”
“How is that ever the right thing?”
“How is it right that you lied about all of this? No. I’m not going to bother. It’s done. I was stupid enough to believe and follow along.” Chris turned his head towards the cockpit to look in on the pilot. “We’re ready. Get this thing flying.”
The pilot gave him a quizzical look, but started up the engine anyway. Alan came up to the open door to make one last check. He saw Frank first and then looked up at the now bruised and puffy face of Chris. Alan started to say something, but Frank stirred and everyone watched.
“Wha...t...uck...hris?” said Frank with his eyes blinking in and out worse than his speech. Then a last ditch effort led to, “Stayin'!”
Alan saw enough and walked to the front of the helicopter to signal a faster takeoff. He turned his back as the dust kicked up viciously from the push of the spinning blades.
Frank continued to shove words out and force his eyes open until he realized where he was. His hands went tenderly to his face, touching the bruises and two open cuts then just as gently touched the steel floor. Chris watched his friend move into a seated position and spit black and red saliva until there was nothing left to get out.