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SILENCE (DS Addison McCain Series Book 1)

Page 13

by Sara Dalton

  “She also sounds like a strong woman.” Addison gave him a faint smile. She was kind of jealous that he spoke highly of his old partner. She hoped he would speak about her like that soon.

  “She was strong and stubborn. She even had the guts to tell me she was in love with me. But I didn’t feel the same way, she was just my good partner. I had her back and she had mine.” Robert glanced up into Addison’s eyes.

  “She had a good partner herself.” Addison complimented. Robert smiled and placed his hand on her knee. They sat in silence for a few minutes before he removed his hand from her.

  “I’m sorry, that was inappropriate of me.” Robert said putting his mug on the table. He stood up from the sofa and then there was another knock on the door. Robert looked at Addison and he saw terror in her eyes. “Stay there,” Robert moved towards the front door and listened to see if he could hear anything outside. He unlocked the door as quietly as he could and swung it open. No one was there. Addison appeared behind him and saw her car. Again, it was covered in paper. Robert noticed it too. He rushed down the steps and looked around to see if anyone was still about, but there wasn’t. Addison picked up a piece of paper from her car.

  “Madison Reed watch your step.” Robert read the note over her shoulder.

  “I think this is the serial killer. He knows me. He knows the real me.”

  “Alan was right.” Robert put his hand on Addison's shoulder. He glanced around, making sure no one was still around. He guided Addison back into her flat and locked the door behind him.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  10th August 1981

  Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

  Alan sat in his car outside her house. It was dark, so no one could see him. He watched Katie Herman’s house from a distance but close enough to see. She wasn’t home yet, but she was due very soon. Her daughter Jessie had gone out with her dad, so she wouldn’t be home tonight. Alan had sat outside this house ever since his mother killed herself. Katie was one of the main reasons his mother died, she was a homewrecker. Alan couldn’t understand why his dad had an affair with her, she wasn’t anything special.

  He glanced down at his phone to see what the time was. She was late. His dad Anthony had finished the affair a few months back, but she still tried to get his attention. He glanced up and he noticed Katie arriving home. He watched her go inside the house and he waited for the right moment. Katie had gone into each room to draw the curtains.

  He finally got out of his car and headed to her front door. He knocked gently and waited for her to answer. When she did, Katie was surprised to see him.

  “Alan, what are you doing here?”

  “I’m sorry for calling over so late. I’ve only recently finished work. Dad asked me to come and get the rest of his things for him.” He lied. He remembered his dad saying once that he left a few things over at her house. It came in handy for an excuse to get inside.

  “Oh, of course, come in. I thought he would come and get them himself, but he’s kept his distance.” She opened the door for him to slide in. She closed it behind her and followed him into the kitchen. Alan slowly reached into his inside pocket and pulled out a syringe, he turned around so quickly and jabbed the needle into the side of her neck. She looked up at him in horror as she felt herself falling unconscious by his feet.

  Alan smiled as she didn’t make a sound. He lifted her up onto the kitchen counter and placed her arms together. He moved to the end of the counter and removed her shoes placing them neatly by the front door. He looked through all her drawers trying to find a needle and thread or something close to it. He eventually found a sewing kit and he threaded a needle, a big one which he had to take off his gloves to do. He placed them back on and leaned over Katie’s body. She was still breathing. He quickly grabbed a kitchen knife from the block behind him and placed it on the counter next to her body. Alan took the threaded needle to the corner of her mouth, the skin popped as the needle broke through her flesh. He started to sew her mouth shut.

  Katie started to come around and her eyes fluttered open. She tried to scream when she saw Alan looking at her. But no sound came out. She was groaning in pain as she tried to push her mouth open, but it didn’t work. She could feel the warm liquid rolling down the side of her face. Her blood. Alan picked up the kitchen knife and held it above her chest. He saw tears rolling down her cheeks as she realises this was her end. He was going to kill her. He watched the terror in her eyes before bringing the knife down, straight into her heart. She bled out and died within seconds. Alan left the knife in her body and took a step back before blood started to pool by his feet. He didn’t want to leave footprints. The needle he had placed next to her body, he picked it up and walked over to the kitchen sink. He let it drop down in the plug hole in the middle and running the tap for a few seconds, disappearing any trace of evidence.

  He walked slowly to the front door and peered out to see if there was anyone around. There wasn’t. He closed the door behind him and walked back to his car. As he got inside he noticed another car coming down the road, stopping by Katie’s house. Katie’s daughter Jessie got out of the car. Alan heard her say to the driver that she would be back in a few minutes. He assumed the driver must be Jessie’s dad. She ran up to the front door and went inside, leaving the door wide open. After a few moments of silence Alan heard her scream, it was a blood-curdling scream and he couldn’t help but smile. The driver jumped out of the car and ran inside the house. That was Alan’s moment to leave.

  Alan arrived home and noticed all the lights were out. He quickly got his phone out from his pocket to see missed calls by his wife-to-be. She was in labour. He rushed to the hospital and ran his way up to the maternity ward. He asked one of the nurses for her room and she guided him there. Alan walked into the room and saw his wife-to-be cradling their baby.

  “It’s a girl.” She smiled at him as he rushed to her side. He smiled at his newly born daughter. “Madison, what do you think?” Jade asked him. Alan smiled and kissed her on the forehead. He missed her birth, but she was still beautiful.

  “Madison is beautiful,” he grinned. Today was a good day.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  11th April 2016

  Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

  The next morning Robert and Addison turned up outside Saint George Academy. They parked over by the front of the school and saw children all heading inside the entrance.

  Robert hasn’t said anything about last night when he turned up on Addison’s doorstep. Even though nothing happened between them, Addison feels that this could be a step forward for them to become partners who trust each other on a case. She was sure he didn’t like her before, but now he started to warm to her. Fletcher was at the hospital keeping an eye on Rebecca Charles. Robert has asked him to watch over her until they find a suspect. He even put a uniformed officer to keep an eye on the Willis family. The killer could still go after Rebecca Charles or Anna Willis.

  Robert and Addison walked through the corridors of the school to the head teacher’s office, who was waiting for their arrival. The children watched as they walked by, wondering what was happening. The gossip was swarming around the school within moments.

  “Do you think the killer could be in this school right now?” Addison whispered over to Robert. He glared at her as if to ask why she even asked that question. There were so many school pupils hanging around, the gossip spreads like wildfire. She could make it worse. Addison got the message and didn’t ask anything else. They both arrived at Mr. Harry Kobak’s office, his door was open and as he saw them he got up from his seat to greet them.

  “I’m Detective Chief Inspector Robert Arrows, we spoke on the phone this morning. This is my partner Detective Sergeant Addison McCain.” Robert introduced them.

  “Good morning, I’m Harry Kobak. I’m so sorry to hear about our pupil’s parents. The school has been supportive as much as they can for the families.” Mr. Kobak started.
br />   “Did you know the parents personally?” Addison asked. Harry sat in his chair behind the desk.

  “I’ve spoken to Joan Charles a couple of times. She has come in to make complaints about her daughter being bullied. We did manage to sort out the issue. I’ve never spoken to Wendy Willis before, but on parent evening’s they talk to all of the teachers in their subjects they are learning.” Mr. Kobak told them.

  “We will need all of the teacher’s names that have Anna and Rebecca in their classes. We may need to talk to some of the students if they are willing.” Robert explained. Mr. Kobak nodded as he handed them a sheet of paper with all the subjects and teachers information. Addison stepped forward and took it, handing it to Robert. He had a quick scan of the sheet.

  “Do Anna and Rebecca spend time with anyone else in their classes? Have you seen them with other girls or boys?” Addison asked.

  “Honestly, that is something I’m unsure of, you may have to ask their other teachers as they work with the girls more than I do.” Mr. Kobak answered. Addison nodded and jotted down the question to remind herself to ask them.

  “On the way into the school, I noticed some lockers and wondered if either of the girls had any lockers for any valuable things to keep safe?” Addison asked.

  “The lockers are only for the last year of school. They are to encourage and help students with their exams. It’s a place to keep their books and notepads safe. They are also to help children from forgetting their works or books for the lessons, so keeping them at school can be encouraging.” Harry Kobak told her. Robert was still going through the list of teacher’s names on the sheet of paper to see if there were any names that he recognised. There wasn’t.

  “How long have you been working here Mr. Kobak?” Robert jumped in. Addison glanced round at him.

  “I’ve been the head teacher for 10 years at this school. I know most of the staff here, but there were a few that worked here before me.” Mr. Kobak told him.

  “Who’s been at this school the longest?”

  “That would be Mr. Oliver, Colin Oliver our technology teacher. He’s an old fella, but he’s a great teacher. One of the best here.”

  “Who’s worked less here?”

  “Kerry Grey, she’s my new maths teacher as I had to fire the last one. He could never control his class until the point he lost control of his anger. I had to let him go. Although Mr. Ian Evans my science teacher came in around the same time as Kerry Grey. He’s another great teacher of mine, the students like him a lot.” Mr. Kobak explained.

  “We will need to talk to most of the teachers. Do you have any timetables for them so we know when to get them on their break? And showing us to the staff room?” Robert asked.

  “Of course, anything you need.” Harry Kobak got up from his seat. He grabbed a batch of keys that he used to lock his office door. He took Addison and Robert down the corridor to the staff room where they found Miss Tracey Brown the art teacher.

  “This is Tracey Brown, she’s the art teacher. She has both Anna and Rebecca in her class in the afternoons. This is Detective Chief Inspector Robert Arrows and his partner Detective Sergeant Addison McCain.” Mr Kobak said. He glanced down at his watch. “I’ve got to go back to the office as I have a meeting due. But don’t hesitate to ask me anything else if you need it.” Kobak said before exiting the staff room.

  “What can I do for you detectives?” Miss Brown asked. She was sitting on the sofa with a cup of tea in her hands. “Would you like a drink?” She offered.

  “Oh, a cup of tea would be lovely,” Addison smiled. She glanced around the room as Tracey Brown got up from her seat to put the kettle on, she turned to look at Robert but he shook his head. He stood in one spot as Addison moved around the room, having a good look at the pictures she saw stuck on the wall. There was a board of teacher’s names and their pictures up on the wall. She looked at every teacher, studying them carefully.

  “How well do you know Anna Willis and Rebecca Charles?” Addison asked. Robert stood with his hands in his trouser pockets as he watched Addison look around the room.

  “I know them quite well, they are my top students in the class. It’s such a shame what happened to their parents, it’s such a tragedy for children their age to experience something like that. And poor little Becky is in hospital.” Miss Brown said as she handed a hot cup of tea to Addison.

  “Thank you,” Addison said.

  “Is that what everyone calls her? Rebecca?” Robert asked as he took a few steps forward. Tracey Brown went back to her seat on the sofa and sipped her cup of tea.

  “Oh, of course, that is what everyone calls her. She said she preferred it.” Miss Brown told them.

  “Have you ever seen anyone else other than their parents pick the girls up?” Robert asked. He perched on the sofa next Miss Brown while Addison carried on looking around.

  “I’ve seen Rebecca walk home sometimes. Her mother works late most nights, so she walks home with Sophie Harris.” Miss Brown told them.

  “Do they ever stay behind and take part in any clubs?” Addison asked as she considered the cabinet seeing all the trophies of past successions.

  “I know Rebecca did hockey club, that club is normally on a Thursday afternoon after school.” She told her. “I think she signed up for the club because her mother wanted her to start a club in school. I’m not completely sure why?” Miss Brown continued.

  “What about Anna? Did she ever take part in activities or clubs?” Robert asked.

  “Anna never did, she wasn’t interested in anything like that. Although she hangs out with good girls, she can be a bit of a bad influence sometimes. She was caught smoking round the back of the school a couple of weeks ago.” Robert glanced behind him to look at Addison as she stopped behind the sofa. She had her tea in her hand, taking a sip.

  “Were there any teachers that their parents were especially close too?” Addison found herself asking. It was a long shot, but she considered the fact one of the teachers could be seeing them.

  “Harry Kobak normally handles any meetings with parents if they are having any problems with the children.” She replied. She placed her empty cup on the coffee table in front of her.

  “How does the parent’s evening system work?” Robert asked.

  “Well, each parent gets a time slot with their child’s personal tutor. Students for registration go to their classroom where their personal teacher signs them in for the day. They get the reports on each subject to let the parents know what subjects are needing some work and subjects they are good at. Do you want me to write down the girl’s personal tutors?” Miss Brown explained.

  “That would be great, thanks.” Robert stood up from the sofa stretching his back. The sofa was horribly uncomfortable. Miss Brown handed him the names of the teachers and thanked her for her time and co-operation. Robert and Addison both left the staff room and headed down the corridors of the school. It was empty as all the students were in their lessons.

  “I don’t like Harry Kobak.” Addison voiced.

  “Me neither kid,”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  11th April 2016

  Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

  Addison and Robert arrived back to the station. Robert went straight into his office to make some calls and Addison dropped herself into her seat at her desk. She glanced at her computer screen to see a sticky note stuck to it, it was a message for her to call Fletcher when she gets back. She pulled her phone out from her pocket and started dialling his number.

  “About time,” Fletcher answered.

  “What’s up?”

  “Rebecca is showing signs of waking up. I thought I should let you know.” Fletcher told her.

  “Ah, I’ll go and see how she is doing. Thanks.” Addison said and hung up. She got up and grabbed her things, making her way out of the station. Robert saw her leave but didn’t call after her.

  After a short while, Addison arrived at the hospital. She asked
the receptionist where Rebecca Charles room is, the young lady gave her directions which Addison could find easily. Her family was out now, but there was an officer outside her room. He nodded to Addison before entered.

  “Have you had a break yet?” She asked him.

  “No ma’am,” he replied.

  “Go and have your break. You’ve got 10 mins, I’ll stay with her.” Addison told him. The officer got up from his seat and went on his break. She got her phone out to send a text message to Fletcher telling him that she was at the hospital. She put the phone back into her pocket and sat in the chair by the side of the bed. She looked at the young girl with bandages around her wrists, a tube in her mouth. Addison touched her hand, it was warm.

  Addison’s phone started buzzing in her pocket. She let go of Rebecca’s hand and stood outside the room to answer it. She couldn’t hear anything, only buzzing.

  “Hello,” she said. She wandered down the corridor a little further and went outside into the garden area. She peeked through the window at Rebecca’s room when someone finally spoke down the receiver.


  “How did you get my number? Don’t call me again.” Addison’s heart pounded in her chest at the sound of her father’s voice. She went to hang up the call but he stopped her.

  “I’ve got something for you about the killer.” He said.

  “I’m not falling for that.”

  “You should never leave a witness vulnerable.” He whispered. Addison glanced back through the window at Rebeca’s room, she left it for a minute. She saw nurses running inside. Alan Reed was laughing down the phone at her but she hung up. She ran inside back into Rebecca’s room. One of the nurses was performing CPR on Rebecca as a doctor rushed into the room, budging past Addison.

  “What happened?” Addison gasped. The doctor started to take over CPR as one of the nurses started running in and out of the room.


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