SILENCE (DS Addison McCain Series Book 1)

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SILENCE (DS Addison McCain Series Book 1) Page 14

by Sara Dalton

  “She’s having a cardiac arrest.” The nurse told her. She ran off down the corridor and a few moments she was back with a defibrillator cart.

  Addison watched as the nurses tried to save the young girls life. She got her phone out and called Robert.

  “Arrows,” he answered.

  “Robert, I think the killer got into the hospital. Rebecca, she’s in a bad way.” Addison yelled down the phone.

  “Woah kid, calm down. I’m on my way, stay put.” Robert told her. The doctors stopped and Addison knew. They couldn’t save her life.

  “Time of death, 2:36 pm.” The doctor announced.

  “She’s dead,” Addison whispered. She dropped the phone from her hand to the floor. She stepped forward as they covered Rebecca’s body with the bed sheet. One of the doctors came over to Addison.

  “What the hell happened?” Addison yelled.

  “She had a cardiac arrest,” the doctor started.

  “Was there anyone in the room when you got here? Or someone leaving the room? Did anyone see anything? This wasn’t an accident. Rebecca was fine, she was fine.”

  “There wasn’t anyone else here.” The doctor told her. A nurse came out from behind him and stepped forward.

  “I did see someone leaving this section. But I can’t be sure that he was leaving her room.” The nurse admitted.

  “Do you know what he looked like?” Addison asked her.

  “He had a hat that covered his face. I know he was wearing a dark beige trench coat.”

  Addison nodded and jotted everything into her notebook. The doctor and nurse had left. Addison stood by the door and saw the lifeless body that was now covered by the bed sheet. The only thing that was going through her mind was that it was her fault for leaving the room for a moment. It was just for a moment, she had a perfect view of the room from where she had stood. She told the officer to go and have a break and then left the room to answer a phone call. Her father knew. Her father knew who the killer was. He was playing games and now it was her fault that a witness died.

  She glanced down the hallway and saw Robert rushing up to her. She turned to him and threw herself into his arms. The tears were now falling down her cheeks feeling like a fool. She just made a big mistake.

  “It’s all my fault.” Addison whimpered.


  “I told the officer to have a ten-minute break. I got a phone call and I left the room to answer it.” Addison admitted. Robert tightened his arms around her.

  “It’s not your fault. We didn’t know he was going to come back and finish the job.” Robert tried to comfort her.

  “What about Anna Willis?”

  “I’ve already sent another officer over there.”

  “The person who phoned me was Alan Reed. He managed to get my number, it was all just a distraction.” Addison realised. She stepped out of Robert’s arms and wiped her face.

  “Alan Reed?”

  “Yeah, he said to me to never leave a witness vulnerable. He’s got to know who the killer is, he knew the killer was in the hospital.”

  “I’m going to ask the management if we could have the CCTV tapes of these corridors and see if we can pick him up on them,” Robert said. “I’ll send someone over to the prison and find out how he managed to get your number. You might have to get a new one now,” Robert told her.

  “Of course,”

  Fletcher came running down the corridor towards Robert and Addison. He glanced into Rebecca’s room and saw her body covered with a white sheet.

  “The killer was here,” Addison told him when he turned to face her.

  “I’m going to call Nora Williams to come and check the room for any prints or something we could use in this investigation before he kills again.” Robert said as he moved to the side. He pulled his phone from his pocket and dialled Nora’s number.

  “What happened?” Fletcher turned his full attention to Addison.

  “It was my fault this happened. It’s all my fault.” Addison started. Fletcher put his hands on her shoulders pulling her to face him completely. “I sent the officer for a break and was distracted by a phone call. I went outside to take it and left her. I left her on her own in there.” Addison told him. “The phone call was Alan Reed. He was taunting me.” Her chin dropped to her chest as she looked at the floor.

  “Addison, this isn’t your fault at all. The bastard took advantage of you, all of us in fact. Don’t blame yourself.” Fletcher told her.

  “He’s right, we will catch him. I promise you that.” Robert joined. “Nora is on her way with a couple from her team. They will see if they can lift prints and Dr. Charlie Richards will get possession of the body for an autopsy. Let’s go and check that CCTV.” Robert finished. Robert went over to the desk and spoke to one of the nurses, letting them know he has a team on the way up and no one is to go into that room until they arrive. It’s now a crime scene.

  Addison and Fletcher followed Robert to the main reception to speak to the security to get into the CCTV room.

  “I’m Paul Lloyd, how can I help you chaps?” A big man appeared from the security room. He was in a typical grey security uniform with a shaved head, his badge had his name on it. He was taller than Robert, much taller.

  “I’m Detective Chief Inspector Robert Arrows and these are my colleagues Detective Inspector Andrew Fletcher and Detective Sergeant Addison McCain, we were hoping to get access to the CCTV as one of our teenager witnesses was murdered in this hospital just a few moments ago.” Robert explained.

  “Of course, follow me,” Lloyd said. The three of them followed him through the security door and took them into the CCTV room. Addison glanced around at all the different CCTV angles of the hospital. The guard sat down in his chair in front of the desk and Robert stepped behind him.

  “What ward was she on?” Lloyd asked.

  “Rebecca was on the children’s ward. Her room was 101.” Addison told him. Paul Lloyd typed quickly at his computer and brought up the camera to the hallway of the children’s ward.

  “What time did this happen?”

  “She died about ten minutes ago, so say about half an hour to an hour before? We are looking for a man in a hat, and a trench coat.” Fletcher mentioned.

  The security guard played the CCTV and they watched it back to find their suspect. It took a lot of rewinding and fast forwarding to finally get the suspect on the tape. Lloyd paused it and all they could see was the hat covering his face, he was wearing black gloves and a black hooded jumper.

  “Does he want to look any more obvious?” Fletcher said. Addison stepped closer to see the figure on the screen. She couldn’t see any of his face.

  “Can you fast forward it a bit, I want to see him leaving,” Addison said.

  “Of course,” the guard said. He fasts forward the tape to find the same man again. It took a few minutes, but he paused it again as the hooded man exited the hospital. He didn’t even look back. “It frustrates me that he is leaving this hospital knowing full well that we don’t have a clue who he is. What is it going to take to get him? He’s right in front of our faces and he’s laughing at us.” Addison fumed.

  “Could we get copies of the tapes?” Robert asked Lloyd. He nodded his head and started to make copies of the CCTV. Addison exited the room and went outside to get some fresh air. She pulled her phone from her pocket and glanced down at it. Robert came out of the room and stood next to her.

  “Fletcher is waiting for the tapes.” He told her. Addison nodded her head and carried on looking at her phone. Robert snatched it from her hands, dropped it to the floor and stamped on it. He bent down to pick it up and threw it in the bin. “We will get you another one.” Robert said. Addison glanced up at him with her jaw wide open. Robert grinned, and she burst out laughing.

  “You surprise me every time, DCI Arrows.” Addison smiled.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  11th April 2016

  Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire, United Kingdomr />
  Addison was sitting at her desk as she stayed behind to write her report about everything that happened at the hospital. Fletcher and Robert went to notify Rebecca Charles family about her murder in the hospital. Addison was glad that she wasn’t going because she wouldn’t be able to not lie to them. It was her fault for leaving that young girl on her own, even for a minute. That will be the biggest mistake she’s ever made. Addison was trapped in her own little world that she didn’t notice Robert and Fletcher returning to the office.

  Robert walked by Addison and straight into his office. He slammed the door behind him which caught Addison’s attention. She looked around and saw Fletcher heading towards her.

  “How was it?” Addison asked him.

  “Not good, Mrs. Adams blamed Robert. I think he got upset with everything that was said to him. She did say some nasty words.” Fletcher told her.

  “It’s the hardest part of this job. Informing the family that a loved one has been murdered. Some people take it differently. I know Robert doesn’t like doing them, no one does. He’s quite sensitive.” Addison said.

  Addison jumped out of her chair as she saw DCS Brian Dowell walk through the door. He went straight through to Roberts’s office and he didn’t look happy at all. Fletcher and Addison both glanced at each other as he shut the door behind him.

  “He didn’t look happy, did he?” Addison said.

  “Nope, not at all. I’ve got a feeling Robert will call us in. He doesn’t like getting the brunt of the boss by himself, the wuss.” Fletcher chuckled as if he remembered something from the past. Addison laughed along and right on cue, Robert opened the door and called Addison and Fletcher into his office. The pair both shuffled inside as he held the door open for them and then closed it behind them. DCS Dowell was standing by the window and Robert went to sit back in his chair. Addison and Fletcher stepped forward.

  “Would you mind telling me what the hell happened today?” Dowell raised his voice. Robert, Fletcher, and Addison all glanced at one another waiting to see who speaks first. Robert went to say something, but Addison spoke up over him.

  “It’s my fault. I went to visit Rebecca Charles in the hospital to see how she was doing. I sent the guard for a quick break, but when he was gone I had gotten a phone call. I took it for a moment outside in the gardens and when I came back the room was full of doctors and nurses. Rebecca was murdered, the killer had gotten into her room and killed her. I should have been there, it’s no excuse, I shouldn’t have left her room.” Addison finally confessed. Robert glared at her.

  “It’s a rookie mistake. I’ll…” Fletcher started, but Dowell put his hand out to stop him.

  “Don’t stick up for her. She’s made a mistake. Which I now see that she will regret for the rest of her life. That young girl’s life was in your hands, McCain. I hope that is punishment enough.” Dowell said to her. Addison’s chin fell to her chest as her eyes fell to the ground, her hands were behind her back and she tried hard to fight the tears threatening to fall. “Do you have any suspects?” Dowell asked. It was a question more for Robert.

  “We’ve got someone we are considering. Harry Kobak, he works at the school the children go to. We are looking at his whereabouts the nights of Joan Charles and Wendy Willis’s deaths.” Robert explained. Dowell nodded his head slowly and moved to the door, he put his hand on the handle and glanced back at his team.

  “I want an arrest and I want one now,” Dowell said as he left the room. He slammed the door behind him as the group glanced at each other.

  “Well, that wasn’t as bad as I thought it’ll be.” Fletcher chuckled awkwardly. He had his hands deep in his pockets as he waited for someone else to laugh along with him.

  “I think it’s time to go and interview Harry Kobak again.” Robert stood from his chair. “Fletcher, I want you to go and inform Anna Willis and her family what has happened today. I want you to stay with them until you hear from me. With Anna still alive, I don’t want to take any unnecessary risks.” Robert told him. Fletcher nodded and headed out of the door. Robert grabbed his coat and Addison followed him out of his office.

  “When we see Harry Kobak, I don’t want you to say anything. Let me take the lead.” Robert warned. Addison glanced at him, wondering if he was punishing her.

  “I’ll try my best,” Addison replied.

  “No, you won’t, you will be quiet and observe.” Robert told her.

  “Don’t trust me?” Addison huffed.

  “Oh, don’t even go there.”

  “Go where?”

  “Doesn’t matter, just be quiet.” Robert said, giving up before the argument even started.

  Addison shrugged her shoulders as they drove out of the station. There was a long silence as Robert drove towards the school. Addison glanced at him a couple of times noticing he was deep in thought.

  “When I speak to Harry Kobak, I want you to go and look around the school. Talk to any of the teachers and if you can, find Sophie Harris. Have a word with her about Rebecca and Anna.” Robert suggested.

  “Yes sir,” Addison saluted.

  “Stop with the sarcasm, McCain.” Robert told her. Addison looked at him. His eyes stayed on the road, but he knew she was looking at him. Robert turned into the school car park. He parked the car at the entrance and the pair got out. Addison glanced over the top of the car at Robert. He started walking towards the school and she trotted up after him. They entered the double doors and Robert stopped. He turned to face Addison.

  “Go to the staff room and see if there is anyone there. I’m going to talk to Kobak, come back when you’re done.” Robert ordered. Addison watched him walk away. She wondered what she had done wrong, he wasn’t very happy with her at all. Since the brief with DCS Brian Dowell, he’s been annoyed with her. She finally turned to walk down the corridor towards the staff room, she entered and saw someone over by the coffee machine. He glanced up as Addison stepped into the room.

  “Oh, hi, are you new here? Did you want a drink?” He offered.

  “I’m Detective Sergeant Addison McCain, I’m here to talk to you about Rebecca Charles and Anna Willis.” She replied.

  “Ah right, Harry did mention that you would want to talk to us. I’m Ian Evans, the science teacher. What can I help you with?” He introduced himself.

  “Did you have Rebecca Charles and Anna Willis in your science classes?” Addison asked him.

  “Yeah, they were both in my lessons. They are good girls. Always listening when I’m talking, and they take part in any projects or tests we do. Did you want a drink?” Mr. Evans asked again.

  “Oh, yes please, that would be great,” Addison said as she came over to the sofa and sat down as Mr. Evans poured her a quick drink. He placed milk and sugar on the coffee table in front of her and perched on the sofa. “Did you ever talk to their parents about any problems they were having?” Addison asked as she poured a little bit of milk into her hot cup.

  “If we had any concerns we would pass them to Harry Kobak as he deals with meetings with parents. He tends to change the system of the school when parents come to him with problems. I don’t agree with him most times, but he’s the head.” Mr Evans explained.

  “What’s Harry Kobak’s relationships like with the parents?”

  “I know he dated Joan Charles for a while. It wasn’t a secret, but they did split up not long ago.” Evans told her.

  “Why did they split?”

  “Because she wasn’t the only one he was dating. He was dating different women. I saw him once getting into a car with another woman, he kissed her, and it wasn’t Joan Charles.” Evans said.

  “What a dick,” Addison said before she could even stop herself. Ian Evans looked at her.

  “That’s one way of putting it.” He laughed. Addison smiled.

  “I don’t suppose you have CCTV here?” She asked.

  “Harry Kobak has access to that, you can get it from him. I think there are only cameras at the entrance of the school.”

  “Thank you, if there is anything else that might help us with the investigation here is my card with my number on it. Just give us a call.” Addison said as she handed him her card. She got up and left the staff room. She rushed down the corridors and headed for Harry Kobak’s office. She could hear Robert and Kobak talking. She knocked softly until Harry called her in. She entered, and Robert glanced at her. She nodded to him.

  “Hello DS McCain,” Harry said.

  “Hi Mr. Kobak, I would like to get the copies of your CCTV cameras at the entrance of the school, please. Anything from the 7th April.” Addison asked.

  “Of course, DS McCain. Give me a minute and I’ll get the tapes for you.” Harry Kobak left the room.

  “I spoke to Ian Evans the science teacher and he confirmed that Harry Kobak had a relationship with Joan Charles, but it sounds like it didn’t end well as it was known he was dating another woman at the time of their relationship,” Addison told Robert her new-found evidence. “Do you think he could be dating other parents from this school?” Addison asked.

  “Good call on the CCTV, maybe that can tell us a lot more about Harry Kobak.” Robert voiced. “We need to find some evidence that can place Harry Kobak at the times of the murders.” Robert whispered as the thought of Harry listening outside came into his mind.

  “When we get the CCTV back, I’ll stay behind and watch it all,” Addison said.

  “Not on your own,”

  “Why not?”

  “I meant that I will stay behind with you and watch it too.” Robert explained.

  “Oh, sure, more eyes the better.” Addison chuckled. Robert straightened himself as Harry Kobak entered the room again. He handed the CDs to Addison McCain and Robert got up from his seat. He shook hands with Harry before leaving the school.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  12th April 2016

  Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

  Pauline Harris kissed her little girl’s goodnight before heading back down the stairs. Sophie was in the kitchen clearing the dinner table when she saw her mother come inside.


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