SILENCE (DS Addison McCain Series Book 1)

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SILENCE (DS Addison McCain Series Book 1) Page 15

by Sara Dalton

  “It’s such a shame what happened to Anna and Rebecca’s parents,” Pauline said. Rebecca and Anna were both Sophie’s best friends from school. Pauline had found it hard to talk to her daughter since Rebecca’s death. How could there be someone so cruel in this world to kill a child. Rebecca Charles still had her whole life ahead of her.

  “Are the girls asleep?” Sophie changed the subject.

  “Rachel is asleep, but I think Lily is pretending, as usual.” Pauline laughed.

  “She will fall asleep eventually,” Sophie said as she put the clean dishes in the cupboards. Pauline wiped the table with a wet cloth and cleaning the placemats. “Want me to put them in the drawer,” Sophie asked. Pauline handed the clean placemats to Sophie and she went to put them in the draw.

  “Have you seen Anna recently?” Pauline asked.

  “I haven’t recently, but I’ve heard that she was due to come back to school next week,” Sophie replied. “She called me a few days ago before Rebecca died. The police had been asking about me.” She told her mother.

  “You don’t have to go to school tomorrow. You can take some time off, they will understand.” Pauline said. Sophie looked up at her mother and she could see tears coming down her face. Pauline went to the counter and pulled her daughter into her arms. She didn’t say anything but just cuddled her. Sophie started to cry.

  Pauline pulled Sophie in front of her and grabbed a kitchen cloth dabbing at her daughter’s eyes.

  “Alright, you can stop now.” Sophie laughed.

  They both paused for a moment as they heard a noise coming from the living room.

  “It’s probably Lily coming down the stairs. I’ll go and put her back to bed.” Pauline left the kitchen.

  Sophie turned back to the last of the dishes putting them in the cupboard. She cleaned the sides with the cloth and folded it, placing it on the side. Sophie turned around and saw a masked man standing behind her. He put his finger to his lips indicating for her to be quiet.

  Sophie was frozen, her heart was thumping hard in her chest. She instantly knew this was the man who was killing her friends and their parents. Sophie screamed as loud as she could, and he launched forward putting his hand over her mouth. He pushed her against the counter as she tried to push him away. He put his free hand around her neck and squeezed.

  Pauline came rushing down the stairs as she heard Sophie screaming. She ran into the kitchen and saw a masked man choking her daughter. She grabbed the glass chopping board from the side and smashed it over his head. He let go of Sophie and she ran to her mother. Pauline pulled her daughter behind her as the masked man turned around to face them. He reached over to the knife block and pulled out the biggest kitchen knife. The man pushed forward towards Pauline and she held Sophie behind her, protecting her.

  He jabbed the knife and he just missed Pauline as they dodged it. She dragged Sophie around the kitchen counter, heading for the phone. The man stopped her and pushed her back, jabbing once again. The knife thrust into Pauline’s chest, and she looked up in horror. She looked round to Sophie behind her and fell into her arms. Sophie and Pauline both drop to the floor as she struggled to hold up her mother’s weight.

  “Mum,” Sophie screamed. Sophie glanced up to see that the man had disappeared. The tears were falling down her cheeks as she looked at her mother who was struggling to breathe. Sophie could hear the faint sounds of sirens. She glanced up as she saw a shadow standing by the kitchen door. Lily stood there with a phone in her hand.

  “Sophie,” Lily trembled. She saw her mother lying in her older sister’s arms.

  “Lily, go and wait for the police by the front door,” Sophie told her. Lily looked at her before she left the kitchen. “Mum, please, don’t go like this,” Sophie whispered. She could hear her mother’s wheezy breathing getting quicker and quicker until she stopped completely.

  “No, no, no, no, don’t you dare. Don’t go,” Sophie yelled. She shook her mum, but she didn’t move. Sophie and Pauline were both in a pool of blood, spreading out onto the floor.

  Lily came back into the kitchen followed by paramedics. Police officers guided Lily back out and tried to bring Sophie out of the room too. When she let go of her mother, she was covered in her blood as she stood. She headed out of the kitchen with the police officers. They put a blanket around her and guided her to an ambulance to be checked over.

  “Rachel, she’s upstairs,” Sophie said. The police officer nodded and headed back into the house.

  Chapter Thirty

  8th April 1992

  Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

  Jade and Madison Reed were both sat in the car watching a house on the opposite side of the road. Madison didn’t know why they were there, her mother dragged her into the car and drove off without saying a word.

  “Mum, why are we here?” Madison asked, but her mother shushed her with a wave of a finger. Madison sat back in her seat as she watched someone’s house. She let out a long sigh and her mum finally turned to her.

  “I think your dad has been having an affair. I wanted to catch him in the act.” Jade finally told her. Madison wasn’t surprised. Her father had told her stories about his father having an affair with someone which caused his mother’s death.

  “He’s a hypocrite. He’s told us the stories of how his father did it to his mother and now he’s doing it to you. He hasn’t learned anything from his father’s mistakes.” Madison said. Jade released her seat belt and opened the door to get out of the car.

  “Where are you going?” Madison asked.

  “I’m peeking, I want to catch him in action.” Jade closed the door. Madison watched her mother trot to the house, she ducked her head down as she headed for the window. She knelt below it and peeked inside. It was only a few seconds before Jade was running back to the car. Madison saw the look on her face and it wasn’t heartbreak. Madison saw fear in her mother’s eyes. Jade jumped into the car and started the engine. She pulled out of the road quickly and both sat in silence as they headed home.

  “Mum, what is happening? Was he having an affair?” Madison asked. Her mother didn’t answer. She slammed the car door as she headed for the front door of their house. Madison rushed in behind her and watched her mum run up the stairs. She ran up after her.

  “Mum tell me, what’s happening?”

  “He’s not having an affair. It’s worse.” Jade said.

  “How can it be worse?”

  “I saw him.”

  “Saw him what mum?” Madison grabbed her mother’s arms and pulled her to face her. “Mum, what’s he done?”

  “He’s the killer. On the news.” Jade winced. She fell into Madison’s arms.

  “You mean the silent killer that’s been all over the television?” Madison asked. Jade nodded.

  “We’ve got to pack our stuff and go. We can’t be here when he comes home.” Jade said as she carried on putting clothes into a bag.

  “We are going to call the police. Right now.”

  “NO,” Jade yelled. “We won’t make it. He saw me. He knows I saw him murder that woman and teenager.”

  “He murdered them?”

  “Yes, we need to leave so he can’t find us and then we will call the police. They will protect us. But first, we must get out of here. Before he comes home.” Jade zipped her bag up and headed to Madison’s room. Madison was behind her as she watched her mother pack a bag for her. They both went quiet when they heard the door slam.

  Jade looked up at Madison in horror. He was home already. Jade grabbed the chest of drawers and dragged it in front of the bedroom door to stop Alan from getting into the room. Jade ran over to the window and opened it. She started shouting for help.

  Madison could hear footsteps coming up the stairs and a knock on the door. Madison and Jade both stood very still and silent, but he knew they were in there. He opened the door which got jammed because of the drawers. Alan managed to get it open, just a fraction to see inside the room. He put hi
s arm through the gap, trying to push the drawers out of the way.

  Jade picked up Madison’s hair dryer and smacked his arm with it. He pulled his arm away and grunted from the hit, Jade and Madison stood staring, waiting. Suddenly he put his arm through with a knife, slashing.

  “Mum,” Madison shouted. Jade stepped back.

  “Why? Why are you doing this?” Jade yelled.

  “Why? You want to know why?” Alan screamed. Madison moved back behind her mother, glancing out of the window, hoping someone is calling the police. “Instead of why, how about when? When this all started?” Alan began. “Do you remember Katie Herman?” He said. Jade remembers clearly. Katie Herman was the woman Alan’s dad was having an affair with. He always said it was her fault that his mother died. If she didn’t come into his father’s life, he wouldn’t have been having an affair with her.

  “You killed her,” Jade gasped.

  “She was my first kill,” Alan sneered. “And do you want to know the best bit?” Alan gave a terrifying grin. “I loved every bit of it. The moment she gave her last breath, it turned me on.” Alan laughed. Jade could hear Madison crying behind her. She had her hands over her ears.

  “You’re disgusting.” Jade hissed. She ran over to the window again and she started yelling. Alan finally managed to push the drawers away and he entered the room. Jade pulled Madison behind her, protecting her daughter with her body. Alan grinned at the girls as they cowered in the corner, he waved the knife in front of them as he took slow steps towards them.

  “Stay away from us,” Jade begged. But all Alan did was laugh. Madison had picked up her curling tongs and held them behind her back. She leaned against the wall and plugged them into the socket without anyone noticing. Her mother was in front as Alan took steps forward. He got closer and closer until Madison pushed her mother out of the way and hit Alan with the curling tongs, burning him.

  Jade and Madison both ran around him as he screamed out in pain. Madison grabbed the house phone as they ran down the stairs. Alan was quick as he chased them into the living room. Madison moved out of the way when Alan launched himself at them. He grabbed Jade pinning her to the ground. Her arms were stuck underneath his legs and he raised the knife.

  Madison was phoning the police as she turned to find her dad stabbing her mother. Blood sprayed up the walls and over her. Madison dropped the phone and pushed her dad. Her mother was lying in a pool of her own blood, lifeless. She was dead.

  Alan stood up, dropping the knife to the floor. He moved towards Madison as she trembled with fear. He reached out placing a bloodied hand on her cheek. He wiped away a tear that fell down her face.

  “Shh, don’t cry. You’re safe now,” Alan told her. Madison was frozen as he pulled her into his arms. She was scared of her dad. In the distance, they could hear police sirens. Alan glared at Madison and noticed the phone that was lying on the floor behind her. He grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her to where he had dropped the knife.

  “No, don’t do this.” Madison cried.

  Alan ignored her cries and picked up the knife. There was knocking on the door and flashing lights from the police cars, blinking through the windows. Madison was yelling and crying as Alan held her arm tight. He sliced her right wrist and then he sliced his, he squeezed the blood from his arm and held Madison’s wrist that he had cut. The police knocked down the door and came running inside.

  “We are bound by blood. Until we meet again. Because we will.” Alan threatened. The police officers came and yanked Alan to the ground, putting cuffs on his bloodied wrists. Madison stood crying, tears running down her face. A female police officer ran to Madison’s side and Alan watched her as he was dragged out of the house with a dirty grin on his face.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  13th April 2016

  Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

  Addison walked into the police department and perched in her seat at the desk. She placed her bag down on the side of her chair and glanced at her computer screen. There was a note from Robert telling her to come into his office when she arrives. She shrugged her coat off and placed it on the back of her chair.

  She glanced over at Robert’s office and started making her way over. She quietly knocked on the door, but there was no answer. She knocked again but firm, there was still no answer. Addison opened the door and pops her head in, she could see the top of Robert’s head in his chair. She moved slowly into his office and walked around his desk. Robert had his arms crossed over his chest in a light sleep.

  Addison knew after she went home last night that he stayed behind to watch more of the footage on the CCTV cameras from the school. She stood and watched as his chest fell up and down. She didn’t know whether to wake him or leave him. She liked the quiet version of Robert. His dark brown hair was scruffy, and his tie was loose around his neck. Addison was jealous of his long eyelashes.

  “Like what you see?” Robert said. His eyes were still closed but he could hear Addison’s breath.

  “Sorry sir, I didn’t know whether if I should wake you or not. You looked rather peaceful. Did you not go home last night?” Addison asked as she stepped in front of the desk. Robert twisted around in his chair facing her. He opened his mouth to say something until his desk phone started ringing. He picked it up and placed it to his ear.

  “Arrows,” he snapped. Addison knew that it wasn’t good news. Robert’s face changed completely, dark and sullen. He put the phone down and got up from his chair. “Meet me at the car, we’ve got another one.” Robert said. He left his office and Addison grabbed her things on the way down. She stood by the car waiting for Robert who appeared a few minutes later. His hair was neat, and he straightened up his shirt. He had a different tie and jacket on.

  “You’ve got spare clothes here?” Addison as she noticed his better appearance.

  “Don’t judge, get in the car.” He said as he hopped into the driver’s seat and reversed out of the space. “Pauline Harris is our victim. She was murdered in front of her daughter and she had another two daughters in bed.” Robert explained.

  “Pauline Harris? You mean Sophie Harris’s mother? The girl whose friends with Rebecca and Anna?” Addison mentioned.

  “Sophie is fine, the killer didn’t touch her. But it sounds like she put up a really good fight.” Robert said.

  “Not good enough, her mother still died. How old are the other two girls?” Addison asked.

  “I don’t know, but we will find out when we get there. Can you contact Fletcher and get him to go over to the Willis’s house?” Robert instructed her. Addison did as she was told and got her phone out to contact Fletcher. He answered his phone within seconds.

  “Fletcher, it’s Addison. Robert said he wants you over at Anna Willis’s house as there has been another murder. It’s her friend Sophie Harris’s mother that’s been murdered. Sophie is fine but shaken up. If you could get some information that could help us, that would be great.” Addison notified him. He hung up as quick as he answered.

  “I’ve got a message from Dowell. He said to hurry up, Nora is walking through the scene now.” Addison told Robert. He stepped on the accelerator and arrived at the scene within minutes. They both got out of the car and headed towards the tape that is closing off the scene. Addison saw the two ambulances sitting outside the house. Robert nodded for her to go and have a look which she did. She saw three young girls, one of them must be Sophie. The eldest which Addison assumed was Sophie glanced up at her arrival. She pulled out her badge to show them and the girl stepped away from the younger girls.

  “I’m Detective Sergeant Addison McCain,” she introduced herself.

  “I know, you’re Addie, that’s what Anna calls you,” Sophie said.

  “You are more than welcome to call me Addie too,” Addison told her. Sophie wrapped her arms around her body and glanced back at the girls. “Are they your sisters?” Addison asked.

  “That’s Lily and Rachel, they are the ones who calle
d the police.” Sophie turned her attention back to Addison. “This is going to traumatise them for life.” Sophie carried on.

  “Do you want to tell me what happened tonight?” Addison asked. She had her notebook in her hand taking notes of their conversation.

  “Me and mum were clearing the dinner table. Lily and Rachel were both in bed, but they never go to sleep straight away. We heard a noise come from the living room, we were in the kitchen at the time and mum thought that one of the girls had come downstairs. I turned around to carry on with the dishes and there he was.” Sophie told her.


  “I would assume it was a man. He was very tall, over 6ft at least.” Sophie mentioned.

  “Was there anything else about him that you noticed?”

  “He had dark eyes, he wore a ski mask, but I could see his eyes.”

  “If you saw his eyes again would you recognise them?”

  “I’m not sure,”

  “That’s ok, can I ask you questions about your mother?” Addison asked. Sophie nodded glancing back at her little sisters before turning her full attention back to Addison. “Do you know if she is dating anyone currently?”

  “Well, I don’t think she is. But I know she fancied one of my teachers at the school. She would always put makeup on when he would call us in for a meeting.” Sophie explained.

  “Which teacher?”

  “Mr. Kobak, the head teacher. All the mothers fancied him, though I don’t see what the fuss is about. He looks like a pervert to me.” Sophie chuckled. She glanced up at Addison in shock. “I’m not saying that he is a pervert, it’s because he’s old. Well, to my age he’s old. Mr. Kobak seemed to be interested in my mother, but I know he was interested in other mothers too. He’s a bit of a sleaze. Will I get into trouble for telling you this?”

  “Of course not, this helps us in the investigation,” Addison assured her.


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