Mysterious Origins of Hybrid Man

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Mysterious Origins of Hybrid Man Page 44

by Susan B. Martinez, Ph. D.

  “Human beings,” observed A. H. Verrill in Old Civilizations of the New World, “may have crossed from Asia via Bering Strait; . . . others reached the New World by way of Greenland . . . or came from Oceania or mid-Pacific archipelagoes.” Inuit is slightly related to the language of eastern Siberia, but “otherwise, the AmerInd languages show a wide diversity . . . and no [sic] clear relationship to any Old World tongues.”2 Neither Carib, Arawakan, Quechuan, or Mayan linguistic families have any relationship to Asiatic languages.

  Nor are Native Americans, morphologically, necessarily Mongoloid, that is, the Siberian type, the latter being a purely brachycephalic people; but many parts of North and South America are heavily dolichocephalic, even the Inuit. Non-Mongoloid were the white Eskimos along Davis Strait.

  Mexico’s Maya are not Mongoloid either: Carleton Coon noted that their earwax type makes Maya non-Mongoloid, as well as their darker skin and bigger noses. A 10-kyr skeleton in Brazil shows a different skull type than both modern Indians and the people of northern Asia who are thought to be their closest relatives.

  Figure F.1. Quechua man (from Joan Parisi Wilcox, Masters of the Living Energy).

  A significant population of archaic Caucasoid peoples inhabited North America for at least thirty thousand years. This . . . was not achieved by crossing Beringia from Siberia into Alaska.



  Those early Caucasians in America were Ihins and Ihin blends, and they are the same people who built large cities, conducting extensive commerce, most notably in the Ohio Valley and the Midwest, some trade items traveling two thousand miles cross country. These civilizers were craniometrically Alpine types, like the Sumerians. They “surveyed the way for canals, they found the square and the arch, they led the Ihuans (Indians) to the mines.” The Menomoni Indians of Wisconsin told, in their sacred histories, of ancient mines being worked by people of fair coloring. “Patiently they taught and instructed the Ihuans in all things and industries.”3 According to the Kayapo Indians of Brazil, their history began when a radiantly white and gentle culture-bringer and teacher taught them the arts of living: he was cleverer than anyone else and so instructed the people in hitherto unknown matters.

  There were great boats with cloth sails and beams in North Guatama 18 kya, plus mining, agriculture, and architecture, as taught by the Ihins, the sacred people. Of special note are the arts of engraving, acquired shamanistically by these sons of Noah.

  And god sent his angels down to man, to inspire him in the workmanship of images and engravings. . . . And the Lord spake unto the Ihin saying . . . go provide me a stone and. . . . And the Ihins prepared a stone . . . [and] made tablets.


  Carvings and pictures all over the Americas of extinct megafauna place these skilled artisans here before the Mesolithic. The 40-kyr Holly Oak pendant, found in Delaware, for example, has a carving of a mammoth.

  Figure F.2. (A) Nampa image. This skillfully formed miniature, only one and a half inches high, was brought to world attention by Charles Francis Adams in the 1880s. Found in Idaho during the boring of an artesian well (320 feet deep), the figure represents the human form. It has been compared to Europe’s Aurignacian sculptures, like (B) this “Venus” from France.


  Time BP Place Find

  18,000 Lake Superior Copper mines, implements

  18,000 Esmeraldas, Ecuador Weapons, seals, jewels

  18,000–27,000 Tiahuanaco, Bolivia Gateway of the Sun

  20,000–24,000 Peru Habitation site

  22,000 Yuha Desert, California Fully mod skeleton

  27,000 Texas and Southwest sites Basket Makers

  27,000–30,000 Old Crow River, NE Canada Worked caribou bone tool, domesticated dog

  30,000–65,000 Sheguiandah, Ontario Artifacts, tools

  30,000 Sao Raimundo Nonato, Brazil Animal drawings on rockface

  30,000 Otavalo, Ecuador Human remains*155

  30,000–35,000 Monte Verde, Chile Stone and wood artifacts, shelters

  37,000–60,000 Alberta, Canada Fully mod child’s bones, human occupation

  37,000 Lewisville, Texas Many hearths

  38,000 West central Illinois Chert tools†156

  39,000 Pendejo Cave, New Mexico Fingerprint impressions

  40,000 Lime Creek, Nebraska Bone tools‡157

  40,000 Mesoamerica Settlements§158

  50,000–80,000 Calico desert and Haverty near Los Angeles Human occupation, hearth, tools¶159

  50,000 Managua, Nicaragua AMH footprints, writing\160

  50,000 bank of Savannah River Hearth and stone tools

  70,000 California sites Grinding tools**161

  72,000 Nicaragua, San Diego, Yukon Artifacts††162

  100,000 Mississippi Mod pelvis

  I believe that Giloff was the original name of the impressive temple ruins at Cocle, Panama, which were found lying under volcanic ash.4 The awesome site sports a series of stone images and huge engraved columns in rows. The main temple is “a great cathedral.” Several of its statues wear beards and have eyes set far apart.

  In the Middle Kingdom (Panama) . . . was the temple of Giloff, with a thousand columns . . . and within Giloff dwelt the oracle of the Creator for two thousand years.


  The Akuria people, living today in the Cocle region of Panama, were unknown to the outer world until visited by Alpheus H. Verrill in the early 1920s. The Akuria are described as rather like little Caucasians, the women about four feet tall (Ihin genes). Their noses are thin and well bridged, chins well developed, foreheads broad.

  Now the classic Bering hypothesis put a cork on the antiquity of man in the New World: ca 1350 BP, even though nineteenth-century scholars thought Native Americans had been here for many more thousands of years.

  No modern humans lived outside Africa until about 59,000 years ago.


  Valsequillo, controversially, was dubbed Mexico’s Garden of Eden after fancy spearheads and fine stone tools were excavated—obviously artifacts of modern man, a sophisticated culture. Matching the Old World’s Cro-Magnon culture, Valsequillo was dated anywhere from 35 kya to 250 kya!*163

  There were the Huehue (old ones) of Mexico, shown with modern features and beards (a Caucasian trait). These Huehue people predate the Maya, as do the carvers of the Loltun caverns, their style “completely different” from Mayan work, “some other race.”5 The Maya say the first man was molded from white and yellow maize; they were little, pale, bearded, and gentle people.

  Even though some genetic studies have concluded that all AmerInds “evolved” from an Asian stock that lived 30 kya in Siberia,6 North America’s Mandan and Pomo Indians speak of their white (not Oriental), bearded forebears. Michigan natives had a curious idol with a beard like a European, though the natives are beardless; there was a special ritual for honoring this statue. Indeed, many tribes recall a white race before their time. Long before contact with the Europeans, the medicine men of the Croatan Indians (North Carolina) communed with the spirit of the first white man, who belonged to a race that inhabited North America even before the red man. The Shawnee also knew that white people had lived in the valley before them. The Maidu (California Indian) creation myth claims that the first people whom Earth Starter made were “as white as snow.” A culture bringer of the Iroquois, named Ioskeha, was also a white one. And among the Algonquins, it was universally held that their ancestors were Abenakis, literally, “our white ancestors.”7


  anthropogenesis: the origin of man

  Aurignacian: period of European culture from ca 40 to 28 kya; time of the Great Leap Forward

  bipedal: the two-legged gait typical of hominids

  brachycephalic: round headed, as were the little people; Mongoloids are typically brachycephalic
r />   Cambrian Period: 600 to 500 mya, many forms of life arise but in the seas only

  Cretaceous Period: 135 to 65 mya, after the Jurassic, rise of small mammals and birds

  dolichocephalic: long headed from front to back (as viewed from above)

  genome: the sum total of our, or any animal’s, genetic makeup, the DNA package of a species

  genus: in scientific classification, a well-defined group (or taxon) with a unique set of traits; for example, in Homo sapiens, Homo is the genus, and sapiens is the species

  Holocene Epoch: Recent time, starting around the same time as the Neolithic, about 10 or 11 kya

  hominid: term used to designate all manlike fossils discovered

  Magdalenian Period: 18 to 11 kya, just before the Neolithic, applies to culture level in Europe, which is best known for its impressive (Cro-Magnon) cave art

  Mesolithic: 20 to 10 kya; lit., Middle Stone Age

  Miocene Epoch: 25 to 13 mya, before the Pliocene

  monogenesis: theory of single (continent) as the cradle of man (versus polygenesis)

  morphogenesis: how structures came about; origin of anatomical features

  morphology: form and structure of living things; observations on skeletal anatomy

  Mousterian: about 70 to 40 kya; mostly in reference to European Neanderthal culture, tools, and environment

  Neolithic: literally “new stone”; about 10 to 5 kya, the prehistoric period before the Bronze Age

  Paleolithic: literally “old stone”; about 600 to 15 kya, divided into Lower, Middle, and Upper

  Panic: the language of Pan (also called Lemuria or Mu)

  phenotype: sum total of observable inherited traits (term used in genetics)

  phylogeny: an evolutionary sequence; the idea that all creatures have descended over time from a common ancestor, assuming that one species has evolved lineally to the other

  pithecanthropines: hominids of the Homo erectus type; first specimens were discovered in Asia

  Pleistocene Epoch: literally “most recent”; geological time 2-plus mya to 10 kya

  Pliocene Epoch: geological time 12 to 2 mya (some say began only 5 mya)

  polygenesis: multiple Gardens of Eden; theory of man’s advent in several different places

  prognathous: seen in profile, bulging of midface or alveolar (mouth) region

  Solutrean: about 25 to 18 kya; culture in Europe in Late Paleolithic (Cro-Magnon)

  species: in scientific classification (taxonomy), species is a unique type of plant or animal (e.g., in Homo sapiens, sapiens is the species name, while Homo is the genus). Below the level of species is subspecies, which is the same as race. Species is a breeding group.

  Tertiary Period: 65 to ca 3 mya, sometimes called the age of mammals

  torus: bar of bone (eyebrow area)



  *1 As of 2012 Tennessee and Louisiana are the only states that allow teachers to challenge the theory of evolution. Curiously, the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial, which upheld the law against teaching Darwinism in schools, was in the state of Tennessee.

  *2 My book The Lost History of the Little People: Their Spiritually Advanced Traditions around the World and this one are really a set.

  *3 Oahspe, first published in 1882, the year of Charles Darwin’s death, was produced by automatic writing.


  *4 Kumari and other ku-derived names are gathered together in appendix A.

  *5 See The Lost History of the Little People, where I found the name Pan retained to this day in scores of languages and locations (but especially in Mexico).

  †6 The priestly arts are traced back to the sages of Khu (on Pan) as suggested in appendix A.

  *7 Creator-god Pan-ku kept the sky from falling; (both pan and ku are terms reminiscent of the lost continent).

  *8 Curiously, because that’s where the AmerInd ancestors allegedly passed from the Old World to the New (i.e., across Beringia). A new book by Dennis Stanford and Bruce Bradley, Across Atlantic Ice, finds that spearheads and knives in parts of prehistoric America have no correlation with those found in Siberia, or even Alaska. None of the Indian tribes, by the way, trace themselves back to Siberia.

  *9 Vernon Wobschall (editor of Oahspe Standard Edition, in a personal communication) wrote about a “rock specimen off Yonaguni that has carvings on it that look remarkably like those found in the Panic language tablets in the Book of Saphah.”


  *10 The Vedic name Asu was later changed in Persia to Adam. Just as Sanskrit asura means lower self, the name Asu appears later in the biblical word asui (Genesis 16) also meaning “animalistic.”

  †11 Note, however, that long arms are not necessarily apelike: Miocene apes, discovered by Louis Leakey, had short arms, as did the protogibbons of the Tertiary.

  ‡12 The tree metaphor extends to Norse mythology in which the first man, created by the Norse god Odin, was called Ask and was formed from an ash tree.

  *13 Coon, Living Races, 248.

  *14 Although “network” is the latest concept to be canonized, the idea is actually more than fifty years old, presented by Ashley Montagu as a network of crisscrossing lines.

  *15 The Hopi third age corresponds to the Oahspe’s third era (ca 48 kya): “the people of earth dwelt together in cities and nations. This was the third era” (page 1, verse 5).

  *16 See my book Time of the Quickening for an in-depth study of the cycles of time.


  *17 Other anachronisms are collected in appendix E.

  *18 The word hominid technically includes all manlike creatures, both members of and candidates for genus Homo. I will not be using the newer term hominin, as its very definition is based on evolutionary biases.

  *19 Overall, intellectual capacity has not shown any correlation with brain size.

  †20 750 cc in male gorillas is not unknown.

  ‡21 Lower limit, according to Sir William Turner, though Daniel Lyon, a five-foot-tall, normal, nineteenth-century man, had only 624 cc.

  §22 Examples of individuals with larger than average brains are: Ludwig van Beethoven, 1,750 cc; Otto von Bismarck, 1,965 cc; Daniel Webster, 2,000 cc; Aleut skull, 2,005 cc; and G. W. von Leibnitz, 1,422 cc. 5.

  *23 Prognathus indicates structural prominence of the mouth region.

  *24 Why is small-brained Skull 1813, a Kenyan H. habilis, the same age or even younger than 1470 who has the bigger brain and larger body? Why are H. habilis and Au thinner skulled than H. erectus? Reversal? Answer: Not to worry; they are only hybrids with different ratios of Asu and Ihin blood. And the time difference between them is actually rather insignificant.

  *25 According to Coleman and Huyghe, The Field Guide to Bigfoot, Yeti, and Other Mystery Primates Worldwide.

  *26 According to the Rosicrucians, the psychic ability of this lost race was based on a kind of third eye in the forehead. But the veil of the Ihins was not an extra organ; it was a caul, discussed in chapter 3 of my book on the little people, The Lost History of the Little People.

  *27 According to explorer A. F. R. Wollaston.

  †28 Flower, The Pygmy Races of Men.

  ‡29 Turnbull, The Forest People, 33.

  §30 Mack, “Mexico’s Little People,” 40.

  *31 Hrdlicka et al., Early Man in South America, 243.

  †32 Flower, The Pygmy Races of Men, 6.

  ‡33 Coon, Living Races, 206.

  *34 The little whites recalled in Maori oral history were also called Atua; the name is actually found all over the world, most often with the connotation of “civilized” man.

  *35 In addition to these documented peoples there were also many legendary white people including the Wusuns of Chinese annals, the Sarasvati and Dorani of Indian legend, the Attua of Maori legend, and the mound builders and the Yunwi Tsunsdi of Native American legends.

  †36 Keith, Ancient Types of Man, 148; Chouinard, Forgotten Worlds, 166.

  CHAPTER 3r />
  *37 One critic sees “a particular fitness for Darwin” in all this, considering his “deep identification with his dead mother and submission to his overwhelming father . . . a classic Oedipal situation”—the offspring hoping to kill off the parent. (Hyman, The Tangled Bank,40.)

  *38 Wolpoff and Caspari, Race and Human, 17.

  †39 The Swaartkrans site, famous for its robust Au, gave up a different type that coexisted with H. robustus: SK 847, with a short, narrow face, delicate curved cheekbones, mandible not massive, more Homo than any Au.

  ‡40 See Lubenow, Bones of Contention, chart on pp. 352–53, which lists eighteen H. habilis sites contemporary with H. erectus ones.

  *41 Neanderthal use of hearths, burials, and pigments suggests the lower was improved culturally by the higher breed.

  *42 The only pure races on Earth—Ihin and Asu—are long extinct.

  *43 Von Daniken, In Search of Ancient, 178.

  †44 Oahspe red-haired giants: see Book of Wars, chap. 28 and XLV:20; “land of Giants”: this was China in the time of Abraham.

  ‡45 Weidenreich, Apes, Giants, and Man, 29.

  §46 Kolosimo, Timeless Earth, 24–27; Norman, Gods and Devils, 135.

  ¶47 Kolosimo, Timeless Earth, 24–27; Near St. Romans, see Norman, Gods and Devils, 129.

  \48 Wilkins, South America, 194.

  **49 Weidenreich, Apes, Giants, and Man, 61; von Koenigswald’s giant Java man, Meganthropus at Trinil,1939–1941, from a skull; lower jaw was massive; more recently Solo Man was also enormous.

  *50 Oahspe, Book of Wars 21:1 and 21:4.

  †51 Kolosimo, Timeless Earth, 24–27.

  ‡52 Norman, Gods and Devils, 134.

  §53 Kolosimo, Timeless Earth, 24–27.

  ¶54 Childress, Lost Cities of North and Central America, 453–54.

  \55 The Dakota Indians had a sacred place called the Mountain of the Little People or Spirit Mound. Ella E. Clark, in Indian Legends of the Northern Rockies, recorded this tradition: “our forefathers claim the little people lived there . . . the Elders say there were a small people, like eight-year-olds,” living in the rocks near the Yellowstone; Deloria, Red Earth, White Lies, 156: Deloria heard from the elders that the Indians were once much larger and taller. They call them the Tall Ones.


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