Strong Hate (A Thin Line #1)

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Strong Hate (A Thin Line #1) Page 15

by R. D. Berg

  The first few days back to work were hard. Since I work nights, Lundyn and I are on opposite schedules. She likes to joke that I’m the vampire, because I’m the only one who comes out at night. I’ve adjusted my sleep pattern to where I wake up early enough to catch an early dinner with her, or just to hear her voice. It’s taken all of my willpower not to call in a few times this week and wrap Lundyn up in my arms all night instead.

  It’s been harder than I expected to see, Lundyn, though. Her mom is monopolizing the majority of her free time. It’s been hard on her, dealing with her mom. We’ve talked about that a lot this week, but in the end, it’s her mom and no matter how crazy she is, she needs her daughter. And even though I’d much rather spend time with Lundyn, I’m on my way to pick her, Harlow and Finn up and head out to the gun range. We’d promised, and now that I’m sure my life isn’t at stake, I’ll risk it.

  The grin on my face is hard to fight when I pull up to the curb at Harlow’s. I can’t remember ever feeling this crazy about a girl before. One by one, they pile out of the house and suddenly, the grin is falling off of my face like melted butter.

  Lundyn swings open the door to my truck, giving me a lopsided half-ass grin as if to say, ‘What can ya do?’ before she lifts her body into the truck. “Hey.” She’s cautious of my reaction.

  “Maverick! Thank you for allowing little ole me to tag along with you kids today. I just don’t want to be alone right now, you understand. Well, of course you do! You’re such a nice boy.” Mrs. B gives a full on teeth showing smile as she slams the truck door, sealing her in with us.

  I have to try a little harder for my grin to not be a grimace, but I manage, “It’s no problem, Mrs. B. Glad to have you.” Lundyn relaxes into the seat at my remark, and I see Harlow roll her eyes in my rearview mirror. I put the truck in drive. Once we’re on the road, I grab Lundyn’s hand, intertwining our fingers, it’ becoming one of my favorite habits.

  “Mrs. B, have you ever shot a gun before?” Finn questions and I can’t help but laugh at his stance. He’s tall and somehow, Harlow convinced him to ride bitch, so he’s in the middle between Mrs. B and Harlow. His legs are folded and scrunched, knees up to his throat.

  “I’ve been to the range a few times… with Lundyn’s dad. So, it was forever ago.”

  Lundyn squeezes my hand, so I decide to change the subject. “Harlow, are you excited to shoot your Glock, now that you have it back?”

  “Have it… back? Was it taken from you? Oh, shit, I knew one day this would happen… was it involved in an investigation?” Finn rambles.

  “Calm down Lunatic Lance.” Harlow slaps him on the shoulder, “I had some enhancements done,” she beams.

  “They better not have given you a silencer.” Finn covers his side before Harlow can elbow him in the ribs. “Hey! I’m just saying.”

  Once we check in at the front desk, sign a few waivers, get ammo and are assigned our booth, everyone is all smiles. It’s an indoor shooting range, so each person has what’s called a booth, and in front of each booth are paper targets. As officers, we come to this range often and knowing the protocol and rules, we fly through registration.

  “All right ladies, yes, even you, Maverick—listen up.” Finn clears his throat. “A few rules we follow here. Always aim the gun down range. Guns don’t change booths, you do. If you want to shoot a different gun, then switch with another shooter. No shooting from the hip or any other Snapchat worthy pose you’re thinking— Harlow,” he says pointedly, and she flips him off. “If someone calls, CEASE FIRE, unload your gun and lay it down, immediately. Have fun, kids.”

  Finn is a joker, but when it comes to firearms, safety overrules even the strongest personalities.

  “What the hell is that?” Finn scrunches up his nose.

  “I enhanced my gun,” Harlow beams as she sits her gun on the ledge in the booth.

  “That looks more like a damn accessory.” Finn face palms himself.

  “It’s so pretty! I love all the glitter.” Mrs. B ooh’s and ahh’s over Harlow’s new bling.

  “It’s to distract my target. You know, because it’s shiny.” Harlow slides her clip into the gun.

  Somewhere between signing in, the rules and this conversation, Lundyn and I have intertwined our hands again, she gives my hand a gentle squeeze, then looks up at me with appreciative eyes while the other three gawk over Harlow’s gun.

  “Thank you,” she says.

  Unhooking our hands, I wrap her up in my arms while placing a kiss on her forehead and respond, “Anytime, Blue.” A content sigh escapes her lips, and her body relaxes into me. “When can we spend some alone time together?” I whisper against her hair.

  “I’m not sure.” This time, her sigh is full of weight. “I can’t seem to get out of my mom’s sight.” I squeeze her tighter to me.

  “You both make such an adorable couple!” Mrs. B cheers. “I’m so happy you two have finally seen past all of your differences. I mean, my gosh, you two used to torture each other!” I can feel Lundyn’s body becoming tenser in my arms.

  “Yeah, but then Finn and I made it our mission to make them see what was right in front of them and—bam—they’re smitten now. You can thank us by making us Godparents one day.”

  “Now it makes sense!” Lundyn’s mom snaps. “Oh my gosh, my baby is pregnant! Well, I sure hope you plan on putting a ring on her finger and making her an honest woman, Maverick.” I hope there are not bugs flying around this range, because my mouth is wide open in shock as her mom rushes us and wraps around us in a bear hug.

  “You’re pregnant, Lundy?” Finn questions, confused while I struggle for words.

  Harlow playfully slaps him in the stomach. “No, you idiot!”

  “Mom.” I can finally hear Lundyn’s voice fading in. “Mom.” Mrs. B squeezes harder. “MOM!” Lundyn shouts and her mom releases us. “I’m not pregnant!”

  “Oh.” Mrs. B’s face falls instantly. “I guess I just assumed…”

  “Yeah, well, no. I’m not with child.” Lundyn straightens up her shirt from her mom’s assault-like hug.

  “So, he’s just your boyfriend, then. Not your baby daddy,” her mom tries to joke.

  Lundyn glances my way quickly. We haven’t put a label on us yet, but I damn sure don’t want her with anyone else, so I speak up. “Just the boyfriend,” I confirm and watch Lundyn’s smile slowly spread across her face as a nice shade of light pink starts spreading over her skin.

  “Finn, we’re like…the best matchmakers on this planet.” Harlow does a victory dance.

  Gazing down at Lundyn, I give her another quick kiss on the forehead and then say, “Y’all ready to shoot or stand around here talking about us?”

  “Let’s do this thing!” Harlow pulls out her phone, flipping it around so we can all see ourselves in her screen she says, “Welcome to the gun show!” as we all pump up our biceps.

  “Lundyn, your mom has got to go,” Harlow declares as she throws back the last of her vodka and cranberry. Mom has been staying with us for a month now, and we finally were able to get a dinner in with Maverick and Finn without my mom as a plus one. It’s the boy’s night off, so we decided to treat them to a catfish dinner at Lucille’s, the best catfish and hushpuppies in the south.

  I pop a hushpuppy into my mouth and squirt ketchup on my catfish. “Tell me something I don’t already know.” My nose flares with objection as the sweet, acrid smell of ketchup makes me feel sick to my stomach. If I caught this stomach bug from Mom, I am going to be pissed. “When she came in with teal highlights it kind of sent me over the edge.”

  Harlow snickers through her nose. “You should’ve seen your face when she walked in swinging her hair like she was in a shampoo commercial. I wish I had my phone out, because I would’ve snapped that shit.” The tiny smile disappears as soon as it appeared. “I swear Lundy, if I hear Beat It, one more time, I am going to smash her prized album and record player.” Her ice cubes jingle as she pushes them around with th
e straw.

  Maverick throws his arm over my shoulder. I snuggle into this familiar territory, relaxing against his bicep. The waitress sets his steaming catfish basket down. He dives for a piece of the crispy goodness, but it’s too hot for his fingers, so he throws it down back into his basket. “So how did you two manage to get out without her on your heels?”

  Harlow and I exchange quick glances, she vaguely shakes her head “no.” Unfortunately, this doesn’t go unnoticed by the ever observant Finn. “We plead the fifth.” Harlow quickly replies, refusing to make eye contact with him.

  “Oh no, you two weasels will not get out of this one so easily,” Maverick announces removing his arm from my shoulders. I try to use Harlow's eye averting trick, but it doesn’t work. Maverick has such a magnetic pull, my eyes are automatically drawn to his. He waggles his brows. “Blue, tell us what you did to your mom.”

  “You betta not Lundy, you betta not betray me,” Harlow harshly pleads. “She pleads the fifth big bro, you of all people should know what that means.”

  Her pleas fall on deaf ears, and Maverick amps up his investigative attempts. With a panty dropping side smile, he reaches under the table caressing my exposed thigh with the pad of his thumb. Just like clockwork, I freaking melt under his touch. “Baby, now tell your boo thang what you two did to your mom.”

  Finn spits out a french fry. “Dude, did you really say boo-thang?” He holds out his hand toward Maverick, pointing his index finger into his open palm. “Put your man card right here. It’s officially being confiscated.”

  I try and laugh at Finn’s joke, but the constant rubbing of my thigh and Maverick’s alluring stare is all I can focus on. He leans in, softly kissing me on the corner of my mouth. When his face is fully visible, he mouths the words “tell me.” Fuck I am done for.

  “Fine, okay,” I begin.

  “Lundy, you two-faced moose knuckle.” Harlow nearly screams across the small table.

  “Didn’t mom tell you not to talk with your mouth full, Lo?” Maverick asks.

  “Sure didn’t,” she quips with a mouthful of hushpuppy.

  “No wonder you’re single, you’re barbaric,” Maverick teases as his mouth curls up with disgust.

  Her face turns crimson red, and she flips Maverick off.

  “You two are impossible,” I tell them as I somehow am released from Maverick’s strong hold.

  “Anyhow, Harlow is actually a genius.”

  “How’s that?” Finn asks, suddenly regaining interest in the conversation again. After the cabin weekend a few weeks ago, he’s been acting kind of off around us. I tried to ask Maverick, but him being a guy he hasn’t noticed any change.

  I lean in, scooting my catfish basket to the side so I can rest my elbows on the table. This also allows me to put as much distance between me and the offensive ketchup. Harlow scoffs, knowing I am about to showcase her brilliant, devious ways. “She was feeling nauseous today, so we just gave her an extra dosage of Phenegren from her supply.” When they don’t respond, I continue. “You know, the medicine doctors prescribe for nausea, it’s like a sedative, now she’s sleeping like a baby.”

  I slap the table and double over in laughter. When I sit up, I scan the table for sure everyone else just erupted like I did. Finn just nods his head with this weird impressive smile. However, Harlow and Maverick’s faces are conflicted as their gazes dual against each other.

  “Harlow, tell me you didn’t?” he demands.

  “I plead the fucking fifth,” she declares.

  “What? No, Maverick it’s ok,” I tell him. “I’ve taken that before, and it’s harmless, wait we aren’t in trouble for distributing a narcotic?”

  “No it’s not ok, Lundy,” he states his piercing gaze at Lo unfaltering.

  I look between him and a squirming Harlow. “Damn, are we in trouble, Mav, are you going to rat us out?” I ask.

  “No, not that Lundy. I could care less about the Phenegren, it’s my sweet little sister here who needs to be locked up.” He finally disconnects their stare down and turns to me. “There’s a reason Harlow and I were always able to go to the field parties during High School.” His voice is shaky with anger, which makes me uneasy.

  “Yeah, you two had really cool parents,” I remind him. His gaze is fixated on Lo, and if looks could kill she would be D.E.A.D. “What the fuck guys?”

  “Tell her Lo,” Maverick demands. “Or I will,” his last statement holding promise.

  Okay, now I am getting annoyed. “Tell me what?”

  Harlow crosses her arms across her chest and huffs. “Maybe it wasn’t Phenegren I gave your mom,” she mumbles out.

  I look between the siblings, my forehead creasing in confusion. “Ok, what was it?”

  Harlow’s eyes roll to the ceiling before landing back on me. “Lundy, please, I just needed a break from her, I was dying,” she whines uncrossing her arms.

  My patience has quickly dissipated. “What the fuck did you do to my mom, Lo?” I shout.

  “I roofied her.” Her words rush out sounding like one syllable.

  Finn chuckles giving Harlow a congratulatory pat on the back. “That’s gangsta Strong… real gangsta.” She jerks her shoulder away, genuine rejection washes over Finn’s features. “Wait, where’d you get the roofies from?”

  “Irrelevant, Finn,” Harlow states without even looking his way.

  Anger boils through my veins until it whistles like a tea kettle. “What the ever loving fuck do you mean? Like roofie the date rape drug?” I hiss a little too loud. People in the restaurant turn toward our commotion. I am going to kill my best friend tonight, death by strangulation.

  Her face is scared and apologetic. “She’ll be fine Lundy, I promise, look at my parents.”

  “I don’t give a damn what you did to them. This is my mom, she might be a major pain in the ass, but she’s my pain in the ass.” Angry hot tears stream down my face in droves. What the hell, I don’t cry, like hardly ever. Calm the fuck down, Lundy. I’m so conflicted with emotions right now I don’t know whether to be mad or high-five my BFF for a recklessly brilliant idea. It was genius, but she could’ve killed my mom. How do I know she isn’t dead at home? This has disaster written all over it. And why am I kind of intrigued how she managed to pull this off.

  “Lundy, I’m sorry,” she pleads.

  My nose flares, not from anger but from attempting to not spew all over the table. A hard gurgle erupts in my stomach, and I place my hands over my mouth.

  “You all right babe, you look a little green,” Maverick asks.

  “I’m.” Inhale deeply. “Fine.” Exhale hard, don’t throw up, don’t throw up. “I just need to go home and check on my mom and make sure she’s not dead.” I throw the last comment at Harlow with a menacing glare. I almost want to call a timeout on myself, I am being dramatic as fuck.

  I reach in my purse, pull out some cash, tossing it onto the table.

  Maverick stands, placing a hand on the small of my back. I think I have settled my stomach until Finn applies a heaping amount of ketchup into his basket. My stomach lurches, causing me to gag. “Oh, fuck you Finn,” I yell out, before taking off to the bathroom, leaving my boyfriend, a drug pusher, and a ketchup whore at the table.

  “Fuck, I’m sick.” Lundyn tilts her head back and sighs in defeat once we pull onto the highway. “I thought if I drank enough vitamin C I’d be in the clear, but no. Life hates me.” Her voice sounds a little hoarse from vomiting back at the restaurant.

  “You don’t feel car sick or anything, do you?” I ask, with concern for her, not my truck.

  “No, no. Other than my throat being a little sore, I’m fine, for now. Gosh, if this is how my mom feels, I’m glad Harlow drugged her. This sucks.”

  “I’m sorry, babe. We’ll get you home, check on your mom and then I’ll run out and grab you all the necessities to stay in bed for the rest of the evening.” She sticks out her bottom lip in a pout at my statement. “What’s wrong with that?” I c
huckle at her cuteness.

  “I wanted to to spend some time with you, and now you’re going to quarantine me.”

  “Oh.” My fingers squeeze her knee, “I plan on cuddling up right beside you and giving you a little TLC.”

  Pink tinges her face, and for a minute I think she’s blushing at my compliment, but it’s only for a split second before she urges, “Stop the truck.” She grips the door handle with one hand and covers the other over her mouth.

  Checking the rearview mirror, I angle over to the side of the street. Luckily we’re on a two lane road, and the shoulder is readily available. Lundyn hops out of the truck and heaves up into the overgrown grass. I round the hood of the car as soon as I can and rub her back. I don’t know what else to do! I’m trying to comfort her the best I can.

  “Don’t rub my back!” she shouts between gags and I snap my hand away so fast, almost like I’ve touched fire. “It makes it worse.” Her voice is weak, and her eyes are watery.

  Hands on my hips and mind racing on ways to help her, I see Finn and Harlow pull up behind us. My little sister rushes from his vehicle and is beside Lundyn before I can blink again.

  “Here.” Harlow is out of breath as she hands her what looks to be a tablet of some sort from her purse.

  “Oh, yeah right, Lo—get out of here with that shit.” Lundyn uses her hands to wave her off.

  “It’ll help with the vomiting,” she urges.

  “Yeah, that’s just what you told my mom, too.”

  “Sheesh, what all do you have in that purse?” Finn tries to peer into her bag.

  “You’re not on duty. I don’t have to explain myself to you,” Harlow snaps it closed. She has seemed a bit off all night when it comes to Finn. Wonder what’s up with that…

  “Okay,” Lundyn stands straight. “I feel better. Let’s go.”


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