Strong Hate (A Thin Line #1)

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Strong Hate (A Thin Line #1) Page 16

by R. D. Berg

“You sure?” I ask.

  “Yeah, if I get sick again I hope it’s at home so I don’t have an audience while I hurl.”

  “Fair enough, let's get you home.” I open the truck door for her to step up inside while Harlow looks at her best friend with sadness and then follows Finn back to his truck.

  Lundyn jumps from the truck as soon as it’s in park and rushes into the house with me hot on her heels.

  “Mom?” She shouts and then we both come to a halt in the doorway causing me to grip her shoulders to keep from knocking Lundyn over.

  “Hi, hun! I’m Facetiming Jim— see!” She turns her iPhone around and Jim waves.

  “Hey, Jim,” Lundyn seems dumbfounded. “Um, how’re you feeling mom?”

  “I took a little cat nap, and now I feel much better. Must have just been a twenty-four-hour bug, thank goodness. Then Jim called, and we’ve been talking things out.”

  “That’s... good…” Lundyn is hesitant with her statement.

  “It’s great, Lundyn!” Jim’s voice comes over the line. “I’m trying to talk your mom into coming home, but she’s worried about leaving you.” She cautiously sits down on the couch beside her mom with a plastered smile on her face, and I take a seat in the chair opposite.

  “I’ll be fine mom,” she declares.

  “Oh, honey, it’s not just that. I worry about you living here without a decent job, a place to call your own. I just want what’s best for you. Plus, we’ve gotten so use to being around each other over the last few weeks and now, that I’ve been here…” Mrs. B’s eyes begin to water just as Harlow and Finn walk in the door. They stop in their tracks when they see us all in the living room and the fact that Mrs. B is, you know, not dead or overdosing.

  “What’s going on?” Harlow eyes Lundyn with concern and then switches her view to Mrs. B.

  “Mom’s feeling better,” Lundyn quips.

  “Why’re you blinking so much, Harlow?” Mrs. B seems worried.

  “You’re up?” and then since she’s standing over me, I hear her mumble, “Damn, that dose coulda taken down T-rex.” My eyes go wide at her under-the-breath admission.

  “Thank you for the medicine, Harlow. I really think it’s what helped me over the hump.” Mrs. B none-the-wiser of Harlow’s intent, smiles then turns back to Jim. “Let me call you in a bit, lover.”

  “Talk soon, baby. I love you.” Jim coos over the phone before Lundyn’s mom sets the phone down and turns toward her.

  “You should consider moving back with me, Lundyn.” Her mom grabs her hands.

  Wait. What? My breath hitches as I anxiously await Lundyn’s answer.

  “Mom, I live here.”

  That a girl.

  Mrs. B, blinks a few times, absorbing what Lundyn just said. “For now, but you need to think long-term, sweetie.”

  “Lundy, you’re welcome to live here the rest of your life,” Harlow expresses, and I’m thankful. The last thing I want is Lundyn moving away from me when we’ve finally reached this new place we’re in.

  Lundyn is sweating more now than before, and her face is a light shade of red, I’m not sure if she’s mad or about to puke again, until she says, “I can’t deal with this right now.” And runs out of the room.

  Mrs. B splays a hand across her chest, looking at us perplexed. “Was it something I said?” She shakes her head dismayed.

  “Of course not, I think she’s caught the bug you had.” I stand, thrusting my hands in my pocket to retrieve my keys. “I’m going to run to the store and grab a few things, will you let Lundyn know? I’ll be back soon.” I leave before I say something I’ll regret to her mom.

  The whole time I’m at the store gathering anything and everything I can think of to help Lundyn feel better, I can’t help but be fucking livid. Her mom just walks in disrupting her life with the chaos that is her life, and then when she irons things out, she wants to have her daughter run off with her?

  No. Fucking. Way.

  Lundyn and I spent way too long hating each other, we have time to make up for. When I reach the self-checkout register, I take stock of my supplies. Chicken noodle soup, tissues, Gatorade, water, vitamin C packets, a soft fuzzy blanket, a pair of comfy looking sleep pants, a t-shirt that says ‘I just want to hang with my cat.’ —that one’s for me. I throw in some random candy from the checkout line, pay and get out of there and back to my sick girlfriend

  Ever since Mom has made up with Jim, she’s been a lot happier and easier to be around. No more midnight, mid-morning, or mid-afternoon Beat It song sessions. She’s even returned her hair back to her natural sandy brown color. Consequently, Harlow has been a bit more tolerant of her, probably because she just announced this morning that she’s leaving to go back to California tomorrow.

  “What’s wrong Mom?” Although her mood has improved, her spirit has been a little down during our lunch date. I’m finally feeling better after that horrible stomach bug I contracted from her, just a tinge of nausea lingers from time to time.

  She absentmindedly plays with her pearl necklace as she forces a smile. “Nothing sweetie, it’s just I am so happy to be going home, but I’m sad to be leaving you,” she admits with a sigh.

  I finish chewing my bite of salad and set my fork down. “Mom, I promise you I am going to be fine. It’s not like I am homeless and jobless.”

  This does nothing to convince her as she sighs again. “I know, but Lundyn you are too smart and worked too hard to become a receptionist at a salon.” I know she’s stating the obvious, but in no way, shape, or form do I want to leave Lansing or Maverick.

  “Mom, I know and believe me when I say I have thought about working for the magazine Jim works for.”

  “So why don’t you? There are so many opportunities there, you can stay with us until you get settled and build a nice nest egg, then fly out on your own.”

  “Mom, I’m not a baby bird that you have to protect and push out of the nest,” I laugh trying to make light of the situation.

  “No, you could never be pushed into anything, could you?” She smiles, and I am reminded just how much we look alike and how beautiful she is. Only contrast are the tiny nets that frame her eyes when she smiles. “Guess you are more like me than you think, Lundy.”

  This statement scares me and warms me at the same time. Believe it or not, my mom is a strong woman. She raised me by herself when my dad decided that fatherhood wasn’t for him. We didn’t have a lot, but she did the best she could with what she had. I never went hungry, always had clothes on my back, and always felt her intense love that only a mother could give to her daughter. She was always the “fun mom,” all the kids always wanted to hang out at our house. Aside from my stripper-laden going away party last year, the parties she threw for me were always the best. Her only downfall was having an innate ability to choose the wrong men. Three husbands later, though, I honestly believe she’s gotten it right with Jim.

  “I love you, Mom.”

  She’s surprised by my admission because I usually only tell her this over the phone. “Oh sweetie, I love you, too,” she coos. Tears glisten her round shaped hazel eyes, and it isn’t long before they break their confines to trickle down her face. I have to swallow down the huge knot that forms in my throat and throw out a subject change. This is getting too serious.

  “Mom, what happened in Vegas with you and Jim?” She never actually told us what sent her packing back to Texas a month ago.

  “Now Lundyn, don’t you know, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?” she says with a sly smile.

  I damn near choke on my tea. “Really, Mom?”

  She shrugs me off finally taking a bite of her soup, which I suspect is probably cold by now. Her mouth crinkles in the corners, and she pushes the bowl away, validating my suspicion about the soup. “Just do me a favor.”

  “Depends,” I say.

  “At least talk to Jim about the opportunity will you?” Her eyes are soft and sincere, and there is no way I will tell her no.

  I reach across the table, giving her hand a reassuring pat. “Sure mom, I can do that.”

  She claps her hands together. “Oh yes, he’s expecting your call tonight,” she squeaks out.

  Our house is abuzz as Maverick, Finn, Mom, Harlow, and me bustle about cleaning up after dinner and helping my mom pack. Finn and Maverick have the night off, so we decided to cook out, and get this… listen to the best of Michael Jackson with my mom all night to say goodbye. Maverick and Finn have face planted into the carpet twice already attempting to copycat Michael Jackson’s dance move in Smooth Criminal, the one where he leans forward and doesn’t fall.

  “Hey Lundy,” my mom calls from the kitchen.

  I’m seated on the couch in my comfy University of Texas hoodie, and matching cotton shorts, snuggled into my favorite spot, Maverick. I never thought I would see the day where his presence actually brought me peace and calm, and not a ferocious tide of anger.

  “Yeah,” I call back.

  She appears in the doorway that leads into the kitchen, wiping her hands on jeans. “Can I talk to you for a moment?” She doesn’t wait for me to answer before disappearing back into the kitchen.

  “Uh, oh. Someone’s in trouble,” Finn teases when I walk past him.

  “Shut up, Finn,” I sing, then stick out my tongue. My ass is slapped as I get up followed by a cat call. “Oh baby, look at those elbows,” Maverick jokes. Ever since our lover-vention we have all teased Finn about the comment he made about my elbows in his letter, along with other touchy subjects such as Viagra.

  “Uncool man,” Finn states, his face glowing from embarrassment.

  I follow my mom to my room where she thrust her phone in my hand. There’s no one on it, so I look to her perplexed.

  “Remember, you said you would talk to Jim,” she reminds me.

  I act like a lightbulb went off, but I was really hoping she had forgotten. “Oh, yeah, sure.”

  When I don’t move she thrust her hands my way. “Well, you gonna call him?”

  “Yeah, yeah, is he listed under Jim?” I say unlocking the phone.

  “No, he’s listed under King Kong Dong,” she says nonchalantly. My fingers fumble and I damn near drop the phone as I dart my eyes to hers, confirming that she has to be kidding.

  She dismissively waves off my silent inquiry. “Oh, Lundyn, us old folks can have pet names too.”

  “No judgment here mom,” I reply holding back a gag, while I press King Kong Dong’s phone number.

  He picks up after a few rings. “Hey King— I mean, damn. Hey, Jim,” I sing into the phone. Mom snickers as she exits the room leaving my door slightly ajar.

  We talk for about twenty minutes, just catching up at first and then about the awesome magazine opportunity. He explains to me that I would be responsible for writing articles for their online portion of the magazine. The magazine is taking a new direction and wants to hone in on their younger audiences. He says the advancement opportunities are plentiful, due to this being a newly formed division. By the end of the call, I knew I was going to be dead set in my decision on not going. Instead, I am left conflicted.

  A soft knock sounds at the door, as my mom enters. “Hey, how’d it go?”

  “Gosh, mom, it sounds almost too good to be true,” I beam. “I mean it’s everything that I envisioned myself doing all through college, and here it is right here in my lap, and I am torn.” I plop down in defeat onto the foot of my bed.

  Her petite frame sits down softly beside me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. “Lundy, just take some time to think about it. I mean honestly, what is holding you back?” I go to answer, but she puts a finger to her mouth. “No, I want you to really take some time to think about it, okay?” She gives me a reassuring squeeze before standing. “I am going to bed. I have an early flight tomorrow.”

  I stand and hug her, allowing myself to feel like a kid again who’s never letting go of their mom. She kisses me on the cheek, before grabbing her phone. She pulls the door open and startles, placing a hand on her chest. “Maverick, Jesus, you scared me,” she pants out.

  “Sorry, Mrs. B. I was just coming to check on Lundy,” he smiles at her, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. Now that I think about it, his entire demeanor is off.

  “Here, give me a hug Mav, this old bat has to get her beauty sleep.” They exchange a quick hug, and Mom exits the room.

  Once the door closes, Maverick turns to me with hurt written all over his face. “So, I am not a good enough reason for you to stay here?”

  My heartbeat seems to slow to the point that I’m afraid it may stop, between my question and her answer. Time seems to freeze with me in the doorway looking at the girl I—woah - looking at Lundyn—who brings a shaky hand up to move a piece of her hair off of her forehead.

  When she speaks, her voice quakes. “Maverick, no— I mean, yes.” She reaches out, fingers gripping my forearms that are crossed over my chest, a pained stare into my soul. “Of course you are. I just had a lot of information thrown at me by Jim—”

  I cut in, “Jim? When did you talk to Jim?”

  “Right before my mom came back in the room. He’s offered me a job with his magazine again. But this time, it’s exactly what I went to college for.” Her voice rises more from her excitement of the job prospect. She’s still holding onto my arms. “Maverick, I just… I need to think about this.” My eyes are cast down, so she tilts her head up and sideways to gain my eye contact. “I’d be stupid just to pass on it so suddenly.” Her voice soft and gentle; persuasive.

  “So suddenly?” I’m incredulous, as my chest tightens, and stomach clenches. “Have you not been telling me all week that you’re staying here, as in Lansing, no matter what? I’m just a little confused here, Lundyn.” Disbelief, disappointed and now, I’m angry at her - the last thing I wanted. “Can you help me out here?” I drop my arms which releases her grip while my muscles tense.

  “This specific offer is sudden, Mav.” She clears her throat. “It’s everything I went to school for, exactly what I want to do with my life. I have to at least consider it…” Lundyn bites her lip and darts her eyes away from me for a split-second before returning them, as if she’s unsure of what’s coming out of her mouth.

  I know I sure as hell can’t believe it.

  “Well, I for sure don’t want to be the one to hold you back in this town.” A sigh of defeat leaves my lungs, and maybe a little piece of my heart too. “If this opportunity is exactly what you want out of life, you should go for it.” Even with the strong feelings I’m beginning to have for her, I still never want to hold her back from her dreams. If I did, I wouldn’t really care enough for her.

  “I’m not saying I’ll take it.” Her arms slide between mine and wraps around my waist, her head dipped back, eyes searching mine for patience.

  “You’re not saying you’re not.” My hands rub up and down over her upper arms.

  “Just give me some time to think.” She reaches up on her tiptoes to peck a kiss on my lips.

  Reluctantly, I nod my head while my heart screams at me to make her promise to never leave, “Okay, Blue.” Bending down, my lips touch hers briefly, but she refuses to accept that as enough.

  Her small hands cup the sides of my face, pulling me down to her mouth before she swipes her tongue over mine. When they tangle, she sighs with relief at my gentle caress. Time seems to stop all around us, as the noise from the rest of the house fades into nothingness. Nothing, but us, exists at this moment.

  Redirecting her hands to hold around my neck, my own find her waist and hoist her up, she takes the cue and wraps those toned legs of hers around me. My fingers knead into her ass while she murmurs, “Was that our first fight as a couple?” between kisses.

  “Yeah.” When I say it, I grind into her core. “It’s time to make-up, Blue.” We haven’t had a chance to be alone since the cabin.

  She moans into my mouth, “Fuck. I need you.” Her skin is flush while she begins rubbing her chest into me.

  Reaching behind me, I lock her bedroom door and turn my head back around just in time for her to have her hoodie clearing over her head and tossed to the floor. I can’t stand to waste time unhooking her bra, so I push it down, her breast spilling out over the top. The second my mouth circles her nipple she lets out a low, needy moan that communicates straight with my cock and it then sends signals to my other hand, which caresses her other breast — because I’m no longer thinking clearly with my brain.

  “Yes.” Lundyn tries to keep her voice quiet as her fingers wreak havoc on my hair. “Damn, this feels so fucking good.” I smile against her soft skin before flicking my tongue and biting down on her nipple.

  “Fuck.” She tosses her head back, “Yes.”

  Removing one hand from her, I pull my shirt off by the collar a second before my knees hit the bed. I crawl over her while she kisses my chest and her dexterous fingers work at the button of my jeans before pulling them over my hips and doing the same with hers. We’re both upset with the choice she has to make, frustrated with the need we have for each other and at this moment, both of those collide and we can’t connect fast enough.

  Leaning up with one arm, my other hand pulls down my briefs freeing my aching cock, and once Lundyn’s eyes skim downward, she whimpers, “Oh, yes.”

  Swiping her panties over to the side, I line up to her center before thrusting inside of her in one swift punch. She grips both of my shoulders, sinking her teeth into one on a moan. “You feel so fucking good, Blue. Like you were made for me, can’t you feel that?” My voice rough as I whisper beside her ear, her hair tangling in my mouth, and our movements become urgent. Maybe, I’m trying to fuck some sense into her?

  “Perfectly.” She arches her back off the bed with a moan. This is our second time having sex, but I don’t remember her being this vocal before - but fuck, it’s hot.

  Lundyn’s eyes open to find mine aimed right at her and when they lock - I know. I fucking know that I love this girl. I can’t tell her this way, or now even. She’ll think it’s a tactic to get her to stay. My heart burns at my new found knowledge.


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