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Strong Hate (A Thin Line #1)

Page 17

by R. D. Berg

  “Hey,” Lundyn coos up to me cupping my cheek, our pace much slower now. “where’d you go?”

  I nuzzle into her hand. “Nowhere, baby. I’m right here, where I’ll always be.” Her eyes tear up a bit, but none fall while my lips press against hers, and I inhale her scent as her fingers pull tightly at the nape of my neck.

  I pump in and out of her, slow and steady at first… building. Then our speed begins to quicken, and her breaths are coming faster, as are mine. I won’t be able to hold out much longer. Sliding my hand between us, my fingers find her clit and twirl around and around until she gasps, a shallow scream leaving her lips and her pussy squeezing the fuck out of my cock; I fall over the edge with her.

  Propped up on my arms, I cradle her face and place soft kisses onto her lips, over and over wishing I could confess what they mean. She follows my lead, and we lie there, with me still inside of her in complete bliss. Until the doorknob jiggles and doesn’t budge.

  “Lundy? Open the door. Your mom just told us you’re moving back home with her!” Harlow pounds on the door, causing it to rattle. “You have some major explaining to do.”

  I cock my brow at Lundyn and then kiss her one more time, before sliding out of her, she winces, like it physically hurts her to separate from me. Good. Maybe she won’t leave then. I know I’m selfish, but with her, I can’t help it.

  “Um. Hang on!” Lundyn shuffles off of the bed gathering her clothes and looking at me every few seconds while I dress. “Harlow sure does always have perfect timing,” she mumbles.

  When she opens the door, Harlow is standing there with her arms spread wide on the door frame. “Oh, Lucy. You got some splainin’ to do. Uh, Lundyn, did you forget to throw your shirt on?”

  “Shit.” She huffs and then rushes to grab it and toss it on over her head. “Like you’ve never seen boobs before.”

  “You should be saying, ‘like I’ve never seen hickeys before.’ Maverick, you’re an animal! Now, go, I need to talk to my best friend because obviously, she’s lacking common sense. If I have to drug your ass, I will, Lundyn. Don’t tempt me.” Harlow taps her foot and looks pointedly at Lundyn.

  “We’ll talk later?” Lundyn shuffles her feet and looks down at her question.

  I knew I shoulda been a probation officer – Harlow, one day you’re going to need one.” She sticks her tongue out at me before I return my gaze to Lundyn, “You know how to reach me.” I kiss her temple and then nod at Harlow, before walking out into the house to find Finn leaving as well.

  “She leaving?” The wind picks up his questions and dances it through the air.

  “Probably.” I shrug it off like men are supposed to do with feelings.

  “You care?” he asks.

  “Too damn much.” My best friend nods and then climbs in his truck, before rolling down the window and asking, “Wanna go to The Brew Crew for a few beers?”

  “That sounds like just what I need. Meet you there.” Then he drives off, and I jump in my truck and follow his taillights.

  How am I supposed to make reasonable life altering decisions if my boyfriend continues being just short of perfect? Every day for the past three days seems like they were plotted straight from an over the top romance novel. Don’t get me wrong, I thought with me fumbling with the idea of moving to California would surely put a rift between us. It’s been the complete opposite. He has come by the salon every day to bring me lunch, and after his shift, he has come over to eat breakfast with me before he goes home and passes out. Oh, and did I forget to mention the toe curling morning sex? I can’t explain it, it just feels so much better with Maverick, like he was the winning prize, and everyone else was just consolation trinkets. Now you see why my decision-making skills have been tampered with?

  “What are you guys up to tonight?” Harlow asks, throwing random things in the grocery cart. When she turns her back, I take them out. Unlike her brother, she’s been a tiny bit on the bitchy side since she found out I might be leaving.

  I skip along to my own beat. “I’m going to cook for Maverick, his favorite— spaghetti.”

  Harlow’s face scowls. “Since when did that become his favorite?” She picks up a package of tofu and chucks it into the cart. I pick it up and hold it mid-air, halting my steps. When she notices I am not walking behind she twists around. “What?”

  “Lo, nothing about you says To or Fu, so why are you buying this?”

  She sighs and shrugs her shoulders. “Maybe I’m going vegetarian Judge Judy.”

  I turn to the grocery refrigerated section and replace it. “Or maybe you’re full of shit.”

  “Hmmphh,” she says and starts walking again. Her unwarranted bitchiness is really starting to scratch on my nerves.

  “Lo,” I call after her as she rounds the corner to the noodle aisle. I speed up, cursing under my breath for choosing a cart with a wobbly wheel. “LO!”

  “What Lundy?” she exclaims.

  “Why are you being such a bitch?”

  She aggressively grabs two boxes of spaghetti noodles and chunks them into the cart. Since I actually need those for tonight, I don’t bother removing them. Her venomous gaze shoots up to mine, and I damn near shrink into my own skin.

  “Maybe because my so called best friend is moving to California without a single thought about her boyfriend or friends.”

  “What are you talking about? I haven’t made a decision yet.”

  Her eyes roll to the top of her head, and she crosses her hands over her chest. “So you’re just going to lie to my face.” Her voice falters.

  “About what?”

  “You’ve already booked a ticket to California, I saw your confirmation email two days ago when I was using your laptop.” Her bottom lip quivers and now I feel like the biggest bitch on aisle seven.

  I take my bottom lip between my teeth, quickly trying to sort out how I am going to explain this to her. “Lo, it’s not what you think.”

  “Then please explain to me. I am all for you chasing your dreams, but I am not up for you breaking my brother’s heart. Again.”

  This statement nearly knocks me backward. I grab the handle to anchor me down. “What do you mean, again?” The words leaving my mouth are in slow motion.

  “Lundy, sometimes I think you are so dense.” I flinch at her words. “He went after you when you left for Virginia. He went after you, and when he knew you were already gone, it broke him to the point of where he put up this wall against you. That’s why he was such a dick to you when you returned, but now you see he’s the complete opposite of the jerk he portrayed himself as. And all you’re going to do is break his heart all over again and leave me here to pick up the pieces.” She doesn’t wait for me to reply before turning and storming off. Leaving me stunned and speechless in aisle seven.

  “This smells delicious,” Maverick says nuzzling his nose into my neck. “And so do you.” He places a small kiss on my shoulder, leaving a trail of goosebumps.

  “You want a sample?” I ask as I stir the homemade spaghetti sauce.

  His hands grip my hips from behind. “A sample of you?” His breath tickling the hairs on the back of my neck. “Thought I just had a heaping sample of you a few minutes ago.” He jokes, while his curious fingers begin to explore underneath the hem of my t-shirt.

  With as much willpower as I can muster, I scoot him away with my butt. “No silly, a sample of the sauce, it’s my grandma’s recipe.” I hold out the wooden spoon with just a morsel of sauce on the tip. His shoulders drop in defeat, and his bottom lip pouts out making him deliciously adorable. I purse my lips, blowing on the hot liquid to cool it off.

  “Fine, but I’m fucking having you for dessert,” he states matter-of-factly, before tasting the sauce. He licks his lips and moans from the savory taste of the sauce. I stand on my tiptoes and give him a little peck on the cheek.

  “I’m the only thing on the dessert menu tonight.” I flirtatiously tease before winking and turning back around, making sure my t-s
hirts raises just enough to show him a hint of my butt.

  We eat and chat a bit about a few calls he had to take last night. I have made sure to keep everything as upbeat as possible before I tell him about my decision. We clear the table together, and once the last dish has been loaded into the dishwater, I decide to drop the bomb on him.

  “Hey, Mav. Can I talk to you for a sec?” I ask wiping at a nonexistent spot on the counter.

  “Sure babe, what’s up?” I look up and marvel at him, his soft hazel eyes dancing with anticipation as he strides over to me. Since our little appetizer sex earlier, he’s only been wearing a pair of loose sweatpants and no shirt. My core tenses with want at the sight of his chiseled tan chest. But I have to ignore it, so I hop up on the counter, the granite cool to my exposed thighs. When he reaches me he settles himself in between my legs, I reach out to cinch my hands right behind his neck.

  Fuck, this is going to go bad I know, and I almost want to forget the entire thing. Deep down, though, I know I have to at least explore this option.

  He eyes me warily. “Lundy? Everything ok?”

  “Yes, well, no, well, it’s actually a little complicated.”

  His breaths stills, and his jaw clenches. “What is it?” He grits out.

  Because I’m a coward, I close my eyes to deliver the blow. “I am going to California Friday morning.” I chance a peek, hesitantly opening one eye, and I instantly regret that decision.

  Rejection and disappointment join hands and skip all over his features. “To stay?” he asks quietly.

  “To finally make a decision in my life that isn’t reckless Mav.” He winces at my words, and I immediately want to issue a recall.

  He shakes his head, putting some distance between us. “Damn, Lundy, and here I am thinking we had a good thing going. Go off then, babe, chase your dreams in Cali, hope you don’t make any more reckless decisions once you’re there.”

  I hop down from the counter. “Mav, wait, it’s not like that if you would just let me explain,” I plead. A heart clutching fear ripples through me, as the conversation takes a sudden nosedive.

  He thrust his hands through his hair. “Explain what? You’ve already told me what you’re doing. Nothing I am going to say or apparently do is going to convince you to stay. So do me a favor Lundy, save your explanation.” His eyes glow with indignation.

  I take a cautious step toward him. “Maverick, I’m not leaving until I explain why I’m going.” My eyes blink rapidly attempting to keep my tears at bay.

  He’s pensive for a moment, and I watch as his chest heaves up and down. We’ve reached some sort of stalemate, neither of us brave enough to make a move. “Maverick, say something,” I impatiently urge, my voice shaky with emotion.

  “Put on some shorts,” he says with an eerie amount of resolve, before turning and walking down his hallway. Okay, this is seriously getting weird, and I damn near have emotional whiplash.

  A sob escapes me as I stand there staring at the hallway where he disappeared. I knew this was not going to be easy, but I at least thought he would let me explain myself, and why the fuck am I crying? Maybe because I actually love him. I go and yank my overnight bag from the couch, pulling out a pair of shorts and angrily throwing them on, before sliding into my flip flops. Well, if he wants to be an asshole about the situation he can just sit here and stew in his pity party alone. I grab my phone ready to gripe to Lo, then remember that she’s pissy with me too. Ugh, this sucks great big donkey balls. I angrily wipe away the hot tears that have stained my cheeks with the back of my hand.

  “You’re not going to Cali, Blue.” Mav’s deep vibrato announces behind me.

  I swivel around, my mouth hanging open in disbelief, as he makes his way to me. “Mav… I,” my words are stolen as I’m hoisted in the air and thrown over his shoulder. “Hey! What are you doing?” I squeal.

  My head bobs and I squirm trying to free myself as he carries me across the room. “Seriously, what the …”

  He picks up his keys and takes us to the door, swinging it open allowing the cool fall breeze to dance across my face. “Making sure that your ass doesn’t leave,” he growls.

  Lundyn sits in the passenger seat of my truck; fidgeting, pissed and possibly a little turned on. “Mav, I wish you would just listen to me!” She’s sitting up on her knees with her hands rubbing away anxiously at her thighs that are showing too much in those short shorts she tossed on. I threw on a shirt and some tennis shoes, but other than that, I’m still in loungewear.

  “Sit down right in that seat and put your seatbelt on.” My fingers quickly type a text to set my plan in motion, and then I text Harlow that plan B has been initiated, since the plan of her icing Lundyn out didn’t work.

  The minute Harlow found that ticket to Cali, she called me in hysterics. More worried about me and my heart than her own, but with a calm voice, I explained to her that Lundyn wouldn’t leave. She couldn’t. Harlow then issued Plan A, her faith in me lacking.

  “Where’re we going?” Mile marker 156, 157, 158 - my eyes stay focused on the road before I inch them over just enough to turn the radio up. “Fine! Act like a child!” Lundyn shouts over the tunes.

  I turn down the dial. “I’m the child here? You’re the one who's acting like a damn teenager again.”

  “How the hell can you say that?” To prove my point, she crosses her arms and pouts.

  “Irrational decision making. You don’t get all the information before jumping into a job that will take you a twenty-four-hour drive away from me.”

  “Mav…” Her voice softens and when we slow, she looks around at her surroundings. Her mouth drops open in surprise. “You’re …. Arresting me?” My door slams.

  “You’re mentally unstable.” I snap when I pull open her door, unhook her seatbelt, and toss her over my shoulder.

  “And this is adultnapping!” Her little fists bang into my back.

  “Officer Strong.” My Captain smiles when I walk past him with a woman slung over my shoulder. “This the crazy person you were telling me about?” he jokes, but Lundy doesn’t know that.

  “Help! He’s the insane one! I’m being adultnapped!”

  “There’s no such thing, ma'am. Wow, you got your work cut out for you. Why are you wearing a shirt that says, ‘I just want to hang with my cat?’ I didn’t take you for a cat person.” Shaking his head, he walks away amused. I’d texted him on the way in letting him know I need the holding cell to show my girlfriend the light.

  “Have you brainwashed everyone?”

  “Nope. They just agree with me.” That earns me humpfh.

  We have a smaller holding cell in the station that we use for more sensitive cases, such as celebs or government officials, but today it’s for her. When I open the cage and plant her on her feet, she looks around and before she can land those fired up blue eyes on me, I’ve locked her inside.

  “Maverick!” Lundyns hands clasp desperately at the bars that surround her. “Let me out of here! You really are insane.”

  “Talk,” I blurt, out of patience.

  “What?” she's confused.

  “Talk,” I repeat. “Tell me your plan.”

  “Um… uh…can you let me out?” she says shyly.

  “No.” My tone is final.

  “Maverick Fuckface Strong, let me out of here! This is false imprisonment!” She's stomping around and pulling at her hair. In my defense, she looks like a crazy person.

  “I’m listening,” I sing song.

  “You’re serious.” I'd laugh at her statement, if I wasn't serious.

  “About you—very.” Her mouth drops open in shock.

  “This is absolutely the craziest thing you’ve ever done to me, but fine - I’m an easy person to make crack under pressure. I booked a flight to go to Cali to talk them into allowing me to work freelance, from here. Home. Now, let me out of here!” She stomps her foot.


  “Nah. What the fuck does, ‘nah’ mean, Mav?”
I stay silent and I swear I can hear her teeth grinding. “Please let me out of here. I’m not a criminal.”

  “Ah, but you are, Blue.” She’s stolen my heart without permission. “You’re not going to Cali.”

  She sighs. “You keep saying that, but it doesn’t make it true. I told you, I’m going to see about working from here. It’s all online. There’s no reason they wouldn’t let me.”

  “Then why can’t you just call Jim and talk to him about this over the phone. Why, do you need to go to Cali to do it?”

  She looks down at her foot. “Because…” Then she looks up at me with wavering eyes, “I don’t know. Why won’t you let me go?”

  “Because…” I run a hand through my hair. “I love you too much to risk the chance of losing you. Again. I didn’t stop you from leaving before, but I will now.”

  She inhales a breath and then grips the bars so tight her knuckles turn white, “Say that again.” Her voice is weighted with emotion.

  “I love you, Blue. I fucking love you.” I rush to the bars, gripping them.

  “Let me out of here.” She protests and I narrow my eyes on her as if to say, yeah right. “Please.” Her voice is a desperate cry. “I need to be wrapped in your arms when you say that again, not a jail cell.”

  Valid point.

  I reluctantly open the cell. The click of the lock reverberates off the bare walls.

  That sound represents so much more than letting her out of the cage. It’s allowing her into my soul.

  “I love you,” he breathes out as I rush him, throwing myself into the soft confines of his arms. My cheek is pressed to his chest and I feel as if I have entered a different realm. One where it is just Maverick and me, and we’re swirling into some sort of star filled galaxy. A tingling starts at my toes and frantically travels up my legs as those three little words that hold so much weight settle in. He loves me. He kisses the top of my head, and I feel the vibration of his laugh, my laugh joins his, and I remember how much I love our laughs together. He loves me.


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