Book Crush: For Kids and Teens - Recommended Reading for Every Mood, Moment and Interest
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On My Way
On the Banks of Plum Creek
On the Bright Side I’m Now the Girlfriend of a Sex God
On the Devil’s Court
On the Wing
Ooh-la-la (Max in Love)
Opal Deception, The
Open Ice
Opie, Iona
Oppel, Kenneth
Oracle Betrayed, The
Orange Fairy Book, The
Ordinary Jack
Ordinary Miracles
Orlando the Marmalade Cat: A Camping Holiday
Ormerod, Jan
Ornament Tree, The
Ortiz, Alfonso
Orville: A Dog Story
Osborne, Mary Pope
Other Side, The
Other Side of Green Hills, The
Other Side of Truth, The
Our Eleanor
Our Only May Amelia
Outbreak: Plagues That Changed History
Out of the Ordinary
Over in the Meadow
Over Sea, Under Stone
Owen & Mzee
Owl in Love
Owls in the Family
Oxenbury, Helen
Pagan in Exile
Pagan’s Crusade
Pagan’s Scribe
Pagan’s Vows
Paintbox Summer
Painting the Black
Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See?
Paolini, Christopher
Papademetriou, Lisa
Parish, Peggy
Park, Barbara
Park, Linda Sue
Parlato, Stephen
Parrot Tico Tango, The
Partridge, Elizabeth
Parzival: The Quest of the Grail Knight
Paschen, Elise
Paschkis, Julie
Past Perfect, Present Tense
Paterson, Katherine
Pattern Recognition
Pattou, Edith
Paul Bunyan: A Tall Tale
Paulsen, Gary
Pawagi, Manjusha
Peacock and Other Poems
Pearl and Wagner: Three Secrets
Pearl and Wagner: Two Good Friends
Pearsall, Shelley
Pearson, Maggie
Peck, Richard
Pecos Bill: A Tall Tale
Peddle, Daniel
Pedro and Me
Peeling the Onion
Peet, Bill
Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, The
People Could Fly: American Black Folktales, The
People of Sparks
Peppermints in the Parlor
Pérez, Amada Irma
Perfect Distance, The
Perfect Friend, The
Perfectly Horrible Halloween, The
Perfect Pumpkin Pie, The
Perfect Shot, The
Perilous Gard, The
Perks of Being a Wallflower, The
Permanent Rose
Perrault, Charles
Persepolis II
Peterkin Papers, The
Peterkins’ Christmas, The
Peterkins’ Thanksgiving, The
Peters, Julie Anne
Peters, Lisa Westberg
Peter’s Chair
Pete’s a Pizza
Petry, Ann
Peyton, K. M.
Phamany, LeUyen
Phantom Tollbooth, The
Philharmonic Gets Dressed, The
Philip, Neil
Phineas Gage
Phoenix and the Carpet, The
Phone Home, Persephone!
Picoult, Jodi
Pierce, Meredith Ann
Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog!, The
Pilkey, Dav
Pink and Say
Pink Dress, The
Pink Fairy Book, The
Pinkney, Andrea Davis
Pinkney, Brian
Pinkney, Jerry
Pinkwater, Daniel
Pippi Longstocking
Pirate Girl
Pirates!: The True and Remarkable Adventures of Minerva Sharpe and Nancy Kington, Female Pirates
Placide, Jaira
Plath, Sylvia
Play, Mozart, Play!
Playing Without the Ball
Play’s the Thing, A
Please, Malese! A Trickster Tale from Haiti
Plowman, Stephanie
Plume, Ilse
Podkayne of Mars
Poetry Speaks to Children
Point Blank
Poke in the I, A
Poky Little Puppy, The
Polacco, Patricia
Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?
Polar Express, The
Polka Dot Pox
Pomerantz, Charlotte
Pompeii: Lost and Found
Poole, Josephine
Pool of Fire, The
Pope, Elizabeth Marie
Porter, Connie
Postcards from No Man’s Land
Potter, Beatrix
Potter, Giselle
Pourrat, Henri
Powell, Randy
Poydar, Nancy
Practically Seventeen
Prairie Boy’s Summer, A
Prairie Boy’s Winter, A
Prairie Friends
Prairie School
Predator’s Gold
Preller, James
Prelutsky, Jack
Presence, The
Priceman, Marjorie
Prince Caspian
Prince-Hughes, Dawn
Prince of the Pond, The
Princess, The Little
Princess Academy, The
Princess Bride, The
Princess Knight, The
Private Peaceful
Problem with Chickens, The
Prophet of Yonwood
Proud Taste for Miniver and Scarlet, A
Provensen, Alice
Provensen, Martin
P.S. Longer Letter Later
Ptolemy’s Gate
Pullman, Philip
Pumpkins of Time
Punk Farm
Puppeteer’s Apprentice
Pure Dead Brilliant
Pure Dead Magic
Pure Dead Trouble
Pure Dead Wicked
Purple Emperor, The
Puss in Boots
Pussycat’s Christmas, A
Pyle, Howard
Qualey, Marsha
Quattlebaum, Mary
Queen of Air and Darkness, The
Queen of Everything, The
Queen of the Oddballs
Queen’s Progress, The
Quest for the Holy Grail, The
Question of Harmony, A
Rabbit Hill
Rachel Field’s Hitty: Her First Hundred Years
Rainbow Boys
Rainbow High
Rainbow Road
Rain Came Down, The
Rain Rain Rivers
Ralph S. Mouse
Ramona and Her Father
Ramona and Her Mother
Ramona Forever
Ramona Quimby, Age 8
Ramona the Brave
Ramona the Pest
Random House Book of Poetry for Children, The
Random House Book of Science Fiction Stories, The
Ransome, Arthur
Ransome, James E.
Rapp, Adam
Rappaport, Dorren
Raschka, Christopher
Raskin, Ellen
Rathmann, Peggy
Rats Saw God
Raven: A Trickster Tale from the Pacific Northwest
Raven’s Gate
Rawls, Wilson
Rayyan, Omar
Read-Aloud Rhymes for the Very Young
Ready or Not
Realm of Possibility, The
Real Mother Goose, The
Realms of the Gods, The
Rebel Angels
Recess Queen, The
Rechnitzer, F.E.
Recorvits, Helen
Red Book, The
Red Fairy Book, The
Red Lion: A Tale of Ancient Persia, The
Red Planet
Red Pony, The
Red Scarf Girl
Reed, Lynn Rowe
Reef, Catherine
Rees, Celia
Rees, Douglas
Reeve, Philip
Reiche, Dietlof
Reiss, Kathryn
Reit, Seymour
Remnick, David
Renault, Mary
Rennison, Louise
Report Card, The
Rescuers, The
Return to Gone-Away
Reuter, Bjarne
Rex, Adam
Rey, H.A.
Reynolds, Peter H.
Richards, Justin
Riddell, Chris
Rifles for Watie
Riley, Linnea
Rilla of Ingleside
Rimshots: Basketball Pix, Rolls, and Rhythms
Rinaldi, Ann
Ringgold, Faith
Ring of the Slave Prince, The
Ring of Tricksters, A
Ring! Yo?
Riordan, Rick
River Between Us, The
River Secrets
Road of the Dead, The
Road to Camlann, The
Road to Sardis, The
Roberson, Jennifer
Roberto: The Insect Architect
Roberts, Moss
Robins, Arthur
Robinson, Kim Stanley
Robinson Crusoe
Robles, Anthony D.
Rockwell, Anne
Rogers, Gregory
Rogers, Paul
Rogmasher Rampage
Rohmann, Eric
Rohmer, Harriet
Rojankovsky, Feodor
Rollins, Sonny
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
Roll Over!
Romare Bearden: Collage of Memories
Root, Phyllis
Ropemaker, The
Rosen, Michael
Rosenthal, Paul
Rosey in the Present Tense
Rosoff, Meg
Ross, Stewart
Rossetti, Christina
Roth, R. G.
Rothenberg, Joan
Rotten Ralph
Rough Road to Glory
Rowling, J. K.
Roy, Ron
Ruby Holler
Ruby in the Smoke, The
Ruffins, Reynold
Rufus M.
Rules of the Road
Rumford, James
Rumor of War, A
Runaway Dreidel!
Runaway Girl
Runaway Latkes, The
Runaway Ralph
Runaways: Pride and Joy
Running with Scissors
Running with the Reservoir Pups
Runyon, Brent
Russell the Sheep
Russian Fairy Tales
Ryan, Pam Muñoz
Ryan, Sara
Rylant, Cynthia
Sabatini, Rafael
Sabuda, Robert
Sachar, Louis
Sacrifice, The
Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes
Safe-Keeper’s Secret, The
Saffy’s Angel
Sage, Angie
Sahara Special
Saint of Dragons, The
Sakai, Stan
Saladin: Noble Prince of Islam
Salem’s Lot
Salibury, Graham
Salinger, J. D.
Salisbury, Graham
Salley, Coleen
Sally Ann Thunder Ann Whirlwind Crockett
Salzman, Mark
Same Stuff as Stars, The
Sammy Keys and the Hotel Thief
Samuels, Ellen
Samurai’s Tale, The
Sanchez, Alex
Sandburg, Carl
Sandry’s Book
Sands of Time, The
San Souci, Robert D.
Satrapi, Marjane
Saturday Night at the Dinosaur Stomp
Saturdays, The
Saunders, Marshall
Savage, Candace
Saving Shiloh
Say, Allen
Sayre, April Pulley
Sayre, Jeff
Scarecrow and His Servant, The
Scarry, Richard
Scary, Scary Halloween
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
Schaap, Phil
Schachner, Judy
Schaefer, Carole Lexa