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Beautiful Prey 2: The Storm Series (BWWM Romance)

Page 9

by Phoenix Daniels

  “Black and very sweet. Thank you.”

  She added sugar and handed Natasha the cup.

  “I’m Selene, Gianni’s personal assistant. Would you like some breakfast?”

  “No thank you, Miss Selene, but I would like to know where Gianni is.”

  The woman nodded and fixed her own cup of coffee before saying,” I’m sorry, Miss Walker, but he had to return to Paris. There was a business issue.”

  Natasha was floored. Could she have been that bad in bed? Gianni had slept with her and caught the next thing smoking out of Chicago. Suddenly, she didn’t want coffee, breakfast, or anything else. She just wanted to get the hell out of Gianni’s house. She was disgusted, not just with Gianni, but with herself. She’d finally let go and given into her desire only to have Gianni use her and then flee the country.

  Setting the cup down, Natasha excused herself. “Thank you, Miss Selene, but I have to go.”

  Natasha turned and walked out of Gianni’s kitchen. She couldn’t believe that he could sleep with her and leave before she woke. Tears welled in her eyes and attempted to fall.

  Selene caught her before she could reach the elevator.

  “Miss Walker.” She called out. “Mr. Storm really did have to go. I’m sure that he just didn’t want to wake you,” she said sympathetically.

  Natasha didn’t want to be rude, but Selene was his employee, she would say whatever Gianni told her to say.

  “Mr. Storm said that he’d call you when he landed. He commissioned a car to take you home.”

  “Thank you, Miss Selene.” Natasha responded, trying to keep her tears from falling from her eyes.

  She entered the elevator and pushed the button for the lobby. Once the doors closed, Natasha allowed her tears to fall. When the elevator reached the lobby, she wiped her face, held her head high, and walked toward the doors. A security guard approached Natasha. He was a tall, bulking, handsome Black man with a sweet, sincere smile.

  “Miss Walker, there’s a car waiting for you in front.”

  “I’m fine. I’ll catch a cab,” Natasha said before turning away from the guard.

  She was distraught, and she didn’t want him to see the tears that she couldn’t stop from falling.

  “Please, Miss Walker. Please take the car.”

  Natasha wiped her face and turned toward the security guard. His look was one of fear, as if he’d be in big trouble if Natasha didn’t accept the ride.

  “Okay.” She agreed, not wanting to get him into trouble. He led her to a waiting town car and opened the back door for her to enter. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, Miss Walker,” he responded before closing the door.

  Once securely in the soft leather seat, Natasha allowed her tears to fall. She wept because she’d allowed a man that could care less about her to enter, not only into her life, but her body. She didn’t understand his actions because he was so attentive to her needs all night. Gianni had even held her affectionately as she slept. She felt like an idiot because she’d opened up and allowed herself to relax with Gianni.

  When she arrived at her condo, she thanked the driver. Natasha said a silent prayer that Malik wouldn’t see her enter the building. She just wasn’t ready to talk about her humiliation. Grateful that his car was gone, Natasha entered the building. Once inside of her condo, Natasha went into her bathroom and drew herself a hot bath, deciding right then not to shed another tear for the men that had discarded her.


  Gianni locked himself in the bedroom of his private jet. He was avoiding Coco’s obvious sexual advances. He thought of Natasha and how hard it was leaving her that morning. She was sleeping so peaceful, and she was absolutely beautiful. Her hair was wild and sexy, and her skin glowed under the sun’s rays. Gianni wanted nothing more than to have her again, but he couldn’t bring himself to wake her. Selene was to fix her breakfast, and Gianni’s plan was to handle the labor issues in Paris and quickly return to Chicago. He called Natasha from the plane, only getting her voicemail. When he spoke to Selene, she informed him that Natasha seemed disturbed by his absence. If Gianni could have avoided his impromptu trip back to Paris, he would have. He planned to make things right with Natasha when he returned because he couldn’t get the shy, erotic, passionate beauty off of his mind. She was totally sexually compliant and uninhibited. The way Gianni felt when he was inside of her compared to no other.

  He was infatuated, and he had no problem admitting it to himself. He was captivated with her smile, her scent, and the way that she kissed him. And when she begged for his cock, she had almost driven him out of his mind. Gianni couldn’t wait to get back so that he could have her again.

  But for now, Gianni would deal with the labor issues that Luca apparently couldn’t handle. The pilot announced that they were preparing for landing. Gianni fastened his seatbelt, wishing that Natasha was in Paris with him. It had only been a few hours, and he didn’t mind admitting that he missed her. But, he was less than happy that he couldn’t reach her on the phone.



  Victoria sat in the rocking chair in Jasmine’s nursery as her one and a half month old baby fed from her breast. Jasmine happily ate while drifting in and out of sleep. Victoria switched Jasmine to the other breast, and she suckled for two minutes before passing out.

  Victoria burped Jasmine and carefully placed her in her crib. There was one thing on her mind, Jack. She craved his touch and wanted, no, needed him to make love to her.

  She grabbed the baby monitor and made a dash through the adjoining door to her bedroom. She entered the bathroom and took a hot shower. Victoria oiled herself down with her favorite body oil and dressed herself in a sexy red teddy, choosing to omit the panties. She finger-combed her hair and applied some eyeliner and a small amount of lip–gloss. Victoria quickly inspected herself in the mirror, before exiting the bedroom, and went in search of Jack. She found him in his office. He was occupied by the paperwork that he studied, but

  Victoria didn’t care; it was bonding time. They hadn’t made love since Jasmine was born, and she desperately needed him inside of her.

  Victoria sashayed, on bare feet, into Jack’s office and over to his liquor cabinet. Now watching Victoria intently, Jack placed the paper that was no longer important, on his desk and leaned back in his chair. Realizing that she had Jack’s full attention, Victoria turned her back to him as she poured him a generous shot of Jack Daniels, making sure to bend just enough to offer Jack an unobstructed view of her bare ass. She smiled when she heard a low groan that escaped from somewhere in the back of Jack’s throat.

  Victoria placed the baby monitor on the liquor cabinet and slowly turned to see

  Jack was looking totally edible in a white v–neck t–shirt that clung to his muscular frame, and a pair of soft black pajama pants. He was leaning back in his chair and massaging the bulge between his legs. His bright blue gaze had darkened to a deep sapphire and his need for pussy radiated from his eyes.

  Victoria walked around Jack’s cluttered desk. She handed him the rock glass filled with whiskey and straddled his lap.

  Jack brought the glass to his lips, and with his other hand, he firmly gripped Victoria’s ass and ground his pajama covered anaconda into Victoria’s naked pussy. He quickly downed the last of his whiskey and slammed the glass on top of his desk. With one hand still on her ass, he planted the other on the back of Victoria’s head and pulled her to his lips. Their tongues fused, and Jack kissed her with the hunger of a man that hadn’t kissed a woman in years. He devoured her mouth.

  Victoria floated through a blissful realm as she ground on Jack’s stiff package.

  Unfortunately, Victoria’s state of euphoria was short–lived as soon as she heard Jasmine’s fire engine wail coming through the monitor. It was one loud scream, followed by soft whimpering.

  Victoria turned towards the monitor as if she didn’t believe that her baby girl was interrupting mommy and daddy’s
bonding time. She whipped around to see Jack drop his head in defeat.

  Victoria frantically urged, “Fuck it. We can do this.... Hurry up!”

  With Jack’s help, Victoria made quick work of freeing Jack’s dick from his pajamas. She slid down on his steel rod and worked him over until they shared a rushed, but much-needed orgasm. Victoria rushed to the bathroom while Jack tended to a now screaming Jasmine.



  Natasha placed her last suitcase in the trunk of Malik’s BMW. Ready for the three-hour road trip that would kick off their weekend in Galena, Illinois.

  Jack had recruited Natasha to help with the events, and he convinced her to arrive a day early in order to help prepare for Victoria’s surprise. The Delilah Rose Summer Camp was fully operational and scheduled to be open by the summer.

  But, before he opened it to the children, Jack planned a weekend getaway, filled with pool parties, barbecues, boat trips, horseback riding, and a black tie gala.

  Jack was a wonderful and thoughtful husband who treated Victoria as if she was his entire world. Too bad his cousin was an inconsiderate soulless bastard.

  Natasha still couldn’t believe that he’d ditched her in the middle of the night. Selene must have thought Natasha to be no more than a cheap one night stand. Not to mention, the embarrassment Natasha felt when she explained what happened to Malik. If Natasha could go back to the night that she met Gianni at the hospital, she would have called and checked on Victoria instead of stopping by.

  Although, it had been more than a month since Natasha had seen Gianni, that didn’t stop him from calling her twice a day. She never answered, but the messages that he left were a clear indication that he was arrogant enough to have no clue as to why she was ignoring his calls. Although, Natasha had absolutely no intention of speaking to Gianni Storm ever again, she couldn’t help her traitorous memories of the way he mastered her body. Natasha had never been so turned on in her entire life, and no man had ever given her the immense amount of pleasure that Gianni had.

  Natasha put her thoughts of Gianni back in the “do not touch box” that she’d created in her mind and hopped in the passenger seat. She looked over at Malik and shook her head.

  “Malik, did you pack anything other than alcohol?”

  “I’m a man... Necessities, Tash... Just the necessities.”

  Natasha laughed and buckled her seat belt. She prepared herself for Malik’s speed racer driving, which would’ve had Dale Earhart Jr. clutching the door handle. The next two hours and forty–five minutes were filled with singing, laughter, and talk of sex. Or rather, Natasha’s lack thereof.

  As they drove through the town of Galena, Natasha admired beautiful, but modest, miners’ cottages. Malik drove through several winding roads lined with bright green grass and flowers that appeared tropical, despite the fact that they were still in Illinois. Once they reached their destination, Malik pulled next to the guard shack that was positioned in front of an impenetrable brick wall that surrounded the property. In the center of the wall was a tall black wrought iron fence.

  A security guard approached them and gestured for Malik to lower his window. The guard politely requested both of their identification. Once their identity was confirmed, the gates opened. Malik drove through the gates, on a path that separated an almost never ending perfectly manicured lawn. Natasha’s mouth fell open as Malik pulled around the circular drive that led to the main building. Its architectural style could be characterized as “Neo–Renaissance.” It was beautiful.

  With the assistance of the valet, who unintentionally shoved unwanted thoughts of Gianni back into Natasha’s mind, she got out of the car and looked around.

  There were several smaller buildings of similar design, spread throughout the property.

  Natasha couldn’t wait for Jack to reveal his surprise to Victoria. She just wished that she was going to be present to see the look on her face. The Sickle Cell Foundation meant the world to Victoria, and her passion for the charity was contagious. And since Jack had superb investigative resources, he had another surprise for Victoria.

  Malik hopped out and tossed his keys to the valet. “Damn,” he whispered as he approached Natasha’s side. She nodded, unable to look away from the massive structure. Suddenly a golf cart appeared, driven by a man in a pristine white uniform. He stepped out of the cart and walked over to Natasha and Malik. The valet loaded their luggage on the back of the golf cart.

  “Good afternoon Miss Walker... Mr. Harper. I’m Lawrence. I’ll be transporting you to your cottage and George will be handling your luggage,” he informed them with a friendly smile, before nodding in the valet’s direction.

  Malik thanked George for retrieving their luggage and helped Natasha on the golf cart. Malik was the perfect man in Natasha’s eyes. He was a loving and protective gentleman. And despite his sexual orientation, he was uber masculine. Malik was the perfect catch. Parker was a lucky man, but then again since Parker was totally devoted and fine as all hell himself, so was Malik.

  “Mr. Harper, your husband called. He said that he’d be arriving no later than nine tomorrow morning,” Lawrence informed.

  “Thank you.”

  Lawrence drove on paved narrow paths between the smaller buildings. Natasha marveled at the breathtaking beauty of the entire camp. They’d driven by at least three Olympic sized swimming pools, not including the huge custom designed pool that was located directly behind the main building. There were stables filled with horses, sailboats, canoes, and almost everything a kid could possibly want. Lawrence had informed them that there was a fully staffed medical facility that could rival any hospital in that part of Illinois.

  Lawrence stopped the cart in front of a small cottage and walked around to assist Natasha. George pulled in beside them and began unloading their luggage.

  Malik stepped off the cart and helped him, disregarding George’s protests.

  Lawrence led them up the path to a country-style front porch, equipped with porch swing.

  Lawrence unlocked the front door, and they entered a fully furnished living room.

  Natasha stepped across hardwood floors that shined like a new penny. Two brown leather high–back chairs flanked a sofa and were angled toward a large fireplace. The decor was warm and inviting.

  “Mr. Harper and Miss Walker, your rooms are on the second floor. Please follow me.”

  Natasha and Malik followed George up the stairs. After depositing Natasha in a bedroom, George left to show Malik to his room. Natasha looked around. It was true to the country–style theme of the cottage. She dropped her purse on the bed and walked over to the window. She stared out at the picturesque view of beautiful landscaping.

  A few minutes later, Natasha and Malik assembled in the living room. Before leaving them to their own devices, Lawrence told them that they were welcome to take a golf cart out to explore the camp.

  It was only when Lawrence and George were out the door did Malik turn to Natasha and yell, “Gotdamn! This motherfucka got coins!”

  Natasha nodded her agreement.

  “No. I’m serious, Natasha. Jack makes you look poor,” he chuckled.

  Natasha narrowed her eyes at Malik, not wanting to go where he was traveling.

  “Let’s go check it out, she said, changing the subject. Malik took the hint and headed out the front door.


  Natasha stood at the reception area as the rich and richer trickled in. They were arriving in packs, either by car or helicopter. The night before, Natasha had enjoyed a comfortable night’s sleep in the big poster bed in her room. She and Malik spent most of the night exploring the grounds. They’d even taken a late night swim in one of the small pools, and enjoyed a night filled with fun and laughter, enhanced by tequila.

  Since seven a.m., Natasha had been working closely with Lawrence to make sure that the accommodations for the elite were suitable. And, when she was done conferring with Lawrence, she spent
the rest of her morning with the band. By noon, everything was in order, and the camp was buzzing with conversation and laughter.

  Natasha walked through the main building and out the back. She stood in front of the pool and admired the meticulousness in the design. She looked up as another helicopter came into view. This one read, ‘Storm Entertainment.’

  Jack and Victoria weren’t scheduled to arrive until five o’clock this evening.

  She knew this because she’d been in constant contact with Jack all day. Not to mention, Jack’s corporation was called Storm Enterprises. Natasha watched as the helicopter landed on the port, and when the doors flew open, she intended to run to Victoria. Only, it wasn’t Victoria or Jack that disembarked. Natasha stumbled backwards and gasped for air as Gianni came into view. He was wearing a charcoal polo shirt and black slacks. The wind from the blades caused his dark hair to slap one side of his gorgeous sun–kissed face that adorned dark sunglasses. He was without question, a walking orgasm.

  “Shit!” She cursed out loud, before turning and running back into the building.

  Natasha could be as strong as she wanted with Gianni halfway around the world, but it was obvious that she had zero control of her body when he was near. She hustled through the building and out the front door. Natasha hopped on a golf cart and headed to her cottage, where she would hide until it was time for Victoria to arrive. Now more than ever she was regretting her brave decision to surprise Victoria, but there is no saying no to Jack Storm.



  Victoria sat silently in her seat on the Storm Enterprises helicopter that was being piloted by John, Jack’s director of security. Victoria wondered if there was anything that John couldn’t do. The only thing that Jack had told her, before whisking her and the baby away, was that he was making good on the surprise that he’d had for her before they were shot. She was super excited, but she didn’t question him. She trusted Jack, so she decided to go along for the ride. But, as the helicopter descended, she wondered how long she would have to wear the blindfold that he placed over her eyes. Her curiosity was getting the better of her.


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