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Warrior's Craft Four GI's & A Witch

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by Cheryl Dragon

  Four GI’s & A Witch

  Cheryl Dragon

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright ©2012 Cheryl Dragon

  BIN: 06049-01941

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  Changeling Press LLC

  315 N. Centre St.

  Martinsburg, WV 25404

  Editor: Vicki S. Burklund

  Cover Artist: Bryan Keller

  Table Of Contents

  Four GI’s & A Witch

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Cheryl Dragon

  Adult Sexual Content

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  Four GI’s & A Witch

  Cheryl Dragon

  Reversing a siren’s curse will take trust, cunning, love, sex, spells -- and a really big cage!

  Stacey and her four hot male friends are home in Los Angeles on leave from the military. Being off duty doesn’t mean they can ignore a case of missing civilians and divers that takes a mystical bent.

  From curses to sea monsters, it’s a mission that takes very special skills. Working with a secret unit of the military, they write their own standard operating procedure for this investigation. With a little help and a lot of nerve, they find group love and make the California beaches once again safe for everyone.

  Chapter One

  Home from her second tour overseas, Lt. Stacey Andrews had enjoyed her leave so far. Hanging out with her family in Los Angeles made it seem real. No more patrols or looking over her shoulder, unless she went into the wrong neighborhood, of course. Home felt safe, but she was still a small single woman a lot of men underestimated.

  She parked her SUV and headed for her aunt’s spirit shop. She needed to reconnect with her coven. Being both a soldier and Wiccan might sound like an odd combination, but to Stacey, it was all about working for the greater good. Evil had to be contained in whatever way possible.

  Chimes jingled overhead as she entered. Lavender incense greeted her, along with the warm colors of autumn filling the small front shop. Crystals, jewelry, candles, and such were sold there to pay the rent. The real magic happened in the back rooms. Wicca training, various lessons, and coven meetings brought people together here. Empowering women in the rough city was Aunt Bitsey’s mission.

  “Miss me?” Stacey asked.

  Bitsey looked up from her display of fairy necklaces. “Blessed be. Don’t you move!”

  Stacey froze and waited for the inevitable. Burning sage wafted around her as her aunt, clad in a gauzy green dress, muttered cleansing words to release the violence and keep evil away. Finally her aunt set the items aside and hugged Stacey hard.

  “I’m fine.” Stacey hugged her back. “How’s everything here?”

  “Oh, you know, always some trouble going on in a big city. Sandra had a vision of you.” Bitsey headed to the back room and nodded at a young woman to go watch the front.

  “A vision with me involved?” Stacey took a seat in the small room where some of the psychics did readings. Her aunt closed the door so they wouldn’t be disturbed.

  “Yes. Not about what you were doing while away, but something you needed to know when you came back. This is about your future.” Bitsey sat stiffly.

  “My love life? I could use one.” Stacey grinned. There were men she was interested in, but none of them had made a move. All the men were soldiers who worked together, so things could get complicated if she tried to start something. Not to mention, how could she pick among four great guys?

  “Sort of your love life, but it’s bigger than that. She sees you surrounded by four men, all attractive and all fighters. The five of you are joined by love and a purpose. She sees you on a mission for us.” Bitsey tapped on her tablet and handed it to Stacey.

  The news articles were about missing women from the beach. Midnight swims, early morning training for triathlons, and even members of a high school girls’ swim team had disappeared. No trace of bodies, the women -- nothing. People searched frantically and rewards had been offered.

  “What happened?” Stacey asked.

  “The police and Coast Guard investigated. I’ve seen other military types out there too.” Bitsey shook her head. “Something is very wrong, and it’s beyond what they can handle.”

  “You mean it’s mystical?” Stacey asked.

  “I believe so. We’ve tried to investigate, but they block our access. You and your friends might be able to help out.”

  “Do you have any idea what is causing the disappearances? A spell? A curse? Is it a person attacking them?” Stacey had never wanted to mix her military life and her Wiccan one, but people were missing. This time there didn’t seem to be a choice in the matter.

  “It’s an object that triggered it. Something was unearthed that turned some people wrong somehow. We can’t get specifics without getting closer, but the missing people are dead. Their energy has been consumed. You must be very careful.” Bitsey put her hand on Stacey’s.

  “I won’t be alone. This is an odd thing for the military to handle, though.” Stacey knew she’d never approach it alone.

  “That’s why it needs your touch. Do you know the four men Sandra saw in her vision? She seemed very certain they belonged with you long-term.” Bitsey smiled suggestively.

  Stacey felt her cheeks grow hot. “I think I know. They’re all attractive and good men. They’ll want to help with this problem. Maybe we are all supposed to work together long-term?”

  “Sandra made it sound very personal. Intimate.” Bitsey shrugged. “I don’t mind alternative lifestyles, you know that. However, the men seemed to be involved together as well. Sandra was confused, but she trusts the information she gets.”

  Stacey smiled. Sandra was Bitsey’s lover and best friend, another aunt in Stacey’s mind. “Sandra is never wrong, is she? I’ll go round up the guys and we’ll check it out. I’m not sure how far we’ll get but we can try.”

  “Try hard. Be careful. Whatever was unearthed is strong and mystical. It has no say in what it’s doing. Make sure to protect yourself and your men as much as possible. Use every bit of energy you have for protection spells before you go near that beach.” Bitsey’s face went very stern.

  “It’s okay. We’ll handle it. Don’t let it make you negative now. We might need your help later. If you fin
d anything that’ll help, let me know.” Stacey kissed her aunt on the cheek.

  Bitsey nodded. “I need that sage and some meditation.”

  “I’ll stay in touch. If I get a picture of what it is, I’ll send it to you. Maybe the coven can help with research and ways to fight it? You’ll be a lot more on top of mystical things than a group of soldiers.” Stacey headed out and sat in her car for a few minutes.

  Four men. She knew exactly who they were. Their sexual energies were often directed at her. She felt them at night, dreaming about her as she dreamt of them. Stacey’s gifts were connected to energy and sensing it was second nature. It’d saved her life and others overseas. Now the beaches of her hometown needed protection.

  It all fit with Sandra’s vision. The men were connected as well. She also felt their sexual energy charged in other directions. Moe Finnegan and Tommy Cassidy were the two obvious ones. The two hunks were friends with benefits… especially off duty. Both insisted it wasn’t romantic, but until Don’t Ask Don’t Tell was reversed, they had never admitted doing anything at all.

  Stacey knew better. They both wanted women and each other. Neither knew how to talk about their bisexuality or feelings. They were men, after all. Still, they’d be the easy ones to lure into helping her and something more personal. She loved them both, but if they couldn’t figure out a way to have a healthy relationship, she wondered if they’d be screwing around in the old soldiers’ home and insisting they were just friends. It was up to her to nudge them out of their rut.

  Eddie and Will would be much harder to manage. As she drove through the familiar streets of L.A., she was grateful they all lived so close. It would make meetings and conversations easier. Will first. Eddie would shut down if she brought up a subject he didn’t want to deal with. That man was all action, strong and silent. The women flocked to him, so if he’d ever been with a man, it was on the way down low. Will was the most sensitive man of the four. Stacey needed an ally to help her convince and seduce the others.

  Shaking off the sexual desire, she knew it’d happen. Aunt Sandra was never wrong. If she doubted her vision at all, Sandra kept it to herself and went deeper into her meditations for clarification. If she spoke of it, Sandra was sure. Even if it wasn’t logical or obvious, Sandra felt it was right deep in her soul. Stacey wouldn’t mind loving that many men, but it wasn’t exactly normal -- even in L.A.!

  * * *

  Will Gregory had crashed at his half-sister’s place when he’d arrived back home. As he waited for the paint to dry so he could do another coat, he surfed the web and learned more about the online coven he’d joined. His life was unpredictable enough that online made a lot more sense. He was only starting his education, but Stacey’s pagan leanings had made him curious.

  The doorbell interrupted him and Will frowned. No one should be headed over. His sister was at work. Opening the door, his mood flipped when he saw Stacey. The gorgeous brown-haired, blue-eyed creature with curves always made his day.

  “You didn’t expect to see me again so soon.” She hugged him.

  “I’d never complain about seeing you.” She smelled like lavender and a feminine something that made Will hunger for her. Stacey was always so strong and solid yet, even in fatigues, she was feminine. Some women tried to act like the men in order to fit in, but she never did. Stacey trusted the skills she brought to the table.

  “Who lives here?” She looked around.

  “My half-sister. I’m doing some painting and odd jobs to help her out, and I get a place to crash. Not too long before I report back. Will I be deployed again?” He shrugged.

  “Hopefully we’re done. Enjoy your leave. You’re like a nomad. I thought Finn and Tommy invited you to stay with them?” she asked.

  “I grew up in foster care. I can live anywhere and with anyone. Nothing bugs me. They offered but I didn’t want to get in the way. Those two need to come out and get on with their relationship.” Will tried to fight the burning in his cheeks.

  “Jealous? I think things are more complicated. Maybe you’d have helped them by being around.” Stacey glanced at his laptop. “An online coven? You never said you were into the pagan stuff.”

  “It’s not very manly by traditional military standards. I don’t need to take any crap. You seem so centered that I wanted to check it out. It’s more generic pagan than Wiccan. This one is a little different, though. Not just practices but actively fights evil. Lots of male members. I’m sorry. Did you want something to drink?” He always took a while to adjust to being in civilian life again. His manners needed polish.

  “No, I’m fine. Actually I need your help plus Finn, Tommy, and Eddie’s. It’s complicated. Would it be really hard for you to see Eddie again?” She sat at the table.

  Will’s gut twisted. It seemed like all his life he was looking for love and coming up short. What family he had was strained and scattered. The military was the best thing in his life. It was always there with clear rules and rewards, and still something he wanted in life remained out of reach. “No, if you need us, you know we’re there for you. I swear Eddie should just make a move on you. It’d put everyone out of their misery.”

  “What do you mean, everyone?” Stacey shook her head.

  “Damn!” Will turned away. “Sorry, I’m not good at being a civilian. Really, I shouldn’t have said anything. If you’ve got something to focus on, bring it, because I can’t find a good job. The handyman thing isn’t cutting it.”

  “I’m sure you could use something more stimulating. First, tell me what’s going on with you guys.”

  “You know they’re all seriously into you. We are all into you, so no one makes a move. Finn and Tommy even agreed they would share you if you’d be okay with it. The whole thing is crazy, and it’s not fair to you. If Eddie wants to send the right message, he should move first and everyone will back off.” Will had always been confused about his sexuality. He wanted women, but the lust for men had never disappeared, no matter how many women he dated.

  “Eddie doesn’t get to win just because he makes a move first or shows his emotions the least. He has them, whatever you think.” Stacey grabbed Will’s hand.

  “We’re all bi, except you. Eddie refuses to admit it. We’re each a mess in our own way. We’d be good for that online coven. A lot of them do the group thing. Pagans are less judgmental -- not that I’ve ever been religious.” Will clicked on the website so Stacey could see the details.

  “Interesting. Most but not all seem to have a witch. Are you really in love with me or is it just because of Eddie?” Stacey asked.

  “I love your blunt style, that’s for sure.” Will smiled. “Yes, I do. I love you. I love Finn and Tommy, but I won’t intrude. That’s different somehow. I can’t explain it. Maybe I’m crazy or a masochist, but Eddie pulls at me the same way you do. It’s stronger.”

  “I understand. All of you have been attracting me. I couldn’t sort it out.” She kissed his cheek. “Maybe we’re not supposed to fight it?”

  He stared at her and wanted to stop fighting his feelings right there. Something held him back.

  “It’s okay, Will. I think it’s more like the three musketeers, all for one and one for all. We need to be together, all of us.” Stacey squeezed his hand. “Eddie wants you. I can feel it. I see it in him. He hides things very well, but so do you. Finn and Tommy can’t deny their needs and write it off as lust. We’ve all managed our baggage, however it’s worked in the past, but now we need to change the situation. I think if we join forces, we can sort it out better. Be happier. And handle this.” She opened a new tab and searched.

  When the case of the missing young women on the beach came up, Will was engrossed. He listened intently as Stacey explained her aunts’ information and warnings. Then he read the reports. “We’ll need Eddie for sure. His brother is a cop so he can get us close enough to talk to the military guys your aunts saw. Our being military gives us a chance at access.”

  “Let’s go grab Eddie.”
Stacey winked at Will.

  Will changed from his painting clothes into clean ones in the spare bedroom. He could tell Stacey wanted to push the issue with him and Eddie. Will had never even tried to nudge the situation. All the years of being in love with a man and never saying it had made him numb to the pain.

  Most of the time, before recent developments, the military would’ve thrown them both out for being gay or bisexual so it was a safe excuse. Eddie was a rule follower. Will had been rejected so much in his life that if Eddie or Stacey ever rejected him, he had no idea what the fallout would be.

  Twenty minutes later, they parked in front of Eddie’s brother’s house. It was the only address they had for him stateside. If he wasn’t there, they could always track him down via text. They walked up and rang the bell.

  “Maybe we should’ve called. He might be working.” Will was ready to cut and run. They needed Eddie but he would let Stacey talk him into it. None of them could say no to Stacey.

  “We’re here. Give it a minute.” Stacey bumped his hip with hers.

  Will smiled. There was no doubt in his mind she was the one woman who could be the center of his world. The problem was he couldn’t give up on the hope of Eddie. Those feelings were just as real.

  The door opened and Eddie stood there, naked from the waist up. Wearing only jeans, he appeared to be right out of the shower with skin glistening. Will’s pulse thudded faster as his mouth went dry. Eddie was muscled with black hair and green eyes that took in his guests quickly. He never missed a thing.

  “Hey, Eddie, I’ve got a project and I need some help.” Stacey smiled.

  “Project?” He stepped back to let them in.

  Will followed Stacey in and let her keep the lead in the conversation. She gave Eddie the information on the case as Will used his smartphone to email the articles to Finn and Tommy, their next stop.


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