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Queen of Wands (The Tree of Ages Series Book 4)

Page 32

by Sara C. Roethle

  Deep in thought, Finn focused on the stone topped pillar near where Iseult stood. The stone on top dully shone in the sunlight, but no unnatural glow emanated forth, nor did she sense the presence of the Druid goddess. Her choice seemed to have somehow sealed her fate. What would it mean now if she chose to break the barriers to the in-between? Iseult had asked that his soul not be returned yet, but things were growing increasingly dangerous. He could have died in the battle the previous night, and she was not sure what would have happened to him had he perished. She was not sure what would happen to his ancestors when she set them free. Would they fade away like Anders had, moving on to the next life, or spiritual realm, or wherever the dead went once their bodies had perished?

  She shook her head, then pushed her long tangled hair out of her face. Branwen was watching her, waiting for an answer to her silent question. Would Finn help her, or not?

  She patted Branwen’s hand where it rested in her lap. “We’ll figure all of this out together. If you like, you may remain with us until that point, but for now I must focus on finding supplies, and deciding where we’ll be going next.”

  Branwen glanced around at the garden, then up the tall wall of the fortress. “Why not just stay here? This seems a safer place than most.”

  Finn nodded. The thought had crossed her mind more than once. They’d proven the fortress could be protected against attack, and they really didn’t have anywhere else to go. Ealasaid did not want them back, something she realized she still needed to tell Iseult, and if they went to Sormyr, they’d have to face An Fiach. If they decided to travel back North, they’d have to take the long loop of the Sand Road, and would once again pass near Oighear’s domain, something she wanted to avoid until she was ready.

  As their conversation had all but abated, Iseult approached, seeming out of place in the serene garden with his black garb and weapons at his belt. “We have much planning to do,” he said upon reaching them, peering down at Finn. “Now that the Cavari are . . . under your command, we must figure out where we go from here.”

  “Yes,” she agreed, taking the hand he offered her to stand. “There is much we must discuss.” She turned as Branwen stood. “Anna can help you get situated should you choose to stay here with us. Hopefully we can acquire an extra bedroll and some clothing for you.”

  Branwen nodded appreciatively. “I will stay. It feels good to be around friends again, even if those Faie warriors are terrifying.”

  Finn smirked. She too had once found the Aos Sí terrifying. Now she didn’t view them as different at all. They were friends, just like everyone else staying within the small fortress, and just like some of the Faie outside the walls too.

  Though she regretted becoming more like the Cavari, and less like the Druids, she knew she’d made the right choice. Her friends were most certainly worth fighting for.

  With his back leaned against a wall by the fire, Kai waited inside the fortress for Finn, Iseult, and Branwen to return from the garden. So much was changing so quickly, he truly wasn’t sure what his place was any longer. His new bite had been cleansed with fresh running water gathered by the Aos Sí, so he did not have to fear any ill effects beyond what he’d already suffered from his first bite . . . if he could call the effects ill at all. Though his bandage remained on his new bite, it had all but healed, something that had his thoughts spinning. His reflexes had also been increased, which had been made evident during the battle. He knew the extra healing and speed weren’t from the blood Finn had shared with him, they were from the Dearg Due. He’d witnessed himself how one of the creatures could sustain severe wounds and not only survive, but recover fully within a few hours. Now he seemed to be sharing that ability, and he was not sure what else it might mean for him. However, of one thing he was sure: he wouldn’t be telling anyone about it. The last thing he needed was Finn prying further into his condition, or worse, for Eywen or Iseult to decide he might be a threat.

  He examined the others around him, wondering how they viewed the current scenario. Eywen and the other Aos Sí seemed pleased. They had chosen a strong queen, able to protect them from dark forces. Anna seemed, like, well, Anna. The perpetually sour look on her face remained, though it softened slightly when she was interacting with Eywen, something Kai did not understand at all. She did not like the Faie, nor did she like men, at least she hadn’t as long as Kai had known her. He was well aware that he knew little of her past before their meeting. She refused to speak of it, and he had always respected that, but now he found himself curious given how she was acting.

  His gaze next found Bedelia and Àed, conversing quietly, another odd situation. As far as he knew, the two had not known each other previously, but he still found it doubtful that they met up in the marshes by chance, far from where they’d been attacked by the Dearg Due. To add to the mystery, Àed had not divulged how he’d escaped his daughter’s clutches, nor had Bedelia mentioned Keiren further.

  He sighed. Then there was Sativola. Still missing, and likely dead. The Pixies had never found his body, nor any sign of what had happened to him, but Kai doubted the Dearg Due would have kept him alive.

  Echoing footsteps preceded Finn’s re-entry into the room, followed by Branwen and Iseult.

  Finn opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off as a heavy knock sounded on the door. No, not a knock, more like the thud of an object than the rap of a hand.

  Two of the Aos Sí warriors hurried toward the heavy wood and iron door to see what the commotion was about. The Trow still barred the gates outside, so anyone coming in would have had to go through them, or over the high walls.

  Kai stepped forward as the door opened, curious.

  Outside stood several Bucca, small Faie that stood upright like men, though they had the lower bodies of goats. The creatures blinked their large yellow eyes up at the Aos Sí, then screeched and scattered as Naoki came barreling forward from the courtyard at the sight of the open door. She shoved past the Aos Sí, coming inside to trot past Kai to greet Finn.

  “What is that!” Branwen shrieked as Finn knelt to greet Naoki.

  Kai rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the open door as Finn explained Naoki to Branwen.

  The Bucca had returned to the opening, dragging forward large canvas sacks to leave at the Aos Sí’s feet. Seemingly done with their delivery, the Bucca stole nervous glances into the entry room, then scattered.

  Kai stepped outside past the Aos Sí to watch the Trow barring the gates as they moved aside to let the Bucca pass. With a laugh, he turned back and lifted one of the sacks, carrying it inside as the two Aos Sí hefted the others.

  Once inside, they spilled the contents of the sacks onto the stone floor to find blankets, bandages, and various food products. Some of the food would keep well, but there were other items like fresh baked pies and soft cheeses that had been thrown haphazardly into the sacks to mash up and coat the other supplies.

  “The Bucca are skilled thieves,” Eywen explained with a smirk, peering down at the supplies, “but they’re not incredibly bright.”

  Kai couldn’t help but laugh. In fact, everyone started laughing, he even caught Iseult snickering for a moment.

  Eywen knelt down and lifted one of the less broken pies, standing to take a deep whiff of what looked like blueberry filling. “Who’s for a bit of dessert?” he asked.

  Everyone raised their hands.

  Kai shook his head, hardly able to believe that this was now his reality. He couldn’t believe that he had Faie blood running through his veins, Anna had magic, and they were all camping out in an ancient Druid Fortress. It seemed like a dream, especially since it had all started so simply.

  It seemed like it had been years since he and Anna decided to kidnap a girl who was once a tree, sending them all barreling forward on a life or death adventure, where perhaps the very fate of the land rested in their hands.

  He noticed Finn smiling at him as Eywen began doling out slices of pie with his belt knife. He sm
iled back, a million thoughts racing through his mind. She was so different than what she’d started out as. Sometimes she was even a bit scary.

  Even so, watching her smile and interact with their friends, some new, some old, she was still her. His life could have gone in many different directions the day they met, but as he watched her messily eat her pie with childlike enthusiasm, he found he would not have wanted to end up anywhere else.

  Keiren stalked through the halls of her hidden fortress, deep within the marshes. She hadn’t intended for Bedelia or her father to escape, but especially not Bedelia. Especially not after Óengus had betrayed her. Truly, she had no allies left, save Ealasaid.

  She stared down at Bedelia’s deserted bed, wishing she’d never returned to the tower to check on her at all. Niklas was supposed to feed her and make sure she was well, not release her, sending her on her way with three of her stabled horses.

  She whirled as someone entered the room behind her.

  Niklas glided in like he hadn’t a care in the world, trailing shapeless robes behind him over the ornate rugs.

  “Why did you release them?” she growled.

  Niklas tilted his bald head to the side. “I wanted a favor,” he explained with a shrug.

  She glared at him.

  He tsked at her as he moved to her side. “Do not fear, it will all benefit you in the end.”

  She scowled at him. “I tire of your secrets, Traveler. Either you let me in on your full plan, or our partnership is over.”

  Niklas tsked at her again, then turned to peer out the window over the bed. “Do you know where the Ceàrdaman come from?” he asked abruptly.

  She turned her startled gaze to him. “Of course not, no one does.”

  He smiled softly, still gazing out the window. “We come from the in-between. We were created as its guardians, spirit guides meant to help living souls transition to the next stage of their existence.”

  She shook her head in disbelief. The Travelers never lied, but could he truly mean what he said? “How did you come to live in this land?” she questioned, still not fully believing him.

  He tilted his head, still gazing distantly out the window. “We did it to ourselves. My ancestors witnessed countless souls as they passed through our realm. Souls that had been allowed to learn, to taste food, to experience all life has to offer. The Ceàrdaman became greedy. They left the in-between, wanting just a small taste of life, but it did not go as planned. Their journey brought magic into this realm, turning silent nature spirits into Faie, and giving certain humans the power to wield elements.”

  “The Ceàrdaman created magic?” she gasped.

  He nodded, then continued. “My ancestors tried to go back, to fix their mistakes, but their way was barred. The magic had flooded outward so quickly that it created a plug, like holding water in a tub. They became trapped in a foreign land, with no place to call home, constantly seeking those who could reach the realm that was lost to them.” He glanced at her, raising his hairless brow. “Seeking out those like you.”

  She shook her head, still trying to grasp all he had told her. “So why inform me of this now, after keeping the secret for so long?”

  He smiled. “Because the boundaries between worlds will soon come crashing down. The Ceàrdaman will be able to return to their rightful home. I will finally achieve what so many of my ancestors failed to accomplish . . . and you’re going to help me do it.”

  She gazed out the window, focusing on dark clouds gathering in the distance. “Yes,” she agreed, “if your goal is to destroy the barriers, I will help you, if only to help myself.”

  Grinning wickedly, Niklas steepled his fingers together, lightly tapping the tips against each other in rapid succession. “Then let us begin, we have much to do, and,” he glanced over his shoulder out the window toward the gathering clouds, “a storm is coming.”

  Note from the Author

  Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the fourth installment of the Tree of Ages Series. To be notified of my news and updates (new releases, and occasional bargain books), please sign up for my mailing list by following the link below:

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  Anna- descendent of clan Liath.

  Àed (ay-add)- a conjurer of some renown, also known as “The Mountebank”.

  Áit I Bhfolach (aht uh wallach)- secret city in the North.

  Anders (ahn-durs)- a young, archive scholar.

  Aonbheannach (aen-vah-nach)- unicorn.

  Aos Sí (A-ess she)- ancient humanoid Faie.

  Ar Marbhdhraíocht (ur mab-dry-oh)- volume on necromancy

  Arthryn (are-thrin)- alleged Alderman of Sormyr. Seen by few.


  Bannock- unleavened loaf of bread, often sweetened with honey.

  Ballybog- large Faie common in swamps.

  Bedelia- former lover of Keiren.

  Bladdered- drunk

  Boobrie- large, colorful, bird-like Faie that lures travelers away from the path.

  Branwen (bran-win)- a young, archive scholar.


  Caorthannach (quar-ah-nach)- Celtic fire-spitting demon.

  Cavari (cah-var-ee)- prominent clan of the Dair Leanbh.

  Ceàrdaman (see-air-duh-maun)- the Craftspeople, often referred to as Travelers. Believed to be Faie in origin.

  À Choille Fala (ah choi-le-uh fall-ah)- the Blood Forest. Either a refuge or prison for the Faie.

  Ceilidh (kay-lee)- a festival, often involving dancing and a great deal of whiskey.


  Dair Leanbh (dare lan-ub)- Oak Child. Proper term for a race of beings with affinity for the earth. Origins unknown.

  Dearg Due (dee-argh doo)- female, blood-drinking Faie.

  Dram- a small unit of liquid measure, often referring to whiskey.

  Dullahan (doo-la-han)- headless riders of the Faie. Harbingers of death.


  Ealasaid (eel-ah-sayd)- young mage.

  Evrial (ehv-ri-all)- Pixie clan leader.


  Finnur (fin-uh)- member of Clan Cavari.


  Garenoch (gare-en-och)- small, southern burgh. A well-used travel stop.

  Geancanach (gan-can-och)- small, mischievous Faie with craggy skin and bat-like wings. Travel in Packs.

  Glen- narrow, secluded valley.

  Gray City- see Sormyr

  Grogoch (grow-gok)- smelly Faie covered in red hair, roughly the size of a child. Impervious to heat and cold.

  Gwrtheryn (gweir-thare-in)- Alderman of Garenoch. Deathly afraid of Faie.


  Haudin (hah-din)- roughly built homes, often seen in areas of lesser wealth.

  Henkies- little purple man fairy that lives in the knolls.


  Iseult (ee-sult)- allegedly the last living member of Uí Neíd.


  Kai- escort of the Gray Lady.

  Keiren (kigh-rin)- daughter of the Mountebank. Whereabouts unknown.


  Liaden (lee-ay-din)- the Gray Lady.

  Loinnir (lun-yer)- one of the last Unicorns.


  Maarav (mah-rahv)- brother of Iseult, descendent of Uí Néid.

  Meirleach (myar-lukh)- word in the old tongue meaning thief.

  Merrows- water dwelling Faie capable of taking the shape of sea creatures. Delight in luring humans to watery deaths.

  Midden- garbage.

  Migris- one of the Great Cities, and also a large trade port.

  Móirne (morn-yeh)- member of Clan Cavari. Mother of Finnur.

  Muntjac- small deer.


  Neeps- turnips.

  Niamh (nee-ahm-uh)- deceased daughter of Finnur.


  Óengus (on-gus)- a notorious bounty hunter.

  Oighear (Ohg-hear)- ruler of the Aos Sí, also known as Oighear the White, or the Snow Queen.


  Pooks- also known as Bucca, small Faie with both g
oat and human features. Nocturnal.

  Port Ainfean (ine-feen)- a medium-sized fishing port along the River Cair, a rumored haven for smugglers.


  Ratchets- Goblin hounds.

  Redcaps- Goblins.

  Reiver (ree-vur)- borderland raiders.


  Sand Road- travel road beginning in Felgram and spanning all the way to Migris.

  Scunner- an insult referring to someone strongly disliked.

  Sgal (skal)- a strong wind.

  Sgain Dubh (skee-an-doo)- a small killing knife, carried by roguish characters.

  Síoda (she-dee)- Lady of Garenoch.

  Slàinte (slawn-cha)- a toast to good health.

  Slàine (slahn-yuh)- clan leader of assassins.

  Sormyr (sore-meer)- one of the Great Cities, also known as the Gray City.


  Travelers- see Ceàrdaman.

  Trow- large Faie resembling trees. Rumored to steal children.


  Uí Néid (ooh ned)- previously one of the great cities, now nothing more than a ruin.




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