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Stone Cold Foxe

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by Haley Walsh


  The Skyler Foxe Novels by Haley Walsh

  Foxe Tail

  Foxe Hunt


  Foxe Den: A Holiday Collection (Novella)

  Foxe Fire

  Desert Foxe

  Foxe Den 2: Summer Vacation (Novella)

  Crazy Like A Foxe

  A Very Merry Foxemas (Novella)

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons,

  living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © Haley Walsh 2017

  All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

  Cover design by Jeri Westerson

  This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is illegal and a violation of International Copyright Law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon conviction, fines and/or imprisonment. The eBook version cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No part of this eBook version can be shared or reproduced without the express permission of the publisher.

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  Foxe Press

  PO Box 799

  Sun City, CA 92586

  For my long-suffering husband.

  To him, I’m his “stone cold fox.”

  “The fox condemns the trap, not himself.” – William Blake


  STONE COLD FOXE continues directly from the last scene of CRAZY LIKE A FOXE, so it is very much advised to have read that book first. In fact, unlike some of the books in this series, this is not a standalone. I don’t think you can really enjoy this book unless you’ve read the series up to this point. And MAJOR SPOILER ALERT! If you haven’t read any of the previous Skyler Foxe Mysteries, there are some huge spoilers ahead. I mean, truly story-spoiling spoilers for every mystery. Best be advised to stop now, go back and read the series, and then get up to speed here. I don’t want the mysteries ruined for you.

  If you are reading the ebook, pay special attention to the hyperlinks! Check them out! It is truly interactive. Enjoy!

  Part One

  “I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury.”

  – Groucho Marx

  Chapter One

  IT WASN’T SO MUCH THAT SKYLER HAD SAID IT, BUT that he’d said it twice. The first time was in the throes of passion. And so he’d said it a second time just to make sure Keith had really heard him. And now that the seconds were ticking by and Keith wasn’t saying anything back and had, frankly, a deer-in-the-headlights look in his eye, Skyler was getting that itchy feeling of buyer’s remorse.

  Why had he said it? Why now? Did he really want to make that kind of commitment? Wait, wait. He knew why. After all the crap they had just been through with a harassing ex-boyfriend of Keith’s showing up out of the blue, of Sidney and Mike’s elopement, of murder, and of the reassurance of their love for one another, Skyler had suddenly felt the bone-deep urge to keep it all that way, to be with Keith and only Keith. Yup, he’d said it, words he never, ever expected to come out of his mouth.

  “Will you marry me?”

  And still, Keith said nothing in reply.

  “Um…” Skyler twisted the sticky sheets in his fingers. “So…what do you think?”

  “About what?” Keith’s expression was shut up tight, and he turned away to lay his head on the pillow and stare up at the ceiling.

  “What do you mean? About what I just said. About…” His voice dropped in volume, as if not wanting the neighbors to hear. “About marrying me.”

  Keith’s sigh spoke volumes. “Skyler…I know there was a lot going on. A huge adrenalin rush. Catching a murderer, Sidney’s wedding reception…sex. So I know that you didn’t really mean it. It’s okay.”

  Skyler jerked up, pushing the sheets into his lap. “What do you mean I didn’t mean it? Of course I meant it. I never would have said it if I didn’t mean it. Keith. Come on. Talk to me. Look at me.”

  Keith turned his head. Yet he still wore that same placid, expressionless face. “It’s okay. In the heat of the moment, lots of things are said. I won’t hold you to it. No harm, no foul.”

  Skyler looked to the heavens for help. “But…Keith…”

  The man reached over and planted a quick kiss to the side of Skyler’s mouth. “Let’s go to sleep, huh?”

  “No! We will not go to sleep. We will talk about this.” What’s with all the sighing, he thought, as Keith gave him another one.

  “Skyler, do you really want to be having this conversation in the middle of the night? I get you, babe. I know you. In the morning you’ll be sorry you ever said it. It’s okay.”

  “I won’t be sorry. Keith, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want us to do this.”

  “We haven’t even been together a whole year. Hell, we haven’t even known each other a whole year.”

  “So? Lots of people get married quickly.”

  “I thought you didn’t want to ever get married.”

  “I didn’t. But now I do.”

  Keith slowly moved up and sat against the headboard, sheets and hands in his lap. He kept his eyes on his restless fingers. “I know this thing with my ex and the woman has freaked you out. And I know you jump at things without really thinking them through. So I’m saying that I love you, and that I understand, and that we can just forget you ever said it.”

  “Will you look at me, for Christ’s sake!” Keith did. “I. Love. You. I want what we have to go on and on. And I don’t think it matters one bit that we haven’t known each other that long. I don’t need more time. I know what I want, just as I’ve known that I wanted to be a teacher and to stay in Redlands and everything else in my life. This is my life. You are my life.” He paused to breathe. And in that moment, a horrible thought struck him. “Don’t you want to marry me?” he said in a small voice. Because the possibility was just beginning to cross his mind that Keith, though loving and seemingly committed, might just be a bit gun shy of Skyler’s on again, off again emotional roller coaster.

  Keith reached over and curled his fingers around Skyler’s jaw, rubbing it with his thumb, scraping on the nearly invisible white-blond stubble just beginning to form. “You know I do,” he said, voice gruff with emotion. “Nothing would make me happier, make my life more complete than to make that commitment to you. But you’re not ready.”

  Keith’s hand fell away and he slowly sat back.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “No, you’re not.”

  “Dammit! Where do you get off telling me whether I’m ready or not?”

  “Because I know it with every fiber of my being. We’ve been through a lot, you and I. Lots of ups and downs. I think we can put off this discussion for at least a few years, don’t you?”

  “No! When the time is right, it’s right. I’m really surprised at you. And a little insulted.”

  “I’m sorry, it’s just how I see it.”

  “So the answer is ‘no’?”

  “It’s not ‘no’, it’s just…‘later’.”

  “Really. Fine.” Skyler slammed himself down on the bed, his back to Keith, and yanked up the sheets to his shoulder. “Good night!” he said sharply.


  “Good night!”

  That sigh again, until Keith gave up, switched off the light, and hunkered down into the bed.

  He could not believe it. After everything. After dragging an “I love you” out of Skyler when he never intended to fall in love. And he had. He so had. And every crazy thing that happened to them since only made him feel that much stronger an
emotion toward Keith. It was insulting. It really was.

  He jolted upright again and switched on his light.

  Keith turned onto his back, started to sigh, but then blew a breath out of his nose instead.

  “We are not going to sleep until we talk this out.”

  “I thought we had.”

  “You had. You know, it’s really insulting the way you treat me sometimes, like I’m a kid who doesn’t know his own mind. Okay, so sometimes I do behave that way, but this is serious. I would never just cavalierly come out with something like this just because of emotional turmoil. I really gave it a lot of thought.”

  “Okay. So how long have you been thinking about it?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You said you’ve been thinking it through. For how long? A few days? A week? Longer?”

  “Uh…” He’d only actually come to the conclusion while they were making love. But it had solidified in his mind and he was sure about it. But with Keith laying it out there like that, it did seem slightly irresponsible. Maybe. And that made him mad, too.

  “What difference does it make? I feel that way. That should be valid enough for anyone.”

  Keith scowled. “I refuse to acquiesce to a last second decision you made because of the presence of an ex-boyfriend. Is that clear enough for you?”

  “Is that what you really think?”

  “Yeah. It’s what I really think. So have we talked it through? Can we go to sleep now?”

  “Sure we can.” Skyler scooped up his pillow and marched toward the door.

  “Where are you going?” said Keith wearily.

  “To the couch. I can’t sleep with someone who thinks everything I do is based on a spur-of-the-moment whim. I guess you’re right. You shouldn’t marry anyone whom you don’t trust.” He jutted his chin in the air, threw open the door, and promptly tripped over Fishbreath, their fat tabby cat.

  The cat yowled indignantly as Skyler clambered to his feet.

  “You all right, Skyler?”

  “I’m fine! Good night!”

  “Skyler…Jesus Christ.”

  Skyler threw his pillow at the couch and snatched up the knitted throw. The bed squeaked in the other room as Keith climbed out of it. He slid on his sweat pants as he moved into the doorway, rubbing his hair. “Are you really suggesting you can’t see my side of things?”

  “All I see is that I opened my heart to you and you laugh in its face. If it had a face… You know what I mean!”

  “You must be frazzled if you’re mixing your metaphors,” he mumbled.

  Skyler sat heavily on the couch and clutched a pillow to his chest. It didn’t look as if Keith had the courage to sit beside him. He stayed in the bedroom doorway, fidgeting.

  “I…” Keith began, and then stopped. Shaking his head, he raised his gaze toward Skyler. “Maybe I don’t know what to say.”

  “I had assumed something in the affirmative,” said Skyler huffily.

  “It’s just that…” Keith swallowed, looked away, and then fastened his eyes on Skyler once more. “I pretty much gave up hope that you’d be interested in that. You’ve said it enough times in all kinds of ways.”

  Skyler said nothing. He hugged the pillow tighter.

  “I mean…we’ve had a few false starts. It took you a long time to say you loved me. That…kind of hurt.”

  Sneaking a look at Keith, Skyler tried to keep his body directed away.

  “And the most logical thing in the world—my moving in with you when I had nowhere else to go—wasn’t your idea. Sidney had to ask.”

  “And that still pisses me off,” Skyler muttered.

  “And then…when I did move in…it took you ages to actually give me a key.”

  “It was only…three weeks.” Skyler winced after saying it. Had he really waited that long? Shit. That was kind of rude.

  “And then it was still sort of a trial.”

  “Aha!” Skyler pointed a finger at Keith’s bare chest. “That’s on you. You’re the one who said it was a trial.”

  Keith nodded. “Yeah. That was me. Can you blame me?”

  “A little, yeah.”

  “I was scared, Skyler. I’m scared right now. I’m scared that maybe you don’t really mean it. That you asked me because you were still feeling a bit insecure about Ethan. And about Laurie Henderson. And maybe…even Sidney. And your parents. All of these things separately might give a person pause, but put all together, when you’re insecure about relationships in the first place…”

  “I’m not insecure about relationships. Not anymore.”

  “Yes, I will concede that. We seem to be a nice solid couple. And I want to keep it that way. I don’t want you to say you want a commitment like this when you really don’t want it. I don’t want to be jilted like that.”

  Keith pressed his lips together. Was his chin trembling? Oh my God. Have I done that to him?

  Skyler found himself rising, and he threw the pillow aside. He came up to Keith and lightly touched his arm. They were crossed tightly, protectively over his chest. “God, Keith. I’m so sorry. I’ve really put you through some stuff, haven’t I?”

  “It’s not your fault. You’ve never had relationships like this before.”

  “That’s no excuse. I’ve been a shit to you.”

  “You didn’t know what you wanted.”

  “Why are you defending my shitty behavior?”

  “Because I love you.”

  Skyler slowly closed him in a hug, resting his head against the man’s cheek. “Keith,” he said softly, “I love you, too. You know I do. I love you so much. And I do want this. I really do. I wouldn’t back out at the last minute. I won’t! This is…this is really important to me. This is the most serious thing I’ve ever decided. And it’s done. It’s a done decision. But it only takes you to believe me. You’ve gotta believe me.” He rubbed his cheek against that scruffy face. “Ever since marriage equality passed I thought, ‘Good for us. Now anyone in the community can get married if they want to.’ And then for a teensy bit, I wondered if now maybe it was okay for me to think about it, too. Just a smidge. Because it never occurred to me before. Before you, that is. And then…I dared to think it. A few times. Just a little. And all I saw was you. Spending the rest of my days with you. And it seemed okay. Maybe still a little scary, all right, I admit it. But…whenever you were in the equation, it was right. And then, when all this shit went down, yeah, I was worried. I wondered if maybe you were bi and I was worried about losing you to some woman. But then it soon wasn’t about losing you, but about going the next step with you. Do you understand?”

  He drew back to look at Keith, whose eyes were shimmering, and—damn! There was a tear running down his face. Skyler’s gut hurt. He reached up and wiped gently at that tear track and held back his own.

  “I love you, Keith. That isn’t going to change. And I want to continue on this journey with you, tied to you. Ring and all. I really, really do.”

  Keith loosened his arms and ran his hand down his own face, leaving a damp swath of spent tears across his cheeks and nose.

  “So…Keith Fletcher…” Skyler gently took Keith’s hand and slowly got down on one knee. “Knowing how much I love you, knowing who I am with my wacky friends, my strange anxieties, my willful nature, and my penchant for Hawaiian pizza which I can’t understand you not liking…can you see your way to do me the honor of marrying me? Please say ‘yes’ this time.”

  Keith gasped a laugh even as the tears came again. “You’re such a little idiot,” he choked out.

  “I know…but will you?” Skyler clutched his hand harder.

  “God, you are so…annoying.”


  “Persistently annoying.” Keith wiped his face again and yanked Skyler to his feet. He slid his damp hands under Skyler’s jaw. “I love you,” he said fiercely. Drawing Skyler closer and with his lips almost touching Skyler’s, said, “And yes…I will marry you, you little idiot. An
d don’t you dare back out of it.”

  “Never.” He grabbed Keith’s torso, pulled him the rest of the way in, and kissed him deeply.

  In his head, his thoughts sprinted: Omigod he can kiss. I love the feel of his lips and tongue. And his body. It’s so warm and hairy and…and…oh my God we’re getting married… Help.

  Chapter Two


  Skyler woke to Keith smiling over him and leaning on his pillow.

  “G’morning.” He tried to smile back but Keith was kissing him gently.

  “I can see it all on your face, you know.”

  “See what?” He wiped his face as if wiping off whatever it was Keith was seeing.

  “You’ve made up your mind but you’re still worried. You see, I know you. And I love you. Nothing has to happen overnight, Skyler. We’re engaged, but it can be for as long as you need, babe. I’ve got my man and that’s all I care about.”

  He felt flushed, embarrassed. He tried to look away but Keith was right there. “You don’t have to do that. I’m fine. We can plan this whenever you want to.”

  “I’ll wait for you to decide. In the meantime, seems a shame to waste this morning wood.” He waggled his brows, looking down at the tented blanket over Skyler’s lap. Before Skyler could say anything, Keith slipped under the covers and enveloped his dick in a warm, wet mouth.

  “Oh shit,” he whimpered.

  Warm fingers slid over his sac, thumbs rubbing over the pebbly skin. Skyler squirmed, feeling the sharp ache deep in his belly, seeping into his extremities with rising heat. Wet lips and tongue moved over him and he spread his legs, inviting the intimate fingers to do their evil down the sensitive skin on the inside of thighs, behind his balls, up his crack…


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