Stone Cold Foxe

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Stone Cold Foxe Page 3

by Haley Walsh

  “Well, Skyler!” said his mother, reaching out to grab him into a hug. “What are you doing here? Where’s Keith?”

  “It’s just me. Is, uh, Dad here?”

  “You know he is,” she said, but her cheeks colored slightly. She dragged him in, and when he turned, his dad was getting up from the armchair. “Son,” said Dale.

  “Hi Dad. I’m glad you’re both here. I have something to tell you.”

  His mother gasped. “Oh God, you have a disease. A gay disease!”


  “Cynthia!” Dale hurried to his former wife and took her shoulders. “Skyler does not have a disease… Do you, son?”

  “No! Jeez! Can I at least get through the door before you push me into an early grave?”

  Cynthia Foxe shook her head and walked toward the sofa in the living room. “I wish you wouldn’t announce things like that. It gets me very upset.”

  “All I said was I wanted to talk to you. Why does that mean I’m suddenly dying?”

  “I worry, that’s all.”

  “And I don’t have any ‘gay diseases’. God!”

  “Fine, then.” She sat primly and Dale sat again in his chair. There were cocktails in front of them on the table. How cozy. No, he wasn’t going to start anything. He’d already made his displeasure known that they had moved in together and everyone had called a truce. No reason to bring it all up again. Besides, this was good news. He hoped.

  “It’s good news,” he said, sitting next to his mother. He held his breath and then blurted, “I’m getting married.”

  “Oh!” Cynthia seemed so shocked that she froze.

  “To that Keith fella?” asked Dale.

  “Well, yeah, Dad. He’s the person I live with.”

  Dale’s eyes narrowed. He didn’t miss the jab.

  “Oh my Lord!” Cynthia grabbed him into a hug and squeezed. “Oh Skyler! I’m so happy for you!”

  Her Chanel scent lingered on his nose as he hugged her tight. “I’m pretty happy for me, too.” The sentiment sunk in, and his emotions ramped up to a happy place again.

  Then Dale was suddenly there and he pulled Skyler to his feet and was hugging him as well. “Congratulations, son.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  Dale was trying for a serious but man-to-man tone. At least that’s how Skyler interpreted it. “Is this a sudden thing or have you been discussing this a while?”

  “Kind of sudden, I guess.”

  “It’s because of Sidney, isn’t it?” His mother dabbed at her wet eyes with a tissue. “Weddings are contagious, especially among friends of the same age.”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know about that. All I know is that I didn’t want anything to come between me and Keith and…”

  “Wait, Skyler,” said his dad. “I thought you were soured on marriage.”

  “I was. For a long time. And now…I’m not.”

  Cynthia sprang to her feet. “This calls for champagne. I know we have some in the fridge. Dale, will you do the honors?”

  “You’ve got it, hon.”

  Strange, the casual endearment. Though, Skyler supposed, if his mom could get used to his being gay, he should try to get used to her life choices.

  Dale returned with three sparkling flutes of champagne carefully grasped between his fingers. “Take this, son,” he said. Skyler extricated one while Cynthia took another. Dale held up his glass. “A toast, then, to Skyler and Keith. May their marriage be a long and happy one.”

  They all clinked and drank.

  Cynthia sighed. “Keith should be here.”

  “I know, but I wanted to tell you myself, by myself. As a family. In case you had any…embarrassing questions.”

  “Questions like what?” She blinked, puzzled.

  “Like which one will wear the wedding dress.” Dale laughed. Skyler didn’t. “Oh come on, son. It’s a joke.”

  “Okay, like that, Dad. That’s not funny.”

  He slapped Skyler on the back. “Lighten up, Skyler. It’s hilarious.”

  “No, Dad.” He set his glass down. “It isn’t. Don’t you think I’ve had that sort of thing tossed at me all my life? I am not a girl.”

  He quickly sobered, especially after Cynthia slapped his arm. “I’m…I’m sorry, Skyler. You’re right. That was in poor taste.”

  He blew out a breath. “Listen, I have to go.”

  “Wait!” said his mom. “You didn’t tell us the date yet.”

  “I don’t have one. This all just happened. We have yet to discuss dates.”

  “And the wedding reception. Now I have some ideas…”

  “Mom, I think I would like to take care of this myself. I mean, this is all different for me. I want a chance to think about it all. I don’t know how I want to handle this yet. Maybe a small wedding.”

  “Oh no! It has to be a big wedding. We have so many relatives. I’ll make a list.”

  “I don’t know about a big one, Mom. Small seems more—”

  “But I’ve helped so many others with their wedding planning.”

  “Cyn, I think he’d like to do it himself. He’s a grown man. Let him decide.”

  They both fell silent. Skyler excused himself and walked to the door. With his arm around Cynthia’s shoulders Dale followed. “Skyler,” said Dale, “I really didn’t mean to offend you. I never knew a lot of gay folks. Please forgive me, okay? It seems I’ll be saying that to you till I drop.”

  “I know you didn’t mean anything by it, Dad, but there will be a lot of my friends there. A lot of gay people. You are going to have to learn not to offend them.”

  “I will.” He looked to Cynthia. “We both will.”

  “Good. I love you both.” He kissed his mother’s cheek and endured another hug from his father before he trotted out the door to his car.

  That was…weird. But he supposed they were trying.

  When he got to his apartment, he parked out front behind Keith’s truck, and took the steps up to his door two at a time. When he opened the door the entire compliment of the Skyler Fuck Club rose, turned to him, and screamed at the top of their lungs.

  He nearly fell out of the door, but he caught himself on the door jamb.

  Sidney! he growled.

  The Skyler Fuck Club—or SFC—was his loyal posse who had begun as hook-ups and ended up friends. Keith had learned to tolerate their history because of that loyalty, but he hated that name that one of them had coined long ago.

  “And here comes the other groom at last!” said Philip, Skyler’s coffee-house-owner friend. Philip’s glasses and nerdy good looks were what had attracted Skyler to him all those years ago, long before Keith had ever entered the picture.

  Everyone was holding flutes of champagne. Skyler knew that he hadn’t had any on hand. One of them must have brought it.

  After his heart’s hammering began to settle down, he closed the door and accepted a glass Jamie handed him, until he enclosed Skyler in his arms. Jamie was slim but well-toned, with brilliant scarlet-dyed hair draping over his forehead. “Congratulations, Skyboy! I can’t believe it.”

  Then it was Rodolfo’s turn. Tears streamed down his face, and between sobs, he blurted out, “Oh amante! I cannot believe it either. You are fortunate among men. I will kiss you for good luck.” He kissed both cheeks and sobbed again. Rodolfo was Philip’s business partner and Ecuadorian boyfriend; whose features bore the spitting image of a long-haired Antonio Banderas.

  “Well I guess I can’t be left out,” said Dave. Blond and buff, he was with Jamie. He took Skyler in a bro hug, slapping his back. “Congratulations to you both, Skyler.”

  Keith shrugged. “I couldn’t control them. They just burst in here. Where’ve you been?”

  “Well first I went over to Sidney’s—the gossip queen, apparently—and then went over to my mom’s and told my parents.”

  Keith only raised his brows in question.

  “I’m sorry. I know you didn’t want me to tell anyone yet, but I had t
o tell Sidney. And if I told Sidney, I had to tell my parents…”

  “It’s okay, Skyler.” He smiled indulgently.

  “Now sit down,” said Philip, “and tell us how this all came about. I’m betting some sort of roofie was involved.”

  “No,” said Keith, sipping his champagne, and winking at Skyler. “Just Skyler getting carried away with the moment.”

  “Must have been some moment,” said Jamie.

  “We were having sex,” said Keith.

  As one, the SFC turned to Keith and looked him up and down. No one said anything but all eyes were shining with approval. Skyler’s face burst into flame. “Did you have to tell them that?”

  “They would have gotten it out of you anyway. This way I get to see the reaction.”

  Jamie held up his palm like a traffic cop. “Hold on. This all sounds like Skyler asked you. And we all know that is impossible.”

  Keith smiled and sipped. “More possible than you think.”

  They all swiveled toward Skyler. Philip broke from the pack and approached him first, laying the back of his hand to Skyler’s forehead. “Are you all right?”

  He slapped Philip’s hand away. “Cut it out. I’m fine. What’s the matter with everyone? Can’t I have a change of heart?”

  “That’s a big change of heart.”

  “Well…” He gave Keith the once over. “He’s a big guy. And look at him. He’s like some sort of…Disney Prince.”

  Keith laughed. “What?”

  “Broad-shouldered, muscular, handsome, and suave. Definitely a Disney Prince.”

  “Oh yeah? So what does that make you?”

  “Shut up.”

  “But seriously, Skyler,” said Philip. “You really popped the question? It just seems completely out of character.”

  Skyler’s smile faded. “I know. But…” Dropping his gaze, he fiddled with the button on his shirt. “I felt it. I wanted to ask him. I wanted him to know how serious I am.” Keith, with that black hair hanging over a wide forehead, square jaw covered with cultivated scruff, Greek nose, sculpted lips, ice blue eyes—that face that looked on him so tenderly, was all he wanted to fill his eyes with. Skyler took a deep breath. “It was just time.”

  Rodolfo let out a loud sob. “It’s so beautiful, amante!”

  Philip patted him gently on the back.

  “Wow,” said Jamie, sitting next to Skyler on the sofa. “That’s a really grown-up thing, Sky. When are you gonna do it?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. I haven’t really thought about it.”

  “What about you, Keith? Have you always dreamed of being a June bride?”

  “Can’t say I’ve thought about it too much. But a honeymoon will be tough to schedule in the middle of the school year.”

  “You’re not going to wait a year, are you? I can’t stand the suspense that long.”

  “That’s just what I planned to do,” Keith muttered, “schedule my wedding around you.”

  “Well, of course you are! We are the wedding party. Am I right?”

  There were nods and affirmations all around.

  “I never thought of all that,” said Skyler.

  Jamie sighed. “And surely a nice little weekend honeymoon would suffice until you can take a longer one. That could still be romantic.”

  Skyler glanced at Keith. His smile always served to calm him. “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “So, then. When? Someone grab me a calendar.”

  Keith sat in his recliner, sipping his glass. He looked more amused than annoyed, so Skyler didn’t worry too much. Besides, he figured Keith would prefer to do it sooner rather than later, probably so Skyler wouldn’t have time to back out.

  Skyler’s calendar was taken from his desk and thrust into Jamie’s awaiting hand. “Now let’s see,” he said, thumbing through the months. “You still need time to plan. Will it be a big wedding or a small one?”

  Keith said, “Big,” the same time Skyler said, “Small.” They looked at one another across the living room.

  “Oh my,” muttered Jamie. “A little discussion needs to happen there. How about a compromise? How about October? Three months from now should be enough time to swing either one.”

  “Three months?” cried Skyler. “Are you crazy? I’d need six months at least.”

  “That puts you in January. You don’t want that. Then if you wait till spring and then summer again it’s already a year. No, that’s unacceptable.”

  “Excuse me, but it’s my wedding.”

  “Our wedding,” said Keith.

  “Of course,” said Skyler. He paused, turning to Keith. “Did…did you want to do it sooner?”

  “The sooner the better. Don’t you think you and your friends can put it all together in three months?”


  “I must bake your cake for you!” wailed Rodolfo between sobs. “It will be perfection!”

  Skyler smiled. “Yes, Rodolfo. I wouldn’t think of going anywhere else.”

  “So,” said Jamie, pointing to the calendar, “are we agreed on October?”

  “What’s with the ‘we’ stuff ?” Skyler muttered.

  “The fall would be lovely,” said Keith.

  The shit just got real. Skyler glanced at his friends, at Keith, at Fishbreath waddling forward and rubbing against his leg. He wanted to pick up the round cat and hold him close for comfort. It seemed it was all getting decided for him. But what the hell? If someone didn’t say something, he might never decide at all. He only wished Sidney was here. She was his best man, after all.

  “S-so, you think October is okay?” he asked Keith.

  Keith moved in, took his hand, and pulled him to his feet. His other arm was around Skyler’s shoulders. “Is that what you want?”

  Keith’s powers of seduction were turned to their highest setting. Skyler felt that dreamy feeling again, looking into those blue eyes. “Yeah,” he heard himself say.

  Keith seemed to radiate calm and confidence. “How about…October twelfth? I mean, I’ll likely have a game that Friday but I think one of the assistant coaches can relieve me for one weekend.”

  The twelfth. That made it almost exactly three months away. All the projects involved suddenly whirred through his head. Was it enough time? With his mom’s help it would be. And with the SFC scouting for a good location, it could work. “But the honeymoon. I don’t know that I can swing planning that too.”

  “I’ll take care of that, Skyler,” said Keith’s rumbling voice.

  “You will?”

  “Sure. I know you’ll want to do everything else.”

  “I’ll ask for your opinion.”

  “I’ll be looking forward to that.”

  “No, really. Like…how about a kilt…”

  “Absolutely not.”

  “But you’ve got the legs for it.”

  “No, Skyler.”

  “Doves. Are you interested in doves?”

  “For the love of God, why?”

  “You know. To symbolize our…our…”

  “Shitting all over everyone?” said Philip. He was smiling when Skyler glared at him.

  Keith kissed Skyler’s nose and let him go. “You know I don’t like all of that over-the-top stuff.”

  “A carnival theme!”

  “Skyler, what is wrong with a simple, low-key wedding with a modest reception?”

  “I’m with Keith,” said Dave, lounging back on a chair. “Although a barbecue would make a kick-ass reception.”

  “Not that low-key,” said Keith.

  “A sit-down dinner?” asked Skyler. “I don’t know that I can afford that.”

  “You’re forgetting something, babe. It’s our finances now. We can combine forces.”

  “Oh. Uh…how much do you have, finance-wise?”

  Keith scanned the anxious faces turned toward him. “I don’t really wish to discuss it with an audience.”

  “Awww,” sighed Jamie in disappointment.

  “But we’
re doing okay,” Keith added. “That doesn’t mean I want to break the bank on a wedding. I know they can get expensive, so I’d rather do some kind of buffet rather than a sit-down.”

  Our finances. Skyler was still hung up on that. Everything was going to change. Insurance beneficiaries, disclosures, income, debts… What did he really know about Keith? He knew roughly what he made—that was easily discovered through the school district—and he also had some FBI money, but he didn’t know if he had bad credit or foreclosures or if he even had life insurance. Skyler’s mom was his beneficiary. He’d wanted to take care of her if anything had happened to him. But now she was living with his dad and, presumably, if they stuck together, they’d have to change their own policies. Keith was now Skyler’s “next of kin” or soon would be.

  “Babe, you okay?”

  “Yeah, fine.” He looked around. Only Keith noticed he had spaced out. Dave was sitting on the arm of Jamie’s chair, looking over his shoulder, while Jamie was chatting away with Philip on various potential locales for the wedding. Rodolfo was blowing his nose into his handkerchief as tears continued to stream down his face.

  Suddenly, Jamie piped up with, “What about your invitees? Will you invite your students?”

  Skyler hadn’t thought that far. But Keith was ready with a, “I think that would be great. But you know, just a select few. The GSA, probably.”

  “With under-aged students, someone will have to monitor the champagne,” said Philip.

  Jamie patted Philip’s shoulder. “And we’ll put you on that duty, Philip.”

  “What? Babysit a bunch of teenagers?”

  “You did it before. Oh, this is gonna be fun!” Jamie took a pen and made a big circle around October twelfth and drew little hearts and doves fluttering around it.

  Skyler took the calendar back and looked at it. October twelfth. Three months. Three months left of bachelorhood. Three months…

  He was feeling a little light-headed when Keith took the calendar out of his death grip. “Breathe, Skyler,” he murmured. “And talk to your mom.”

  “Talk to my mom. Good idea.”

  Chapter Three


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