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Stone Cold Foxe

Page 12

by Haley Walsh

  “Okay.” Keith’s quiet affection turned to playfulness. “So, are you going to get dressed already?”

  Skyler looked down at himself. “I can’t go like this?”

  “It’s not that kind of wedding.”

  He rose. “Then I guess it’s time for the tux. Are we, uh, all packed for the honeymoon that you still won’t tell me about that’s sort of stressing me out?”

  “Yes. Philip was here yesterday packing. He even bought a few new items for you that he thought you might find necessary.”

  “That’s even more mysterious.”

  “Get. Dressed.”

  “Okay, already. So, this is how it’s gonna be? You think you can boss me around just because of some rings and a certificate?”

  “So help me God, I think I’m going to shoot you for the insurance money.”


  They had both agreed to buy their tuxes; designer, black, slim fit, one button. But Skyler insisted on an orange-gold bow tie to add a splash of fall color.

  They dressed, with Skyler primping in the bathroom mirror. Skyler poked his head through the doorway and spied Keith. “Oh my,” he sighed. “You really are one handsome hunk of man.”

  “I was just thinking the same thing about you.”

  He moved into the bedroom and couldn’t help sliding into Keith’s arms, lifting his face, and opening his lips to him. They kissed for a long minute. Skyler’s cheek was burning from the scruff, but he didn’t care. He inhaled deeply of Keith’s cologne, savoring this suspended moment between them, of just them, with nothing else in the way of it; no ceremonies, no rings and certificates, no stress and anxieties.

  Both breathing heavily, they rested foreheads together. “Have I told you in the last five minutes that I love you?” Skyler whispered.

  “If that kiss was any indication…”

  With a shaky breath, Skyler drew back, hand smoothing down the hard chest of his soon-to-be husband. A small sigh of regret, and he knew this delicate moment all their own was over, like a burst soap bubble. “We’d better go. Sidney’s going to be calling me any minute—”

  The phone rang. He grabbed it out of his pocket and clicked it on. “Hello, Sid. We are walking out the door right now. Right now. We’re walking through the door, Keith is locking it—you’ve got the suitcases? The rings?—and we’re going down the stairs. And we’re walking…we’re walking to the truck and… goddammit!”

  “What? What, Skyler?” asked Sidney over the line.

  “My tires! All the tires on my car are slashed. Sidney, you’ve got to get this guy.”

  “Don’t worry. I will. You just get over here. Don’t worry about anything. I’ll take care of it later.”

  “We’re coming.” He clicked off the phone and stared at his car. “Why do they keep doing this to my car?”

  Keith touched his tux jacket near his underarm, jaw squaring, searching the neighborhood with hooded eyes. “It’s okay, Skyler. Just get in the truck.”

  Was there a bulge under the man’s jacket? “Are you armed?”

  “Shh. Of course I’m armed.”

  “You’re armed on your wedding day?”

  “When my fiancé is threatened I am. Now would you please get in the truck?”

  “It’s getting more and more surreal.” He climbed into the truck and buckled in, searching out the tinted windows for anyone hiding in the bushes.

  Keith got in and slammed the door.

  “You aren’t going to wear the gun when we actually get married, are you?”

  “No. Sidney will be armed, though.”

  “Oh well, that’s much better!”

  “Skyler, this is still an ongoing investigation. Anything could happen. I’m not risking you.”

  “Chiffon and a swag of shantung silk with just a hint of Glock. That will make a pretty bridesmaid photo. Will we all have matching Kevlar vests?”

  “I’m not going to argue with you. This is not up for discussion.” He started the engine and pulled away from the curb.

  “So you and Sidney had this planned.”

  “Yes. Look…babe…it scares the hell out of me that someone is trying to hurt you. It scares me even more that I can’t be the one to protect you. Please let me handle this.”

  He sat back and pondered it. Skyler certainly felt helpless, not knowing who it was and why they were hunting him. But it must have been worse for Keith. Keith was a solver, a man who took charge of things. How must it feel to him to not be able to do the solving for the person he loved?

  Skyler laid a hand gently on Keith’s arm. “Okay.”

  Keith glanced at him, his tense jaw relaxing slightly. “I need to protect you.”

  “I know. It’s okay.”

  They rode silently to the Mitten Building, pulling up in the space marked for the groom. “We’re here,” said Skyler unnecessarily.

  Keith didn’t move. He turned to Skyler. “Last chance.”

  Affronted, Skyler jerked his head back. “Fuck you. I’m not running out on you.”

  “All right then.” He unbuckled and opened the door.

  Skyler slipped out and stood on the asphalt, waiting for him when he was assaulted by Sidney. She grabbed and spun him. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine. My tires, on the other hand…”

  “Those we can fix. You, we can’t.”

  Sidney was wearing a knee-length chiffon spaghetti-strapped number in wine red. Her hair was piled up, with a few escaped ringlets artfully framing her face, which Tyrone had glammed up with make-up. “Sidney, you’re beautiful.”

  She twirled. “You like?”

  “I like very much.” She smiled and fell into his arms, hugging tightly. “Still going through with it?” she whispered to his ear.

  “Yes, goddammit. I wish everyone would stop asking that.”

  She glanced at Keith, standing by patiently. She grabbed him and hugged just as tightly. “You are marrying my very best friend, and if you ever do anything to hurt him, I have a bullet with your name on it.”

  “Happy wedding day to you, too.”

  “Sidney,” said Skyler, “I understand you are being Annie Oakley in this ceremony.”

  She glanced at Keith. “Let it out of the bag, did you?”

  Skyler looked her up and down. “So, where is it? Do you have a special exploding orchid?”

  She smiled and lifted her skirt until her thigh was exposed…as well as the holster strapped to her leg.

  “Kinky. It’s a real wild west wedding.”

  She dropped the skirt and shook it back into place. “You can’t be too careful. And Keith insisted on removing his own holster for the ceremony. Mike won’t, though.”

  Skyler shook his head. “That’s something at least.”

  She gestured behind him and he turned. Uniformed cops patrolled the parking lot on foot. They saluted him and he waved limply back.

  “Wow. This sucks.”

  “No,” she said. “This is protection. There might also be a few plainclothes FBI agents inside as well.”

  “Wait…are we paying for their food?”

  “Skyler! They’re here protecting you. Are you gonna begrudge them a little pork loin?”

  He kicked the gravel. “No. I guess that’s a bit disingenuous.”

  “That’s right.” She grasped them each by an arm. She had a hard grip, Skyler noted. “Well, gentlemen. Let’s go in and see to it. You have pre-wedding photos to take before the guests begin arriving. I suggest you don’t open the bar till after the ceremony. I’ll make sure the doors are kept closed until eleven sharp.” She pulled them along and they followed, the three of them arm in arm.

  Mike was the first one they saw as they entered the building set up for their affair. He was decked in a tux, dark hair combed back from his wide forehead. “Has she threatened either of you yet?”

  Skyler and Keith both raised their hands.

  “That’s my demure wife. Come here, wife.” He grasped her hand a
nd pulled her toward him. Skyler noted the string quartet above in the gallery, tuning. “It looks like all is ready,” said Mike. “Oh! This is my part of the job.” He turned to a small table with the guest book and offered a wooden tray laden with boutonnieres of olive leaf, seeded eucalyptus, passion vine tendrils to match their bow ties, and silver brunia, all wrapped tight in linen strips.

  “Allow me,” said Keith, taking Skyler’s and pinning it to his lapel.

  A little breathless, Skyler pinned Keith’s to his.

  Sidney pinned Mike’s to his dark suit. The others were for Skyler’s dad, Keith’s dad, his brother, brother-in-law, and the SFC.

  Sidney looked down into the tray and shook her head. “It’s gonna be such a sausage fest.”

  Skyler narrowed his eyes. “Sidney,” he warned, “there’s going to be lots of family here. Behave.”

  “I know. That’s why I’m trying to get it all out now.”

  “Shall I give you the ring?” asked Keith.

  “Oh, yeah, gimme.” She took the small box and looked inside “Simple, elegant, masculine. Good choice, boys. Now, where did I put my fucking bouquet?”

  Off she went to search as Mike watched her depart. “Don’t worry, Skyler,” he said. “I’ll make sure she tones it down when family is present.”

  “Thanks, Mike.”

  Just as he wandered off, the SFC arrived. Jamie was stunning in a dark blue trim-fit suit sporting a subdued floral design in splashes of color, with a small white polka dot pattern on the pocket flaps. “Jamie, wow.”

  Jamie twirled, and smiled, eyes hooded. “I don’t think it’s too much. You don’t think so, do you?”

  “On you? Never.” He hugged him, they exchanged kisses, and then Skyler offered him the bowl of boutonnieres.

  “These are awesome, Skyboy.” Skyler pinned it on him but it soon disappeared among the floral pattern. “And may I say, Keith,” Jamie went on, “you look absolutely stunning in that suit. You should always wear black.” He gave Keith a kiss and then giggled, rubbing his cheek. “Scruff. Skyler, I don’t know how you do it.”

  “It’s how he does it.”

  He slapped his shoulder. “Naughty thing. Come here, I need to ask you something.” He pulled Skyler aside and gave him an earnest gaze. “Are you still going through with it?” he stage-whispered.

  Skyler looked back at Keith who was trying to pretend he hadn’t heard.

  “Dammit, Jamie, for the last time YES!”

  “Okay. Don’t get your trousseau in a twist. We’ve had more than our fair share of Skyler meltdowns.”

  Feeling guilty, Skyler lowered his gaze. “Not lately.”

  “That’s true.” He switched gears from serious to giggly, rubbing his hands together. “So, are you excited?”

  “Yeah. And strangely calm. Just enough of both to enjoy it all.”

  “Well, that’s exactly how it should be. Oh! Come look at my Dave. Isn’t he a charmer?”

  Dave was decked out in a classic Armani suit with peaked lapels. He wasn’t quite as buff as Keith, but his tailor was worth his salt making his arms and shoulders look balanced.

  “Skyler! And Keith! Mmm mm. You are two handsome dudes. Give it here.” Dave opened his arms to the both of them and there ensued a three-way hug.

  “Are we too late to enjoy the frotting?” said Philip coming up behind them. Skyler seldom saw him in a suit, but he was reminded all over again why he chose to hook-up with the handsome man all those years ago. He wore a sexy, naughty smile, and though he wore glasses, the playful expression in his eyes wasn’t hidden at all. But those eyes were only for Rodolfo these days, and he was wearing a slick blue shark skin suit and magenta shirt, sans tie, open at the throat. Skyler could well remember why he took him home, too.

  Skyler hugged each in turn, but Rodolfo looked on the verge of tears again.

  “Rodolfo,” soothed Skyler, rubbing his back. “It’s okay. Shall we look at your cake?”

  “Oh yes, amante. And bring your wonderful Keith with you. Come!” Rodolfo led the way, and Skyler was pleased when Keith slipped his hand in his to walk side by side. He supposed that was to be their natural state from now on, and it wasn’t a bad thing.

  They arrived at the cake table, decorated with flowers and greenery. Rodolfo’s cake was a thing to behold. Understated, but executed to perfection, Skyler peered around it, at fondant laid down with the artistic skill of a Renaissance sculptor. It was three tiers high, and looked exactly like birch logs hewn right out of the forest, with flourishes of birds, twigs, and flowers, all made with fondant and sugar. “Rodolfo,” he said breathlessly, “I don’t know what to say. It’s amazing.”

  Rodolfo bowed.

  Keith laid a hand on his shoulder. “No kidding, Rodolfo. This is really magnificent. Thank you so much.”

  “Keith, I think this is the first time you’ve said more than two words to me.”

  Keith considered. “Really? Well, I apologize for that. Maybe I just didn’t know what to say. But this… Skyler and I appreciate it, and we are honored to have you here.”

  Blinking furiously, Rodolfo suddenly burst into tears again. “It is I who is honored,” he wailed.

  “Okay,” said Philip, steering his boyfriend away. “I think that’s enough of that.”

  Janet Deaver, the wedding coordinator, clacked forward, and put her hands on her hips. “This is as handsome a wedding party as I’ve ever seen! Every one of you is so good looking! Mr. Foxe, Mr. Fletcher, your photographer would like to take some pre-wedding photos so I’ll let y’all get to it.”

  The photographer greeted them and explained some of the shots. More would be taken after the ceremony but others would be taken now. The wedding party was gathered, including Keith’s brother Van, and Sheryl and Tamika. Rodolfo wiped his face and pulled himself together long enough for the photographer to get in some good shots of all the SFC.

  Thinking they were going to be cliché, Skyler was pleasantly surprised when the photographer had them in some more non-traditional poses.

  Excused for now from the photographer, Skyler was dying for a glass of champagne and excused himself to make his way over to the bar when Philip grabbed his arm and dragged him away from the others. “How are you holding up, Skyler?”

  “So help me God, Philip, if you ask me if I’m going to go through with it…”

  “I’m not. Not now, anyway,” he said, muttering the last.

  “I’m fine. I’m more than fine. I’m…determined. I mean…look at him.” They both angled toward Keith who was laughing with his brother. Van was just as tall, with gray sideburns and a full beard. There was no mistaking the resemblance. When his father, Howard, joined them—his youngest son the spitting image—it was plainly a vision of Keith in the future, and it was not a bad look at all. His mom Helen was on Howard’s arm, a tall, stately woman with short gray hair who reminded Skyler of Glenn Close. And then the rest of his family gathered; his sister Bree, her husband Tim, and their daughter Toni. Van’s wife Sarah was nudging her twin sons—both with the best of the Fletcher features—Jon and Mick. He’d never be able to tell them apart now that Jon wasn’t wearing his ubiquitous baseball cap.

  Keith, in Skyler’s mind, was breathtakingly handsome. Tall, muscled, just the right amount of hair on his body, a square jaw covered in scruff, black hair teased into a casual style, and ice blue eyes. He carried himself with the ease of an athlete, and spoke with a deep baritone and a twinkle of amusement in his eye. And he’d only ever had eyes for Skyler.

  Skyler sighed.

  “Do you need a moment?” asked Philip softly.

  He chuckled. “No.”

  “You know, Skyler, I thought I knew you. Painted myself this stereotypical picture, I guess. You were always going to be the slutty bottom. Boyfriends were not on your radar. I mean, if it wasn’t going to happen for the two of us together, it wasn’t going to happen.”

  He shoulder-nudged Philip. “I know. It was tempting.”

  “We got along so well. I was very disappointed at the time.”

  “I know. I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t have to apologize. Look who I have now. I never did think you’d settle down. But the first time I saw you with Keith, I had my suspicions. You couldn’t keep your eyes off of him. Like now.”

  “What?” He whipped his head around toward Philip, who was chuckling at him.

  “It’s okay. You’re allowed to look. Today more than ever.”

  “But isn’t all this out of character for me?” A spike of heat made his neck break out in a sweat. He flapped his coat.

  Philip shook his head. “No. Our characters change, mature. They have to, with circumstances. This is perfectly in line with who you are today. You jump in feet first with everything you do. I couldn’t see you with a long engagement. You were ready. And whatever Skyler Foxe decides, he’s in it all the way.”

  He couldn’t help glancing at Keith again. And just at that moment, Keith turned and zeroed in on Skyler. His eyes crinkled and his mouth curved into a gentle smile.

  This is my life, he thought. “He’s what I want, Philip.”

  “I know. You’re lucky. And I’m very happy for you.”

  They hugged. When Philip drew back, he sighed and wiped suspiciously at his eye. “I’d better go see what Rodolfo is doing. He’s going to bore those poor people to tears talking about that cake.”

  “It’s a great cake. Too pretty to eat.”

  “He loves hearing that.”

  Just as Philip walked away, the string quartet started playing. That meant that guests were now allowed in.

  Skyler flapped his coat again.

  Toni, Keith’s thirteen-year-old niece suddenly stood before him, hands behind her back, rocking on her heels. She was wearing a white mini party dress with black scrolled designs on it. He noticed the top was separate and bared a bit of midriff. She had seemed so young when he’d first met her a year ago, but kids grew up fast, and with just a touch of make-up, she almost looked ready for high school.

  “Wow, Toni, you look fabulous.”

  She smiled and twirled, no sense of the emo attitude he’d first seen on meeting her. “So do you and Uncle Keith.” She sighed. “I guess now I really do have to call you Uncle Skyler.”


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