Stone Cold Foxe

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Stone Cold Foxe Page 16

by Haley Walsh

  Glancing out the windows, Skyler followed their journey and tried to come up with exactly where they were going. They had hopped on the 10 and were going in distinctly the opposite direction from the mountains. Strike that off the list, he thought. Unless they were headed for northern California. But at the juncture at the 605, they headed south. Okay, where does that go?

  “Having fun trying to guess?” said Keith, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

  “It’s frustrating. I have to confess I can’t imagine where we’re going at this point. Unless…” Maybe the beach? But what beach? If they were going to San Diego they’ve been off course from the start. Long Beach? That’s what it looked like. Well, there was a gay area in downtown Long Beach. Maybe they’d be staying there.

  He scrutinized the freeway signs. “Commodore Schuyler F. Helm Bridge Terminal Island? Where the hell are we going? Wait, are we going to the Queen Mary? It’s a hotel now, right?”

  “It is but that’s not quite where we’re heading.”

  “Well what the hell. It now says Piers F to J and it clearly says the Queen Ma— Wait. Wait. You didn’t?”

  “Didn’t I?”

  Trembling hands clutched the arm rests, and he stared slack-jawed out the windshield. “Keith. You aren’t…you didn’t…are we…going on a…cruise?”


  “Oh my God!” He jumped up but was yanked back by the seatbelt. “Oh my God!” He grabbed Keith’s arm.

  “Hey, watch it! I want to get there in one piece.”

  “I’m sorry. I just can’t believe it. Are we really?”

  “Yes, we really are.”

  “You are the best! Oh. But isn’t that too expensive?”

  “It’s really not that bad, what with coupons and triple A discounts.”

  “I can’t believe you. You’re taking me on a cruise. Me, on a cruise… Oh no. Do I have sunblock?”

  “Philip made sure that all that was there. And if it isn’t I will personally walk you around the deck with an umbrella.”

  “Keith, I love you so much!”

  “And I love you, babe. I wanted something memorable.”

  “As if anything with you wouldn’t be. A cruise. Where?”

  “Well, we spend a day in Catalina—”

  “Oh my God, I’ve never been there!”

  “And then Ensenada—”

  “But Keith. I don’t have my passport!”

  “Oh no, why didn’t I think to pack your passport? Oh wait. I did.”

  He slapped Keith’s shoulder. “I can’t believe you.”

  “And then there’s a day ‘out to sea’ just cruising around, I guess, and then we’re back early Wednesday morning to Long Beach.”

  “And there’re buffets and restaurants and dancing and stuff like that?”

  “All of that.”

  “You are too good to me.”

  “I do like my arm candy.”

  “Oh, I guarantee you. I will be such arm candy! Oh! So that’s why you insisted we buy our tuxes. You rascal, you.”

  “So you’re surprised?”

  “So surprised.” He sat back in the seat and bit his lip, grinning. His heart pounded with a new excitement. That meant that Keith would be in his swimsuit, and he loved Keith in that tight, sexy swimsuit. And there would be fine dining, and wine, and travel. He turned his head along the headrest to gaze at his…his husband. “This is like a dream.”

  “It is, isn’t it. I can’t wait to get you into our cabin.”

  “Is that all you can think about? Sex, sex, sex?”

  “That’s a lot of what I’m thinking about.”

  “Ooo. Good.”

  They took the long, curving overpass toward the terminal and Keith maneuvered the truck into the correct parking area. When they both got out and began pulling out luggage and garment bags, other people in the lot cheered and whistled. Skyler couldn’t figure out why until he remembered the “Just Married” painted on the side of the black Ford.

  Keith glanced at it with a frown.

  “Well, you knew Jamie was going to do something.”

  “I suppose it’s better than dragging dildos down the freeway.”

  Skyler laughed and wheeled his bags behind Keith.

  Once in the enormous terminal, Keith handed Skyler his passport and they went through the process of checking in and going through security. As soon as they got past the checkpoint, photographers were there in numbers, snapping shots of arriving passengers. “I feel like a celebrity,” said Skyler, as he pocketed business card after business card. But soon the flashes started to annoy as they waited to move forward.

  “I suppose everyone’s gotta have a job,” he quipped.

  “An annoying job,” grumbled Keith, pushing his way through some particularly tenacious paparazzi.

  At last they embarked up the wide gangplank, wheeling their luggage behind them. “When does it sail, Keith?”

  “Five-thirty tonight. We’ll see our room first, have some time to hang around, and then they’ll instruct us about the lifeboats.”

  Skyler shivered. “I don’t want to think about that.”

  “Safety first.”

  “You are such a cop.” He shook his head, laughing, until he noticed his surroundings. Soaring ceilings lit up like a casino; mirrored walls, glass-fronted walkways, sparkling mosaic floors, shops… “Wow.”

  “Not bad, huh? We’re on the upper deck.”

  “Not steerage?”

  “Not for this honeymoon.”

  Skyler followed Keith into the glass-walled elevator and up they went. He planted his face to the glass, watching as they passed each floor laid out like some elaborate layer cake. “Have you ever been on a cruise before?”

  “No. I thought this would be something different for the both of us. There’s plenty of shopping, and even an old movie night.”

  Skyler sighed. “You must really love me.”

  He slipped his arm around Skyler’s waist and squeezed. “I really do.”

  The elevator opened to the Verandah deck and Keith led the way down the long corridor to room 8202. “You seem to know your way around.”

  “I looked at a map.”

  Skyler couldn’t stop smiling. Not only were they on a cruise ship, but here was Keith being…well, Keith. Without even thinking, his hand slipped into Keith’s.

  “Here it is,” he said. “Shall I carry you over the—”

  Skyler put up his hands. “Don’t even think about it.”

  Keith chuckled as he fit the card key in the lock, and then opened the door, offering Skyler entrance first.

  Walking in, Skyler stopped. “This is a suite.”


  “Keith, we can’t afford this.”

  “Yes, we can. Trust me. I didn’t break the bank.”

  A huge basket of fruit, chocolates, cookies, and cheeses, along with a bottle of champagne sat on the desk. A note read, “Compliments of the Crew to the Newlyweds.” There was also two towels on the bed set up like swans with heart-shaped necks.

  “Keith, look at this!”

  “That’s awesome.”

  When he looked up, the drapes were wide open, revealing the Long Beach Harbor. “We have a balcony? Are you insane?” Without waiting he ran to the door, jiggered with the lock a moment, and then threw it open. The salty spray and breeze tossed his hair back, but he felt the warmth of the sun on his cheek and inhaled the fresh air. The balcony wasn’t huge, but had a small table just big enough for cocktails with two chairs, and looked to be completely private. He turned around, back to the railing. “I can’t believe this!”

  Keith watched him, eyes moving over him, until those blue eyes seemed to darken. “Come here.”

  Walking slowly, Skyler did. They stood toe to toe for a moment, simply looking at one another, before Keith reached for him. Hands cupping Skyler’s face, he bent down for a kiss. His lips teased at Skyler’s, and Skyler could feel the man holding back, trembling with the effort
to keep under control. But Skyler didn’t see the point. He reached up and slid his arms under Keith’s and tugged him closer, chest to chest. He angled his face and opened his mouth, kissing deeply, welcoming the scratchy sensation of Keith’s scruff against his own smooth jaw. He sucked on Keith’s tongue until the man groaned, grinding his groin against Skyler’s, proving that Keith was just as hard as he was.

  He tore himself away and unbuckled his own belt before he dropped to his knees and worked on Keith’s zip.

  “Oh babe,” he moaned, fingers combing through Skyler’s hair.

  Skyler made fast work of the zipper and pulled down Keith’s briefs enough to release his thick beast of a cock. His nose filled with the warm musk of him before he opened wide and sucked it in. One hand stretched up under Keith’s shirt to glide up that furred belly, while his other hand was busy releasing his dick and he took himself in hand, slowly stroking.

  Keith widened his stance, allowing Skyler access to his balls. Slipping his hand into Keith’s briefs, Skyler gently fondled them. He slurped the fat meat of his cock, running his tongue up and around the head, tasting the first bitter fluid of pre-cum, and laving the crown before closing his lips just at the underside near the tip and flicking his tongue.

  “You’re teasing,” gasped Keith.

  “Mm hmm,” Skyler admitted, closing his lips fully around the head again and sucking him in deeper. He opened his throat and took him down.

  Keith rolled his hips and thrust at Skyler’s face. “Shit. Wound so tight. Gonna come.”

  Skyler sped his efforts on his own cock, bringing himself as close as Keith was. He sucked on the up stroke, and covered him deeper, letting that dick hit the back of his throat just as Keith unloaded. He kept it there, nose deep into the man’s sweaty pubic hair, throat open to take his release, lips tight around the pulsating dick.

  Keith’s fingers clutched hard at his hair, and he thrust once, cock so deeply embedded Skyler wondered if he’d ever breathe again. But he loved the feel of it, the loss of his man’s control, that thick cock unleashing its load that he would soon taste—and he couldn’t hold on anymore. He couldn’t shout with a mouth and throat full of Keith cock, but he shuddered and spurt in a puddle on the carpet. He milked himself, easing his fingers over his quivering flesh until he released his cock, sticky hand reaching for the floor to steady himself as he pulled off of Keith’s softening meat.

  He sucked in air with flushed cheeks, and his eyes felt bleary, but he looked up satisfied at his lover’s face, who was looking down at him with an equal measure of gratification and tenderness. “That makes it official,” said Keith dreamily. He didn’t pull up his pants as he swung around and sat on the edge of the bed. “Need a hand?”

  He grabbed Skyler’s waiting hand and pulled him up to sit beside him.

  Skyler left his trousers open too, and they both sat, pants hanging open, silly grins on their faces, staring at each other’s limp dicks. Keith leaned in and kissed Skyler with a loud smack. “Mm. Tastes like me.”

  “The best flavor ever invented.” Skyler flung himself onto his back, toying with his softened prick. “I could take a nap, what with all that champagne from the wedding, but I don’t want to. We have a ship to explore.”

  “Yeah,” said Keith, lying beside him. “We should get up.” Except that neither of them moved for about five minutes. Finally, Skyler sprang up.

  “Come on, lazy bones. I know you’re old, but try to keep up with your young husband.”

  “We aren’t starting with that, are we? That balcony is looking mighty useful about now.”

  He grabbed Keith’s hand. “Come on! Should we change?”

  “We’ll run out of clothes if we change at every opportunity. These are fine. Didn’t get any cum on my pants, did I?”

  “No. And neither did I. So we’re good to go.” With his trousers and underwear around his ankles, he waddled to the bathroom, sponged himself off, tucked in, and drew everything back up into place.

  “I think we should take a walk, get to know the ship. See where the bars are,” said Skyler.

  “You young whipper snappers, always looking for the bar scene.”

  “Come on!”

  “All right, all right.” He gave Skyler a quick kiss. “Let’s go.”

  They wandered the ship, poking their heads into bars and shops, strolling up along the Lido deck, investigating the pool, the theater, the lounges. They decided to head to one of the bars and took a seat by the window to watch the goings-on at the pier. Just to be in the spirit of the thing, Skyler ordered a colorful rum drink with an umbrella and scads of fruit on a skewer, which he dared Keith to order. Not taking the bait, Keith ordered a beer. It wasn’t long until the signal was given that all were aboard and they would set sail. The gangplank swung away and the ship’s horn blew a long, loud drone.

  Skyler was disappointed that there was no other fanfare of streamers and confetti with the passengers at the railing, but they made their way outside anyway and stood with the others, waving to the shore. It wasn’t long after that that all the passengers were called to go to their separate lifeboat drills. For Skyler, it was a long hour standing in his lifevest, though he was sure to listen carefully, check his vest, and where he would sit if they had to abandon ship.

  And after that, they were free to do what they wanted.

  “What shall we do?”

  “Well, I was thinking we should probably get our dinner reservations.”

  “That would be nice. Let’s make it for the later seating, huh? I think I’m still full from our reception.”

  A flash. Skyler blinked.

  “Sorry, gentlemen,” said a young women in a blue pantsuit carrying a camera. “My card. If you’d like your photo.”

  “Thanks.” Skyler took it and tucked it in an ashtray when she wasn’t looking. “More paparazzi.”

  “It’s a different life aboard ship.”

  Exploring the ship took them to the purser’s, where they looked over the activities for Catalina. “Skyler, have you ever kayaked?”

  “No. I’d like to try, though.”

  “We can sign up for that, too.”

  “I could get used to this. Do we really have to go back home?”

  “I suppose we could get jobs here. I could be security and you could be…hmm. Cruise director?”

  “I’d be fabulous at that. And then I could wear a jaunty outfit…”


  “Hmm. If people loved lily-white legs.”

  “I love your legs. I could lick one of them right now.”

  Skyler plucked the brochure from Keith’s hand. “I’ve got a suggestion.”

  “I know. But I was actually thinking maybe change to our trunks and do a little Jacuzziing. After the stress of the wedding, we deserve to relax.”

  “And order more drinks.”

  “You really like those fruity drinks, don’t you?”

  “No comments, please. I just figured when in Rome. And I don’t want to get plastered on Grey Goose. I have a whole evening planned, after all.”

  “Oh really.”

  “Yes, really. And I think you might know what I have in mind.”

  “I have an idea.”

  He grabbed Keith’s hand. For some reason, he didn’t feel that they were being judged, that they could be themselves. He swung his hand as they walked, shielding his eyes from the sun streaming in through the windows.

  They changed into their trunks, threw on their shirts and shorts, and headed out.

  There was plenty of room in the hot tub and Skyler got to order his drink poolside, which made him feel decadent. Soon, a young couple in their thirties joined them.

  “Hi. I’m Brian Cherry, and this is my wife Macy,” said the man.

  “Hi,” said Skyler. “I’m Skyler, and this is my new husband Keith.”

  Macy’s eyes crinkled when she smiled. “Your new husband?”

  “I guess that sounds weird. What I meant was, we jus
t got married today.”

  “This is your honeymoon! Oh, congratulations. I hope you’ll be very happy.”

  “Thanks. It’s our first cruise, too.”

  “Oh, we’ve been on tons of them, haven’t we, Brian? And we just wanted a quick getaway from the kids, you know? Do you have kids?”

  “Not at the moment,” said Keith. “But we’re both high school teachers, so we still have kids to get away from.”

  “That’s funny,” said Macy in her bubbly way. She elbowed Brian. “Isn’t that funny?”

  “Yeah.” Skyler got the impression that he wasn’t as enamored of being in a Jacuzzi with a couple of gay men. But Skyler was feeling too good to care. He concentrated on Macy.

  “So what do you do, Macy?”

  “Well, I teach Sunday school at our church, and I homeschool the kids—we have two, a girl and a boy—but grandma will do the honors till we get back. Brian owns a construction rental company, Cherry Rentals. That’s our name, Cherry. You know, he rents out equipment? Diggers and tractors and stuff.”

  “That must be pretty interesting,” said Keith. “Nothing like boy’s toys, huh? As for me, I’m also head football coach for the school.”

  Brian perked up at that. Skyler wanted to shake a finger at Keith, but he knew why he mentioned football. Suddenly, Keith was no longer a gay guy in the hot tub. He was a regular football-loving guy. “No kidding,” said Brian. “How’s your school rank?”

  “Actually, we’re doing real good this year. We’ve made it to the CIF.”

  “I played some ball in high school.”

  Skyler nudged Macy with his elbow. “And they’re off and running,” he said to her. “Whenever he gets to talk football with a true believer, I just get out of the way.”

  “Isn’t that the truth! I can’t stand sports myself. But Brian is into everything to do with football, even our local college games. Wears the shirts and everything.”

  He got in close. “I’m not one for it either, though I do go to our high school games to support my students.”


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